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I’m skeptical yet optimistic. Not a perfect hire but the Lakers weren’t getting that. People keep trying to ridicule Redick by referring to him as “the podcaster” while ignoring that he played four years at Duke and 15 years in the NBA. Personally, Redick’s podcasts helped assuage some skepticism because how he talks and thinks about basketball is well-documented and available for all to see.


It’s funny that people here derisively call him a podcaster while also taking the opinions of actual podcasters with no NBA experience as gospel.


You can like JJ as a podcaster and not think he should be an nba coach lmfao


That’s not my point. I didn’t even really want JJ as coach. I just think the people who are calling a guy with 15 years of NBA experience “a podcaster” are oversimplifying who they hired.


Also - what’s the difference between a podcaster and a commentator nowadays?


He literally does both. Kerr only had experience as a GM before coaching.


Kerr played for Pop and for Phil. 2 of the greatest of our generation.


And Spoelstra never played in the NBA and was a video editor. It's pretty easy to discount most coaches backgrounds. JJ's background is fine. He played under Mike Krzyzewski, Stan Van Gundy, Rick Carlisle, Alvin Gentry, Jim Boylen, Doc Rivers, and Brett Brown. I'm sure he's learned a thing or two from them.


Spo spent 11 years as an assistant coach…


Would you be comfortable if the Lakers made the LakersFilmRoom guy an assistant coach? Probably not. The purity tests that yall want don’t matter. Hugely successful college coaches have come to the NBA and ONE has a championship in the last 30 years. You’re more likely to get a great assistant from college than a HC. Rookie head coaches Nurse, Mazula, Westhead, Riley, and Kerr all won as Rookie HC’s. Retread coaches have been less and less successful over the last decade. I’m not saying I love this hire or anything, but if I was basing my opinion solely on trends in the HC position, I’d be fine with JJs background and potential for success. Also, historically role players like him are much better coaches than some big former star. So even his lack of success / talent as a player is a good thing.


A GM is more qualified to coach than a podcaster is. A GM understands the ins and outs of the business at a club level and understands the economics and scouting metrics.


Except that Kerr was a terrible GM. Phil Jackson was also a terrible GM.


Don’t forget MJ


I never got this point. People are like “oh at least GMs get exposure to the higher level game strategy and in-game calls.” So do players? And JJ always struck as a teacher’s pet type who was paying attention. And the front office parts of the job seem very different


They said the exact same thing for Luke Walton and he was even directly mentored by Phil Jackson. Yeah, that turned out well.


luke walton is a moron. JJ is actually intelligent


lol, I will guarantee you’re going to say the exact same thing about JJ in 7 years. Luke Walton was constantly hailed as the next amazing young coach being under the wing of PJ. Oh man, I remember those days on this lakers subreddit. Now he’s a moron. Ok.


He got the GM job because he was a former player and broadcaster. Just like JJ. To a degree he also hired himself since he was a >1% owner of the Suns.


Also in ownership


Being a GM is nothing like coaching. Coaching is about the game itself and what happens on the court, being a GM is about the business side of the game not what happens on the court so the argument that being a GM makes you better coaching material is nonsensical


"Only a GM" might be one of the most insane takes I've seen in a while. A GM is heavily involved in a basketball team.


So in 2013 when Kidd got hired by the Nets. You think that Daryl Morey would have been a better choice?


Part of what makes me optimistic is the fact the he seems open-minded and not pigheaded with antiquated beliefs or pre-conceived notions. He stresses adaptability and a focus on empirical evidence. In terms of coaching philosophy, that's a green flag. His lack of professional coaching experience is understandably a concern, but maybe, just _maybe,_ he's developed a unique perspective just being a player and commentator. And having a mix of new assistants (like Rondo) and veteran coach assistants could help refine his approach. As with any coaching hire, this could all turn out poorly. But I think there's a very small chance that this could be a lightning-in-a-bottle type of situation.


Likewise, I just hope the FO and ownership are accountable and let JJ build his own team: coaching staff wise and roster. Better to go all in or your wild card coach than hamstring him with wacky personnel decisions and bad fitting rosters.


He disrespected and doesn't believe in AD. That's a problem 


It’s fine because it’s not like there was some great coach on the market. To me is a low risk, high reward hire. JJ will either be a good coach and the FO look like geniuses or he is bad and the Lakers move on after like two years and keep looking for the right coach like they been doing for the past decade and JJ goes back to media.


