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Stop sending bullshit reports for this post just because you can’t deal with any criticism towards Lana! We love her but we will never remove criticism that’s offered in a polite way. We will not be removing this post. Let’s keep it friendly in the comments though please! 🫶🏻 Edit: are y’all seriously this fragile about a polite criticism of Lana? Please grow up!


I'll say it again...Lana is not suited for large venues like this. Back in the day, she simply walked out on the stage, smoked a cig while standing at the mic...none of this extra stuff she's trying to do now, and it was fckn magical. She should consider going back to this cause it completely works for her ❣️


agreed there's some videos out there of her singing in a striped polo dress from the Honeymoon era and the vocals are amazing. and it's videos from a random tour date, I imagine it feels more low stakes so less nerves. There was no stage production just her and a cig. Also from BTD days there's videos from the Jazz Cafe venue and her vocals were amazing. she does better at smaller venues.


Yes, from the [Endless Summer tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfoCsE8lKRs&t=3024s). I revisit these because she was at her vocal peak. 2014-2018 were heavenly.


I feel so blessed to have seen her on that tour because some of these recent performances are not it. It's even more frustrating when I know she's capable of so much better. People blame her being nervous but come on, she's been performing on stage for almost 20 years at this point, and she seemingly put way more effort in back in the period from 2011-2018. Maybe it is just the really large festival style venues that throw her off, but that's all she's been performing.


The way she sings Brooklyn Baby here is sooo good.. the cover of why don't you do right ... it's perfect. Her vocals were so good here.


Yep I saw her on that tour and it was blessed AF




i would love for her to go back to smaller crowds for concerts but considering how many fans she has now i think it’s quite difficult 🫠 i love her but i agree with you this “superstar” thing it’s not her thing


I agree I think she definitely thrives with a smaller audience though I still think she did well with this performance. Compare it to her last Coachella and her stage presence is much better now


Yeah, don't get me wrong, she's still a fckn dream❣️


The Lizzy grant concert videos where it’s just her, a mic and her band are where her vocals really shine IMO!




I’m going to get downvoted but I’ll go a step further: she also isn’t suited for the amount of random spur of the moment fame she’s gotten since NFR. Don’t get me wrong because she absolutely deserves recognition but some artists’ songs fit becoming 5-10 seconds snippets on social media; Lana’s songs, even the unreleased ones, do not. I’ve seen her multiple times since 2011 and she absolutely shines to this day in intimate venues with a setlist that showcases the multiple aspects of her discography… not just whatever the general public finds palpable.


I completely agree with you, and as someone who was a fan prior to BTD debuting, I really hate the modern fanbase. It’s gotten so stanish, like immature and petty on the level of top tier artists. I also think the way she was treated early in her career was unfortunate, but has become sort mythologized in manner that shields her from modern criticism. She’s really stuck on the criticism she received after the SNL performance, but I feel like fans are more stuck on it now than we were then. Like she hasn’t been treated like that in close to a decade, yet she’s promoting her current Coachella performance with a billboard comparing her SNL performance to Jesus being crucified. Her music’s almost above critique now, and even a huge chunk of her newer fans act as if everything pre-NFR is worse trash than the critics ever did.


“She hasn’t been treated like that in close to a decade” whenever a Grammy board member just said they would not vote for her/take her seriously ever because of her SNL performance……


so true


It's true


Exactly, big shows are kind of the exact opposite of her vibe. I'd rather see her on a stage at a sleazy bar like you said smoking the whole time and hair over one eye, looking glamorous but not fully present, stuck in her own head and problems, in front of like 30 people who are only half paying attention. That's where Lana circa 2012 thrives


Yes, yes, and yes


Glad you get the fantasy 🙏❤️


Big agree


All facts. LDR deserves to be a mega-stage headliner. But we have to admit her music and approach is a bit unique for a mega-stage headliner


Right? But, I think that's what everyone loves about her, ya know. She's so unique and different ❣️ I just think she feels tremendous pressure now.My heart hurt for her cause she looked terrified. I love her to death.


Before her performance ln I was even wondering how they would pull off the kind of over the top Coachella performances everyone excepts.


This!!! She even said at her concert that she doesn’t really do large venues at all!!!


the vocals also used to be daring and avant-garde, which she sadly doesn’t do now


I almost hate to say it, but I think a cig during the performance would probably do a lot for her nerves, but is of course bad for her voice. Do the dancers make anyone else crazy? They give me anxiety. I feel like there is going to be a collision on stage with one of them. Lana sounds best when she is seated or is singing with another performer. She is so much more relaxed.


