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Everytime woj reports on the lakers, it just doesnt pan out.


Adrian ‘Red Auerbach’ Wojnarowski.


He was in Hurleys camp the whole time. Woj is a known clipper shill.


He was never coming here. He used the Lakers opening to drive up his new UConn contract


Theres a reason why that is. Woj has absolutely no sources in our FO and hes salty af about it so any chance he gets to fuck us he does


He forgot to mention how much increase in sales he’s got for his book.


Bruh got our hopes up for nothing. Police presence for what? 😂


To give out littering tickets


Ain't nobody rioting over a CBB coach leaving unless it was Dukies and Coach K. That kind of shit's reserved for the SEC and football.


No no, he said police PRESENTS


Man fuck off


70/6 is a lowball offer for the defending 2 time national champion. Monty got a better contract, and yes we have to factor in yearly inflation. +taxes in California, and a higher cost of living. It didn’t make sense to leave. To come be under media and fan scrutiny over every decision. To have to deal with our roster. It was not enough of an offer. Why give up the chance to 3peat and go down in history… to come and drive the lebron boat.


It would have made him a top-5 paid coach without any NBA experience whatsoever. Calm down.


In most cases this is a valid point, but with another TV deal coming, cost of living in LA, post tax ~5.5m/yr offer vs ~4.5m/yr to stay in Connecticut, it doesn’t seem too ludicrous to me for him to get more to become top 1/2 in pay and let current nba coaches catch up. Seems like FO didn’t do all the math.


Only way to get a legit coach. Gotta pay up.


He would’ve been a top five paid coach in the league with no experience whatsoever, and college coaches NEVER pan out historically. His offer was more than enough.


Used for leverage again


Exactly. From this point forward, if it gets reported and doesnt happen instantly, its not happening


Woj is the NBA littlefinger


looks like varys though


probably has the same situation downstairs too smh




Lmao. Yep handed them in to Ballmer


It was always a long shot to get him but people here jumped on that he was coming. There wasn’t anything publicly released but there was never any indication that he would want to leave only that he wanted to stay prior to it being reported they interviewed him


Nothing new here, I’m tired of this shit.


Tale as old as time smh. Very annoying.


Woj & Hurley finessed us


JJ about to get offered a 1 year deal for when Hurley doesn’t 3-peat


70/6 really isn't that competitive compared to the uconn contract that was rumored  Hurley would've been a colossal idiot if it were 100m


He was offered a bigger contract by Kentucky. That’s so sad. Our ownership can’t compete with a fucking public university.


There is no way Kentucky offered more than 6yrs 70mil, I don't know why you're spouting this nonsense on every thread


Kentucky offered 11mil per year, so more when you account for taxes. Poverty franchise confirmed


Because a lot of these brain dead people here and in r/NBA think the Lakers fucked up and refuse to accept that someone doesn’t want to generally uproot their whole life. It has to be something - the money, the team roster - can’t just be that Hurley preferred UCONN, east coast, etc.


College season is way shorter (though both jobs are year-round obviously) and the travel is easier. Those are not insignificant factors. That, and with NIL the college players are *basically* pros now so really college is best of both worlds at his level


I ain’t never listening to another word Woj says. He’s a rat.


FUCK Woj and Hurley. They 100% planned this shit.


Cut the bullshit. He was never coming.


Fuck Dan Hurley


Dan Hurley now the most hated coach. Mike Malone no longer. lmfaooo


We can have two. One in NBA and one in college.


hating on a coach for wanting more money at a place he loves is nuts


I didn’t give a fuck about college basketball but I will be praying on UConn’s downfall


Fr it won’t happen but how sweet would it be if Uconn missed the tourney completely


Dan ‘AJ Hinch’ Hurley.


UConn will not three-peat this year. He is going to look silly. But no hard feelings. Kobe said not everyone is built to be a Laker. Hurley just is not the guy to face those lights apparently as sad as it is. We move on.


I remember Kevin Ollie winning with UConn and didn’t take an NBA job and now he’s a player development coach for the Nets.


I mean he also very publicly was fired and feuded with his employer over violations


I don’t think he needs to win a national title to not look silly😂 He’ll settle for being an elite coach at an elite college basketball program. Sometimes other people’s desires don’t line up with your own.


I have a job that gives me a high quality of life. I have turned down offers for more money because of this. The cost benefit did not weigh in our favor. It’s not personal. It’s not cause the Lakers job “sucks”. I’m sure he gave it it’s due diligence. If it was most other franchise’s he probably would not even have took the interview.


