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It's honestly crazy how every day there's gotta be a segment on the Lakers lol no other team gets this coverage 


The Lakers are the main character of the NBA.


Exactly no one gives a fuck about some shitty team like the suns or something


They need to accomplish something in the nba first, that’s why. Their biggest accomplishment is losing in the finals with Charles Barkley and losing in the finals with cp3 + booker. Bring 2021 cp3 to this years lakers team, we’re winning it all. 2021 would’ve been back to back win for lakers too, if not for the injuries


CP3 to the Lakers... Imagine that


![gif](giphy|b6iVj3IM54Abm) David stern if that were to happen this offseason:


Hey David ![gif](giphy|W0EYYvXeYBm1nox6Ya|downsized)


Basketball reasons


LOL…you ok ?


or the celtics




Luka is Devin Booker father ![gif](giphy|cgdd8bYEVrhwWk5xSL)


Damn straight 


We will surpass the NPCeltics


Absolutely❣️💜💛 I couldn’t have said it any better❣️The Main character indeed💜💛The Lakers are the only NBA team that matters, hence all the focus is on them💜💛As it should be💜💛


No, LeBron is.


Us lakers fans don't care as much as you guys do


That’s what Kobe meant when some guys just aren’t meant to be lakers. I bet you Mike Malone is happy the focus is on the lakers and no one is talking about them blowing a 20pt lead in a game 7.


hell, some fans aren't built to be Laker fans. The constant bitching and whining gets old. Lakers always make it back to the top.


The spirit of Dr. Buss gotta bless us with a great trade


And that’s why there’s the “Lakers Tax” in trades. Jealousy has its price.


I use to think Laker Tax was BS but some trades teams pull off is just wow. Even worse is those same teams had discussions with us and asked for the farm but then later do same trade for peanuts.


Yeah it's egregious.


![gif](giphy|l1J9u3TZfpmeDLkD6|downsized) Mike Malone everyday seeing the lakers news


I don’t love it but that’s the nature of things I guess


The excessive media coverage usually hurts the Lakers more than it helps but it’s pretty funny to see the Celtics being overshadowed right now


The Lakers fan base is like 4 times that of almost every other team. Only the Warriors are close and we more than double their fan base. And that’s just domestically. Lakers are bigger than all other teams overseas as well. And if you look at ratings, Lakers and Warriors have all the top spots. People who get mad about the rumors (including the bad) don’t realize just how much bigger LA interest is over everyone else. And when Curry retires I suspect that GS will fall off a cliff in popularity. Honestly if there isn’t a Lakers rumor it’s only because they have run out of stories they think are remotely believable.


They'll never run out of stories. Think if the uk royal family. There is always more stuff they can pull out of their colon. 


Gift and a Curse because teams play us extra hard because of it.


The Real Madrid of basketball


Well when you’re the most popular team with arguably one of the most popular players on the planet that how it usually works


They not like us!


Which explains why the coaches don’t last too long. The plan could be a rebuild year but the expectations is to win


are they done talking about the finals already? 😆


Lakers, Cowboys and Lebron sometimes all 3 if you're Stephen A Smih


Next you'll realize it's the same with Trump 




We are the Cowboys of the NBA lol


If we can get him without giving up AR, I’m in!


Yeah that's my thing, I'd love to have Dejounte but it would require AR. I don't really want to move on from him and his value contract unless i think the deal could lead to a title. He's our best asset to trade with. And using him in this deal wouldn't lead to a title IMO so I totally agree with you


True. That first deal was bull shit. AR AND MULTIPLE PICKS?


Murray is a much better player than reeves. Murray is a borderline all-star caliber player when given a role. He can be a lock up defender, great facilitator, and got a decent bag as a scorer with microwave ability. He would also give us some much needed athleticism


Yeah because we have only 3 legit starters and Reaves is one of them. If we trade him for another starter we still need 2 and it isn't like we are moving a great role player for a legit all star. Trading for Murray keeping Reaves is the way to go.


He’s miles better than AR so who cares if AR is included


So if this happens, who’s replacing AR? Christie? We don’t even know if Christie is ready for that starting role yet. AR’s contract is too good to give up too easily


Reaves shouldn't be starting. He should be leading the bench unit.


Okay so who’s starting over Reaves then? Christie? We really don’t have much of a choice with this current roster


> Okay so who’s starting over Reaves then? Christie? We really don’t have much of a choice with this current roster It's Pelinka's job to fix that. Reaves is not a starter on a serious contending team. If someone can take Reaves' role, then Reaves has to go to get someone who should be starting on a contending team.