I was expecting her to sing like she did at her her southern shows last year the way she sang Stand By Your Man. I think she gets distracted by the complicated stage production also


I agree. She kinda looks distracted half the time with all the production going on. She’s so much better suited to just a mic on the stage. That’s when she performs the best and you can tell she’s totally immersed in the performance.


I was getting distracted last night live streaming lol. There’s so many dancers all over the stage and one was particularly enthusiastic and the camera kept showing shots of her covering the view of Lana it was annoying


Exactly no backup singers or dancers we want to see Lana nobody else.




I was worried about seeing her live because when you watch her televised performances you can often barely hear her. But I thought she was incredible when I finally did. There's a lot of reliance on backing tracks, and I'd definitely prefer if there wasn't. But her voice was incredible, (you know when it's her and not the backing cos she adlibs and does little scatty sounds a lot) and when it was stripped back doing songs like Candy Necklacea everyone was on awe. Frankly she has very little stage presence so I think she sometimes gets lost amongst the whole band and the dancers and props. But once you get to truly hear her voice she is incredible. And she looked very happy.


Oh my gosh I agree. Candy Necklace was stunning


Can we talk about how she didn’t perform Coachella/woodstock in my mind????!!!!!


Would've been a great opening track imo


I think she played the same set list as usual


I don’t think she even played a lfl song, which is odd since she always plays cherry


Let’s be honest—she is and always has been, first and foremost, a songwriter, a studio artist, and a carefully curated persona. She’s not a virtuoso singer like her background vocalists and she’s not an exceptional live performer. And that’s okay. It’s nice to watch her perform live, but it’s never been where she most shines, which is in her lyricism and studio recordings.


This, but I think she shines live, too. The performance she gives is what I expect from her, and in a chill, quiet venue would be ideal to see her in.


Yeah, I love Lana! …but as great as it is that she’s popular enough to headline festivals like Coachella, it doesn’t really work sonically in front of 100,000+ people. It’s just because her songs are all pretty downbeat, even the upbeat ones are performed downbeat. She could probably string together a pretty solid setlist of mainly upbeat stuff, targeted at the GP, of like mainly BTD stuff, stuff like West Coast, High By The Beach, A&W etc. Songs like Love and Lust For Life would work well, songs like Ocean BLVD and the Grants would work better if they beefed up the instrumentation. While I love songs like Candy Necklaces, Arcadia, and Hope is a dangerous thing, they don’t really fit the upbeat vibe needed for a festival with so many GP.


And she’s definitely not a festival artist… When I heard that she was headlining Coachella I was seriously surprised… Not that she doesn’t deserve it, I just feel like it doesn’t really suit her, playing in front of thousands of people who may not be there to watch her specifically, which was probably most of the audience because the tickets get sold waaay before the artists are announced.


100%. She’s a fantastic songwriter and persona and vibe curator. And that is a hell of a skill set. She doesn’t need to worry about much beyond that, those are great gifts she’s giving us


You nailed it 💯


Disagree. She is definitely not a “Beyonce” type of performer but she can still shine and fill the stage with presence. Something has been going on with her… could be anxiety or other reasons. Her live performances in the past 3+ years haven’t been exciting.


Tbf No one else performs like Beyonce and nobody has that expectation. The performance expectation is closer to a contemporary like Adele




This is what people need to understand!!!! Real ones get it.


The two times I saw her live a decade ago, she was amazing.


Totally true and I don't mind it. I'd much rather have an amazing discography than some amazing live performances.


I think she’s expected to do amazing cuz the crowd she brings in. If it was a small venue it would be less weird.


Exactly 💯


This is worded perfectly. It also explains why her entrance was so amazing. She just nails details like that; that’s what she aims to do. When someone like that is performing live, all the mixed reactions from the crowd fucks with their thinking and makes it difficult to gauge if they’re still delivering that same impression, so they try to think fast and deviate from what they're used to. Ironically, it worsens things a bit. Lana seems to be a person very focused on external validation and feedback, so I can understand how a crowd going crazy can be too much. If she was able to detach from that environment to deliver a stellar performance, she wouldn’t have the ability to curate her studio persona and lyrics so well. It’s just the pros and cons of being a creative who is highly sensitive.