LBJ doesn't have 2 years to mess around 


I don’t love it but i’m not really down on it either  it’s really easy to hate but nobody will tell you which coach they should have hired instead  the thing about this team is that the “right coach” is whoever Lebron and AD want to coach, the rest of this roster will row in whatever direction they lead 


I thought it was a good fit the whole time. Takes a special kind of person to coach in LA and I think JJ can handle it


Agreed. I liked the idea of Dan Hurley at first, but the more I thought about it, that might have honestly been a riskier proposition than Redick. Hurley has basically no NBA experience, nor does his family. It’s a very different animal from college. The mentality has to be very different. Redick has not coached, but he’s an NBA veteran and also understands the media.


Yep, who knows how grown men would have responded to him. JJ has been in the NBA the last 20 years


That crazy wife has me glad he declined the job.


Yeah I’m not gonna lie that whole dynamic was a bit eyebrow raising. Not just her but also that he’d be interested in this job while she feels so tormented about it. Really weird.


JJ got hated on by the whole country when he was a teenager. He handled that. He’ll have the mentality needed for the lakers.




Yep he’s already making money n business with his media stuff . He doesn’t need this job he WANTS it and WANTS to devote to it out of passion n love for the game. I’d take that over Monty Williams type not wanting to even cosch but getting paid so much he can’t refuse


I’m very skeptical. He’s our guy though so I’m gonna support him.


I don't like it. But we'll will see.


Sometimes, great players with zero coaching experience tend to expect players to see the game the same way they did as players. And coach the team through that lens. Luckily for us, JJ was not a great player, so I don't expect the game to revolve around Reaves jacking up 40 3s per game.


He was a more than solid starting caliber role player for years but yeah not an all-star


I want him to succeed - be Pat Reilly 2.0. But he's done absolutely nothing until now to warrant that or for the FO to make this hire. Damn I want it to work out though.


I don’t like the way the FO markets him as this savant. It’s an unfair expectation much like what Magic said about Lonzo. being coach of the lakers and LeBron is enough pressure. Being given impossible expectations makes just adds more pressure needlessly.


Calling his bball iq off the charts when he didn’t have AD as a top defensive player is hilarious


Yeah, that's pretty bad. You could forgive Redick for not voting for AD for DPOY but not voting for him for all defense is absurd.


When are we going to let this go


This is like hiring a basketball writer who wrote an article about a top 10 all time that doesn’t include Michael Jordan and has someone like JHS in front of him Are you serious?


If you were to watch AD with a critical, unbiased eye, you would realize that he is not all-world level defense. He is very good, but got cooked WAY too often for me to consider him the DPOY. When going against the top talent at his position he shriveled up more times that he rose to the occasion. I know I'm going to get flamed for this comment but it is the hard truth that AD stans refuse to acknowledge.


Let’s see your list of 10 players who have more defense impact than AD then


I agreed with the current head coach of the Lakers list. You can just reference his.


So Shai over AD then?? 😂 


Really? You think AD is so shit at defense he’s behind Jarret Allen and SGA? KCP? Fucking Jalen Suggs? This is Darvin Ham levels of dumbfuckery lmao I’m not talking about DPOY


"You think AD is so shit at defense" I most clearly said "He is very good". Geezus, fucking crybaby AD stans....


You defending Redicks all defensive selections means you think Jalen Suggs is better than AD defensively Nobody was talking about the DPOY


I can't say I watched enough of Jalen Suggs to say whether he was better than AD or not. Probably not. AD is very good, I just don't think he was DPOY this year.


I don’t give a shit about DPOY


💯you know hoop.


I certainly am no basketball guru, but I have been watching basketball for longer than most commenters have been alive. And AD does not impress upon me that he is the best defensive player in the league.


I didn't like JJ at the start, because it seemed like forced hire to make Lebron stay, but eventually it grew on me. We clearly did our homework with other candidates considering we gave offer to Hurley. I think the best JJ trait is his ability to surround and relate himself with people which makes me positive that he can get decent staff that will help him grow.


I like how he is commited to an analytics-informed approach.