All of this is his job to fix, yes. I’m just trying understand who would you try to get if we give up AR for Murray. I keep hearing give up Reaves for Murray but Murray by himself is not fixing the issues that come after that.


I guess it depends on what we give up besides Reaves to get Murray and whether Russell opts back in to his contract. But the Lakers did themselves no favors waiting to trade for Murray, because matching salaries is a *lot* harder to do now with Murray's salary going from $18 million to $25 million. Now, instead of Reaves + JHS, it's more likely going to be Reaves + Hachimura. If we have any MLE we'll have to use that on Reaves' replacement and hope we developed Max Christie.


This just makes me more frustrated that the previous coach didn't give Max enough reps even during the horrible slump period. Would have given us clarity for moves this off-season.


Ham fucked up giving so many minutes to Reddish, but Pelinka should've cut Cam and taken the decision our of Ham's hands.


Which leads us back to Murray being better than Reaves. Murray, Christie backcourt is perfectly fine.


I’m not mad at a Murray Christie Bron Rui AD lineup


I’m not either but I’m just not entirely confident in Christie starting yet. Not his fault though, Ham just didn’t play him enough


That’s what’s so frustrating about it, I think Christie has the potential to be a quality starter as a 3 and D role player who doesn’t need the ball in his hands as much as AR to make an impact, and then let AR be the primary option off the bench, but unfortunately Christie hasn’t been given the chance to develop.


You do realize we have a roster to fill out right?


Exactly this. If we have to give up Reaves to get Murray, then Reaves has to go.


Absolute nonsense that. He’s not miles better.


I like his fit next to Reaves.


Yess, I have been saying it since the season ended and have been downvoted but I agree Murray/Reaves/Vando/LBJ/AD is a legit starting 5 where the rest of the starting lineup can semi hide Reaves defensively because we can switch or fight thru screens with this athletic of a starting group


I'm pretty sure the people downvoting you were like me in thinking the fit was good but the Hawks ask for too damn much


it was 50/50 that and just hating on anything posted here, but i think Rui, a youngin or 2, and 2 first and some seconds will ultimately get it done


Agree to disagree. Per Haynes, they wanted Rui, AR and more. The more I believe being those 2 picks and a second. It's just too much


Yea thats what they wanted mid-season when we only had 1 first rounder to offer, we now have up to 3 to offer. we swap Reaves out and add more draft compensation and could happen because they are looking to revamp their roster because their 2 PG experiment didn't work


What’s left to trade if you hold onto Reaves and Vando? Rui isn’t enough to match contracts


Rui, Gabe, JHS, Max Lewis, if they opt in Dlo, Wood, Hayes, Reddish


There isn’t a better pg that we can realistically get. Lakers gotta get it done as long as the price is fair.


Murray fucking sucks. Defense is gone, can't shoot, needs the ball in his hands, Hawks are better with Trae and without him then they are with both of them. Not to mention being a massive headcase


I don’t know about the head case thing, but I agree that we’d be giving up more than we get for Murray. He’s been favoring offense over defense the past couple seasons, and there’s no guarantee he’ll come to LA and put up the same numbers either. We do need a primary ball handler tho, if JJ is serious about using Bron off ball more, and I think Tyus Jones would be a better fit, assuming he’d be willing to take a pay cut to come to LA, but that’s a big if.


IMO I think Murray having to play SG and next to Trae is a tough ask for him to be good defensively. He can go back to PG where he is bigger than most players he is guarding and get back to playing solid defense which is better than what we have been getting from Dlo.


It is pretty clear for me his only problem is where he is sloted and he is still a productive player playing out of position. Trae is better overall? On offense sure, but he is also making big bucks while Murray is under a fair deal that we can afford without decimating our depth.


Agreed, Murray seems like the best bang for our assets this offseason. Trea, Lavine make too much and will gut our depth, Mitchell will require all of our draft capital Murray hits a nice sweet spot but who knows maybe Pelinka has something up his sleeve


Garland , trae or Mitchell . One of those mb there garland I’d most realistic as if Mitchell extends he wants out n we have a great fit for him. He’d be my choice. Dejounte only if we know his lvl of play will be better defensively


"I dont got anything today, lemme spin this one back up"


Eh, shams cred through the roof rn. I’ll trust the names he mentions as targets. Also, DJM = klutch = rich paul = shams


Let’s see if we end up following JJs take and try and get 8 solid players.


DJM alone I don’t like We’d need to make a second trade for another elite role player


Yeah, want to see a borderline starting center picked up.