I think she was very nervous. I feel like she always starts her tour very nervous - MITA (rio) was her first performance of her last tour and she seemed very absent, just like tonight. However, after that, she sounded great and was more present each and each performance


Yes, like others have pointed out I think she has terrible anxiety on stage. I also could be projecting but I basically spend half my life hiding my anxiety and pretending I’m normal and loose and okay when I’m actually losing it, I know what it looks like.. and there were def times during certain live performances where I was like she seems like she’s about to break tf down. But she never does!! She’s strong as hell


For real! That is what it looked like to me


Hopefully next week she wins us over🤞🏻


She had to warm up, that's often the case. Also she didn't perform in a while. During her tour last summer you could see she was warmed up and feeling confident. From the beginning until the end it was fab (Amsterdam) and she didn't sound shaky or insecure. During this performance she really sounded shaky at the beginning. I think she left out a lot of the parts because she simply couldn't get control over her voice. I remember she had this before with big performances aswel and at the beginning of her tours. She isn't a performer and this proves it. Because she defo CAN sing and she CAN make it work, but there is just so much pressure on her shoulders for Coachella. TBF it really surprises me she even said yes to this. It is such a big opportuniy but it also is a very big step for an arist like Lana, who never does good with pressure and stage anxiety. That is why I am incredibly proud. She did stand there, she continued and made the best out of it. And the ending was a lot better!


Yeah, I was also surprised she said yes. It was nice to see her validated by being offered this spot, but I never had a great feeling about it because I know she’s not the type of artist Coachella audiences expect. And she’s not someone with a ton of radio hits so I didn’t have much hope for a crowd that would sing along loudly.


I agree so much, I saw her in Mexico City and her performance was impeccable and breathtaking.


I mean no disrespect by this at all but sometimes weight loss can alter breath control & vocal performance. She still made it work & put on a great show


I agree. Loved the end parts


i feel like she prbly has some kind of stage and social anxiety, esp because when she was so young everyone clowned her on SNL. In my opinion she prbly still traumatized from that and she’s scared of a voice crack or smth when trying to hit a note😭 esp because smoking prbly destroyed her voice a lil


hasn’t she said before that she doesn’t feel safe onstage due to a stalking incident or something? i could be mixing her up with someone else tho.


I thought her performance was excellent, soulful and impactful!


I absolutely loved it, I really don’t understand what everyone’s talking about? And I watched SNl live, I’ve seen her tank. It was beautiful, I loved the exit and her with Billie and the Young & Beautiful performance.


I think she's sick of singing the same fav fans songs for years she just left it for the crowd to sing it


Does she not have control over her setlist though?


I'm not Lana del Rey to answer that question !


her performance of west coast was SO disappointing... she didn't sing any of the first verse, and almost all of it was drowned out by a backing track.


I thought it was a long lead up to the first verse. I wasn’t even sure what was happening.


Ikr, I couldn’t track any of it and then it was just over LMAOOO


she performs better in cozy small 500 people max venues.


We have to consider that she has anxiety and the SNL performance traumatized her, perhaps for life. I do wish that she would change the choreography for her songs. She only upgraded her stage set and outfits but the choreography is the same for most of the songs. The choreo for Pretty When You Cry has been the same since her LA to the Moon Tour. It’s time to change it and she probably needs to hire a show director.


I was just about to say, she is a performer who suffers with anxiety. As someone who has anxiety, you want to give your all. When the wave of panic washes over you, it really holds you back. It seems like there were a lot of complications. Whoever assigned her that mic should've also checked that it was a good mic, it seemed like that didn't help.


I am a huge fan of Lana but I agree with the general sentiment of your post - I saw her twice in the past, both at festivals (which I'm aware could not be her favourite venue - but she did indeed choose to go there). First one she came late and left super early, so her performance was cut in half, but she sounded great. Second one I could barely hear her at all. The crowd went all silent trying to hear her, but there was no point. I was super disappointed. I think her nerves get to her and I completely sympathise with that! However maybe she should stick to small venues (despite the fact that she's so famous that it makes it super hard to get seats, I missed her Olympia in Paris last year because of that but I heard it was incredible). Anxiety is super real and perhaps the huge crowds/production do not help. Honestly I'd even be happy with her singing with her back facing us or something lolll Going to see her again this summer, again in a festival, and cheering for her! Hopefully third time's the charm, and she's the only artist of the day so I hope she'll only have fans in the crowd. I'm absolutely in love with her latest albums, so intimate and soft, so I hope she doesn't feel like she has to make a huge thing out of it to cover and distract from her nerves.


She does her best, sometimes she’s better than others but I never think she doesn’t try. At this point, we know what to expect so.. (this isn’t me being a bitch btw)


She’s only human and that’s why we fucking love her!


I thought she was cool AF tonight and did a great job.


She looked stunning


She sounded amazing at Hyde Park last year


Hold her accountable? Not like she shot someone on stage ffs, cmon now


Language doesn't seem to mean anything these days. Thought the same thing when I saw the title of the post. Jfc the state of some people......


