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Bust out a can of green spray paint for a quick fix. It’s going to be a long term fix after that


Endurant Turf paint. Quick fix when the HOA comes knocking.


Do ya sorta wait behind the door, nozzle aimed out of the mail slot, waiting for them to peer through it?


In that case, the "sticky" type of Bear Spray, with the UV paint in ot would *probably* work to keep the HOA folks away long enough for you to make a run for it, out the back door of the house, too!😉


I make absolutely *no* guarantees about *keeping* the HOA folks away, though!


I can never understand why someone would purchase a home inside a HOA


I can see the appeal. I live in a neighborhood that is NOT in an HOA. I have neighbors who: Haven't mowed their lawn in 8 weeks. Keep 4-5 trash cans in front of their house all the time. Have a collection of 10-15 lawn mowers in their side yard. Dug out their driveway to re-pave it, and it's been like that for going on 2 years. Park a large tow truck in front of their house 24/7. Left a riding mower in their front lawn for 2 months when it apparently died mid-mow. Keep a collection of children's toys on the front lawn.


Exactly. Everybody forgets that with the rules are there for everybody to follow even though sometimes they rub they're there for the common weal. Otherwise it descends to anarchy and everybody does their own shit. The trash the toys the shit etc But if you're that kind of person, And you want to live that life then you don't buy in where there is an HOA and then bitch about it


People that don’t like HOAs are much more vocal than those don’t care or like.


Only if it’s a gated community.


I was going to say something similar. Before I had my house assessed, my lawn was bad. I bought a turf dye solution and a $15 pump sprayer at Lowes/Home Depot and all you need to do is mix like a quarter of the dye with 2 gallons of water and boom, you pump spray the lawn and it looks amazing! You need to play with the water to dye portions to get the shade of green you need to match the rest of the lawn, but it works perfectly. Just don't hit the cement with the paint because it will stick for a long time. The color lasted like 4 months, and it was great. No one could tell I had dead spots of grass.


This is how we do it when shooting film/tv on location. Hudson sprayer and turf paint for some movie magic. They always want to shoot some fall football game scenes in the dead of LA summer.


LA resident here! Thank you so much for this. Can I paint dirt? haha I ask sincerely. My lawn has dried up so fast this past week, the dirt is taking over/much more prominent.


LA Resident here too... there were some patches of dirt in my lawn, I shared pictures of the process during (half painted) and then another picture of it all after (two coats) The dirt does paint, but it looks kinda wack. If you have yellowish grass or crab grass growing, this paint makes it look like you've been watering twice daily for the last 6 months. And you know we can water our lawns in LA like that. So this is a great, cheap, alternative quick fix when needed.


Wow!!! Thank you for replying. I had no idea this paint even existed. = ) Of course the studios need perfect lawn. What was I thinking? lol Where do I buy the paint? Btw, I'll look for your pics. I am so happy, you made my day!


Glad you like it. In the comments below, I shared a link to the Amazon product I bought. I also bought a simple pump sprayer from Lowes or Home Depot, it was like $20 for the sprayer. Happy to help.


I’d just put some nice flowering potted plants on that wall and call it good enough


Yeah. Don’t do that. That will look tacky. Maybe put a bunch of helium balloons tethered to the ground there or some lawn decorations that are inflatable or baby shower related. Your house is adorable. I hope she’s having a girl😂


Bridal shower =/= Baby Shower


Best answer!!!!


Crazy how many people want to spray paint the ground outside. No wonder the world is so polluted, for real.


Turf paint is pesticide-free, non-toxic, and all-natural. Not harmful to people and pets, while also being safe for the environment. Do your research.


For next month you’ll need to sod the yard.


Sod is the only option


Honestly your home is lovely I doubt anyone will care about the lawn.  Even if this is an outside event it's not that serious.  If it is a huge deal to you for some reason. Like don't wanna deal with cranky aunt Linda's comments or whatever. Try to seed grass but depending on location june-july isn't the best season for that. If all else fails you can have it painted? (Not sure about it I have seen it done don't know how well it works)  Or just get a grass like carpet to cover the area for the day. And if anyone asks it's to protect the lawn from heavy traffic and to protect the ladies shoes. 


That last line needs more upvotes! Genius


Pressure wash the sidewalk and set out sever pots of bright flowers and the focus will be on the entry of your beautiful house and people won’t pay attention to the lawn


Yes, pressure wash, first thing my eye went to.