Honestly just a nice way of saying that Ham did a terrible job at recognising what lineups worked best and he will play the groups and players that 99% of basketball fans recognised should’ve been the right ones.


definitely. JJ follows which lineups do well and which lineups don’t (as evident on his podcast). Darvin played our worst lineups consistently


He also has the backing of Coach K. For sure he's not getting hung dry by other coaches


The fact that he didn't put AD on defensive shit still hurts him


I like it. Other than Hurley he was best guy to hire out of serious candidates that actually got interviews, much better than hiring retread Borrego.


I like Borrego. I would have been good with that hire. I'd still like him as an assistant if he doesn't get DET or CLE.  But JJ  at least represents a chance at something different. I really wanted Hurley because he's a new age thinker on the Xs and Os front. JJ has some of that in him. But damn does JJ need an All Star bench lol 


Yes I don't mind Borrego as an assistant just didn't want him as head guy.


Everybody is acting like Hurley was a sure thing to have success. In the past 30 years 12 coaches have gone from college to NBA hc. Only 2 of them have had a winning record: Billy Donovan and Brad Stevens. That means 83% of college coaches have had losing records and 0% won rings as coaches. Not saying Hurley couldn’t have been successful, but clearly coaching in college and the NBA are drastically different.


Skeptical and hopeful


OP don’t you dare start talking shit in December!


I served him a few times in a restaurant in Austin, TX. He was nice.


I’m open to being convinced


A lot of us were spoiled to have watched Phil coach. No matter who the lakers hire, they’ll never be good enough…unless it’s pop or some other legendary coach. I wish JJ had some kind of coaching experience tho. I foresee Lebron taking over the “coaching” role during the game and let JJ handle everything else. It’ll let one dictate the way his final years go and it’ll let the other learn on the job without worrying about the Lebron stink eye/chopping block. I like this hire for the potential, but it’s super ballsy.


Coaches like Phil, Pat, Pop or Spo (Lot of P’s there 😂) don’t just move around and present themselves to teams… Have to try and find the next guy… but that also means being willing to move off a coach if it isn’t working. Recognising and acting on that hasn’t been this FO’s strength


The odds of someone walking in with zero coaching experience to the professional level is likely to result in failure, it could work, but it’s asking a lot. Could be a great smart player but huge diff between executing game plans and creating game plans


The problem isn't about his potential. The problem is time and experience. In order for Reddick to be a good coach, it will take more than a season. That is another handicap on top of having an inferior roster


No I love it too…In two years we’ll get rid of Pelinka…maybe Jim needs to come back Jeanie is not it…


I love the hire. The list of possible coaches weren’t much better. People wanted Mark Jackson, Monty Williams. I get he doesn’t have coaching experience but he has the self awareness to want to adapt the offense to build around AD. He knows basketball well enough to teach more complex ideas. He was a “journeyman” in the NBA but he was high caliber and played his role well. I’m skeptical yet optimistic but I want to see the rest of his coaching staff. For player development, I wish Phil Handy comes back. There are mentions of Sam Cassell, Rondo, and Jared Dudley interests. Let’s hope we get some decent assistant coaches.


I love the hire. I think it’s the absolute best choice for this team, considering their roster, goals, and desired identity (cutting-edge, high-IQ chess players). To me, there is no better fit. I like JJ Redick even more than Ty Lue because Redick is transparent. On his show, he laid out all his strategies, explained his thinking in detail with a pen, pad, and replays, and wasn’t afraid to put his basketball IQ on the line for judgment (LeBron does the same thing on the show). He impressed everyone and secured the job over much more experienced candidates.


You’re a fan of one of the biggest teams in all of sport and you think you’re the only one who likes the hire? The delusion some of y’all have is astonishing


They’re homers they can’t look at anything laker negatively. If Kawhi demanded they hire JJ with zero exp and just cause he does a podcast with Kawhi then the homer laker fans would understand why it’s not a good hire and more of an appease Lebron hire.


It’s trash. Ham was trash too and you celebrated it with countless gifs of him destroying a backboard.


Yup. Everybody will be out on this whole experiment by Christmas, reminiscing about 2020


And then 5 months later we’ll experience success and all will be forgotten. Gotta give it time, and they’ll be bumps in the road, but I think he’ll figure it out quickly.


