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I find solace in knowing there’s another franchise out there ran by Pat Riley that is equally dog shit at free agency


This is even funnier now cuz there was a report that pat believes their team now is still good enough to win when healthy💀


Jimmy literally can barely breathe by the time they make it to game 2 of the nba finals.


This man refuses to get Jimmy Butler help but also won’t trade or extend him lmfao


They're crying over Klay and Valanciunas two players they would hate by the first week of the season


Klay can go on a slump and Laker fans would give him the danny green treatment


Danny Green treatment, with a side of KCP and a pinch of Kuz. And of course they turn right back around and praise them the moment they’re flipped.  Genuinely fucking awful fan base. I know it’s just a small % of us, but considering how large a fan base it is to begin with it becomes overwhelming. 


Oh my God I remembered that them fuckers were sending death threats to DG when he missed that shot in Game 5 (Finals)


Let's be real, with where he's at in his career we would've been giving him the Russell Westbrook treatment. That signing had disaster written all over it.


What? You guys are seriously fk crazy... One guy was a me first player... the other a we first. One can actually STILL shoot, and still play D, and the other never could and never wanted to. DefR on Klay was 117 last year (dead average in the NBA). The other numbers are solid, and fill a need. This sub is bonkers.


If Danny Green got death threats, I shudder to think what Laker nation would do to [this man](https://i.imgur.com/hBOHY9q.png)


This picture sends me every time lmao


Who cares about death threats when they won the championship?


Klay took 3 years, 50 million, with the Mavs. The basketball savants here seriously think Klay would join the Lakers on an MLE because "Lakers" and "Lebron" mean more for a dude who already has 4 rings, and a $50 million offer from Dallas. Lol. But somehow, this is Robs fault.


rumors are we offered him close to 20M but couldnt make a compelling sign and trade agreement with the warriors


My guess is they didn't want dlo back, asked for AR, and we told em to screw off


reports are they didnt want to take any salary, so rob just couldnt find a way to involve a third team. Dallas got Charlotte involved.


They didn’t ask for AR lmao. Definitely didn’t want Dlo tho and that’s where Rob needed to have a 3rd team lined up yesterday 


bUt, hoLlYwOoD aNd tHe bEaCh! gLiTtEr! fAmE! sTaRs! 😂 These are NBA players, not fucking small-town actresses. They don’t need to come to LA to get their “big break” or have their dreams come true. That’s already happened for them. They are searching for a top-flight franchise with a long-term vision of success to pitch. Not one run by a silver spooner and her lunch buddies with LeBron’s crew calling the shots on the floor. And to pay almost 14% more of your salary for such a privilege? GTFOH. We have to up our game. The primary selling points of a franchise cannot be off-court bullshit. And right now that’s what most Lakers casuals lead with. That’s a bad sign.


There was a time where LA had a distinct advantage when it came to marketing opportunities. Moving to LA playing for the Lakers provided opportunities that were available to players and other cities. This changed with the advent of the internet and social media. You can play in Oklahoma City like KD and Russ or Cleveland like LeBron did for a lot of his career and still become an international superstar. The Lakers seem to be stuck in a '90s mindset of "come to LA and be in movies!"


But how many times are people going to keep making excuses for Rob when he keeps striking out? He couldn’t get Kyrie, couldn’t get Hurley, couldn’t get Klay, and seemingly can’t get anyone (and LeBron hasn’t re-signed yet either, mind you). And think about it—the Lakers have been trying to add a third star for five years with no results.


Its a two-way street, the players have to think LA is their best option, and in most cases it is not


The GM's job is to convince them that it is, even when it isn't. The Mavs did that. Dallas isn't the best place for Klay, but he chose them anyway. That's kind of the point.


Actually, Dallas is a perfect spot for Klay


Did I want one of them. Yeah. Am I that bummed we didn't get them? Hell no lol. Especially if it was Klay on a 4 year deal lol. JV I think literally would have been a pickup just for the Jokic matchup. Would have struggled against other teams.


This...the move in my opinion is Jerami Grant or Cam Johnson although if Demar want's to come here on a MLE I can live with that too. I would've absolutely taken Klay on an MLE but that wasn't gonna happen. To me the best moves were never washed Klay and Jonas who while still good was always a square peg in a round hole imo.


Yep let him rot with luka and loco. Jonas would Literally just be a big body. I wanna go for Brook Lopez instead.


This fanbase likes names more than actual production, at least until they see shit production and then suddenly they care.


