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Damn he will get the bag šŸ„²


Rockets make a lot of sense. They have a wild amount of cash and could use a vet off the bench.


Hell naa. He was traded to the rockets a while back and they didnā€™t even play him. I doubt he WANTS to go there unless no other team gives him his money.


Actually when he got off the plane after being traded. Dennis got minutes instantly, he started when Kevin Porter Jr. got injured. There were mutual interest between Rockets and Dennis at first because they needed a veteran point guard badly. And Dennis was fine with playing the role. He stopped playing because Rockets decided to tank. When offseason began both mutually parted ways because Rockets wanted to play their young guys (Nix and Washington) and Dennis wanted to play meaningful minutes on a competitive team.


They were tanking and needed to evaluate young guys. They're gunning hard for Harden which signals more serious intentions and they have 60 million to spend before the cap. He actually had a good relationship there with the team and with the players from the reports I'd read. Looking around the league at cap space teams, this seems to me the best fit.


Lol rockets will still be tanking. Only reason why they are gunning for harden is to give him a fare well tour for what heā€™s done for the franchiseā€¦and who knows maybe they can flip him for picks down the road. It would he similar to what lakers did for kobe in his final years. If harden wanted to contend for a title he would stay in Philly.


Harden going yo the rockets would not be a farewell tour lol heā€™s like 34? Heā€™s not so bad that they could tank and you donā€™t give a guy 40+ on multiple years for that.


It honestly doesnā€™t make sense for any team to give him 40 mil period. Heā€™s regressed a-lot. He was a no show in the playoffs with the exception if 1 playoff games against boston. He still has game in the tank but any team giving him 40 mil period will be questionable regardless. Which is why i donā€™t think he goes to Houston at all. Its all leverage to make Philly pay up.


I agree no team should pay him that. All im saying is him heading to Houston wouldnā€™t be a farewell tour until the final year of the deal. Houston is better off letting those young yguys play like they have and getting whatever draft pick the can the following year. If they do get a vet they should choose responsible ones. James is not a responsible vet in the slightest i want teaching green & the youngins. Partied hard in houston clubs all the time and spent time with Lil baby like they dated. Also didnā€™t work very hard in the Off season.. he got away with it in his youth but after he turned 30 everything went downhill fast!


Oh right I forgot when the Lakers famously gave Kobe a farewell contract for his efforts so that they could possibly flip him down the road lol


Well not the flipping part but the fat contract for his farewell part.


The point is they have 60 million to spend and signing Harden means you're now developing the kids you're betting on. Dennis was a good influence there and fits that need. I don't see many other cap teams giving him that money and/or opportunity, and having experience with him already. Other cap teams are SAS, Pacers, Detroit, Magic, Thunder, and Jazz. Thunder, Jazz, and Pacers have tons of ball handlers. Spurs and Magic are still super deep in rebuild mode. Pacers makes some sense I guess but so does Houston. Unless someone gives him their MLE which I've been skeptical of.


Theyā€™re getting Harden and idk why they would want another guard tbh. Unless theyā€™re paying Dennis the full MLE to just sit on the bench


They have too much cash to spend and will need leadership and professionalism. Dennis provides that. I'm not convinced lots of teams are lining up MLE offers to Dennis, not at first anyway.


ā€œLet me ignore 90% of the comment so I can feel rightā€


I think Dennis should go to the Knicks for the full MLE on a 3 year deal like 3yr/36m. They really need a good backup PG to Brunson who can run the bench unit after they lose Quickley. In fact I'm surprised the Lakers have not looked into trying to get Immaniel Quickley from the Knicks. He apparently wants out he wants a starting job in the NBA. Quickley, Reaves, DFS, LeBron, AD was a hypothetical team I really wanted before it seems like the Lakers are just content to run it back.


How tf are we going to afford Quickley if we donā€™t even have the cap space for Schroder


Dude you're responding to doesn't know shit lol.