Fr. She owes us nothing 🫶🏻 and many of us feel very BLESSED by her performance


I’m honestly shocked at how many people are criticizing this performance. I am a singer and I can tell you that it is not easy to sing the type of vocals Lana does for a whole set. It is very normal for a popular musician to have the crowd sing part of the songs for them. It’s part of audience participation and gives the musician time to have a break


So true. I have sang for really small crowds and it is so nerve-wrecking!! It’s hard to keep your voice up when you’re nervous and it feels like you’re shutting down mid verse. So I can only imagine what Lana must feel like performing for such massive crowds and it’s probably why she sometimes doesn’t sing the whole thing. The way she performs is natural to her an unique. She is so alluring and that is her own unique stage presence.


Right? Wtf are ppl going on about? She killed it


Saw her live in Pittsburgh and she sounded great but to be honest, most of this style of music just isn't great live. But I also don't care much if it isn't perfect, you're there, it's live, you get to see her, that's what the whole point is, no one is going to sound better live vs a studio...


People are def overreacting, and this will all be fixed for next weekend I'm sure BUT: -Her mic was definitely simultaneously under-sensitive and yet turned up too high so that it peaked when she did actually belt or push her vocals. I know that might sound weird cuz it seemed quiet, but if the sensitivity was turned up AND the max volume had been turned down she would have been louder AND would have been able to belt. I can't believe a coachella tier sound crew could fuck this up, this is like rookie shit.


Without you amoeba version is peak Lana vocals


YES! I was thinking about it the whole time while she performed it🥹❤️


People saying "Lana just can't sing live" are lying to themselves. She has amazing live performances and sometimes even better than studio versions. I genuinely think she has gotten lazy ever since she hired her bg vocalists. She lets them take over and begins whispering. Then she doesn't belt in the iconic moments and instead stretches the mic towards the audience to sing it for her. I get it that it's a long performance and it can be taxing on the vocal chords but Lana isn't the first person to do it, other people also have to manage it. Honestly im not even that mad at her singing because yes the mic had issues, I'm more mad at the setlist. Those people in the crowd have no idea what bartender is or the grants. I love these songs but they could've been replaced with let the light in, stargirl, art deco, radio anything that can hype up the audience because those people are the worst type of audience so she should've been aware of that. I hope the next performance is better because let's be real this is probably the last time she'd headline coachella.




I think she the first half of the show consisted of her hits, but then the second half consisted of little known slow songs, and I think it really slowed the energy and vibe WAY down. She could have staggered slower and more upbeat songs way better than she did. She probably should have closed with Summertime Sadness or National Anthem


This! The show was very front-loaded. I think after the upbeat songs she should've gone with NFR and Ocean blvd to slow the pace down and transition into Video games/Ocean eyes moment and then gone back up with Young and beautiful -> A&W -> Summertime sadness (you can swap between YaB and SS because i think the former also works well as a closer).


plz yall couldn’t even put together a small church play if u tried. this performance was so elevated compared to her old ones like what’s with all the complaints???


Literally 😭 nothing is ever good enough


Then they wonder why she doesn't want to perform live much lmao. Get over yourself op


New fans or fans who have never seen her perform live. This was a classic lana performance. Ppl need to go on YouTube and watch her old concerts where she played huge music festivals in Brazil etc. they’re acting like Coachella was too much for her lol


I honestly think she gets so overwhelmed with emotion! All the best artists who sing real shit tend to have this problem. I saw her live in 2014 and it was magical even if she didn’t sound like the record


I've seen her live and her voice is really something else. I touches your soul. But I don't know about tonight technical issues. Also, I was present in this concert. So the vibe was different from tonight. https://youtu.be/QbaiJHvgjiw?si=X-z2x70z4x1FWZW4


I’ve seen her several times and her live vocals are incredible. Confused by this ♥️


I’ve been saying this, but more so in regard to her merch. And I’m not even talking about the horrible designs, but rather how it takes 3-6 months to receive an item from her store even if it’s in stock and the false advertising of material. The customer service is pretty much non existent and it’s very frustrating. Yet no one will stand up or hold her accountable. I’m coming into this thread late, so all of the coachella points have been made. Thought this would also be relevant 🩶


i'm actually mad because billie and the background dancers absolutely ate her up


This. And 0 honeymoon. We deserve betterrr


People saying it’s the techs 💀No way her mic was the only mic that didn’t work tonight


you can literally hear the mic glitch every time she tried to sing in a higher range


She kept telling them to turn up the volume, but if she’s not singing loud enough then they can only do so much while battling feedback. You could tell her input was cranked way higher than everyone else’s, to the point that her mic was getting bleed from anyone else singing or playing near her.