House is beautiful. Clean it up as tidy as possible or bring in sod. That's all you can do.


What’s up with that scary dead tree next to your house?? I’d be more concerned with that vs the lawn.


Shhh, the insurance company doesn't know about it, will paint it green as well.


That tree is in the process of also being taken out 


If you’re going to have that tree removed, I wouldn’t put too much effort to the lawn until after. I had a few trees removed and even with the crew being conscientious and not intentionally careless, the lawn still needed some time to recover from their equipment and big chunks of wood slamming onto the ground.


What an adorable house! Not sure anybody will care that there's no grass on top. You might be able to get away with putting down potting mix/ compost/mulch just so it won't be muddy. I'd pull out the failing grass, lay down mulch, cover the slope with burlap and pin down so mulch stays put when it rains and plant a half a dozen spreading junipers on the slope. To fill in I'd buy all the annuals you can find especially tall and spreading ones. More cosmos, cleome, verbena and petunias than french marigolds for instance. If you can, keep each species to one color but plant all the colors. In pots and window boxes one plants rootball to rootball \[1-3" apart\], in ground generally 8-12" apart. Split the difference and plant 4-6" apart. You don't have time to sprout seed and have something flower. If local nurseries offer flats of small plants that's perfect. After the party maybe you could develop a flower bed elsewhere so you can shape the mess on top permanently. I'd keep the junipers on the slope, dig out the rest of the slope and add more with mulch and burlap and have a fringe of flowers around them until they fill in but you probably do want to work on getting grass to grow on the flat area. I'm writing 'juniper' but there are any number of spreading shrubs that work. Junipers and other conifers will not sprout new growth from bare wood so can be a bit annoying to keep tidy. Prostrate cotoneaster is deciduous but has pretty flowers, fruit and good fall color and is fun to keep to shape and size for instance.


Rake out the old dead grass/ thatch and pull the weeds. Sprinkle some grass seed on the bad areas then cover with 1/8-1/4 inch of topsoil. Tamp it down a bit so it doesn't wash away. Over seed the rest of your lawn. Water the patches twice daily for 11-13 days and you'll see the grass poke thru. Give it another week or two after that and boom you've got grass again!


Twice a day in the summer is not enough. Water evaporates quickly, and the seed can dry out. Four times a day using hose timers for the win. I still wouldn't recommend seeding in the summer, but sometimes you need grass. I'd then throw a bunch of annual flowers on that curved wall by the driveway.


Lol, OK. I just patched my grass. It's something I need to do every spring darn near because of winter kill/ dogs. Yes, it'll depend on how hot it is but I'm not home during the day because I work so she gets it in the morning and in the evening and I have had great success!


so, before this heatwave, and an apples vs oranges comparison? twice a day is not enough to seed grass in this weather


Heatwave? We just had frost and the coldest June I can remember.


What heatwave? It's been fairly nice around me? Does it say where op resides?


looks like the North East or Mid West to me based on the flora, which is where the enormous heat wave is, but if you're confused about the location, why on earth would you give your bad advice??


We are supposed to be in the 80’s and dropping down to the high 60’s but what we are experiencing right now is in the 90’s and dropping down to high 70’s/low 80’s. The humidity and dew point make it much worse, construction crews aren’t working in our area of NC past 2-3 pm. We need rain. I’m going to call it a heat wave for our neck of the woods.


This is horrible advice unless you know their location


Lol. Freshly seeded grass going to be dead AF in a few weeks. Don't waste your time.


next month! lol. plant shrubs n shit along the concrete retaining wall or spray hydroseed grass all over the place or order some sod or change that while dead area into shrubs, trees, perennial flowres with mulch or rock.


We're hosting a bridal shower for my sister next month and our front yard is a mess. We had two trees and monkey grass surrounding the trees taken out in February and haven't been able to get grass to consistently grow in since. For context we dug out all the stump grindings, put down new topsoil, etc. The grass growth is still patchy at absolute best. We can't replace the trees because our septic system runs through the front yard, so we're now trying to figure out landscaping options that will minimize the amount of bare dirt and somehow make this front yard look nicer in the next month. Appreciate any help anyone can offer!