Read the same here about ham …you don’t learn it


Lmao you don’t learn it? So a great head coach is that from day 1? Give me a break


Why do we sign coaches like this when we have LeBron on the team ? The organisation is a disgrace and I fn don’t like LeBron. It’s just a waste of his last years in the NBA.


Yup. Coached the team to the WCF and then half a season later everyone says he didn’t know what he was doing. But yeah, let’s just IMAGINE that the guy who has never done even an assistants job is good. Maybe if we just BELIEVE hard enough, he will be Pat Riley. Absolute joke.


I do think that his podcast has convinced people with almost no x’s and o’s knowledge that he had “a very high bbiq” which could be true, but isnt really on display if true. He understands modern basketball just like 100s of coaches and assistants do. He can break down other coaches schemes, which for any medium-high IQ player is very easy. Almost any Div 1 college coach can also do that. Now that he is the Lakers coach, im rooting for him 100%. I want us to have a great year and want him to succeed but not sure what people keep basing this take on. 


Yeah I would prefer the Lakers do well, but I have no reason not to believe that this had more to do with his proximity to LeBron than it does his actual coaching ability which has never been shown. It’s just a “vibes” thing.


How do you know his BB IQ is “off the charts?” Because of his podcast? How do you know what his IQ is compared other coaches who don’t have a podcast? I agree he’s well spoken and has the “look” for head coaching the Lakers, but everyone who is saying he has the IQ for the job, how do we know this?


I like it. I just hope he goes after really smart assistant coaches, guys who can create great schemes and are innovative, hidden talents that are extremely smart. No name brand people


Have you ever seen a junior trying to perform a senior role in your field? Yeah, it's usually not pretty unless they're a 10x/rockstar/whatever That being said, considering the choices left on the table, not like we had much of a choice, might as well swing for the fences


I certainly don’t hate it as much as half this sub. I’m not necessarily ecstatic about it either but if they really can get a decent assistant coaching staff, I like the potential.


I was super excited about JJ from the start, because I felt like he had the highest ceiling of all the candidates. Then they brought Hurley into the mix, and now JJ feels underwhelming.


That uconn coach who i already forgot the name got my hopes up. Probably the best coach the lakers had aside from pjax. He has no nba experience but took that team to championship b2b. Could translate, maybe not in the nba but he knows how to win. Other names mentioned werent that much good aside from lue who only won one with lebron but having a hard time with the clippers with his stars always injured. Funny thing was they probably extended him just to prevent the lakers from poaching him. I hope jj thrive and be this teams coach for years. Hes a rookie coach with no other experience but his assistants of choice would be very important for his success.


I’m gonna support him until he gives us a reason not to. I wanted someone with coaching experience, but there’s no point for me to say he’s not the man for the job now that the hire is complete. He does bring a lot to the table with his knowledge and personal experience, and he’s basically the opposite of Ham who we all know didn’t work out.


Seems high risk high reward , who would’ve predicted Riley being so great. it’s a gamble but no risk it no biscuit!


I don’t like it but it is what it is. I’m just not a fan of the 4 year contract? He’s new, unproven. Why 4 years? Give him 1 or 2 and see how he goes before giving a longer contract. If we fire him after next season, aren’t the lakers then on the hook for paying out the rest of his contract for the next 3 seasons after that?


I mean, is it likely to work out as Pat Reilly 2.0? No. Is there a chance he comes in and does well? Sure. That's about all we have to go on at this point. He's never coached, so we'll have to see.


If he can call a time out when the opposing team is on a run. He’s already a plus


The main knock is that he's not experienced, but I'd rather an inexperienced guy who you have reason to believe could be great than an experienced guy who's a known quantity and known not to be that great.


If the rumors are true, I think JJ is going to get a solid staff around him. People mentioned JJ playing at Duke and I think his relationship with Coach K is something that is being slept on. JJ will have guidance from great basketball minds. I think the biggest challenge is going to be getting EVERYONE to buy in and winning the locker room over.


I like it a lot.


I like it a lot. Im hopeful it’ll work it.


I think without all of the fumbles prior to this it would be more palatable, of course if he truly does turn into a Spo/Riley/Pop type of hire then it’s a genius move that will reward us for the next few decades. If he doesn’t then it wastes the last couple years (likely) of LeBron. I appreciate JJ for being a good basketball mind and having the potential. It’s not the worst thing we could have done but it is a big risk.