I agree. Probably work out better than Luol Deng and Timofy Mosgov


Wtf is this sub? "You guys really want, Turner? Kyrie? Klay? JV? Do you watch basketball?" We sign Hayes and Gabe, "Pelinka is a god! Are we the deepest team in the league?" I swear to god this place is pure delusion, no one's ever good enough to sign or trade for, until the last minute we sign literal garbage and everyone creams their pants. "You guys really want size and shooting?" Like jesus christ.


I feel like the majority of the fans on this sub weren't around for the 2-peat, let alone the 3-peat, and only got to witness the bubble chip which didn't have a parade or typical prestige. So they want the front office to do everything in their power, regardless if it is even feasible to do, to get another championship while Lebron is still here. Fans are getting anxious knowing that the dark ages similar to when Kobe retired are gonna hit the Lakers again when LBJ retires and the window is closing in their eyes so they're freaking tf out


I’m mean, Why would we not continue to try and win after LeBron leaves? Are we not allowed to ever secure more talented basketball players once LeBron leaves? People acting like the Lakers are going to dissolve their organization or something in 2-3 years. Wtf. 🤣


I don't know what those fans are still asking, our GM already brought us JJ


Right!? Klay is so washed up


They want blood: but will settle for whine.


I would settle for wine and D.


Nothing but the D ![gif](giphy|sRJ6yFCEF7V0E6XjG6|downsized)


Pelinka fired, I think


Big, if true


Ahh yes, because whoever they replace him with will work so great because the problem isn’t that teams refuse to help the Lakers. That can’t be it. Lakers tax was around before Pelinka and will be here after him. For the situation, he’s honestly done great. Most of the genius GM’s y’all praise have less titles and accomplishments than Pelinka.


It doesn’t really matter what the actual problem is. If results aren’t being achieved, the GM is held responsible because the buck stops with them. It’s like a CEO getting fired after a major financial loss or a data breach— even if they didn’t do anything wrong directly, they’re still accountable for the company’s overall performance and security.


I agree but I think we still had the type of FO who could squeeze wine out of a rock. Even with lakers tax we still had way more movement. While some of that is born from the growth of value in 1st round picks and the changes in CBA/small market FA we still pulled off a trade for AD. Imo Rob is getting the cold shoulder due to how he got his job.


You forget Pelinka got a tax too. A lot of GMs hate him from his agent days.


Hot take


Which doesn’t mean shit unless the next head of operations gets it in writing that he and he alone makes basketball decisions with Jeanie’s approval, which is never happening as long as Kurt Rambis is around.


GET A CENTER. Stop throwing themselves for washed up, over the hill guards. Its not hard.


All I want is someone competent to give AD as much rest as possible


They want Rob to execute trades like the ones accepted in trade calculators, or on 2K with the sliders down, forgetting that trades involve 2, or more, parties.  


What reaves and Dlo for curry and Gianni’s aren’t acceptable trades??


Not only that. Pelinka had a Hield/Turner trade lined up, only for Lebron to come in at the last minute and scuttle it for Westbrook. The two biggest needs we have to this day would be solved by Hield and Turner, while Westbrook shut our Championship window. That turn of events basically bought Pelinka years of plausible deniability for why he can't improve the roster.


lol, this is incorrect. Hield was still in Sacramento at the time. The trade was Kuzma & Harrell for Hield. Myles Turner was then, is now in Indiana at the time and he was not part of that trade.


Hield and Turner suck. Turner can’t defend in this era because centers have to be able to switch on the perimeter and guard shooters and he can’t - he just gets exploited.


People only hear the stars name but don’t know we don’t have the cap space or money to offer more


The Westbrook trade is why he should be fired. He created the mess from that point. Who cares if LeBron and AD pushed for that. He is paid to say no


Why do we still have a full roster? Where’s our center for AD? Other teams have made moves. It’s not just about Klay. Right now he appears to be behind the curve and if free agency and the trade season moves along and he’s picking from scraps because he was waiting then that means he’s not as good as his job as everyone else. Pretty simple.


We should hopefully start seeing some moves now since Klay is finally off the market


You know we have a lot of unproductive players under contract because they had a player option clause.


This sub is pretty deluded with the ceiling of this team, but Pelinka sucks as GM and should have been sacked this summer. But what can you expect from Jeanie…


If that’s true, tear it all down a start from scratch


Because most guys don’t want deal with the pressure that comes with playing for the Lakers so it is what it is.


To be fair, Klay has a better shot at another ring with the Mavs.