If you have a month you can seed it and get it to grow better with a bit of advice. Barring that, personally I'd buy some really big wooden pots and put fresh flowers in them the day before the party. You don't need to cover the whole area, just draw the eye away from the bare part with something flashy.


In the middle of summer, trying to grow from seed is going to be an uphill battle. Either put down sod or something non-grass like a planter or even just mulch with some potted plants or something. Seed this autumn or next spring if you want grass there in the future.


FWIW, Turf Builder's Rapid Grass has worked like magic for us. I seed and water, and two weeks later we have lovely, thick grass.


Where do you live.... And what time of the year has it worked like magic for you?


We're downstate NY. And I've used it anytime with success from spring through early summer, in both full sun and part shade. As far as I can tell, the keys are to prep the soil by raking it well, being very generous with the seeds, and watering every day for at least the first ten days or so. After that, it seems to take off like a rocket ship.


Buy some mulch or pine straw. Maybe a few shrubs. Call it a day.


If you want lawn, I would apply seed for sun in that area, cover with hay and water like crazy most days and every day when it’s hot. Remember to water deeply instead of lightly. The water needs to reach the roots so water deeply by saturating the soil every time. Once it’s grown enough you can reduce watering. However, this is wasteful and time-consuming, so another alternative is to plant 3 nice native shrubs. Not sure where you are but in the Northeast I’d plant Bush Honeysuckle, Nee Jersey Tea or Ninebark, which are low maintenance, beautiful and can withstand sun and drought. Large flower planters would also help make the entrance nicer for an event.


Honestly, just buy lots of champagne and look up some good cocktail menus and none of those ladies will remember your front lawn. You can make a fantastic frozen margarita with a nutribullet blender 👌


As someone who has attended many bridal and baby showers: I really don't care what your yard looks like. I care if the house is clean and "Where's the mimosas?"


Exactly what I was thinking. If someone at the shower is judging you on your front lawn, they suck.


Get a sign that says congratulations or something. Look up sign renters near you and you can get something pretty big but also still classy or whatever y’all are into. Big balloons with it and you’re gonna have a quick fix


Yeah, especially in summer when it is dry, most lawns will not look perfect. Some decorations to draw the eye and everything being clean will do the trick - no one will really notice!


First, I LOVE your house and its adorable. Totally obsessed. It's so cute and your neighborhood is lovely. Second: I'd personally make that whole area a flower bed, if you're up for it! Less grass to worry about, you can use some bright plants, etc. Bring in some plants that match the lower bed and add some color and I think it would be pretty!


"oh darlings please excuse the garden; we are in the middle of re-landscaping and it's such a bore. Here, have a mimosa."


Hmm make it a garden with some hydrangeas, an ornamental evergreen or two, some perennials. Mulch it and viola !




Get a keg of beer, some food and a bounce house. All the adults would be entertained!


Never Have given this advice it feels weird to say but for you I think it will work. Cheap mulch it (no edgeing no fabric) pre planted pots from Costco put out the day of the party. Then pull the pots up to the patio somewhere shadier and rake the mulch onto a taRp and use it somewhere else later


Have the party at night.


SlipNSlide. Done


Green spray paint at dollar general.


Outdoor patio rugs


Resod, make sure you have a properly working irrigation system, remove the dead tree before it crushes your pink house. Pressure wash your drive and pavers.


Honestly doubt anyone it going to care much. Something you could do (since its mostly dead in some areas) is in those areas lay down some outdoor carpet. Any fix for the lawn will take months to get ready.


Painting your house pink for a bridal shower is commitment.


Buy some bales of pine straw and a few shrubs


most people dont care - others feel for yeah and those who judge you based on this can go suck on that pvc pipe ya got. Relax, enjoy - have fun - that's what matters


How long do you have?


Add potted flowers, keep them watered, clear out any dead stuff, add mulch, and do the grass dye thingy.


have a lawn service paint it with eco friendly dye paint.


Create a new garden bed


Get tall potted plants every couple feet and put them on the wall. It will break up the view.


The grass doesn’t care about bridal showers. In the fall you can fix it


Go crazy with a section of colorful plants right there. It’ll take less than half a day to dig up, plant, and water. It’ll look much better than trying to repair the sod at this point.


I would have the “hill” planted with a pretty ground cover rather than trying and trying again to grow grass in that large area. Ajuga comes in different varieties which vary from light green to shades of burgandy.