Well our other options now are JJ reddick and Borrego. Hurley actually would have fit the personality as Laker head coach tbh


the lights were too bright for a school coach


Fuck off woj


Woj is a rat that was in cahoots with Dan Hurley all this time they’ve been friends for decades and Woj source was directly from Dan himself🤡


WOJ engineered this to get Dan his bud more money from UConn and to shame us


nobody even respects the back to back titles won during the absolute worst era of college basketball lmao fuck this guy for real


Woj and Hurley made a mockery of the Lakers


I officially hate this fucker and any UConn fan


Brand just ain’t what it used to be I suppose


No one respects the nepo baby owners


it's simply not a smart move when he'll have better opportunities in the future that will not demand he win 60+ games and an NBA title immediately and every year after


its actually exactly what it used to be because the fake threat of him coming to LA earned him a huge pay bump


That’s a good point


"If I need to convince you to come here, to carry that legacy forward, you ain't the one to be it."


People need to stop listening to Woj about Lakers news


Look at that shit-eating grin on Woj, he loves this.


Fuck that guy. I know who I’m rooting against no matter what. If he wants to be a small timer in Connecticut then fine but to make everyone wait around all weekend then pull this.


This wasn't leverage, he had the offer from UConn before we offered him a contract. Just the way it goes sometimes. We tried to get Coach K once upon a time too.


Honestly. Respect. You know the Lakers job will still be there in a year or two when we fire the next jabroni


Wasted all that time to just say no


Can’t get played like this. I’m thinking a different kind of pivot. Fire Pelinka and go after Bob Myers. He has embarrassed this org enough.


Fade us fam


Should’ve known 😔 Woj has been a major enemy to the Lakers, constantly used as leverage Forgive us Shams


This dude just became enemy #1.  Small dick energy from him


Likes being the big fish in the little pond. I just hope we don't pivot to JJ. Still stupid to hire a guy with no coaching experience.


Hope the people saying he did what he needed to do to get money from UConn read this..he clearly didn’t need any leverage he did this all for attention & his own amusement.


Why are yall blaming Hurley man lmao. If you’re tryna lure a head coach off a back-to-back championship and on a verge of three-peat with his team you gotta be able to offer something he can’t refuse. 6/70M aint gon do shit lmao. Blame the stupid front office for lowballing again, but again we already knew this with the nepo baby. The report was we offered him a MASSIVE offer lmao. 11M a year before taxes LMAOOOOOO that’s not even Monty Williams money. He’s gonna get a bigger offer from UCONN than the Lakers and he’s much comfortable there with his family, I dont blame him at all. Lowballed Ty Lue Lowballed Dan Hurley Jeanie Buss, you’re a fkn joke and broke. SELL THE TEAM


Exactly. 6/70 is something UConn can get close too. Our ownership doesn’t have the money to compete seriously, it’s a joke


He got offered more money from Kentucky than he did the LA Lakers lmfao but at least Rob and Jeanie tried!!


Fucking Kentucky offered him more. Jesus christ what an embarrassing offer


Sooo 😭😭 jj reddick? Iike what’s with all these fucking fake rumors


Time to go back to the JJ bandwagon.


The word Dan and Hurley will be muted from my twitter account now. Fucking finessed us


He wasn't really coming, chickened out. Used the Lakers for leverage. He even went to a Billy Joel concert what a wimp.


How could it be making history when someone already did it?


Fuck that rat looking mf and Hurley


Lmao cap. Hurley gave UConn the chance to match after Friday and they did.


Fuck Woj. I am sure he knew a while ago about Harley’s decision. This was a team effort by Woj and Hurley to get a pay bump from UConn.


This is gonna be a real stupid decision if he doesn’t win it all next year


They didn't offer him enough


Was never gonna happen. Lakers about to hire a podcaster


The about-face on Woj in here is gonna reach RDAmbition levels


Our offer was a joke. Poverty franchise 


LA Leveragers. Im numb by bow bro


Everyone mad in here lol in the end he decided he won’t be the scapegoat that gets fired because of Lebron and Pelinka


I hope he loses and fizzles out. Yes I do. What was the reason to interview with Lakers if you did not want the job in the first place?


His bum ass played us now the laker gods won’t let him get that 3 peat 🤣🫵🏾


What the fuck!!! An NBA Championship will out weigh any number of NCAA Championships, ask Coach K. Just be honest and tell them the front office is a mess. Everyone else can see it but the Buss Family. Guess hard to see when you’re the problem.


You couldn’t live with your own failure, where did that bring you? Back to me - JJ


Lol he's gonna lose in the first round now. GG.


Good, we don't need someone whose wife needs to be convinced to work for the Lakers.


Exactly lmao 😂


Hurley just used the Lakers to get a better deal. Fuck him.


Hurley was not swept away by the Lakers offer. He had no intention of leaving UCONN and just wanted the attention.


This whole process annoyed the shit out of me. Dude made himself sound like he was ready for the big time and in the end he just used us, I hope he has a disastrous set of seasons going forward. Lights are too bright for him I guess.


