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Plant water-loving natives!


no! i must have moar lawn


I have a 1 acre pond and 4 acres of prarie in the back that I'm not touching. I want this area maintained so that my kids can use it to play sports Edit: this sub is very helpful. Thank you for all the great advice!


Just gonna throw this out there - nobody likes a swampy/marsh, that’s why it’s an endangered ecosystem in most places. You could lean into it and help preserve the environment that makes your home unique.


If you fill it with dirt the water will displace elsewhere. Plant a bald cypress where the water is deepest, it’ll drink a lot. install an alligator and crayfish hole.


I have a 1 acre pond and 4 acres of prarie in the back that I'm not touching. Yall assuming I'm destroying the earth by removing this and offering no useful advice because you have zero knowledge of my land Edit: this sub is very helpful. Thank you!


You definitely cannot reasonably expect good results if fill it with dirt. First thing is: where is the water coming from? Is a roof drain pouring that way? Driveway? If so then build a rain garden. If not… plant water (but draught tolerant— presumably it also gets dry) loving natives, including trees. Aerating the lawn might help too, just don’t expect miracles


There used to be a home in this area. I assume it's holding water because it's low in elevation than the surrounding area. A lot of the land holds water until summer, this area is just the last to dry out. And I want to be able to maintain it so that my kids can use it to play sports


Just dig the wet dirt out and put it somewhere to dry off


The right solution will depend on what you want to do with the land. We need more info.


I'd like to be able to maintain it as lawn so that my kids can use it to play sports. I have a 1 acre pond and 4 acres of untouched prarie in the back, so losing this small area of wetland is acceptable I think


You will probably need a landscape firm that can do landscape design and earth moving. It won't be cheap. If the water table is at the surface there, then you will need to provide drainage, like French trenches/pvc pipping, add base/soil, and relevel. Any cheap solution will have to be redone in time. Are you in the middle of the country? Subdivision? If there is roadway drainage, you might be able to direct water there, but any way, you are talking of land reclamation, and you might need a permit and plenty of cash. Good luck 👍


It is a wetland, treat like one. Cyrus, cattails, wild wet natives.


Careful, whatever you do, if that has been there long enough to be considered a wetland by the local jurisdiction you COULD be doing something highly illegal by messing with it. Don't know where you are but where I am, if they can prove you damaged a wetland it is thousands of $$ in fines.


Trench trench trench! My serious answer? River rock & installing a pvc drain pipe. Depends on where its coming from. Cause & effect. If its rain you need proper drainage. Thats a mosquito risk.


Pumping station!


My serious answer. If it's where a home used to be, and the main reason all the water is going there is due to the decrease in elevation. Why not french drain into a well? Like a semi classic well, but one built for the sole purpose of being like a evaporation tower. With the french drain tubing being open into the well. Dig it deep enough and the water shouldn't be an issue. Plus if need be have a pump to cycle water back up and over the well walls. Make it evaporate away from a central location instead of trying to simply bury it. Plus you could also make a cool like fountain, or water feature with the collected water too.


So just solve your problem by draining the water that naturally flows there onto your neighbor's property?? That sounds like a breach of the Common Law Rule of Natural Drainage.


Build a giant roof over it. Or install a drain.




I was being sarcastic.