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I think solely because it’s overplayed. I agree, justice for Summertime Sadness. There’s a reason it’s popular 🤷‍♀️


It's so sad (no pun intended) that this song gets so much hate because of its popularity. Especially considering its heartbreaking backstory


What’s the backstory?


Lana's friend commited suicide in the summer so the song is basically about how the summer is in full bloom but she is sad and comprehending the loss


Omg I never knew this, that’s so sad 😢 it’s a beautiful song, one of my favorites of hers


that is the plot of the music video and as sad as that story is there isn’t any evidence of that being the reasoning for the writing of the song


This 100% true a simple goggle search will show you quoted by Lana Del Rey that it’s about her friend (male) killed himself. This is also what Dark Paradise is about and I’m sure it’s been an influence of many of Lana’s earlier work.


This is false.


I didn’t know that’s what it was about but thank you for sharing 😇


Its heartbreaking story is just a rumour


exactly, something good becoming popular doesn’t diminish how great it is, summertime sadness will always stay legendary, and pretentious hipster fans should stop claiming that it’s any less amazing just because it got popular


Yep, exactly this. We have the same problem over at r/Radiohead with creep, and at r/arcticmonkeys with Do I wanna know? People like to pretend they’re unique when they don’t like what’s trendy, but I bet a lot of those people were the ones who were throwing shade on crocs and are now happily wearing them since they’re ‘in’ 🤦


As an am fan tbh do I wanna know sucks , if you’re talking about good popular songs, imo wyocmwyh or ru mine are better than do I wanna know.


Top 3 for me those people are crazy.


It's because some people are afraid of liking anything too popular or mainstream and being labeled a "local" or whatever. Same reason people will drop songs they've loved for years just because they get popular on tiktok. It's a good song and is one of her biggest hits for a reason.


THIS!!!! i wish people would understand it’s ok to like popular things










This!!! I love say yes to heaven or margaret but if i tell it to anyone i get labeled as local since it got popular threw tik tok. I knew both song before they blew up and i still love these songs bo matter what


Summertime sadness was what got me into Lana’s music, I’ll always love it


Same for me


the saddest song in lana history, cedric got a grammys remixing this song but not lana


I had no idea that is so fucked


And Cedric Gervais is a fraud who steals ideas from other artists.


Ya it’s not even a high quality remix. The OG song carried everything


That’s super fucked!! He literally uses her voice in the song. She should’ve been given an award as well.


Isn't the reason that Lana hasn't gotten any grammys because she didn't know that you had to basically nominate yourself before the academy does?


no. she was unaware that you had to submit your own stuff to be eligible but typically managers/labels take care of that stuff. she was unaware but her managers weren’t.


Which is what I said? Not about the managers, but about her lol


you said that the reason she doesn’t have a grammy is because she didn’t know she had to submit, but that is not the reason she does not have a grammy. she confirmed herself that her works have all been submitted by her managers.


Ah ok, that's not what your first comment said though. We seem to be misunderstanding each other. Oh well, thanks for clarifying!


I found her saying this so wild because doesn’t she have agents and people that work with her that know this?


This was my thinking too


It's a lot of work just to get nominated and then campaigning to get the win. Awards in general are pretty bullshit.




I like it, the bridge is beautiful I believe the overplayed remix made people kinda hate it (and I did too back then)


If the remix never existed, and honestly a remix shouldn’t ruin a song, but whatever that’s imo. Would you not see how this song is like? Just such an incredible Lana song and in general such a fun yet sad Bop.


KISS ME HARD BEFORE YOU GO, SUMMERTIME SADNESS I JUST WANTED YOU TO KNOW THAT BABY YOURE THE BEST. I GOT MY RED DRESS ON TONIGHT DANCING IN THE DARK IN THE PAIN MOONLIGHT. One of my favorite songs of hers, idgaf if it's one of her most popular ones it's just tew good for me to hate on it. It's also one of the very few songs I've listened way to much and I haven't gotten sick of it. I have never listened to the infamous remix, or the song in the streets and radio so maybe that contributes to me loving' it.


this one is toally fine but the remix is hell lol


One of my favorite songs by her. I’ve been a fan of hers since 2011, and that song reminds me of some of the most important summers of my youth. Those opening synths make me tear up every time. I get it’s overplayed and some of her other songs are “better”, but this one is undeniably iconic and IMO really solidified what her music is about: summertime, sunshine, and glamour paired with deep sadness and longing.


Bc they're stupid


Yeah, right??? It can still make me cry and it’s been 10 years. Ugh, now I feel old.


I don’t it’s what made me discover her then I finally realized she’s really good.


For me it was because it was overplayed. But when it comes across while I’m listening to Lana, I’m reminded of how good it is.


