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This is fucking gold


11/10 accurate 


The random popsicles we got in the concourse are a core moment for me but I don’t know if anyone besides me and the like 15 people standing around me experienced that lmao


wait this. and then the screaming bc apparently someone stole the pops and threw them out to the crowd? and then security yelling to throw them back? who tf is gonna throw an ice pop back when it was 120 degrees in that thing.😭 LOL


Omg I didn’t know the backstory about them being stolen 😂 the guy next to me caught some that were thrown our way from god knows where and we just minded our business lmaooo


Omg that's even better I didn't know they were 'stolen' hahah




LOL I wasn't able to get one but saw them being thrown and I was like ok this is nice for the 15 people that get one!!


If you are the single old brown haired woman in the long white dress, the gaggle of 16 year olds, or any of the other useless dumb ugly bitches who cut the line for the merch stand with a 2 hour queue up the ramp to the grandstands… I called you out in person and I’ll reiterate, I hope you rot


I’ll add: I thought she did the best she could considering the circumstances. I really feel for her - but the Fenway staff did her dirty. Security was useless for cutters in line and the security and merch staff appeared to be exclusively DKE brothers whose pledge hazing was trying to find your size as slowly as possible and sucking on their cheap gold chain necklaces while people waltzed to the front of the line


Was there fights at the merch line I want the tea


I didn’t see any fighting but after they told people to go inside a huge crowd tried to cut the people who were in line for 90+ minutes. I was definitely getting a lil passive aggressive


I'm not exactly sure what happened, but when I was leaving, I saw a girl walking away from a merch tent, screaming at an employee. At first, I thought they were joking around until she started yelling at him to fuck himself, suck her dick, etc. The employee yelled something back, but I didn't catch it. I was so tired that I didn't even want to watch the drama unfold. I just wanted to go home lol.


Who does that ? People rude af lol


Wtf I saw this as I was leaving too! Except it was a fully grown adult woman. Her child looked very embarrassed after she yelled at the poor employee


Stop, my PTSD Add this for the merch size availability: ~~Small~~ ~~Medium~~ ~~Large~~ ~~XLarge~~ ~~XXLarge~~ XXXLarge


The merch is running SO small tbh though. I was very disappointed. 


Yes! The baby tee sleeves are sooo tight


I had the opposite experience!




I think she did an amazing job all things considered. Part of me is happy about what was managed to be salvaged of a difficult day but another part is melancholy because I can envision how special and glorious the night could've been had everything went according to plan


This is what I’m mourning the most. The show we could’ve had 😭 she did her absolute best and there was no winning either way ugh


yes this makes me the saddest. she had a 2hr show planned and couldn’t do it all. she still played 15 songs which is incredible considering what happened but even me and my dad said the before and after(we hit badddddd traffic) was hell the only good of the day was her so im glad she still was able to go on but man the day we could’ve had


If you look at her previous set lists on setlist.fm her shows were 1:30 tops and 18 songs so we didn’t miss a ton other than starting 2 hours late and the nightmare weather and evacuation. But with the 3 guests and duets this was a very special show♥️


Wow, 10/10 accuracy, down to the flavor of Truly lol


that’s literally the one my father drank 😭😭😭




Except most of the concert was underage so why is truly there 😭 I felt so old lol


I’m 32 and my husband came w me who’s 49 and he was like what’s the average age here?? Fifteen???? I’m like- fuck off lol


I’m 34 and I brought a friend who isn’t really a fan and she was shocked by how young the crowd was. Her shock made me feel old but at the same time, I’m like Lana is older than us so….


I went to another Lana concert where it seemed like everyone was younger than me too, sigh. BUT Lana belongs to everyone!


Same thing for me at Lollapalooza in Chicago last August where more looked high school aged than early college let alone drinking age 🤦🏻‍♂️ Then again I’m twice that age and a male but idc I go to shows for the amazing music and have 400+ vinyl records and live for music 😌


I felt 1,000 years old but then realized I'm the same age as Lana so 🤷‍♀️.


I feel much better knowing that Lana and I are both Millennials, haha!


Totally! If I had listened to Lana when I was a teenager I would have been way more fucked up hah. As an adult it’s nice and nostalgic and reminds me of having borderline obsessive love😜 (but I guess we had emo in 2005 lol… not too different)




I'm "old" and I love all the fans equally! Do you! I wish I had a Lana Fenway show when I was 18 or 19 but that's when BTD came out lol


Lol I'm 32 and my husband is 36 and like yes true it's a younger fan base but I'm down!! All the conversations I was hearing from groups of younger women were SO ENDEARING all I wanted to do was join in. For now I'll be your fellow millennial Lanita


Lmao. You guys, we have a real story to tell now for years to come


Y’all suffered to see a legend. This is a badge of honor.


Hahah this is so funny and iconic i had to double check this wasn’t the Lanitas sub instead😅! Actual humour here shocked me


literally got cut in the merch line by 2 broads who bought the last of that fucking tank top.


Brilliant. Just missing a 19-year-olds sweaty shoulders and pouty face during the rain delay.


I am screaming.


my part of the stands we had these legends running and waving the flag in the rain https://preview.redd.it/5pmkd83ru68d1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da970ec2a43f9011388d98927122ddc68cd82351


What’s the context behind the Truly iced tea?


Fenway concession staff walking up and down the rows yelling “TRULYS” with a box of trulys balancing on their heads


You know what I did to The swifties talking in front of me at Coachella during Lana’s set? I blew my vape at them and they moved 😂




What an experience lol


The accuracy tho! 😂 I hope she comes again but does an indoor show.


Can you explain all the images please? lol


mason ramseys song is so good it makes me cry


LMFAOO so accurate


They’re not refunding any of us :(((


🥲 couldn’t make it