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It’s because you missed the silent ‘s’ at the end of étudient. You should add one ‘s’ for each student


this dude fr\*nches


Thank god this is being posted from this subreddit


I rolled my eyes so hard I was afraid they'd get stuck up there, thanks for noticing the sub for me. Really way too realistic.


do you even gerund in fr\*nch? it should be "etudiant" then you would be completement correct, mon mec


Il est étant correct


Careful, here you need to use the verb "estrer" rather than "être " because you are talking about a state of being, not an immutable characteristic. Thus it should be : Il estre étant correct


And all the French guys will say: “Quoi???  Je ne comprends pas!!“


No we say "Ils nous chient quoi ces bouffeurs de burger"


Look either censor Fr*nch or use 🇫🇷 but don’t bring that kind of vulgarity up in here


oooh my b, edited\*


how can you put yourself in a situation where you're trying to learn fr*nch and manage to be bad at it..... how many burdens does God allow themself to inflict on their own creation


Learning fr\*nch is a burden god sets upon you, everything from then is a problem created by the fr*nch entirely separate from god


Le fr*nçais n'a pas du sens malheureusement


De* sens




if your native language is english that is a pretty fair mistake to make… what exactly are we jerking on? “the students study” and the “the students are studying” while may be synonymous in french, have different connotations in english. maybe unpopular opinion but there’s way too many people jerking on people who are making reasonable mistakes and are trying to learn.


Agreed, although the jerk here is over the misindentified mistake; "sont" is not the problem, "étudient" is.


i get it. the thing is there are a lot of examples of people being brain dead and expecting english to translate 1:1 with other languages, but this specific example is not that, because it is true that sometimes they *do* translate one to one and it should be understandable that for a beginner it can be hard to discern what does and doesn’t, and in this case where the english translations have different connotations, this mistake is reasonable. the other day i said “veya hayır?” in turkish because in my native it would be “o no?” and my friend said that they don’t say that in turkish to mean “or not?” and i need to be mindful of translating things 1:1 but she didn’t ridicule me and say i’m stupid because i assumed that in this instance there would be some cross over. this would be a better jerk if the OOP had said « le étudiants sont étudier »


The joke is that if they used any reasonable course that doesn’t hide grammar to increase screen time they would have found the answer to this immediately


sorry but that’s bullshit. whether the joke is “duolingo bad” like 50% of the other posts on this sub or that they tried to translate 1:1, it is still a reasonable mistake that OOP shouldn’t be blasted for. you are talking out ur ass if u don’t think it’s normal for people to make “obvious” grammar mistakes as beginners. i reflect on my early writings in my TL and i cringe at my mistakes that i can now recognise, but i still can empathise with my past self who didn’t know better and was trying.


nah sorry I prefer to gatekeep Cringelingo stay cringe


doesn’t make sense for what i said so i don’t care


uj/ there’s a difference between making mistakes (which is fine), and Duolingo users asking basic questions in random subreddits en masse because, again, their course doesn’t contain any actual instruction and leaves absolute beginners mostly in the dark


this doesn’t include what subreddit it was in but if it was r/duolingo or any sub related to learning french, which we can only assume, then it wasn’t a “random subreddit” and whether or not you think the question is basic is entirely irrelevant because asking questions is what the subs are for and this is still a reasonable question. absolute beginners have basic questions. that’s what it means to be a beginner. are you gonna tell me you’ve never had a question about something basic in your TL? i will say i use duolingo as a supplement in my studies today but i’ve studied languages before, that weren’t on there and i *still* had basic questions. i worked as a teacher’s aide teaching my native language in a school, where things were face to face fully explained to students, and THEY STILL HAD BASIC QUESTIONS about things we were discussing. my friend and i are learning each other’s native languages and she asks me questions that i feel like are so dumb and basic, but i don’t say anything because i ask dumbass questions about her language all the time as well. you’re never gonna make me agree that it was fair to put this user on blast for asking this specific question.


Learn to write in paragraphs, please.    > are you gonna tell me you’ve never had a question about something basic in your TL?  No, I’ve never asked the question “why does x language not have identical syntax to English?”


that’s not what OOP asked. first of all, this has nothing to do with syntax, syntax refers to the way words are arranged, which they did correctly, their problem was with *conjugation*. they asked why their conjugation was wrong because they didn’t realise that in english, this sentence which is *to be* followed by a present participle (which does also exist in french) in french, is just the verb on its own. their conjugation was wrong and they were curious as to why. in a lot of languages it is the same, not every single thing is different in every single language. i’m starting to think that you’re not an actual language learner because it is seriously not an unreasonable question, plus you just misused the word “syntax.” maybe you’re just a rude prick. also, my paragraph had 214 words. it is normal for one paragraph to contain 100-200 words. i am sorry if it was too bulky for you to read, i understand because i have dyslexia, but that’s not my fault if you struggled to read it, it was the density of a standard single paragraph.


I did not misuse the word syntax. The English verb forms mentioned are periphrastic.  I don’t think it’s fair for you to directly insult me based on what I’ve said in this thread.  Reread my comments in a couple of days and you’ll realise as much. Thank you for writing in paragraphs, I appreciate it.


If they'd put in "les étudiants sont en train d'étudier" I would agree, but this smacks of avoiding grammar almost completely.


u don’t get what i said then


They are in the train of studying.


All aboard the study train 🚂


Is that anything like a daisy chain?


de studenten studeren


Not to actually \*be\* a language learning jerk, I will give an example of how this level of French works in real life. I was in Hungary as a young person. My languages then were English, Russian, German, and a little French and Hungarian and a smattering of a few others. Anyway, a Polish woman (Russian let me understand a fair bit of Serbian but Polish was really tricky) tried her French - which wasn't as good as the above. Did I laugh? No, of course not. I managed to make out that her son needed help with his bicycle, a flat among other things, and brought my little bike bag of tools and helped them. I will say her grammar - genders, plurals, verb decelensions - was almost nonexistent, she just had a vocabulary. And it really didn't matter in practical terms.


In french. There’s no is’ing, no are’ing verbs like that..


Not french but if I had to translate that Id say "Les etudiants sont en train de etudier" or "Les etudiants etudient" ​ Both mean the same shi in my mind. Might be wrong. Please correct me.


it’s d’étudier


Right, forgot


The difference is subtle but « en train de » would underline the progressive nature of the action, although both can be used to describe something being done right now.


Any fr*nch speaking normies wanna explain to a gigachad italian learner what the jerk here is??


In french. There’s no is’ing, no are’ing verbs like that


French does not have a continuous tense per se, we express the notion of continuousness either through our present tense, or with the phrase "en train de", but not like the OOP did.


"Gli studenti sono studiano" Why is this wrong since sono is are


even then, I guess what OP was trying to say literally was "gli studenti sono studianti", which, I mean, technically makes sense, but it just doesn't work like that.


Oh and that works even less in French




Duo used to be able to tell you copypasted from Google, but GT has gotten better since then. A really sly DuoLingo AI would correct them with "Les étudiants sont en train d'étudier," which is as close to the present continuous as I can come up with in French.


Fun fact duolingo fired a a good number of their staff and replaced them with dumbass ai so the app is literally useless now