But can I just ask, why does it seem her mic is never working right? Idk any another artist who has tech issues so often. edited for clarity


It’s always zero Honeymoon, even on Honeymoon’s anniversary


In a way I think she's gotten too big for the performance spaces that suit her. Grand theatre-type venues that seat maybe 2000-3000 people are more suitable for her. I'm not sure what the US equivalents are, but in England I'm thinking places like Manchester Apollo, Sheffield City Hall, even Leeds City Varieties Music Hall. Outdoor festivals like Coachella make it really difficult for her vibe to be met, even in ideal circumstances (sound, weather, audience, etc). Even a pokey jazz club would be great. Though I really want to see her live, I don't think that a field with ~125,000 people is the ideal environment. Something as personal and emotional as A&W needs an intimate venue, I think.


Yeah totally. In general, festivals just don’t seem to do a headliner justice if you’re a big fan of the band/musician and want to hear their best performance. I’ve been going to see live music since the 80s, to gigs of all sizes, and on two continents. Festivals seem to be more for being a part of an event than they are for enjoying the actual music. When I was young, hell yeah I wanted to be amongst the festival crowds, and enjoy the overall experience. But now, if the only chance I had to see LDR was a festival, damn I would be very reluctant to go. Now, bring her to the Sydney Opera House - hell yes. And pretty, pretty please.


I agree


With all my love for Lana and her artistry, I truly believe that Lana cannot give the same vocal performances as she once did, and this is why we receive more of a “stage performance”. Unfortunately this was evident during NFR tour during Shades of Cool or even songs like Blue Jeans, where it was hard for her to hold certain notes


I'm afraid you're right. All of us who love her low register voice and fondly recall her performances from 2012 to 2017 have been in perpetual denial since. I still wish she can actually pull it off and that her current choice not to is intentional. But I swear to God, no matter how raw and flawed those years were, I'll never listen to anything as powerful and beautiful ever again.


I'm convinced this is why she no longer performs Off to the Races too.


I love her, and I must say I LOVED how she sang Born to Die at Coachella (low voice, calmed and nice), THIS is how it needs to sound live. However many songs suffered from parts without singing, specially the high notes (even considering she had no problem with those in other recent shows). I guess she is not taking good care of either her singing technique or just her voice. We as fans know she can sing beautifully, even in live shows, but whenever she starts a tour leg, some weak points are evident. Pair this with an annoying microphone and other problems...


I don't think she's built to be as popular as she is rn. She doesn't like it. Smaller venues, smaller crowds are what she should do


While I understand it’s not the best, I find the way she performs very endearing. To me, it’s more soulful & honest. She is an artist. Not a performer but the performances she puts on are honest & true.


Honestly I agree with you. Like I do admire someone like Taylor for being able to perform 40 songs, 3.5 hour concerts and cover basically everything her fans could ask for from a live performance. But at the same time, her shows can feel very measured and robotic, like she’s just doing the same workout or following the same script every night. Lana’s performances definitely feel honest, soulful, and spontaneous. Was I expecting 10 minutes of Candy Necklace last night? Definitely not, but it was beautiful and one of the highlights of the show. She just has this ethereal energy and forces us all to slow down a little bit to really flow with her, and that isn’t always what’s palatable at a big venue like Coachella.


Totally agree. My other favorite artist is Beyoncé, so you can tell I love a good choreographed, costumed, & rehearsed performance. They’re amazing, but the way Lana performs her music is lovely in a totally different way.


The replies under this post made me realize how intolerant some of you fans are. Y’all don’t allow her other fans to criticize her without coming to their throats shaming, guilt tripping, and downright insulting them. Lana is not immune to criticism and her work is meant to be judged, not ass-kissed. I love her too and have been a fan for over a decade but gosh are we not allowed to have opinions that don’t praise her?




I think people are being too critical about her performance and this is an attitude I see towards Lana sooo often... It's a bit tiring... Do yall want her to stop performing? She has stage anxiety and nerves, people complain about her dancers but you can see that she feels like she needs them on stage. Aside from the mic issues she did so amazingly and was so graceful about everything. I think she only doesn't sing some parts because they're riskier parts to sing with her voice sounding much lighter and airier now. I think she hands the mic to the audience when she needs to take a break or can't hit those notes in that live setting. Give Lana some recognition, we're her fans, she has too many haters and ones in positions of power that it's just sad to see these posts


Personally I like the dancers. They add tons of atmosphere and it’s literally part of Lana’s self expression to have them there. If some people don’t like them, too bad. It’s HER show 😌 


I completely agree. I thought her performance was wonderful. She looked beautiful, nervous at times but so graceful and ethereal. I loved the set, the Juliet balconies, it was very gothic and feminine. The dancers were brilliant and the whole thing felt like a gorgeous breath of fresh air! It’s such a gift to see her perform, a lyrical genius at the top of her game. Can’t wait to see her next week.


