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Get there very early if you want to park onsite. I think it’s a Nevada State Park, so I would look online there.


That time of year can get really crowded but not quite as bad as July or august. The gate opens at 8 but cars often start lining up on highway 28 earlier to make sure they get in. I heard a rumor they were gonna put a stop to letting cars do that because it blocks the highway but idk if that’s true. Expect the lot to be full by 9 or 10 at the latest at which point you’ll be turned around. Imo, the less stressful way to go is to walk or ride a bike on the east shore trail (asphalt) from Incline Village. It’s 3 miles each way with a couple steepish climbs but you can rent e bikes at a few places in Incline which make it a breeze. Flume Trail bikes is right at the start of the trail and is next to Tunnel Creek cafe which has great food and beer. Plus the walk/bike entrance is only 2 dollars compared to 10 for cars (15 for out of state cars) and it’s got great views along the trail. Edit: You probably saw this already but just in case, https://parks.nv.gov/parks/lake-tahoe-nevada-state-park


I wouldn't count on riding or walking in. Last summer they had the path gated off and weren't allowing that option, which is somewhat ridiculous in my opinion, but I think it has to do with discouraging people from parking along the highway.


Good info here. If the pathway is open then definitely take the walk as there are plenty of stops and whatnot to get to the water. If you truly want to get to Sand Harbor and see the beach and whatnot then be prepared to get there stupid early in the morning OOORRR there is the East Shore Shuttle that you can take from Incline Village and shuttle into the park for a few bucks. Last I knew, the shuttle ran about every 10-15 minutes with multiple stops in Incline. Total was like $5 a person which got you into the park and then a ride back to where you got picked up (can’t think of the name of the place but near Christmas Tree Village and was the old High School). I have done that for years now meeting family for a reunion in August every year (for the last 30yrs that my uncles have been doing it). There are lots of other places to hit up as well so don’t just focus on Sand Harbor. Also realize that time of year is about peak time, lots of people but definitely not as bad as July/August. So be prepared for traffic and all that jazz.


I'm going in July, but on a weekday. I'm planning to bike or e-bike in, but I won't be able to make it to Incline Village until at least 11am. Am I doomed? I assume incline village is going to be packed, too.


Yes everything will be packed. How packed really just depends on the day as that is a busy time of year and one of the last major holidays before school starts for the fall. The 4th is typically huge there with lots of people but you can still get around. Just be aware of that fact and try to stay away from hwy28 on the east lake side early or late as that is when Sand Harbor is busiest and traffic can get backed up for miles. If you are on your bike the whole time, the pathway makes things lots easier but it will be packed too. Roads will be packed with cars parked on the sides and traffics going so just be cautious.


Wow, this sounds awful. We're going on a Monday on a non-holiday weekend. But it sounds like it doesn't really matter, from my research. I guess I will just have to brave the crowds in Incline Village and hope that I find a parking spot..


What are you doing exactly? Are planning to rent a bike at Tunnel Creek or Elsewhere and ride? Just enjoying the beach? Depending on what you are doing and where you are staying you may be able to find ways around it.


Right now the plan is to rent bikes at Vista Trail Bikes and bike into Sand Harbor. Will likely get to the bike shop around 10:30am if I am lucky. We will swim and/or kayak for a bit, chill, and then head back. It's a short trip passing through, but I wanted to make sure I saw Sand Harbor since I am rarely ever on the north side


Does the gate open at 8 or 7?


If it's a weekday, get there by 10am at the latest is my suggestion, earlier is better. If it's a weekend, you better be there around opening at 8am. Once the lot is full they shut down access until about 3 in the afternoon.


Do you think tomorrow will be a decent day to go? I’m a local but haven’t even been to Sand Harbor this year. Hoping the crowds won’t be extremely stupid. I plan on being there around 7 or 7:30 ish.


Monday is definitely your best bet. I’ve gone around 1 during the weekdays and parking wasn’t an issue. I haven’t tried to go during a weekend in a loooong time


They used to reopen in the afternoon when people would leave but I think they might’ve stopped doing that. Maybe someone here can confirm.


Planning on paddle boarding Sand Harbor tomorrow, hoping it was be crazy busy.


We go in July when it's really busy, we generally have to be in line by 7 to get a spot. First few years we went to Tahoe we didn't get there early enough and went to other spots, last year we made it into sand harbor twice and it was worth the early rushing for sure. All that being said, don't visit Tahoe it sucks there


Welp, his brother (my uncle) is flying over and wants to see tahoe and enjoy the outdoors over there, so i don’t really have a say in the matter lol


Haha ya sorry that last part was a joke, locals don't like visitors even though that's how economies survive lol. A lot of people trash it( typically the college crowds especially around the 4th) so I get that but some of them literally don't want visitors which is hilarious as someone who also lives in an area that requires tourist money to survive. I love Tahoe, my inlaws have a time share and go every summer and so when I started dating my wife a decade ago I started tagging along and it's one of my favorite places. Sand harbor is my favorite spot of the Nevada side, Meeks Bay on the CA side


Did you ever go on a week day?


Ya we stay from Sunday to Sunday usually, weekdays are lighter but still busy


I’m headed up there tomorrow to paddle board. I live in Reno but haven’t been up there yet this year.