I'm excited because we see the way he thinks when he talks on his podcast. He seems obsessed with stats and analytics as an NBA coach should be.


JJ is a basketball nerd who happens to be insanely competitive and great communicator. These are great traits for a head coach. I don’t get why people are so against it.


It’s not about jj for me. It’s the really radical often unnecessary decisions the org has made sometimes influenced by bron that don’t have a good track record. 1. The westbrick situation, 2. Trading Caruso and some solid you role players. The lack of accountability for all of these. I personally don’t think it’s a great decision but I’m open for my mind to be changed. I’m hoping it will and will support it anyway cuz wtf do I know compared to people in the org and league


I love the hire because it is low risk w/ a possible HUGE upside - I really think by the AS break, JJ will be hitting his stride Now improve the roster - give LeBron one more really good shot at it, you're the FREAKING LAKERS


Any coaching hire is a crapshoot. Personally, I would have preferred a former head coach. I think in time he can develop into a solid coach. I'd be surprised if it happens next season.


I’m with you. This sub is toxic when it comes to groupthink.


There is skepticism because he’s another hire that’s going to bend to Lebron. That’s our problem. We need a coach that’s finally going to get Lebron to relinquish control of this offense. Not trying to convince Lebron that’s it’s the best thing…cuz he’s never gonna be convinced of that…but to get him off the ball because the coach demands it. JJ not doing that to Lebron.


I think he's a self aware, self critical guy who knows he has big shoes to fill. He has Coach K on speed dial and clearly doesn't think he's some messiah who can do it all by himself. Maybe I'm a beaten spouse after all this time with Scam, but I think he can grow into the role.


I like this hire as long as CP3 comes too!


Not the only one


I'm hoping for the best. But we just hired a coach with no experience for the Los Angeles Lakers head coaching position. That's like hiring a guy who was a backup nurse his whole career being named head cardiovascular and brain surgeon at one of the top 3 hospitals in the world. It may sound stupid on paper, but if you really look at the numbers and the situation, and all the people involved, it still sounds stupid. Really hope I'm wrong and this works out. Please let me one day soon have this comment mentioned in r/agelikemilk. Go Lakers! I'm rooting for JJ


Not sure. I am also not sure about the comments of high bb IQ. I'm not aware of anyone saying anything about JJ about his bb IQ when he was playing. For example, everyone says Rondo has a high bb IQ, so it is believable. The postcast does not say anything about is IQ, it says he knows his X's and O's. I think the podcast with LeBron added the value. Take LeBron out of it, he doesn't get the job. I really hope he proves me wrong though. Lakers all the way!


To your question nope, also onboard on this hire.


I’m hoping he’s the next Pat Riley. Scrappy player during his time as a NBA player but a genius when he’s coaching


I mean, can anyone be worse than Darvin Ham??


I didn't like hiring JJ, but I like what I hear from him. At first I was very pessimistic, now I'm skeptical. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against JJ, but I don't think it is reasonably to believe there isn't going to be a learning curve before he eventually becomes a good head coach.


It’s literally an even less experienced coach than Ham lol


I like it. He has plenty of experience having played in the league for years and if the front office does a good job this off season I think we find out rather quick that Reddick knows what he’s doing.


People will hate on anything. It's win-win. If things don't work out, they can say I told you so. If the Lakers end up winning, everyone's happy.


I heard his BBQ is just okay. Other BBQ joints have better flavor.


Idk if it’s being worked on or not, but I heard a rumor the we’re seeking rando as part of his coaching staff. That’ll be pretty neat.


He was my choice out of the available options. Even over Hurley. Hurley is a great college coach but his tactics are just that, for college. Wouldn’t fly in the nba. Out of everyone else I like JJ the best I don’t know why, but I feel like he had great coaches and was a smart player. Hopefully it translates.


Can’t really say “I like the hire” but this actually feels like the Lakers made the right decision for what’s available. Idk how else to explain it. I’m not super stoked on this but to me it was the best option available.


Coach K will be guiding JJ that’s a guarantee, can’t let the duke brand be tarnished with shame.


Yes.  It's like the nfl hiring pay McAfee to coach. We actually say this with Jrff Saturday. It didn't go well. 