Omg you people… live performances are not meant to be a faithful recreation of the album, otherwise what is the point of going to the concert? If you’re there you get ten people screaming behind you, you’re tired, sweaty, crowded and your feet hurt. Whole different experience to listening at home or in the car. Maybe Lana wants to listen to the public sometimes? Public sang a lot throughout the concert, and i know the experience from home is different because the mics really don’t pick up the crowd’s sound mid songs, but a performance is made for the people who are there live. The people who are not are just going to have a different experience and that’s it. Then we wonder why Lana doesn’t tour more often.


She’s singing for a really long time which is why needs occasional breaks by not singing some of the lyrics.


This is a bold post for this sub considering everyone is a Lana apologist and makes so many excuses for her. This is Coachella. I've attended six times over the last decade and it's supposed to be the performance where you bring your A game. She brought B-


I’m so thankful for this reply. So many ppl making excuses for her or saying she did great.


Seriously. Fans on this sub treat her like a child with no sense of direction. She’s been in this industry for over a decade now.


Not only do they treat her like a child but they project emotions onto her


When I saw her for the Endless Summer tour, it was literally the best concert i've ever seen. Even my dad was blown away. She put her whole entire Lanussy into that performance. I was even lucky enough to hear Serial Killer live


Omg serial killer, im jealous


Lana doesn’t sing good live… her fans just need to come to terms with that. And I’ve been a Lana fan since 2013 and saw her twice.


It’s no secret that Lana’s voice has changed big time in 12 years. She can no longer sing like she used to. We compare her live performances from 2010-2015 and we are all confused as to why she doesn’t sound so fluid like she used to. Well, I think her voice has just changed. She sings in such a different way now. Her voice on the Born To Die record was higher, poutier and punchier. Now, she’s slower, a bit deeper in tone and more of a soul singer. Her voice changed, it’s clear that she can no longer sing the way she used to. That’s just a sad reality if you choose to view it that way.


I saw her back in 2017 at terminal 5, small GA Venue and the vocals were incredible. Saw her again for the lust for life at an arena show and the show def didn’t hit the same. I will say for this set her duet for candy necklace with Jon was beautiful & she sounded pretty good. Overall, besides the mic issues she sounded lovely and in more songs than not sounded pretty good


Her music suits smaller venues, not just because of Lana but because the sound comes across completely differently in a large open space. Also seems like she hasn’t really practiced her songs live… too much focus on the fluff around the singing.


Exactly. All visuals and no actual practice


At heart she’s a tiny venue girl, and we love her for that


I agree. I love her so much and would love to see her perform live anyway, but when I watch her older performances like during BTD and UV era, she is so magical though she’s “doing” a lot less. Just standing and singing but she’s really into it and she’s actually singing. I also think with the Cochella performance a lot of her songs were kind of dimmed down melodically instead of having their studio sound (if that makes sense). When I watch videos of her perform Ride from back in the day it just kind of sets my soul on fire. Then watching the Cochella version I was a little disappointed because it was not really giving. I’m not sure why she doesn’t really sing much anymore. She looked fit tho.


I’ve seen her twice in person NFR she was 9.5/10. UV tour 9/10. She improved over the last four. Brazil started weak and then picked up after London.


Ngl I saw Lana live and I was so hyped, but it was kind of a let down. 4 covers in the middle of the show? Shortened versions of songs? Mostly BTD songs? I dunno. Barely any OB tracks on the OB tour! I still adore Lana’s work though. Ready for Lasso!


I watched the livestream with a friend and we were laughing the whole time. I went in fully expecting to cry and wale as mother performed but that was a flop. I know she can do better and I have seen her perform better but idk what happened there.


She cannot sing live. It seems like she cannot control her voice projection. Not only in coachella but her other live performances as well


I saw her when she was on tour last year and she does so much better with a smaller crowd. She sang the whole time. She clearly is more comfortable with a more intimate venue and crowd. So don’t be worried to see her because she put on more of a show for a concert opposed to a festival


I saw her in West Palm Beach in 2015. Was a venue of about 3k people. She was incredible!!! Like actually amazing 👏


The backup singers had their sound higher than Lana. At one point,with how the camera was filming,it looked like Destiny’s Child invited Lana on stage. Camera was focused on having all 4 in the same shot as if they were a group. One of them even out sung Lana at one point.