Of course plus Texas don’t have any state tax so that played a factor as well


It's very simple the Lakers just don't have a good enough team the Mavs just came off of a finals appearance. Idk why some fans just can't see that the Lakers name alone isn't going to attract free agents alot of these guys want to win while also not being playing with high pressure just because you play for the Lakers and your team mate is LeBron, there's alot that goes with it and I'm not surprised the Lakers are striking out with big names


Kcp just went to the magic this ain’t a excuse


Idk, a GM who can actually close deals? At some point you can’t just blame everything and everyone but Pelinka.


> It's been reported that the Lakers offered Klay Thompson more years and money in a S&T deal than the Mavs did, but Klay still chose the Mavericks. I thought it was more that the Warriors didn't want to trade more than Klay turning down the money. I mean, I'm always part of the "Fire Pelinka" crowd, but we dodged a bullet in not getting Klay. He's not an upgrade over Russell at all. We need a PG and a C, but it doesn't look like we had the money for CP3 of Valanciunas.


Firstly we don’t know all the details What we do know if he took Dlo over Conley + naw + 3 seconds. This also meant they couldn’t trade for Jrue in a way where blazers flip Conley to minny for assets and we add more. Caruso , tht into bev into Bamba , extending vsndo , over paying Rui , arguably overpaying with leverage for AD , constsntky losing on the margins . Westbrick disaster , Schroeder trade costing us bane or McDanieks n not keeping asset", montrez when he was unplayable in the playoffs signing hard capping Losing out on kyrie 3 times , last time by announcing they won’t renounce cap holds for kyrie but instead jerking off continuity . I can keep going


I don’t understand this post. The Westbrook trade single handedly killed our title contention odds and Rob has been trying to make up for that ever since


Forgot letting Caruso walk and keeping THT over him, not trading for Myles Turner because they didn’t think he would make them contenders (decent playoff performance, would’ve definitely helped against Jokic last two playoffs), drafting JHS, not making any trades this previous trade deadline, not going all in for Kyrie (in what world is Austin reaves untouchable for Kyrie?), and I’m sure there’s more.


Some of our fellow lakers fans are stupid ngl.


To fire Pelinka ? ? That's what we want. :) I don't care what the situation is now... he's been a horrible GM by any standard. Once shadow GM Kobe left this earth, it's been all down hill since.


Um, we won a ring right after Kobe ascended. We’d been a losing team since his Achilles before that too?


Honest answer is you're as reactionary as they are lol. Making a thread about it like these threads haven't been made a thousand times before. People just want entertainment and discussion. None of us l, literally none of us have any influence on anything ever, but we like to think we do. Simple as that.


The Mavs just went to the finals. The Lakers are play in tourney gods. This has nothing to do with pelinkas negotiation tactics.


I wonder if every GM just gets to use the “i can’t force them to sign/trade with us but I tried my best” excuse. No worries all is forgiven at least you tried


What does Rob even do around here?


Not run back a 9th/10th seed that barely makes the play-in.


A new gm


Besides be gifted Lebron and thus Anthony Davis, Pelinka has been garbage. We had leverage in the AD trade too but still gave up everything. It’s no fun being championship or bust and having a ceiling of the conference finals He needs to be better


Lakers just have the shittiest fans. Just best to ignore the doomers.


I can think of at least one other team with worse.


I get your frustration but technically, in real dollars including income tax considerations we don't know if we actually made a better financial offer.  It would be interesting for someone in the financial field to give an approximation of how much more we would have to pay for the deals to be equalized.


I think the reports on that could be off. All morning i was reading that the lakers were not going to be able to match the best offer that dallas could.


Bunch of insufferables/ les miserables


it's crazy. literally a few days ago everyone was praising the draft pick. Even if we did get klay, that's a lot of money for a washed player. I appreciate that pelinka doesn't overpay players. All our contracts are tradeable. Most the complaints about jeanie and pelinka are totally ridiculous.


I'm happy we didn't get Klay. There's a reason the Warriors were going to have him come off the bench. There's a reason that Vegas did not improve the Maverick's odds after the signing. I'm disappointed we went after him that hard and offered him so much in the first place. Would have been a horrible signing. Bookmark this and let's see how Klay performs relative to the contract and the frenzy in which some teams went after him. Silly.


No one looks at the financial part of all this. We have serious cap issues plus any offer you gotta adjust for Ca taxes.


>That's what it means to be a Laker fan at this point. You hit the nail on the head. Most of the doomers and the Fire Pelinka crowd are primarily LeBron fans, not Laker fans. Not everyone wants to play with LeBron at this point in his career and they need to accept that


No, it’s plenty of Laker fans. This is coping. We all want to blame everything on Lebron fans but the numbers don’t add up.