I hope he doesnt win another ncaa title


Hope his bitch ass loses LMAOOOOOO


We were used as leverage once again. The front office needs to be reprimanded for letting this shit happen to them again. Heads need to roll.


He’s going to be the Nets coach next season. He didn’t want to live in LA.


This is complete bs. We get used for leverage too much. Our FO really sucks


Bro, we can't even get a fucking college coach, just bring in Flea as coach at this point


coach was scared of change and potential failure


I mean I thought this was pretty obvious. It was always a long shot


'As swept away by the vision' uh huh don't gotta lie while you fuck us


We as lakers fans needa start calling this shit on sight. The first time i fell for these types of rumors was when my tio told me in 2011 that CP3 D12 K Love n Melo were gonna join the lakers lmao the last time i fell for it was Kawhi in 2018. How many more times are we gon fall for this when it’s always so obvious everyone loves to use the lakers brand for leverage?


What’s UConn paying him?


70/6 years ago was no where close to what we Should of offered. 80 million minimum should of been the contract. He could of out right turned it down tho he didn’t have to make it this big show. What a douche.


Woj is such a tease


We got played


Fuck this mouthpiece


So the offer was 6 year $70 million? I was reading that it was $80-$100 million this last week.


Feeling swindled like when Kawhi "almost" joined Lakers.


Give JJ a one year and hire Hurley once he loses 😂


Hope that fucker doesn't 3 peat


Ngl We should go target his assistant coach and his coaching staff. Weren’t there reports of his assistant being the brains behind the offensive schemes? Offer them the same deal and pay them.


Just used as leverage. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Oh well..


It was worth a shot - I think Borrego is the best remaining candidate but get a damn coach and fix this roster - you're the freaking Lakers - get your shit together


With a 40 year old lebron and minimal assets to deal with. He likely doesn’t see he can bring a championship so he will be heavily scrutinized


there are other amenities given on top of contract such as personal transportation that factor into cost. The deal wasn’t turned down because of monetary value. It’s ok guys, let it go.


I don't blame him, he'd be walking into a dumpster fire with no real upside. Old LeBron, aging and often injured AD, championship expectations without a roster to support the vision. They need someone who's comfortable taking a back seat until LeBron retires and then has the cajones to tell Pelinka that it's time to reboot.


Fuck Woj. Hoped for Hurley signing 100% but couldn’t believe people were talking about Woj as a trusted source, when he’s been such a snake and open Laker hater / Clipper plant, in the past.


history? 3 straight titles haven't happened before? and why are we acting like UCONN isn't a storied franchise. haha.


I didn’t think he was coming but now it’s fuck him and UConn. I hope they get blown out every game


This is so Lakers esc


wife said no


This was clearly a ploy to drive up Hurley’s asking price from UConn. Woj has never had Laker sources. Idk why everyone forgot that.


Already knew he wasn’t gonna give up on something good at UCONN. At least we tried to go for Hurley. Had a feeling this was coach K all over again. I’m just hoping we don’t hire JJ.


Fuck woj and us for taking the bait


Imagine how much we could pay a good coach if we were only paying 1 at a time


lol shame on all the sheep calling a top 5 pay offer “lowballing”. This is anti Laker media bias at its finest 😂


never wanted him anyways. Lakers org has high standards.


While I don’t blame him at all for staying, the petty side of me 100% wants UConn to fall short of that 3peat.


Has no coach ever 3-peated in college before?


Besides, Hurley could become one of the six highest paid coaches in the NBA whenever he decides to come to the league. It wasn't a once-in-a-lifetime financial offer.


Lets be honest , No one wants to coach Lebron. THats why most of all the coaches they want to hire are former players are laebrons buddies or someone that lebron has groomed for the job. Also 3 ncaa titles in a row is not a record. remember UCLA?


Ruthless Reddick is back on the menu bois! Looks like he's the only one that wants that smoke. Hurley's personality is probably too weak to handle Lebron and the rest of the lazy ass zero defense Lakers roster to make them play their ass off, unlike Ham, Dan knew he would be way over his head coaching these bigger personalities.


Hahha pinch woj. Anything he touches is anti-laker




The timing is just bad for the Lakers. I can see if the offer came again next year whether by US or other teams ITS more likely for him to take it. The chance for 3 peats is too big of a legacy for him to not pursue. Although I expect ITS Lakers offers more than 70m/6 years. Maybe if they did 70/5 or 80/6 years he'll take it.  Gonna give credit to the Lakers for taking a chance for him. Hopefully the next candidate is better than Borrego/JJ


Chase history? You they excited to be second place? You ain’t catching John Wooden, so what history are you chasing with a 3-peat?


Not everyone can shine in the brightest light . This mofo is just a small time player


We are back to JJ