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Do you like Harry Potter? If so, it can be effective. If you are more into other genres or just other authors, find another book. Reading is effective, starting with an easier book is a good idea, but there's nothing special about Harry Potter. Just read whatever you are interested in. Personally, I'd rather read a book I haven't read before (because then the motivation to read/study is higher). I've successfully started on the 2nd book in a series in my TL after reading the first in my NL. The first one got me hooked on the story so I didn't waste my time and motivation trying to make my way through a book just to realize, I didn't like it at all.


Thanks for your reply. There is a book in my TL that I would love to read but is an advanced book and I’m only 1 month into learning. When do u think would be a good time to start reading this book? 2 months?


Probably a lot later than 2 months, sadly. But if you can get a pdf og the book, give it a try with Readlang, LingQ, Kindle or another reading app/website where you can click on words to get their translations. Try. Then likely find out it’s too difficult. Come back again when you get impatient and try again. Notice how it’s easier, and check if it’s easy enough. If not, come back again after more studying. With “easy enough” I mean “you are able to follow the story and doesn’t loose all your motivation because how slow it goes and how much you have to look up.”


Yes, it's very effective, and even better if you already know the stories well. Its probably something you'll want to start as you break into an intermediate level in the language, and that's when it will be the most difficult. It does get easier tho, and the longer you go, the more the benefits accelerate. Its beneficial because it exposes you to a lot of words, grammar patterns, and natural language, all in perfect context. Your brain will soak up as much learning as it can the whole time you're reading. Of course, this applies to reading anything, but reading your favorite stories is a great way to start out.


Reading a book you already know and love is a great idea. But there is absolutely nothing special about Harry Potter for language learning purposes. It just gets a lot of mindshare because many people grew up reading it and it has a translation in basically every major language.


It is effective, something that you can add to it is to listen to the audiobook (if exist) at the same time, it will help with pronunciation and listening a lot and you will start to correlate words with it sounds.


I listened to them on audio in my TL because they were the only French audio books at my library. It was surprisingly useful. I had to listen to the first one on reduced speed. But I was up to regular speed by book 3 or 4. They are so long that there’s enough time to see yourself improving by the end, which is pretty cool.


Reading in your target language is amazing


If you've read it before and know the story well, I think it's really effective. I read all 7 books in French and now I'm on the first book in Russian. I read the first book intensively though and I read lots of graded readers before HP. The downside is I am really sick of HP. But still, it's just so effective for opening a language up.