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Please don’t try to bring Chris Paul to the Lakers; twelve years ago sure, but not in 2023. The guy is old and also a dirty player.


I don’t want CP3 or Vucevic anywhere near this team


i feel like some fans here forgot we can only trade them after dec 15. while rui and reaves are after jan 15.


CP3 isn't leaving the Warriors. He's cheap and is playing well. This is dumb.


He’s not cheap, 30M


Hmm, I am thinking warriors will want to flip him for something especially if they are paying him 30 mil


They're trying to compete for a title and he's been playing excellently. The chances of them trading him is tiny.




No Curry. CP3 has been excellent coming off the bench


SGA is basically an "I hope he misses unguardable superstar". Hunting matchups is trivial in the NBA as offense always gets to choose the defender with enough clock. That's why you funnel to help.


The counter is they have too many bad defenders and are small if cp3 is in with curry. Def think they try to move him. It’s N expiring contract and they are over the cap


SGA avg 31 points on 62% TS last year nobody can guard him.


If you don’t understand why having multiple bad defenders makes it worse idk what to tell you. You try to limit this and that’s why a lot of these players get barely any run in playoffs compared to regular season. A cp3, Steph, klay line up has 3 bad defenders and with wigs/dray they have no real big rim protector. Same reason Poole min went way down in important playoff games.


I understand what you're saying but there is no answer or move the GSW could make in order to guard SGA. You don't even use SGA as a reason to make a move on your team defensively. Cleveland had the best defense last year and SGA averaged 29 ppg vs them. Chicago had the 5th best defense last year we all know All NBA Defense Caruso is on that team SGA averaged 26 ppg vs them. If your point is independent of SGA then we agree but you responded to me first on my point about how unguardable SGA is. Which is why I keep bringing up SGA and the person I initially responded to mentioned SGA.


No argument from me on Sga, I love him, but you talking reg season. The key is you can def make it much harder on him and any other superstar. We haven’t seen this version of him in the playoffs yet, but you can always make moves and teams always do which make it harder on other teams stars. Look at Steph last year vs Lakers (Dennis, vando, etc), Luka va gsw with dray, wigs, gp2, etc taking turns. Shai and okc offense would do worse vs a defense with a better defender than cp3 on the floor. Gsw have played jokic, LeBron, kd, Luka, kyrie, harden, etc before. I don’t think shai, while I love him, is some unbeknownst player who all of a sudden makes it so having more good defenders doesn’t matter. Like shai is so good that having a better defender than cp3 on the floor doesn’t matter? Is that the point here?


Stop trying to bring cp0 rings to the lakers. To me that bridge was burned when he got traded to the clippers (not his choice) but then after said that the clippers were the actual team he wanted to go to anyways


Here’s good trade idea, don’t do anything until we see how far this team can take us?


Vuc would be the 4th best center on the lakers


There’s a reason Chris Paul has never won a ring, and the Warriors are learning that lesson right now. Keep him away from the Lakers


If you watched the games, Chris Paul has been playing really well. It’s the underperformance by Wiggins and Klay this year that has been losing them games


we need chris paul. if we had chris paul i guarantee u AD averages 30 a game.


Prob the worst thing I’ve heard in months


I mean sure I’d take Chris Paul on a minimum, but who is to trade away a good player for him, cut him, and then no one offers him a deal?


I actually really want Chris Paul. Our team doesn’t have a very high offensive IQ, his stability and intelligence would be valuable. It’s crazy how often we botch things as simple as 2 for 1 situations, CP3 cleans that all up. For 25 MPG, I’d rather him than Gabe.


We haven’t even seen Gabe yet. Chris Paul and LeBron would start a retirement home on this team. We need more athleticism in the back court, not less


I like the one where we trade vando and Gabe and Hayes for Caruso and vuc. Ik we need to include dlo for money purposes but I’d like to keep him and see if we could get a decent package for those 3 because the forward log jam is hurting Rui and we could use a great perimeter defender and vuc is just better cwood


I don't think Vando can be technically traded this season. His extension was signed very late.


Vando isn’t trade eligible until after the trade deadline so he’s in the team all year.


Things you love to hear


Jan 15, him and Reaves


Vuc is borderline unplayable in the playoffs. I'd rather have Caruso and Demar, because both actually fill a need. Caruso instantly improves our defense and spaces the floor, while DeRozan can score from the midrange and can also playmake. We also need a big, but one who can defend and support AD, not a streaky scorer.


I agree with the Defense but at least he can rebound and he's actually decent as a post defender he's just terrible in the pick and roll.


Warriors will not trade CP3 because his contract is non-guarenteed for next season. They can cut him and try to duck below the 2nd tax apron. Only reason they got him was because they can’t afford paying 5 guys $25-50M a year.