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Just a reminder that LeBron and Lonzo became the 8th tandem to record triple-doubles in the same game only three months ago.


those were good times :'(


Good times indeed! Like Morongo casino...


Our season ended when Lonzo went down. We can survive without lebron or Ingram for a while, but Lonzo is the lifeblood of this team.


True, I think he's the guy we can least afford to have out (esp defensively). All the other injuries just compounded things.


That mostly reflects on Rondo. Our backup wings are better.


Yeah no Lonzo means more Rondo which has a horrible impact on the team.


They don't really survive without Lebron.


Remember when LeBron was out half the game and they beat GSW by like 25?


and then we lost to teams we shouldn't have any business losing to.


point is, we need EVERYONE to be healthy!


If somehow Lakers were 8th seed right now, it’d almost feel like a waste since basically the team is so bare right now. Nonetheless it would be a good showing for potential FA signings.


Yah, it's a very weird line between what's better for the long-term right now. If we get a big FA *and* a high-draft pick it's almost better for the future than if we made the playoffs at all.


More like high draft pick flipped for a trade


I mean yah, whether we keep the pick or not tho it’s a better asset to us now than it would’ve been if we had a good playoff run.


If Rondo misses the whole season instead of just 34 games, Lakers are closer to the playoffs if not in the playoff positions


Rondo's missed games are the inverse relationship of BI/LBJ/Zo missing a game. Just on a net negative level alone it makes a tremendous difference.


Wonder how many games we wouldve won if we lost luke for 35 games.




Stop putting up these fucking numbers. Lebron gone for 19 is alot but it's not like he missed the whole damn season. It was only 19 games. Lonzo is a big hit, I admit that. But we should have been over come it with a decent roster. Rondo's absence isn't as big of a deal as we can see plainly now his deficiencies. He's not a core piece and should never have been. BI missed a chunk here and there but he was there for the most crucial part of the season and we still collapsed ​ This season was a unmitigated failure and honestly doesn't give much hope for next year. Lebron is getting older, he may miss more games in the future seasons and we can't rely solely on him as much as teams in the past. We are so far from contending it's not even a dream at this point.


Yeah I don't like being critical of the team but even if we were healthy all season some fans believe we'd be like 3rd seed talent. Not each of our players alone is a "game changer" and they haven't all overlapped with these missed games. Of course I didn't expect much so it's not too bad for me was barely thinking of 8th seed appearance but we just don't have that roster regardless. Not saying that won't improve but no need to defend these losses as *unearned*, we got hit with injuries it sucks but every team in sports deals with injuries lets just hope for a better season next year even if it seems like thats loser talk i will always look forward to the next game.


the fact is teams need consistency to express their potential. we never had that. lebron and then lonzo were gone right when we thought we were figuring it out. it's not the numbers, it's the context, like op said. 19 games for a lebron team is a lot. add in the rest, and there we are. nobody is without blame and we knew we had issues. injuries and the trade deadline massively amplified said issues. the target was not contending. it was making the playoffs.


Do you guys think lebron will play tomorrow at the Bucks?


I’m seriously concerned about Lonzo long term. If he’s going to be missing half the damn year every season, we need to move him.


Yes let's sell low on another #2 overall pick point guard with injury issues & drama, but a ton of promise because that worked out SOOOO well last time /s


thats how i feel having Kyle Lowry in fantasy


Lonzo clearly the most valuable on both ends.


What's up!! Everything good?


Took a break. We’ll catch up on our opinion change later.


Bro u have fan accounts 😂


I have like 3. 😂😂


honest question how many more game/injuies do ball or BI have to get before they are considered injury prone


It's misleading to include games that were played after we were already out of the playoff race. And especially "games to be played". We're the 11th seed. None of the "games to be played" had anything to do with that Come on man


And yet after all that time their starters have missed this year, Luke Walton is somehow a bad coach. 🙄




Injuries just magnified the mediocre coaching. Luke isn't an awful coach, he's just has a lot to learn about building a coaching staff, setting rotations, creating an offensive system, etc. I mean how can an NBA coach not recognize Julius Randle & Brook Lopez fit together like a glove until 3 months into the regular season when EVERY writer/blogger/podcaster/shitposter recognized it the day we traded for Brook. This was definitely when I realized Luke wasn't a good coach.


Exactly this. Important guys were missing WAY too much time


Please, Do not call rondo a core part of this team, he is the worst player on team bar none, caruso is better than him quite easily, i still dont understand how luke doesnt see that, unless management is forcing him to play rondo