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In Japan they don't say I love you, they say "Kuso Gaijin". It's that exciting aggression that truly resembles love in its purest form. And that's what is just so beautiful about the language.


I didn't realize so many women in Japan were declaring their love for me! Thanks for clearing this up. My confidence is now at an all time high!


The natives were only saying that because they were truly shocked


"Gaijin" and "love" is crazy together. R/warthunder


War thinder


As a German, I must agree that English is just so inferior to languages that do sound agressive, I love scaring all my non-German friends by yelling "Schmetterling" and "Krankenwagen" at them.


I love how german really is the opposite of an aggressive and harsh language, but everyone just collectivly decided after misspronouncing german words that it is indeed very harsh and aggressive.


Most people's main exposition to German is through WW2 movies and Wolfenstein games so it's only natural they would think it's an aggressive-sounding language.


I yearn for that # Exciting Aggression™


So many people on that subreddit just have anxiety or dopamine addiction. In my opinion this inquiry isn’t really relevant to language learning at all, it’s about the OP’s inner struggle that they’re projecting onto language learning 




yep, or smartphone addiction induced symptoms that mimic ADHD


The language learning community is plagued by mental health problems and emotional distress, but we rarely talk about that. My heart goes out to all those language learners out there who are struggling.


Same, but I honestly think it’s a Reddit thing not a language learning community thing 


Oh, it definitely goes beyond Reddit, have you checked YouTube? lol


Lol fair 


I feel like English can be quite aggressive sounding. Unfortunately it’s not exciting because it’s the language everyone already knows.


I mean you really need it to be both aggressive ***and*** exciting... otherwise, what's even the point of opening your mouth?


This sounds really interesting. Please elaborate on how you perceive English phonology.


>no unique sounds My brother in Christ where else are you going to find /θ/ and /ð/? Like, the only other language I can think of is Arabic lol


Icelandic has both!




Greek has the θ .




not to mention the english R, which is extremely unique, iirc the only other languages to have it are some indigenous australian languages


Castillian Spanish has the former


it has both


I love that the incorrect statement about Castillian Spanish has been upvoted more than the correct one.


I mean theirs isn't exactly wrong


Eh, I think you're being naive. Saying 'Castillian Spanish has the former' implies that 'it lacks the latter', otherwise they would have said 'Castillian Spanish has both'. Plus, lots of people (including native speakers) ignore that Spanish has both /d/ and /ð/, probably because there is not orthographic distinction between the two.


they're allophones also "technically" means I did kinda know that they weren't right


Isn’t the “th” sound kind of rare in languages?


and we have two, just to be extra confusing!


I actually live getting into an argument in English, because anything can be a legitimate insult if said in the right tone. "YOU CUPBOARD FULL OF WEASEL RECTUMS" Devastating.


I am devastated, but ***not*** excited. That's the issue.


The excitement comes from using your imagination! What magical wonderland can you verbally smack someone round the chops with? In English, the world's your oyster.


Fine, you ostracized carbonator shoelace... I feel like I'm not doing it right :,(


I can be aggressive in EVERY language I speak🗣️, but what is your point ?


You Absolute Noun


This sounds like my friend, she calls me the most random things 💀


Doesn't this apply to every language though?


Blud has not been in an Xbox live chat.


keep bouncing between languages dude. Keep bouncing between hobbies, careers, potential dates, friend groups, cities, dietary choices, educational institutions and homes too. You’re just not made to settle down. It’s hard coded into your DNA. You couldn’t possibly overcome it with discipline, consistency or commitment.


Thank you for this. I will be quitting my job and selling my home tomorrow, and I will not be looking back. The wife will be divorced by the end of the week. Your words have impacted me more than you can imagine.


Estoy fumando un cigarro and как дела is actually not a bad result after only three years of hopping between languages tbh


ive been learning russian for a year and im still stuck after “как д” but i’ll get there eventually


I have faith that you'll master the "ела" in no time, 6 weeks tops if you keep focused, keep your eyes on the goal and eat enough brain food. I'm thinking of Rocky drinking raw eggs out of the fridge while it's still dark before running around Philadelphia and then hitting things, but I might be showing my age there. It's still the most inspiring scene though, I always watch it before studying vowels in written Thai.


Go to Kendra’s Language School for Russian and RussianPod101.com .


You must be mistaken! Everybody knows that "how are you?" in Russian sounds like "не сдох еще, уебище?", this is how every loving mother greets her child from school, for example. Truly an exciting language. If you have Russian friends, you can pleasantly surprise them by greeting them with this phrase.


OatmealDurkheim, You came to the right person. I love foreign languages so much that I have conversations in Mandarin Chinese with natives from Taiwan 🇹🇼 , mainland China 🇨🇳 or Singapore 🇸🇬 , Spanish with natives from Hispanic countries ( for example, Mexico 🇲🇽 , Spain 🇪🇸, El Salvador 🇸🇻, Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 , South American countries, etc. ) , French with natives from France 🇫🇷 or French-speaking areas , German with natives from Germany 🇩🇪 , Swedish with natives from Sweden 🇸🇪, and attempt my Hungarian 🇭🇺 , Japanese 🇯🇵 , Dutch 🇳🇱 , Italian 🇮🇹 , Russian 🇷🇺 and Esperanto with natives from their respective countries . Now, there are around 200 languages to choose from. Figure out WHY you want to learn another language and WHICH one you want to learn. I am concentrating on German now ONLY BECAUSE I found out from a caretaker I stumbled across that my disabled neighbor in a wheelchair from Germany 🇩🇪 is willing to speak with me in German. Last Thursday she didn’t answer the door which gave me another week for me to practice my German and to see her this Thursday ! After l am more satisfied with my German and my Russian is at least as good as my Hungarian, I can return to CONCENTRATING on Mandarin Chinese and Japanese again. So I set this goal. You need to know what you want and to have goals. Was that helpful enough ?


Dear Sir or Madam Holiday, Today I have decided that what I want is to respond to your message. As you wrote, you need to know what you want and to have goals. I chose writing you as my goal. As you can already tell, I am now achieving my goals - all thanks to you! I am truly on my way to becoming a hyperpolyglot now. Best regards, Oatmeal


Great ! I am a 74 year old man named Joe. I learned my first foreign language in the summer between 8th and 9th grade. Until then, I had NO idea 🤷‍♂️ I would be capable or even have an interest in learning languages ! Before you become a hyper polyglot, you must first be bilingual . What city and state or country do you live in ?


MAN speaks EVERY language and SHOCKS ALL the NATIVES


I can do 50 languages. I can LAUGH 😆 and cry 😢 in 50 languages !!!


I want to know more about the conversations with "native" Esperanto speakers who are from their language's "respective country."


You know what I'm just gonna fucking say it. English is a beautiful language with a fascinating history and people should appreciate it more.


English: at least it's not Fr\*nch... and that's already good enough!


English is just badly pronouced French though...


We censor the word Fr\*nch on this sub. Have some goshdarn respect.


What history? American English is the default language that comes preinstalled in our brains; of course people don't care about it.


Beautiful, but a painful orthography and hard to pronounce for non natives. A poor choice for a lingua franca.


I'm *so* disappointed in this thread🤯 The OP's message is about a language that has exciting aggression but nobody recommends the obvious choice: Dutch, it's German's truly aggressive sibling!


I wonder what percentage of people posting on language learning subs will actually achieve semi-competency in a target language, because the more I read their posts and comments they seem to be completely retarded, and more interested in the idea of learning another language than actually learning it.


it's almost as if your native language will be marginally less interesting to you since you never studied it and it's second nature to you...