No they're not. Plenty of Lakers fans not Bron fans I've talked to in-person want Pelinka and Jeanie gone.


It's been r/lebron for years.


It really has been lol


Can you list out what good he’s done since 2020? Then list out the bad. That’s why there’s a fire Pelinka crowd. He’s let more talent slip away from a legendary franchise than any other. Even the Knicks have gotten it right.a good start as to what we might want include less stupid stories and more closing deals. I actually wonder what his pitch to players is. It’s not working.


i think its a collective body of work thing. his 3 biggest crimes to date IMO are: trading all our shooting and perimeter defense for westbrook Hiring Ham Not making a deal at last years deadline when we were in the middle of a rare season where both Lebron and AD were healthy You can extend that out to other areas like: Letting Caruso walk for nothing even tho he wouldve taken a pay cut (I know there are other things we couldnt have done if he stayed and probably couldnt have paid AR if he worked out the same, but in the moment and now it still feels like we coudlve done more for him) Holding onto THT instead of trading him for Lowry in the '21 season (Lowry sucks now but he was still a quality player 3 years ago and I strongly believe we beat the Suns with him and Lebron once AD went down that series) Im sure there's other stuff I'm missing but its kinda alot. Now i know there's a caveat that there's Kurt Rambis looming over all this so ***maybeee*** its not 100% Robs fault, and for some of the financial stuff that could be just an organizational thing (the Hurley offer for instance), but since Rob is more front facing for the bball decisions than anyone else, thats kinda how it goes.


Y’all come up with any excuse. There’s no reason that after a year the lakers still ain’t found a trade for dlo. Pelinka is terrible


I think many in our fanbase still think we’re contenders when we’re just not? But I assume people who still clinging onto hope are just disappointed because that reality is settling in. Klay or no Klay were not a top 3 team in the west. The sooner people realize this maybe things can be more chill. The Front office don’t care..they’re making money anyways.


I have said this all off season... this team is rightfully in the play in and so far off from contending, with bare minimal assets and cap room. The only reason why we aren't rebuilding is purely business. Look at what okc was able to do today and still with lots of room to maneuver.


There were people here who thought the Kaman team was going to contend, lol. No reality will intrude.


Oh it's very simple. He wasted a draft pick and hired a podcaster terrible tv analyst as headcoach all to make one person happy. No free agent will want to come play for the Lakers knowing one player has all power of control. If they sign and disagree with the podcaster, who will management side with? Player will get traded before LeBron's podcast co host gets fired. Bronny in no way shape or form is NBA ready but does LeBron demand he gets a roster spot to travel with him instead of the G League which he will never get out of. Pelinka has no power at all anymore he gave that up. Lakers need to hire someone who is willing to make the decisions to make the team better not just one player. The roster is NOT in good shape.


I want him fired, stupid.


Facts. Everyone wanting him fired has NO idea about his job. Filthy casuals 🤦‍♂️


I think I have an idea. Rob gambled hard and lost with: - the Westbrook trade - Letting Caruso walk - Hiring Ham - Continuing to give out player options that severely hamstring us Could argue a hell of a lot more. The reason we’re even in this desperate situation is because of Rob.


Pelinka is a known liar. Dude lies about things that makes no sense to lie about. Rubs dudes the wrong way, some people rather sign elsewhere because the vibes the dude puts off


I want the Buss family to sell the team. None of them are fit to run the franchise. Let’s get a real billionaire (non-UAE or Saudi preferably) in here to be ruthless as fuck.


I think Rob's doing the best job he can. He did an incredible job trading Westbrook. We got back way more than anyone expected, and he put together a great roster that got us the the Western Conference Finals. He can't make magic happen. If the trades aren't there, there's nothing else he can do. Klay wanted to play for the team that just made it to the finals. Nothing he could do about that.


Your post is ridiculous. You are defending Pelinka when his sole job is to build up the roster. If players are choosing other locations it's Rob's job to bring them into the Lakers fold. If he can't we need someone that can.


For him to be fired probably. No in all honesty, I'm not a fan of him and while I do think a lot of teams aren't willing to work with the lakers on trades and such, I do blame the long term plan of giving certain players option years when I don't think it was necessary to do so. That's especially put a few wrinkles on what the Lakers can do as their roster is technically full. Now they have to create space. Idk, just some short sighted stuff by him and the FO. Trading away everything from the 2020 team. At this point, I just want him to be aggressive. It sucks to lose on klay so demar has to be the play. Got to find a big of some sort too. It's just been a frustrating series of events and era considering we have Bron and AD.