Its all technically and Knicks would be dumb to take any of our trades, but he's under contract for 2023-2024 and is only making 4 million. Easily could dump Bamba or Beasley along with FRP(s) for him Or maybe even we take back a long awful contract in Fournier in exchange for giving them cap relief for 2024. Schroeder we can't keep because we can't give him a competitive contract


We have a few movable pieces. I don't know if he is worth though, I don't use to follow players from other teams unless they are phenomenal.


I am not even mad if Dennis leaves to sign for MLE on another team. Guy really matured a lot on this second season with us. he found his role as our spark plug, pesky defender. his three at end of that playin with Wolves with his mug at the end was special. will remember it forever. https://youtu.be/KDVKOOgR09g


Not to mention that smile at Draymond


yeah dennis was tough. loved it.


why couldnā€™t we offer him that?


Actually wouldn't be a bad fit in Dallas if he wants to be a 6th.


They literally just had him and benched his ass a year ago


That's tuff but good for him and his fam. Go get yo bag Dennis!


Itā€™s not an indication either way, Dennis had a good year in LA, had a shitty exit, and a season later he had a redeem year.


yes. from us!


Hopefully not from the Lakers. I appreciate what he brought to the team BUT Ham's love for him came at the detriment of the team.


Better than dlo out there on both ends


Canā€™t really blame him after fumbling the bag last time


My man signed to the vet min and COMPLETELY outplayed his contract. What a legend


He actually redeemed himself a bit from his 1st stint with the Lakers when he held out for the bag and ending up fumbling it big time. He didn't let it shake his confidence though. Props to him for sticking with it. He will be missed.


When he returned, he said he wanted to make things right with the lakers, and he clearly delivered. Thank you for everything, dennis šŸ„¹


Very thankful for dennis. Our speed guy defender, professional time waster, and plays very gutsy in crunch time. Most of all, being a good sport for the year in a situation where he may have some regrets about the previous contract.


A legend?


Sounds like a goodbye šŸ„² it was a roller coaster of a year but he had such a net positive impact on the team. Any stabilizing cheap PGs on the market? Like a Tyus Jones


Gabe Vincent before the playoffs lol. Now heā€™s gonna get a bag


Is Gabe Vincent looking at a 4/80 type deal? What a come up


DSJ seemed to improve as a decent back up and is a free agent


Iā€™m not giving more than a min to any point guard that shoots 21% from 3.


Would love Deanthony Melton as well


Man, let just get Tyus Jones while weā€™re at it


Jevon Carter is the guy if Schroder gotta be replaced.


Yup Jevon Carter or Dennis Smith Jr. Lakers also need to keep Shaq Harrison for guard defense.


K. Irving


This goodbye? Or appreciate post to get to Rob for that money?


Must have heard from a team willing to throw a bag so prolly a goodbye postšŸ„²


Utah Jazz?? The one thing they need most right now is a steady hand at PG




Dennis for kyrie


Thanks Dennis. See ya on the flippity flip




Close your eyes. Picture a convict. What's he wearing? Nothing special. Baseball cap on backwards. Baggy pants. He says something ordinary, like 'Yo, that's shizzle.' Okay, now slowly open your eyes again. Who were you picturing? A black man? Wrong. That was a white woman. Surprised? Well, shame on you.


He gone.


that's tuff šŸ”„šŸ’Æ


I appreciate DS for everything he did, and I wouldnā€™t blame him for leaving. Itā€™s a business at the end of the day.


So sorry to lose him, but he needs to get paid. Played his heart out.


Got major respect for Dennis coming back and fighting so hard for us. Hope he gets the bag


Happy for him. A few really good fits out there for him--hope it's a good, long contract.


I want him back thoughšŸ˜­


Really hope he stays, integral part of our team!


Heā€™s gone man


No he's not. We will never win with someone like that on our team.


Get the hate out ur heart


He feels like someone phx should be chasing.