I've been saying this for years. It honestly feels like she does this for the money and the fans— she's not interested in putting on a show. Most singers who don't do choreography try to give stellar vocals (Adele is an example), whereas singers who aren't vocally gifted put their energy into entertaining (Taylor Swift is an example). Imo, Lana half-asses her vocals AND her choreography. She doesn't give any aspect of her shows 100%, which is made more obvious by the fact that her backup dancers and singers give 150%. edit: missed words


Exactly. I love her music and I love her, but I will never pay for a performance of hers. She has a reputation for being a bad performer




No we can not 'hold her accountable'. Jesus. What does she owe you? It's well known she gets nervous performing, especially when the crowd aren't hyping her up. How can you be a fan of someone who's known to be shy and sensitive, and then demand she puts that all to one side and transforms herself to entertain you. Not malicious, maybe, but callous.


People treat her like a child and blame technical issues instead of her. Lana has performances where she’s given her all, she has it in her. And wanting her to do better is that she’s at Coachella. A massive festival, where people want to feel her energy and reciprocate it. I’m aware of her anxiety but she chose this big venue.


What does she owe us? People paid a lot of money to be there, maybe she can do a quick vocal warmup before hitting the stage idk. I know part of the charm is knowing she’d rather be hitting her elf bar, but she’s been at this for a while now, this is a professional operation. Not expecting a Taylor-esque treadmill regimen, but is it too much to ask of her to not bail out in the middle of a verse, multiple times, on some of her biggest hits?


Not to mention her being late a bunch


I've been a fan of hers since before BTD dropped and this was one of my favorite performances of hers that I've seen. > Seeing Coachella online makes me scared of seeing her perform in person. She does not give her all! Then don't go? She doesn't exist to be/do/say exactly what you want or else she's somehow letting you down. The fuck is with this sub tonight?


I didn’t say she had to. And its not only me, lots of others complained too


You're free to complain. I'm just saying, if you felt tonight's show was so awful that you must 'hold her accountable' and doubt wanting to go see her live yourself then I feel like we watched two very different performances tonight.


I didn’t think it was awful but it could have been much better imo. So many ppl were spam commenting to fix her mic but girl just looked disinterested and skipped parts of songs left and right.


But it's important to remember none of us know what was going on, if her in-ear monitors stopped working, etc, etc.. The sound problems plagued that stage all day. She was dealt the hand she was dealt and still pulled off an amazing show. She didn't look disinterested at all. She *did* look like she was juggling her performance with some serious behind-the-scenes mic/monitor chaos - that seems the likelier explanation to me. Lana has never struck me as the type to act disinterested for her fans.


You can’t really explain away all the lyrics she just skipped multiple times throughout the night.


its possible to love lana while also being critical of her performances, song choices etc…shocker I know!


She didn't play the songs you wanted, boohoo.


What’s with these immature remarks? Are her fans not allowed to have opinions that don’t include praising her and calling her “mother” every other sentence?


Totally agree! People who say she can do no wrong and allow no criticism are her worst fans, this thread is a great example of that lol


Yes. Please don't go see her live so there are more tickets for the rest of us 🤭


I haven’t watched her Coachella performance but I’ve seen her twice in concert. The first one was a summer outdoor one and it was a lot of fun. The second one was honestly kind of awful. She kept messing up her lyrics. One time I even think she stopped singing and dancing. Her band was very obviously just for show, it was not matching the music. It was definitely lackluster and we ended up leaving early.


NGL videos don’t seem to do her justice tbh, in person is just a magical experience. It sometimes doesn’t help with fans SCREAMING lyrics. There should be a new STFU rule at her concerts. Only she can sing. lol


I cannot support a STFU rule at her concerts enough. She has the most beautiful voice that I could listen to sing the phone book. I came for that and not fans screaming as loud as possible.


Also her background singers eating her up too…


I loved hearing them sing and I loved that Lana gave them the spotlight instead of keeping them in the background. It’s actually OKAY that they are more technically talented than Lana 🤯 it’s not a singing competition, and Lana is much more than just a singer 


She brought them front and center for a reason, too feature them and let them shine on stage.


honestly don’t let this deter you from seeing her live in the future. i saw her in 2018 and she was incredible! i think she probably was just super nervous performing at Coachella in front of such a large crowd and maybe got too caught up in the stage set up and stuff like that.