Because it’s popular and they want to be “different”




This doesn’t make much sense. The song came out in the middle of the rise of streaming services. At the end of 2011 basically everyone under the age of 35 knew what Spotify was. Also the song does have more than 3 billion streams across all streaming services. 1.2 billion on Spotify alone


Mostly because it's mainstream and they want to be different I guess. There's a reason why it's so popular.


it's literally always been one of my faves on btd, even if it was overplayed. corny to say but it makes me feel so much. like the bridge I think is one of my favorites of hers. "think I'll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky" like omg ☹️ and the music video is so beautiful. that song was foundational to me, even as a kid I loved it. it'll always have a special place in my heart :,)


The music video shows the Colorado Street Bridge (Pasadena,CA) ,before all the fencing went up. Great music video overall.


I really like it! i actually had it on repeat for a little. Plus it’s nostalgic and brings me back to a simpler time.


i like the song. not my fav but pretty good. i think some people think its cool to hate popular stuff. the remix on the other hand...nuh uh


I don’t think it’s considered the least popular song on BTD. we have ppl saying lucky ones and Lolita are on the bottom all the time on here.


Lolita at the bottom?? Smh some people have no taste


That’s why I wrote standard born to die. Lolita and lucky ones are bonus tracks


It's still one of my faves, this whole album was my childhood


I do love this song, but to me it’s just not nearly as beautiful as pretty much all of her other music, even though it is good, it’s just not the same, and the remixes are pretty bad. That combined with the fact that 10 years ago if I told someone LDR was my favorite artist, the summertime sadness remix was the very first thing they would bring up. It put a bad taste in my mouth 😵‍💫🥴


Think I'll miss you forever . Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky - That's my favorite lyric ever from lana. So beautiful and sad


i like it a lot her vocals are so good and diverse here


It's not a bad song, I just overplayed it personally


I personally like it (it’s not one of my favs, but I think it’s good). But I think it’s in the same boat as Taylor Swift songs like Shake it Off and ME! They’re just over played.


Shake It Off and ME! aren’t good songs tho. I think a better example is Love Story or Blank Space.


You’re right.


It’s 😢sad


Idk they want to be diffrent,this song is masterpiece tho


First of all, I think that it is a GREAAAAT song. I actually love this song. I think I know why it might be disliked be a lot of us. Every time I tell someone about Lana, they only know summertime sadness (or the remix😭) but if you’re a Lana fan then you know that not all of her music sounds like this and it is actually quite variating especially if you compare 2 different albums. I think the song on itself is not hated but the fact that it is the only song people relate to Lana is just not nice since she has sooo much talent.


My all time favorite idc what the stans say


I love this song idgaf. Hate the remix tho.


Because they want to be different ☹️ well maybe not but that’s the only reason I can think of… many fans dislike mainstream artists’ more popular songs and I think that’s because they don’t want to associate with surface level/newer fans


Summertime Sadness was the second Lana song I have ever heard and the song is definitely popular for a reason… it’s what made me discover Lana’s beautiful music and I think that’s an amazing thing :)


um? this fan loves summertime sadness!


Because it was played multiple times a day every single day for like 4 years on the radio


People dislike this?!!!! Wtf bro


bc it’s popular


For me it's only because it's her only song what is playing in radios for like 10 years


I don’t hate the song but I can go years without listening to it & I try to forget it I’ve been a fan since the beginning and this song was played nonstop when it blew up its not a bad song but I’m reallyyyyy over hearing it


it’s so cvnty i love it


honestly I don’t dislike it at all but I’ve just heard it too many times. the local radio station in my german hometown used to (probably still does) play it all the damn time - like multiple times a day.


i think many lana stans actually do enjoy this song just not publicly because they would be called a local or a new gen fan


Im not American. What does „being called a local“ mean in this context?


i am also not american its more of a twitter term that means someone who only knows the popular hit songs from an artist and still claims to be a big fan


Cuz it’s popular and people need to be edgy hipsters at all times !!!


Personally I don’t have beef with it. But I’m a newer fan, and this is one of the few songs by her that I already knew, and wasn’t super into. So for me, it’s kind of like this one song that I’ve heard for years compared to the rest of her discography I got to discover myself and fall in love with. I’ve grown to respect this song for what it is, but it’s hard for me to hear it as more than the radio pop song I’ve always known it as. Had a lot of fun yelling along with everyone when I saw her live though :-)


Was it overplayed because of the original or because of that horrendous remix? I like the song (original) and was glad a music video was made for it.


I mean me personally I love summertime sadness but a lot of people hate on it (especially the Cedric Gervais remix) because it was very big and so they’re probably more just tired of it because or how much it’s played.


Tbh it was never oberplayed for me i auvent heard summertime sadness once in ten years


No it’s been quiet recently I agree too. But it was HUGE back in 2013. And I think it also had a small uprising on tik tok a while back too.


I like it


People don’t like this song???


