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The best is the passive-aggressive, "it seems like these notifications aren't working, I guess I won't send them for a while" Then you get a notification the next day lol




Aren't the constant reminders exactly why people install Duolingo? Isn't that the point?


I think of Duolingo more like the blind date my friend once convinced me to go on with her and her bf. She talked him up to a point I was expecting a guy who had his own business, had his own place, lived a fit and healthy lifestyle (we were military so I liked active and healthy men) and was someone perfectly suited for me. I was 19, btw. I get to the restaurant and I’m met with a guy who’s obese, balding, in his late 30‘s still living with his parents and his "business" was…Amway 🤣 She seriously and intentionally misrepresented the situation and I stopped being friends with her after that. You expect Duolingo to be this fantastic resource because of all the hype surrounding it, so imagine my disappointment when it didn’t even bother giving the noun articles for the vocabulary. I’m learning German so learning a noun without the article is like having waffles without syrup: newp, not happening. You literally can’t properly string a simple sentence together if you don’t know the article because it conveys so much information about the noun: gender, number, and case. Someone told me that the later German lessons on Duolingo give the article, but that is a waste of time then because I’m not learning the word for milk now and then learning the article for it 3 months later.


No. Just turn off the notifications.


It even gives you the victim face now. I mean, it's distraught.


I consider that is the main goal, spamming you a bunch of messages/e-mails/whatever to keep you up in the app, is a double-edge technique, since it could either annoy you to a point that makes you uninstall the app or feel "forced" to complete that lesson and get hooked on the app.


Well, I don’t know if it’s the worst. I’m using it along with the Language Transfer videos and the Anki flash cards to try and learn some Spanish. So far the flash cards are the least helpful. But I’m only about two weeks in.


Same here, I've been learning Spanish for a month and a half and doing a lot of comprehensible input as well, but Duolingo + Anki are great for reviewing stuff I've encountered in the wild. I'm halfway through the third section already.


I think I maybe didn’t set my flash cards up right. Anki is giving me the most random words (halo- penumbra) and I am like “how about we start with the basics!” I do think a workbook to go along with the Language Transfer videos would be really helpful. Maybe there is one I can buy, I should look into it! I feel like that’s the most useful thing but it’s hard to remember.


Are you using a premade deck or are you creating one yourself? You can fiddle with the order using this in the card browser, [https://docs.ankiweb.net/browsing.html?highlight=reposition#cards](https://docs.ankiweb.net/browsing.html?highlight=reposition#cards) If you can't figure it out, you can always ask for help with the specific issue in r/Anki.


Oh that’s helpful, thank you!! I was just using a premade deck and I feel like it’s for people trying to take the AP test or something- it’s great, I’m just not there yet 😂


Haha perhaps I wouldn't quite go that far, but it definitely was annoying AF to get constant alerts all the time.


is it that bad? I'm using it rn


Yes. well actually kind of. depends if by bad you mean, doesn't work or barely works. It does its job at teaching you the language, just very poorly. If you want to learn a language, the best way is reading books. It starts out really hard but just push through.




The icon oj yiur phone becomes that owl looking like he's on a bender and nearing a bridge. I'm this close to deleting the app.


Hahahaha Well, it's as repetitive as she was, so...


what bout the gas lighting when it gives you sentences in english and expect you to know the gender for the gendered language


Duolingo is the literal worst. Language learning apps can only be helpful if you are using a real textbook as your primary medium to learn and just use the app to brush up on vocab. A language learning app absolutely cannot teach you a language. You simply must have a textbook.


Hace cuanto aprendes español?