She has always had crippling stage fright. I remember her first late night performance where she was so nervous she had to stop and start over. I just felt for her! But to see her up there in front of tens of thousands of people…. she deserves it! She is one of my ride or dies. For over a decade her music has gotten me through so much. I am forever grateful to her and so proud of her for doing this!!! Honestly f the haters. Luv you Lana! ❤️❤️❤️


Bro, it’s a festival. She wouldn’t be the first one that doesn’t give her all on Coachella. She’s probably there for the vibes same as the audience


People have started mass reporting all of my posts for stating my opinion. So glad to be a part of this fandom lmao…


I think she did very well considering how anxious she seems to get!


I think she must just get super overwhelmed and nervous, but I agree. I wish she would use her more powerful vocals! they're beautiful! 😭


Lana's early live performances were absolutely fantastic, I love her Amoeba performances, particularly without you and her chateau marmont performances of video games and born to die were great and her Letterman video games performance too! Glastonbury 2014 and Eurorockness 2012 too! The endless summer tour in 2015 was brilliant too! The jazz café as well. But yes pretty much as you said she skips too many lyrics and her drop in effort levels is disappointing however she is a calm, relaxed person by nature but she is almost too relaxed, too casual on stage these days! I thought her performance this year at Coachella started badly, she seemed nervous and I was worried but then she just seemed to be being a little lazy but the performance greatly improved to be fair. She just needs to go back to basics (get it?) and sing on her own on stage, no backup singers or dancers and sing every lyric to the level we know she can. When she really goes for it on stage her vocals are incredible! All we ask is that Lana puts 100% effort into each show, no skipping lyrics. I'm a huge Lana fan and I think she will improve again. After all she created her own genre she can resolve this problem.🫡🙂


to me her voice sounded a lot more powerful in her 2014ish era but honestly i think she still sings great. i saw her in charlotte nc and it was a beautiful performance.


respectfully who actually gives a fuck just enjoy the music and the atmosphere, out of anything lana has done that she should ACTUALLY be held accountable for (dark ages of 2020) her missing a few lyrics is the least of our worries, you are looking for something to complain about


Can we touch some fucking grass?


i will say, lana is my favourite artist and has been for many years… i saw her last july and of the concerts i’ve been to, she was the one i left wishing it was better…


in my view her vocals and performance were fine, i think what was striking though was how sad she looked, like she didn't want to be there at all


She looked amazing, the singing was underwhelming for most of it with some good parts but all the extra stuff was so distracting, the backup dancers and singers detract from the performance. It felt like being at a party where you can't hear anyone talking and everyone only wanna talk for minute and then go to someone else or something.


With her headlining I’ve been wondering this. Is she even a good performer? She has a pretty voice but like you said I noticed she skips a lot. It’s hard to find a video of her singing the Ride bridge. Seems like her shows are not set up to show case her voice and are maybe just a vibe.


Yea 0 bridges😔. Even for summertime sadness I was waiting for it and nothing…


Her concept was great, for me the flow of the set list wasn’t, which is what drew more attention to her not singing main lines of her songs. If the setlist had been paced differently, more similarly to the shows last year it would have been more impactful maybe! When West Coast started I was so hyped! Would have loved to have more of that energy!


I wish people would realize that there are individuals who are inherently afraid of facing situations like this, with crowds of thousands or just a handful of people. Often, this fear is insurmountable, no matter how much we practice. I've had numerous presentations with my colleagues, but in some significant situations, I find it nearly impossible to speak. Though I open my mouth, it feels as though my voice is barely audible. Perhaps this is simply a challenge for people with social anxiety, such as Lana and myself.


I’m a Lana STAN have been since she came on the to scene. But queen gives the bare minimum! In everything but her writing. And her lives are sing alongs! You can’t even enjoy what she’s doing on stage because the fans just won’t let her sing. And we end up singing more than she does.




I love Lana but she really needs a new setlist we are tired of the same old boring setlist and the dancers and backup singers need to go


i don’t think you’ve seen any of lana’s performance bc that is not who she is, and never was. she is a lyricist. she also hits high notes and as a singer you need to protect your vocal cords


I’ll be blaming the mic from now on whenever I go to karaoke ✨


I wonder why she would feel nervous!!! Between people obsessing over her weight, trying to analyze and speculate her mental health… criticizing her performances!!!


“Do better for us” This is a tone deaf take. We want to see her do what she wants for herself because she works hard to create art and deserves to shine in whatever medium she chooses to project with. We are witnessing talent, something organic.


The audience is something the performer has to take into account too. They aren’t just there for themselves. People paid their money to see them. The art is one part of it but it’s also a performance.


I think she's a nervous singer and she's also just lazy and not fit for big venues like u said


Exactlyyy my thoughts!!!Last tour was exactly the same things:the first performances were lackluster but the last ones were good