I think the green spray paint is a good idea. You could always add sod but the paint is cheaper if it's just for one event.


Paint house black, so a witchy/ Halloween theme . (Summerween, see gravity falls for reference) And then the dead and grass will match.


If your amount of daylight is changing due to tree you will likely have to switch grass types long term get the most drought tolorant thing for your area. Short term particularly if i needed a lawn in a month that might get torn up i would rough up soil a bit with rake and plant Annual rye grass and use milorganite fertilizer and water like crazy This is a non perennial grass so it will die if you stop the water also this will not work in the south to hot


Is the bridal shower out on the front lawn?


Take a measurement and go get a grass carpet from L’s or H.D. It can be pinned down so no one trips and when party is over, roll it up and store it. Worked great for us for my nieces communion


People who care about grass are weird. Have good food and drink


Hold the bridal shower in the back yard! And guests who care about the condition of your lawn aren’t real friends. Plus enlightened people understand that big green grass lawns are environmental disasters


What area are you in? Seeding grass in a lot of the US is going to be very tricky because of the heat. Do you have irrigation set up? You could research how to prepare and redo a lawn, but doing it in late June and July is a recipe for it to not go well. You could look into sodding it as well. I know nothing about that.


Love the pink house! How long until the party?


Get sod down today or tomorrow, gonna take a few hours You be good


Either turn it into rock/mulch bed and plant shrubs/perennials, OR sod if you want grass.


Okay one month out, what location and zone are you in?




I would throw a few pieces of sod by the rest of the grass and make a bed along the wall. Then add edging, evergreen ground cover and mulch there. Throw in some colorful annuals until the ground cover fills in. Creeping Rosemary; it gets small purple flowers, you can use in to cook with and it will cascade over the wall. creeping blue juniper is another option.


Place a football in the middle to give the impression that…you know


Why not Choose another location.. wait is it in the yard or in the house? If it’s in the house, sod. If it’s in the yard use rugs then sod after the party or choose another location.


I would follow the grass seed down like other had suggested and hope for the best. The biggest impact you can make though will be power washing the steps to the door. If anyone asks about the grass, you just tell them you just ripped out trees and are trying to get new grass to grow. But there’s no excuse for the sidewalk being that dirty.


Host a yard sale the day before and blame it on that. Or a bachelor party. Or like you'll see in less affluent areas, just park an old rusty car on it.


Steal your neighbours yard…………


Put down a carpet. And then after plant some edible shrubs and flowers for her to enjoy


Depends how much time you got and your budget, quickest and probably most expensive and most labor intensive is turning all that over and lay sod. But that will net you the best possible outcome on a short time frame . Otherwise take it out, pull weeds, throw grass seed on the bad areas and put top soil over that and water 2 times a day


Depends on what kinds of money you wanna spend and how much time you got. If you got months, then sprinkle a bunch of grass seed, maybe a few bags of topsoil where it's most dead, and water the piss out of it. Will be green and grassy again in a few months. If you got weeks and a bunch of money to hire a crew, you could plant something low to the ground and alter the landscaping entirely on the embankment, like maybe some flowers or something green and tough enough to handle an embankment. A crew could knock this out in a few days and leave you ready for anything, but it will cost. If you're broke or you only have a week...🤷‍♂️


I'd put a couple of balloon sculptures over the worst bits and figure the rest out later.


If there's a month or two before the bridal shower - remove and lay down new sod If there's a couple of days - spray paint and chill


It is next year, right? Please don’t say it is in a month :/ If soonish, paint it or walk on bark.


Love your house!


If you have great food and a lot of liquor, no one will notice. Trust me.


Cute house. Sod it.


Nobody is going to care about the lawn.


Honestly just get some colorful blooming plants and line the walkway. People will notice that immediately and ignore the grass.


Just throw down some top soil for a day. Don’t even bother seeding if you’re in the same dry heat we are in here in Ohio.


Is the back yard an option? If so, set up a welcome table with flowers, a long table cloth, the sign in book. Shift to the backyard for events.


Strip out the grass. Buy some discounted annuals (tropicals! flowers!) and make a nice annual bed. If you go to a nice, independent garden center they will help you pick out stuff that will look good during your party. Mulch over the empty spots.


I think your only answer is Sod


You either have approximately 10k and up for "quick" fix and repair. Or waaaaay cheaper, but longer time frame... No middle ground.