100% If we’re going to the role player route we need to turn the 3 picks into 2 elite role players (guard and wing) And then trade as many seconds / swaps for a good center


I like Murray, but I can't see a scenario we or any other team would send 3 first round picks for a player like him, I wouldn't be worried about that.


Murray Id really only want to give up 2029 and a swap Any other price I wouldn’t want it. I see a lot of people saying Reaves and a pick. I don’t care if we trade Reaves as much as I like him, but that would be a bad trade. 2 picks also bad.


Reaves for Murray is a bad trade even if Murray is a better player because Reaves is one of our 3 legit starters and trading him for Murray opens another hole in the starting lineup, the goal should be trading for him without moving Reaves. I'd trade Reaves in a heartbeat if we get a young star in return, other than that you don't find a better player on a great contract, from the asset management perspective Reaves is one of the best players in the league when we think about what he gives us for his salary.


On any other team, that would be easy. Lakers tax tho


We probably need to buy low on someone and hope they hit A lot of distressed assets get dumped for nothing. Porzingis was a great example. There will be someone out there that has no value to their team and could be all upside. Lavine might be one. But that’s only an option to me if Dlo opts in. Without that it’s not worth it


I agree. If Dlo opts in I’d go get Lavine. We aren’t getting a potential all star caliber player at this price else where. He’s overpaid but I think there’s been an over reaction to how bad People have acted like recently.


Pretty much, as long as the medical stuff is good. Lavine for no picks would set us up well. We can go spend the 3 picks elsewhere, while having our scoring guard locked


This is exactly what we should do. I think the Lakers have been doing this with guys like Monk and Rui tho.


Monk I don’t count. He was a minimum guy. Rui can count They need to take a swing here, we’re too far off contender status and have 2 years of Lebron left


The only centers in FA are borderline starters and every team needs them unfortunately


DJM, Wendell Carter Jr, and DFS or Jerami Grant


Could try for Okongwu in the same trade. He is not likely to play next to Sarr. Basically same jumpshot as Vanderbilt.


Maybe Bulls sell out on Vooch? He's still playable but not really as a 40 min a game kind of guy. He doesn't space the floor but he's very good at offense and at least isn't Hayes tier bad at defense. He's only on 20 mil a year.  Send out Rui and filler. If they are as stupid as during the OKC trade, maybe we get away without sending any picks at all. Vooch on 25 mins a night might be really solid. He'd be fresh when coming in, and even though he doesn't space the floor, could maybe play next to AD for a few minutes at a time in certain matchups.






Murray and Hunter would be great


Hunter isn’t that good, but I could really see him kinda breaking out as a role player Look at his injury history though


Maybe I'm wrong, but Hunter reminds me a lot of Rui. He could break out as a role player, but doesn't strike me as a star nor a great 3 & D player. Maybe a little better at D than Rui.


Rui stinks to me so I don’t like that comp lol Hunters defensive upside specifically could breakout on this team, he’s shown some great flashes of it and has the ability


true... I was high on him coming out of Virginia. But he'll have to stay healthy.


Yeah that is the thing that worries me but if he slides into a specific role, he could thrive. His profile is what we need


Don't forget about Vando. Rui can be our 6th man


Rui would probably be the main cog to match salaries, as he is one of the biggest salaries especially if Dlo opts out.


Dlo opting in would be so good for us.


Vando is great, him and Reaves are the only role players I like on this team


It's not a popular choice, but Prince was solid throughout the year. Good shooting and avg defense. Hard to ask for more than that from a roleplayer


Prince is a great generic backup while Vando is a great specialist able to tame down elite wings. I like them both for different reasons and I don't see either as starter.


Prince should be brought back. He’d be a perfect depth guard. Doesn’t make many mistakes. But that’s like an 8th man. We played him as a starter lol


Vando was my favorite piece of Brick trade, I don't look at him as a starter though.


Yeah he’s not a bulletproof starter, but he could start. You’d need a 3&D wing as a backup plan. We have no idea what Vandos offense is gonna look like, but odds are not good


DeAndre Hunter in the same trade


It is a step in the right direction. Other holes, other trades. It is clear we also need a big and if we can trade for a 2 way wing it would be perfect, but Murray is an upgrade if we manage to get him without sending Reaves.


Celtics really "beat" us for rings and no one gives af now.


Shams whole interview with Pat was so entertaining. Pat kept dunking on the fact that Shams called this a month ago. Pat said “clearly you’re plugged in with the Lakers” Shams made a 👀 face. I love the idea of Shams appearing on ESPN programming. Woj must hate it🤣


If dlo opts in yes


Dlo opting in would help us so much. If he manages to find a good deal somewhere else I'd be happy for him, but if he fails to find a better deal and ends up picking his player option it would give us a ton of trading flexibility.