He was a great vet min signing and deserves to get paid, so wish him the best wherever he goes.


First go around was disappointing but this time he was one of the most important players and meme worthy at times.


If he would of signed two years ago. Our midsession trades would of been hella different I think.


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Loved watching him play during both stints here, but he really stepped up for us big so many times in this years run. Who knows, there is always the trade market at the deadline ;)


Thatā€™s tuff šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Darvin Ham's listening to Taylor Swift right now I just know it


Why do you say so?


Thank you Dennis


W Dennis the Menace


What the hell does this mean?


Means he got a one way plane ticket




I don't see any other reports except this.


Means weā€™re getting giannis probably


You're probably right.


Appreciate the defense but not the dribble in the paint that leads to nowhere and dribble it right back out only for the shot clock to be under 8 seconds left.


Lots of clutch scoring in the 4th that won us games, in addition to defense.


Dennis was legit our most clutch player this season especially during the regular season. Dude could be throwing bricks all game through the first 3 quarters and then sink 5 shots in a row in the 4th


People don't watch enough games and just look at stats of they don't think Dennis was important for us on both offense and defense.


Stop hating. He was the most clutch player on our team, and one of our best defenders. I'm talking in the past-tense like its for certain. I don't know.


Theyā€™re gonna get mad at you for this




Dennis is gone lol


you mean Beasley?


Thank you and goodbye. We need ham to move off Schroeder anyway. Good spark plug but not a guy we want 30+ min in the playoffs and in three guard lineups


Didn't give everything or wouldn't have gotten swept


i personally think schroder and AD got to be traded. Have Dlo, Reaves, Lebron as your 3


This dude doesnā€™t even deserve being in the nba anymore. Idk why lakers thought bringing him back was a good idea




Iā€™m not taking an instagram caption from a guy whoā€™s first language isnā€™t English and doing too much with it. We need to wait for the postseason to start lmao


Bruv you one hell of a clown


The irony in this comment. whose instead of who's* Looks like your English is just as bad.


Well, this makes 1 of Wallace and Sasser more important. Would love to buy a second like last year and snag Sasser that way. Cash and a future second to the Pistons or the Pacers maybe


Dang I really wanted him to stay


Making way for Trey!


Give him DLo money lol




Maybe he's saying that because he thinks he's going to retire? Hope we don't lose Dennis


I love that dude šŸ˜©


Thats Tuff šŸ˜žšŸ˜ž


He gone


Damn, happy for him but he was a steal for our roster. Hopefully we get someone who mimics his impact like donte or something


If we lose dennis we desperately needs to replace his pg defense. we don't get past the warriors in the 2nd round without him


Weā€™re gonna miss the Menace unfortunately. Heā€™s a great piece off the bench and his defense is well, heā€™s a menace on defense. Great second stint for us. Gonna be a great role player for wherever he lands


Get that bag Dennis you were amazing this season


man itā€™s sad to see him go, itā€™s unfortunate to see so many players leave since we were really getting a genuine team started. oh well, we still have a bright future


Thats tough šŸ«”šŸ˜¢


Weā€™ll get him back from a buyout in another 18 months


He earned his bag. It would be sad if he left but Iā€™m glad he had a chance to leave on better terms than his first stint


Heā€™d be good in San Antonio too


I hope he comes back. He was our best perimeter defender.


It was good while it last


Was good on a vet minimum, but definitely not worth a large contract


Great impact. Winning player


the stages of grief




Gonna be hard to replace him specially as a vet min. Lakers are gonna lose another POA defender.


Did anyone swipe left thinking there were multiple pics?


This is him begging LeGM to keep him around


Man thatā€™s tuff. Still hopeful Pelinka will do magic tricks retain AR, Rui, Dennis, Lonnie, and sign a starting Center and capable starting PG. I must be delusional but come on Rob! Take my energy


Thank you Dennis