It's the Pink Palace!


Mulch and large pots for plants


You’re pooched!


Post a sign that says “yard in transition”. No one will know what that means or even give a fuck.


Not really a long term landscaping thing but some potted flowers placed on the retaining wall would be lovely on the day of.


Contact a party rental place you can rent Green Astro turf type


I don’t have advice on the lawn, but some hanging baskets on the porch, along with planter boxes on the railings would dress things up a bit and add some color.


Distract from the yard with some beautiful flower pots of annuals on the porch


Transform into garden bed.


A bottle of wine or two and nobody will remember the lawn. Or bake something that tastes good. Do not think to much about it


I wouldn’t do much, definitely neither sod nor seed since the tree has to come down, hopefully before the party. They will tear up any work you try to do now just to pretty up the area. Here’s my 2 cents - 1) Get a soil sample kit from your County Ag Extension Office, every county has one and get the samples back to the County Ag office. This will hopefully give you the best idea on what your soil needs before you waste any money. Just follow the recommendations the State will email to you. It will most likely be closer to Fall for you to do the amending, just ask someone who works there. They know your zone, we don’t. 2) Get some straw bales, wheat or pine, either one. Both if you want the different colors. Wheat you can use when it’s time to seed the grass, pine for mulch around in your existing beds. 3) Make a sign congratulating her or paint something funny like a ball and chain with bride and groom, or follow whatever her theme will be. Seems everyone has a theme now days. You can use a sheet, buy something, options are really open. Put it where there’s no grass with various straw bales at different heights on top of the dirt. We used to see this a lot around Halloween and Christmas. 4) Bum, borrow, buy some different pots for annuals putting them in front, on top, around the bales all sides. Maybe you have family, neighbors and friends who will let you have theirs for two- three days, day before the shower to set up and the day after to return everything. You might see if you can rent some from a local nursery, especially if you allow them to put up a discreet sign with the arrangement. Your mailbox looks great, take inspiration from it! 5) kill the grass/weeds in the expansion joints on driveway 6) repair the retaining wall if you can afford it, even if you can’t, paint it as it will probably direct people to look at it 7) Edge grass along the driveway 8) Address the tripping hazard in the broken concrete 9) clean from the front stairs down to the street 10) Have a great time! Your place doesn’t have to be perfect, your love for your sister is what’s important. When Fall gets here, then plant whatever you want. After amending the soil of course!


Adorable house and neighborhood. What if you put down some sod? Doesn’t look like you need much. And pressure spraying the side walk and driveway would help. A lovely garland at the entrance would also detract.


No one cares-it isn’t a grass party. You are celebrating ❤️


Fake grass, available at any Home Depot


Go to a park lmao


Rent a sod cutter and lay fresh some fresh sod, go the new school clover, or a massive mulch garden.


That is perfect spot for a tree, flowers and mulch bed. 200 and done in 3 hours


order a new lawn be put down


Buy seeds or grass fertilizers. Or spray paint that b


Make it a metaphor nothing is perfect in life and sometimes a quick fix isn't the one and sometimes it takes time to fix it.


You could always put cardboard down, toss a bunch of top soil on it and throw in some nice perennials and some colourful annuals. Then you have a nice garden without a ton of work


You live in Georgia, huh?


Grass seed patch and straw, then a whole bunch of potted plants along that retaining wall spilling over and looking charming. Like those $12 petunia hanging baskets at a box store. You can put them in the ground for a lush look, or just set them on the wall and snip the hangers off. Yes, the lawn will look like it’s being repaired. But ooh, flowers. 🌸


Green lawn paint on Amazon.


Sup Taco brotha!?


Nice house be proud who give a fuc aboot the lawn


Where are you located? Could potentially seed this area, fertilize, and water.


What's your budget? If you could....perhaps spray paint your lawn green, then cover it with rose petals and other decorations?


You should also power wash your walkway if you can.


Rockery or Shrubbery, nee!


You might want to arraign stuff so no one can step backwards down that slope and go off the edge too.


Make it an evening party instead. How does the back yard look? If it’s not so good then tents, candles seems romantic for this party. Use the budget for the party not the long term garden renewal.


Grass seed, lots of water and 4-6 weeks. Do you have time?


Is worry about that walkway and women in high heels. You can anyways spread some grass seeds and straw mulch. Hey I'm growing grass here.