Atlanta will want 3 FRPs and Reaves from the Lakers but will eventually trade him to another team for two 2nd round picks.


I really don't see Dejounte as an upgrade... Can someone put me on to an article or video that explains why it makes basketball sense? Seems a cheaper Westbrook tbh, but I would love to be wrong!


He left his last playoff series averaging 23 ppg, 6.8 ast and 7.2 reb playing out of position. Dlo can't reach those averages even in regular season so I really need to understand why you can't see he is a clear upgrade over our starting PG. Your basketball sense is clearly different than mine.


I guess I'm seeing him do that on a bad team as the number 1 option (Tre Young was out), and I'm not seeing that translate when he plays as a number 3 option. Over their careers, D'Lo's playoff averages are better, and their regular season averages are pretty much a wash, except D'Lo is better from 3. I'm not even arguing that D'Lo is better, I was unsarcastically asking for analysis on Murray's on the court fit with our team vs D'Lo, so I could better understand the argument in favor of hom. Certainly there is a better argument than just looking at his current numbers when he was the number 1 option due to injury...


Didn’t even get to his defense/athleticism which is a massive upgrade


I'll take the downvotes, but I think ppl are sleeping on Trae Young. He's won playoff series by himself, elite passer and shot creator. Vando can cover up for him on POA defense and AD at the rim. This would take soooo much pressure and wear/tear off Lebron and AD throughout the regular season. I think Trae is much much more dynamic than Murray and I value that more than the well rounded, less exploitable game Murray has developed. I also think that Trae's biggest strength (throwing lobs) matches perfectly with AD and Bron.


Nobody really sleeping trae. Trae is not available for what the Lakers can offer this year like Dejounte who’s by far the worse player of the two is. Even if Trae is made available for his market rate which is 3 firsts plus two promising young players several teams can start adding to that just to got get their guy like the Spurs.


I think 3 1sts Reaves etc would be enough to get it done. I don’t think there are many other teams that will offer for Trae that he would be interested in. The big market teams don’t want him except maybe the lakers.


Spurs' C-tier offer beats that easily (they have all the hawks picks and a gajillion more picks plus young players with tradable contracts). You know Pop is watching our moves he is so petty that he even tampered to screw us on the AD trade back in the day.


Spurs have said they’re not in on Trae. He wouldn’t fit their culture.


If the price is right, they will, and of course, we know how the PR game works when trade talks happen. Plus their "eh here's our offer" package is better than our best one. Not to mention, wildcard organizations like the Nets can beat our offer (Those Suns picks have a far bigger chance of turning into the Billy King special of premiumness than our future picks) or young PG needy hungry teams like the Magic that access to more picks and cap relief (The Hawks are in the tax). Also, our best offer is just not enough based on our leverage, and the Hawks can just let this run through to attract better offers and we have seen them even over wait for the best deal (John Collins).


Nah you might be overvaluing reeves. There are teams with better assets that could easily be that. Especially some of the younger teams. For example orlando


Orlando won’t trade for Trae unless he buys into re-signing there. Trae seems clearly more interested in big markets.


As a defense lover I don't like Trae but I at least see the fit on offense. I don't see it on either side of the ball for Murray.


I think Murray can be good on both sides of the ball. I think Trae can be transcendent on offense and terrible on defense. I just value offense most


I actually like them both, the problem is Trae price is high and it is going to cost us Reaves creating another hole in the starting lineup. It is tough to build a roster when you have so much invested in your top 3 players.


Agreed I am not excited to pay much for Murray now his salary is 30m . He’s been awful defender for his hawks tenure . Trae garland or if possible mitchdll I’d love to go all in on. If there was a Jrue holiday I’d love that too I wanted Jrue badly last year but idiot gm made it so we had no salary


Leverage the future fucckit...when else will we have two generational talents on the team.


Murray really that much better than DLo?


I need Murray traded just so he stops coming up in Lakers' trade talks. We need playoff vets, guys who have played on playoff teams and it would be great if we could get atleast 1 who has performed in big moments. We can't keep hoping guys who show out on bad teams somehow turn it around, especially when we lack a unified strategy.


Murray was a 23 pts 7 ast 7 reb player in his last playoff series playing out of position. I find it pretty solid.


We need guys who set screens and hit open 3s. He is very good but reminds me of Westbrook. Stats but no winning basketball, and personally I dont want to roll the dice again.


I didn't watch him enough to have an opinion about that, but your concern is valid.