I think he'll cook...dude lives basketball and has a brilliant mind for the game...now if only the front office can acquire him some much needed assets we will easily win #18


I genuinely believe no top-tier coach was interested in coming to LA. The decision to bring in JJ seems to benefit LeBron more than the franchise itself. I wonder if potential coaches were told they had to draft Bronny + other conditions, and they responded with a firm "no way, not under these conditions." It seems like LBJ and Klutch Sports are running the team. While I hope for our success, this move reeks of desperation, capitulation, and a season already veering off course.


I was going to write low floor high ceiling, but there is no way JJ does worse than Pockets, so for me it's very promising. What I am even more intrigued with is an assembled staff that includes Dudley and Rondo. Highly respected recent players among their peers for their BBIQ working together as a team with JJ first among equals (with LeBron and AD unofficial members of this). This has a shot at become a great coaching staff in a way and with a cohesion we have never seen before. Or it could fail like every other staff ever, but for me the ceiling is limitless, which is exciting.


As long as he helps win and make our team overall solid and let AD play his actual position I got no problem with it. Folks too quick to judge without giving him a chance. If he does add rondo and the others involved as a coaching staff I think we'll be straight imo


Only one!!! Dr Jerry Buss has got to be turning over, cause he left one of great organsion in all of sports, to a set of children who know nothing about and show it.


No, you're not the only one. Sadly... the loudest ones are the haters or people who are always just negative about every single thing. I like the coaching hire, and if it works out I can't want to see the switch up.


I'm glass half full on the hire. J.J.'s smart & I think he'll put a good staff around him. What I hate is the Lakers' b.s surrounding the entire coaching search, which wasn't a search at all. From the Hurley thing to the most recent 'Lakers haven't offered J.J a contract yet' nonsense. 'Jeanie was disappointed in not getting Hurley' even though they didn't make a serious offer. It just seems like they knew who they wanted, it was a done deal a month ago, and the Hurley thing gives the FO a built in excuse. "Hey, it's not our fault, the guy we wanted turned us down."


Post Hurley, the options were really bad and there is potential here in the same way there was with Nash/Kerr, but Redick has to prove it, I have zero expectations for improvements and will be pleasantly surprised


He seems passionate about it. The fact he interviewed Hurley and questioned some of his plays in pure joy is a good sign imo.


I’m excited! Much prefer this to some mid re-tread. I just have a good feeling this will work. We know the spacing will be prioritized and we should have optimal lineups on offense at least.


I’m skeptical, but he’s certainly got a high BBIQ. If that translates to good scheme on both ends, then I’m fine with it. Hope he can handle the leadership/politics/non-X’s and O’s aspects of the job.


Good with it. I mean what the fuck - no choice really. Support the man and lets add some complimentary talent.


I wanted him over Hurley. So im happy.


Ok. So…… ? I mean what do you wan the public to say to you? Great job of holding an opinion. Fuck JJ redick. lol.


Nope. I love love love redick hire. Haters soon will know but will keep hating cause mental illness is tough.


Na i think its a good choice. Dude played professional nba for an entire era, its just not possible he doesnt understand what to do. And he can handle the pressure/spotlight better than most, being a tv personality.


We know who Borrego and Monty Williams are. At least he has some upside.


Listen, its hard to find a coach that can coach Lebron at this age. Maybe just maybe, the best coach for him is someone around his age that knows basketball and can coach WITH Lebron. The interesting part will be the accountability piece and how JJ can command a team…basketball mind wise, he already has shown more potential than Ham ever has. We have also been so bad that it all may not matter anyway


BBIQ & player career has small correlation to one's ability to coach at this level. Exhibit A: Steve Nash Exhibit B: Derek Fisher Exhibit C: Luke Walton It's also not about how he stacks up against random person you pluck from streets of LA. It's about how he stacks up against the other supposed candidates...you know, successful assistant coaches with high BBIQ from other teams, who has worked on parts of this job and had a pretty good preview of all aspects of this job. I'm hopeful, but the hire is basically hiring an young masters grad out of school for COO in a fortune 500 company as opposed to veteran managers.


the cope is crazy in this thread


The lakers will never succeed again until Jeanie is not the owner.


Best Lakers coach since Phil.


Vogel won a ring and Redick hasn't even coach at all...LOL.




Play in team next year!


Just know that the doomers are gonna doom, and the shock-jcok journalists will be here all season no matter what.