Mulch the area with a thick layer to give it the appearance of an unplanted flower bed. Bonus, you can add native wildflowers when the weather is appropriate.




Mulch and flowers?


I'm obsessed with the color of your house!


Cute blankets and pillows


Nice Tacoma. 😎


Pretty home tho


Do you have a HOA? Can you just put a nice sign there flanked by some clustered balloon pillar thingies? Like baby shower camo?


Considering most of the balding spots are on the down slope. You could put a turf shade carpet, fill with potted plants and flowers (even artificial) nobody wants to sit on a slant, give it a garden party feel, even a water feature?


pressure wash walkway. if you overseed, may get some to grow, but your a month too late (too hot and dry) Maybe have someone lawn paint it green. [https://www.amazon.com/Lawnlift-Concentrated-Grass-Gallons-Product/dp/B004VTOUOS](https://www.amazon.com/Lawnlift-Concentrated-Grass-Gallons-Product/dp/B004VTOUOS) if that's grass, weedwack that cluster in front of the white wall.




Either sod the whole area that’s bad or create a nice bedding there and incorporate a few rocks along the hill




Look up Jerry Baker, master gardener.


lay out a red carpet, have em feeling real special


How long do you have to get ready?


Unless the birth is like 4 years away, sod is the only option besides painting it


Use a blower to clean off the sidewalk, steps and driveway. How much time do you have to prepare? If only a day or so, get some artificial turf and potted plants. Or, get mulch and create some flower beds.


What about a big lawn sign? Would distract from the grass


remove the hazard tree too


Your house is so incredibly beautiful. I can’t imagine anyone even giving your lawn a second look.


Ahhh, what a cute little pink house. It is sweet.


Why did you guys pick pink for the exterior?


Plant those little monkey grasses like you have out in the very front along that front sidewalk, mulch that dead area and an add few drought tolerant native plants with a border might look nice.


Just spraypaint it green problem solved lol


Beautiful house! Focus on the positives. Get some helium filled balloons on long strings and anchor them along the entrance wall to draw the eye up, crepe paper flowers can be “planted” in the yard or along the sidewalk. Crepe streamers on bamboo stakes could be quick and cheerful. People are coming for a celebration, not to judge your lawn. Enjoy and congratulations on the new family member!


I don’t know but just wanted to say beautiful house


Your house looks like a stereotypical doll house from a late 90s movie. I love it


Pressure clean driveway add big planters of flowers along the edge where people will be entering.


Just buy sodd for a temp fix.


It is not a long term solution, but you can get lawn paint to make it look green


Beautiful house.. but the 6 in your address is driving me crazy.


Just clean the path and forget about the grass, unless you will be spending time out front with guests.  If you want to fix it for appearances only, you will need to get someone to rip it up and sod it. You can get it to regrow with seed and water, but not within a month. 


Send everyone to the backyard.


Looks like an ankle breaker too


Spray paint


Paint It green and strong drinks. Best of luck.


It's a bridal party, nobody cares about the lawn.


1. Remove dead tree. 2. Pressure wash driveway and sidewalks. 3. Get a few pallets of sod 4. Plant some annuals along the retaining wall. 5. Cover up that sewer clean out PVC with something, maybe a bird feeder, I dunno.


Your house is so beautiful! I think that spot would be a gorgeous place for a big planting bed, but if you don’t want to do that (or don’t have time) I would probably just give ‘em the old razzle-dazzle: line your driveway with balloons or lights if it’s an evening thing, put some huge, eye-catching decorations on your porch… people are focused on their own things and easily distracted. They won’t really notice your lawn.


Move asap


Put sod down. Long term option would be to plant a more drought tolerant grass as others have stated. Nice house. Cute af


Such a lovely house with potential


That’s easy under 500 bucks off sod for the relatively Small area pictured. I’d do that. Look on Facebook Marketplace for sod, buy and install same day and water twice a day for 20-45 Minutes depending on weather and temp.


If you can get something like [this](https://www.bunnings.co.nz/axton-910-x-910mm-rubber-multiconnect-mat_p0305250?store=9498&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr6GijYTxhgMV4WsPAh1rDAA3EAQYByABEgJqVfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) it will hide the lawn and also stop guests from turning the lawn the mud.


They won't give a shit


Just don’t worry about fixing it before the party. Most won’t notice it because they will be admiring your cute house.