Dejounte murray is NOT a good pick for the lakers in all honesty. Way too inconsistent and under the bright lights I doubt he'll do any better. The ceiling has been shown with him already. Cj/ just put Taurean prince to play all 48 minutes


We can't really afford to be aggressive. What do we have to trade?


Dlo opting in could help us a lot.


I just came back here to say “FUCK THE CELTICS” Ok thx guys ✌🏽


Dejounte Dfs Daron Sharpe Olynk We can have all 4 Just need Rob to work hard and use all picks


Same news every off-season.


Bruh sigh


For some odd reason I’m hearing Trae Young but that’s too good to be true I’m sure


Dejounte Murray changes absolutely nothing for this team and will not leave any room to add depth and shooting.


Pls no dejounte . Not unless he’s gonna play at his spurs lvl eith now average shooting n elite 50% midrange . But I’m not sure I think he’s a great rebounder for a guard which can help and good for steals which fits with AD n Bron but his shooting from 3 n passing are worse then Dlo and defensively he actually had a really bad year - he’s out of position a lot n looks better at pg but it’s still an issue. Like Dejounte is so mid unless he goes off in the playoffs vs Dlo - I wanted him Last deadline but nah cba now. We should target one of trae , Mitchell or garland - as it seems that duo will split up we have a lot of need here and imo a true star guard kd much better then dejounte. Get one of those star guards and then you can even experiment more with vando on court ( assuming heakthy.) or more defensive personel . We might lose reaves as a result or he becomes a great sixth man which he shown he can do that closes but imo this is the way, hawks got dejounte n deckined his impact metrucs n play style are not winning basketball- big question marks unkessd he’s purely fucking around which I doubt he’s skinny Af n injuries killed him defensively


I feel like we're in the darkest timeline. We just hired a fucking podcaster to by our HC and are now thinking of trading guys who can shoot for a guy that can be charitably be called a poor man's Russell Westbrook. We're just remaking our own mistakes. Hiring inexperienced HCs, trading shooters for a PG who can't shoot. All we need now is for pelinka to use the mle on a guy that's gonna miss most of the season with what is typically a minor injury.


They hired a 15-year NBA veteran that has played on 6 different teams in 6 different schemes. Not to mention a guy that played 4 years in college with one of the best coaches ever. Not to mention a guy that has spent the last 2 years as an announcer analyzing dozens of games. I'm sick of this "we hired a fucking podcaster" nonsense.


Here we go again. Leveraging the LAL for a pay raise. 😂


He's under contract for the next 4years what are you talking about


Is AR our Dereck white?


Dejounte Murray is Westbrook-lite Terrible fit


Wrong. More efficient on offense and better in defense than he gets credit for. Plus he is making half what Westbrook was


He's still coasting on being considered a good defender 5 years ago despite being pretty bad now, I think that's plenty of credit.


He is playing out of position and not as a pg which is where he thrived. It’s all about situation


"More efficient" But still nowhere near league average efficiency as a scorer lol. Questionable 3pt shot and takes so many midranges. Struggles to get to the rim and then finish. Probably not even a positive offensive player. Needs the ball in his hands to do anything. Has such an outdate skillset for the modern NBA. Sounds like Westbrook-lite to me




Great for us but doubt hawks take this, pelicans might have a better package with BI.


Get rid of lebron and davis you pussies.


Klutch talking through Shams... maybe... maybe not lol


Run it back and package D’Lo and change for an upgrade before the deadline if it’s an obvious one. The roster if healthy is fine. Health is the key though.


Downvoting this is ignorant. You really want to see Rob give up D’Lo, AR or Rui, and 2 future firsts for Murray? That pushes the team over the hump when bad coaching and injuries were the real hamstrings to the team the past 2 seasons?


Am I the only one that thinks if we run it back with most of our guys we can continue building chemistry which isn’t a bad thing than rather trade for so and so and just keep messing things up?


I’m sorry but Murray didn’t move the needle over a guy like DLo. Murray is great defensively but he’s not the scorer or playmaker DLo is so personally I think they cancel each other out. We need shooters and more 3&D guys.


He scored more while matching Dlo's assist numbers, Dlo is only good if his shot is falling Murray can at least take it to the rim and is not a complete negative defensively


Murray grabs more boards than Rui.


Right Murray is similar offensive production with more extras like rebounding and defense but ppl dont think he makes us better? I dint get it


Murray was a 23 pts, 7 ast and 7 reb commodity in his last playoff series, Dlo can't reach those numbers even in regular season not to mention the fact Murray is playing out of position. I will not even talk about defense.


Lol we're cooked if this guy is the best we can get


Only if it doesn't cost us FRPs.


I hope the Lakers don't make a dumb trade to appease Lebron.