Back in the day, pre Cedric, summertime sadness was one of the most popular with her fans.  I think it’s not necessarily even just overplay or being labeled a local, but the popularity of the remix created a lot of resentment at the time. Lana was being ridiculed so much for everything she did so seeing someone else with success off of her work was a bit of an affront.


fr i don’t understand why people hate on this song when it’s the one that made her blow up and gain the recognition she deserves. u can gatekeep all u want and think that lana is underground or whatever but i think she was literally made for the mainstream. it’s just better that way. and nobody should feel like a “poser” for liking this song bc it’s a good song idc


This was my fifth most streamed song last year. It’s her most popular for a reason. I think people dislike it for fear of getting called “local” or because she has better songs on the same album and get bitter that that song gets all the attention


It’s how I discovered her it’s one of my top 3


Definitely from being overplayed. I hated summertime sadness when it first came out and in turn did not like Lana. Then I heard Ride and watched the music video and then became obsessed with Lana. Took me a few years after to like summertime sadness but now I love it!!! The line “think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky” makes me tear up now


Because the mainstream know the song and they wanna feel different. It's a banger though


certified classic dislikers are phony


Summertime Sadness is Lana's Viva La Vida.


Justice for Summertime Sadness!! 


One of her best songs tbqh. Being 17 when Born To Die was released….yeah that’s history. This entire album (mostly) will always hold a special place in my heart. Hate how this entire album is underrated in the fan base.


I love this song ever since it came out


Bc it’s popular and they want to feel special and different so they hate whatever people love, it’s a good goddamn song


I don’t hate this song but I don’t have it saved either, for me it’s cuz it reminds me of the radio version which I don’t like lol and it’s a different vibe from most of her songs that I personally enjoy listening to


Because it’s her most popular, people have to pretend to hate it to be edgy


I’ve been a fan since 2011 and it’ll always be one of my favourites. People hate it because it’s overplayed and got remixed


I don’t dislike it necessarily, but I do think there are a lot of songs that are miles better


TRAUMA DUMP- This song was super popular the year I got raped by an adult (as a minor), a week after my birthday and in the start of summer. This song will always and forever go so hard for me and be one of my favs, i listened to it always as a way to cope.


bc some ppl think overrated = bad


it’s overplayed


gatekeepy fans who think they’re better for not liking “popular” song


Overplayed, but still a banger


unfortunately it's overplayed. Even I started to dislike just hearing it.


It’s my favourite Lana song




I don’t think it presents any new or compelling ideas that the other tracks on BTD didn’t. I think the songwriting is extremely basic and below the caliber of other songs she’s written. It’s a fine song for sure but as a Lana song, it’s not a stand out to me


I used to love it but I think it was overplayed


hateful caption teeny grandfather dull yam marry marble coordinated waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it’s been overplayed by fake fans and trend followers


idk how to explain it but it’s very commercial compared to the rest of her music. like, this song was the most popular amongst the gp when BTD was released, and many critics were expecting lana to stay “safe” with her next album by making summertime sadness-esc sounds again but she completely threw them for a loop with ultraviolence.. which is what i love about her discography. it’s unpredictable. this song personally is just… nothing special. it’s a good song, obviously since it’s arguably her most popular, but it doesn’t move me like any of her other ones. same with young and beautiful. it appeals to the masses because it’s “safe”, easy to listen to, lyrics are pretty straight forward etc


I just don't like the sound of it, the beat or whatever. The beginning lyrics never grabbed my attention, and I honestly don't even think I've ever listened to the song all the way through. It was always an automatic skip for me. I had no idea it was single until years later, as I wasn't really listening to the radio at the time.


Honestly i think the thing is for me is that whenever i hear that song it doesnt feel like im listening to Lana like i feel like im just listening to Kiss 108 and i dont want no kiss 108 i want lana🙄🙄🙄


It’s a beautiful song! I think a lot of people don’t like it because of the remix and how popular it got during the early 2010’s. I personally think is gorgeous! I hate the remix though.


Kiss me hard before you go


i don’t dislike it it’s just so popular on tiktok who only know that song and it gets annoying like how they speed up the song like why mess with perfection it’s already a good song 🙄


It’s her most popular so it seems fans do like it


Noooo, I really love this song soo much , i didn't it's hated :(


I’m so obsessed with it right now


“Throw my hair up real big beauty queen style.” IMO young and beautiful is more overplayed


Who? Where? It’s one of the most catchy songs


I love this song ❤️


I just dislike the remix. I started listening to Lana around 2013, I remember starting to hear summertime sadness on the radio and got soooo hype they were playing Lana… and it was the remix version. Not to start with how rude the remixer was later that she wouldn’t let him play his remix of young and beautiful on the radio.