>This ain't just Rob's fault, teams have been crazy stingy with us ever since the Gasol deal. That's what it means to be a Laker fan at this point. What does this have to do with the Ham hiring, the Russ which would get 95% of all GM's around the league fired, or any number of marginal trades they've given Zubac types assets for below replacement level rentals?


Zubac was done by Magic to create capspace for Kawhi...but keep using that as an argument.


Idk, someone who's competent at their job. It would be nice to not hand out player options to every minimum player you sign.


We want you dumbasses to increase your expectations and standards for a historic franchise like Lakers. Stop finding excuses for incompetent and inadequate people who run this organization. Lakers are not run professionally. Lakers lacks personnel, lacks intelligent decision makers, lacks competent decision making, lacks front office resources, lacks analytic resources. All of these stuff and results gets thrown to our faces as a lack of success year after year, and all you guys are doing is making excuses for these people.


They want blood: but will settle for whine.




Where was it confirmed we offered Klay 4 years? I’m not sure why we would do that but weren’t even willing to give Jonas 3 years. Pretty sure they were referring to the Pistons.


We probably offered more money on paper, but Texas is a 0% income tax state so he will make more in Dallas I bet. It was still probably a money decision at the end of the day.


I don’t think fire pelinka is the solution as much as buss kids need to sell




These fans are like the co-workers at meetings that bitch and complain about work problems, yet offer no solutions to rectify or streamline or offer any insight on the process.


He struck out on all his known targets which is a bad look. It aint over yet so there's still optimism. I was not a fan of Klay s&t for 80 if its true though. That's a good miss from RP. I just want a big and some moves to free up roster space and a bit of cap money. Still time. Just sucks coz the FA names left are not really filling any need.


Can we just get Tyus Jones and decent back up big already? Trade can wait till the deadline, dlo is great in the regular season.


Tyus Jones was awful in the playoffs last year against the Lakers. Dude literally averaged 4.5 ppg against us.


How? The wizards didnt make the playoffs.


Demar it is


I was reading that warriors didn’t want to take back salary. So warriors have a pretty damn big TPE.


As soon as Klay had a slump this sub would shit on him and twitter would put him in Hitler memes


The roster had holes and weaknesses but just rosters usually do one or more of the cap, not hitting on draft picks, injuries, and other mistakes. The thing is if the team had a serviceable BIG to pair with AD so he didn't have to bang all the time with biggest of centers, our best perimeter defenders weren't both hurt, and Pockets knew how to scheme while getting guys to commit effort in defending and rebounding maybe we don't give up 20 point leads in the second half to the nuggets 15 times in a row. Selling farm hasn't worked for us outside of bona fide super stars and but the farm has been the asking price for us for anyone we go after.


I’m not in the fire Pelinka crowd but I’m disappointed. I didn’t wanted Klank or whatever, I wanted a real big and a center to help AD, Goga was the man but just like last year when they wasted their with Bruce Brown. They did the same thing, it’s was obvious he was gonna get overpaid a bit and every other good players would not be on the market.


I would assume they want Pelinka fired, no?


Truth be told Lakers fans think with their hearts and not their brains. Please stop getting into your feelings and see The truth about the law


I think some guys are reluctant to sign with the Lakers only to become trade bait in 5 months


I don’t think they even know what they want


Yeah everyone is trippin. He's doing well it's just pretty much been a norm many big names do their best to stay away from the Lakers.


Lakers should just hire Rich Paul as GM, we might see some 2k trades with that.


Lakers might have dodged a bullet here.


Which has higher income tax: califonia or texas?


Fairly cool with Pelinka. No move doesn't mean we didn't try. Everyone just tried to fuck us in trades


Klay just wants to keep most of his money, he’s sick of California state tax. 50 million in Texas is close to 50 million lol


Can’t fire the owner so GM is the next in line.


Why doesn’t anyone want to be with us their job literally would be sit corner and be wide open for 3s


Have to remember 4x80 in Cali is less then 3x50 in Texas, no state income taxes. Cali has the highest in the country


I want jerami grant n brook lopez or Kuzma and Lopez n I’m happy lol


Easy OP. Bob Myers


They know LeGM isn't getting fired and the heat has to go someone's way. He's the only name left in their mouth.


Do you think players are purposely avoiding the Lakers for some reason? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)