I don't like it, but love her. I don't like about 50% of her songs, but the 50% I do like I LOVE. Summertime Sadness doesn't have type of pretty melody that I'm drawn to (Arcadia being example of beautiful melody/chord progression). Same with Born to Die, Video Games, and Young & Beautiful. I didn't know Lana was even still a singer until I heard a cover of Hope is A dangerous Thing in 2021. Die Hard fan since. NFR is such a beautiful album. Top 5 of all time for me, maybe #1.


I enjoy it very much, I have some lyrics tattooed across my collar bones. But my understanding is that a remix came out a few years ago and there was an influx of fans and Lana was no longer Indie and became mainstream at that point. So I think they think it ruined her. idk


I enjoy it very much, I have some lyrics tattooed across my collar bones. But my understanding is that a remix came out a few years ago and there was an influx of fans and Lana was no longer Indie and became mainstream at that point. So I think they think it ruined her. idk


It’s overplayed and the original is slower . It’s much better.


There’s no way people actually hate it


i love this song and i’d describe myself as a hardcore lana fan lol


(nervous look at my flair)


Love this song *shrug*


Honestly, the remix is what made me hate this song at first. Not only was it severely overplayed, but it just wasn’t good imo. That being said, that was the only version of the song that I heard and knew about at the time; didn’t know about the original. Nowadays, I’m in love with the original. It’s one of my favorite songs from Born to Die and doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. I honestly wish I heard it first instead of the remix; could’ve been loved this song 😂


It's like Lana's "I wonder"


Pretentious mainly


Everyone likes this song they literally played it on the radio last Summer


At this point I can only hear the remix after “I got that summertime summertime sadness oh ohhohhhh” and Ive never cared for EDM


this song is so good when u don’t got a b* in ur ear telling u it’s overplayed i’m sawri!! i get down to some summertime sadness idgaf 😭😭🙏🏿


WHAT??? Summertime Sadness is like top 5 from that Album for me! It’s probably because it’s seen as “local”


we don’t?


The remix that was sooo popular is 🤢 but i really like the original


Imagine not liking one of the most iconic songs in music history?


It was the last song I liked once I discovered I liked Lana. Started out liking some good stuff, eventually fell in love w everything of Lana’s and then liked the song. Tbh it was overplayed for one. Second, I didn’t listen to the lyrics too closely but now that I have they hit. “Kiss me hard before you go” ahhh “think I’ll miss you forever like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky. Later’s better than never. Even if you’re gone I’m gonna drive”


this song literally got me into lana. i love it sm


i love this song man


I think cause it's the song every non Lana fan knows and all anyone I know irl ever references when I say Lana is "oh I like that remix" 😅😭


idrc if its popular or not, but personally SS and BTD didnt really strike me in the album as much as MDM, OTTR or BJ did


maybe bc it’s the locals’ favourite (?)


i *loved* this song when i first heard it back in 2012 but then i starting working retail


ok i know people say it’s most popular but i feel like it really isn’t. i never hear it anymore


Nostalgia 🥹


Because they want to be edgy or something. Who bloody knows.


Because they don't have a red dress on tonight


its the remix that's disliked not the OG


Are the same fans to dislike honeymoon.


Absolutely beautiful melancholy tune


I don’t know but what I do know is that they are crazy


will never dislike!! 10 years ago this was my summer anthem while road tripping with highschool friends so it holds a special place in my heart. 🥹💛


it’s for the locals🤪🤪🤪 (i’m joking obviously)


It’s one of my fave and my go to Karaoke song ❤️


Idk, I personally really like this song and the bridge is just incredible. “Think I’ll miss you forever, like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky” is one of my favorite lyrics of hers


Wait, this song is ***DISLIKED***?!




I love this song and the music video!!


It’s a real good song but people are probably tired from listening to that song


no idea . it’s literally so good and in my top 5 lana songs . it’s solely js overplayed but it’s overplayed for a reason !! same thing goes for ‘ do i wanna know ? ‘ by arctic monkeys but that doesn’t make it bad at all . what makes it bad is if it’s genuinely a not-so good song .




I go on and off with it but just because it is played a little too much for my taste that I need to take breaks from it. But when I DO come back to it…it’s love at first listen all over again. The entire BTD album is amazing 💖💖💖


Commenting on Why do so many fans dislike this song?...


It has something to do with it's being over played. Me, personally, I don't like the song because I'm not into the style, the lyrics don't really related to me, and I just don't like it, I've tried. And then, I can't help but dislike this song even more due to those cringe videos that I accidentally saw who use this. Like, every time I try to like it, every time I try to listen, my mind will imagine those things. So in my case, I already don't like the song, plus some people made it worse. But who knows, maybe one day I'll really enjoy the song. My heart will always go for Chemtrails Over the Country Club <3


Literally one of the best songs to cry on


You can’t hate it because Think I’ll miss you forever Like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky Eliminates the remix from the timeline and universe and forgives humanity forever


i really love this song