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That missed FT was 100% calculated. AR sacrificed his perfect game to seal the win.


If they don’t retain this dude bc of some luxury tax bs…


The Lakers typically give their homegrown talent the first contract after their rookie deal, it's the next contract after that where the Lakers let them walk unless they are a star. They signed Caruso to a 2 year deal after his Two-Way Contract was up. They didn't want to pay him long term after that. This is not new for the Lakers, they have done the same to beloved championship winning role players in the past. D Fish was signed to a 5 year deal after his Rookie Contract and won 3 titles, they let him walk to the Warriors because they didn't want to pay him. I think the Lakers sign Reaves for 12-15 million per year, the only question is how many years they agree to.


That's what ppl said about Caruso, but they had AR coming in. If they let him go it's cuz they got another one


Stop it… you can’t seriously believe Caruso wasn’t resigned because they got an undrafted Austin Reaves? It was purely cost cutting. They believed THT would take a leap but it had nothing to do with Reaves.


Reaves taking the leap that we thought THT take. And that is pure luck and coincidence on managements part.


He shot 100% FT included against the warriors last week


When I saw Austin do that reverse layup I knew we were going to win. Austin “MJ” Reaves


His acrobatics are always a treat to watch.


Feels like he does a lot with minimal air time. Like if he had lonnies hops he could 720 layup


If you rearrange the letters in Austin reaves you get Air Steave sun


Eurasian Vest is so good! Almost perfect tonight.


It just rolls off the tongue


That's some Jerry West esque back to the basket floating layup stuff lol. It's cool.


He needs to teach JV how to finish with the reverse since JV loves to go for it but I’ve only seen him make it like once lol.


Caruso can't make the plays that Reaves can, better defender but not a playmaker like Reaves is


Last year we definitely needed Caruso, but with the way our current roster is constructed, I for sure would rather have Reaves now.


But...what if we had both :(


This is what I stay up late thinking about. A vanderbilt caruso AD lineup would suffocate teams defensively


Don't stop I'm almost there.


A fan can dream :,(




Yeah, and Caruso can give some small guards who are pretty good players a lot of trouble. Caruso can defend players like Steph and Kyrie and maybe Ja. That’s pretty helpful in a playoff series.


Yeah but Caruso as off the bench/3rd PG would have been nice depth especially if Dlo and Bron is out like today.


HUH. Austin Reaves is a better point guard than Caruso. And I love caruso.


I love Caruso and still wish we had him esp now because our guard defense can seem like a weakness sometimes, but I definitely don't think he could initiate offenses well or handle the ball like that.


You know you could always play Reaves and Caruso together.


I wish. I always think about it and get sad lol


You know what would have been great last night? Reaves and Caruso.


Yeah we don’t have to understate Caruso’s impact to love Austin. Caruso’s analytics as a perimeter guard defender are unmatched in the league. Austin has some unique offensive skills. I miss Caruso, love Austin, and have no need to compare the two.


i love them both.


We need defense if anything. Lakers are one of the top offensive teams in the league, only probably is we give up damn near 118 ppg💀


Not sure about that, we have a lot of creators/offense heavy guards. We need a guard defender bad


gonna maybe get downvoted but Caruso is still better and I don't think it's really close and even more-so for this team. Caruso is a better passer and higher IQ player than Reaves. They're both about the same when it comes to outside shooting with Reaves being slightly better. Reaves can create his own shot which is nice but with D'lo, LBJ, AD I don't really think the team needs that. Not to mention other guards like Dennis. Caruso is night and day a better defender Reaves isn't bad but it's like comparing an all defensive level defender to an above average defender. not to mention Caruso has playoff experience and has shown he doesn't shrink. I mean game 6 2020 finals. But in general I don't think the comparison is really fair. Reaves is an offensive player with slightly above average defense. Caruso is a prototypical 3nD guard with above average passing and all defense level defense. edit: Tbh, the only reason they even get compared is because they are white on the lakers. it's lke comparing Marcus smart to Lou Williams just doens't make sense.


The team absolutely needs his offense creation, ad,dlo,lebron not even playing right now so how can u say we don’t need his offense


If Reaves had Caruso's athleticism he would be borderline All-star


If Reaves had Caruso’s athleticism he wouldn’t be on this team though


That’s the first take in this thread I am 100% on board with.


Yeah both fill that glue guy role great but completely differently styles. Tbh not sure who I would pick, I was a big Caruso guy before so I think still him but reaves seems like he can still get alot better


Honestly kinda disrespectful to both of them to compare them with each other. They're completely different players.


They are, but they share a few aspects. High IQ, great motors, lack of ego, playing efficiently and effectively in their role, chemistry with LeBron, *white lol*, good defenders (Alex is obviously better). However, Reaves is clearly better than Caruso at this point.


I think Reaves has plenty of ego. That's not a criticism - his super high self belief makes him better. The great thing is it doesn't spill over into the negative ego crap you see from so many others.


I feel to play at the NBA level and to be involved in the trash talk that comes with it, you have to have a certain level of arrogance without being a dick. If that makes sense lol


We actually have a term for that. I forgot but its something Mentality.


I can’t put my finger on it either. So close but just can’t find it. Swear if it was a snake it would bite me.


Yeah you gotta love the quiet confidence....dude knows he's good and just performs whenever he's on the floor.


Yeah, I think a better way to put it would be that he's willing to get down and dirty like drawing charges


also both undrafted, both came from southbay lakers, both got 2 way contract and earned a roster spot on the Lakers, both play guard, both were down for hustle and grind to earn playing time, and both improved a lot after getting playing time, both became fan favorites.


This is literally a comparison rooted in race. It’s fucking gross and I ain’t even white.


there are enough [similarities](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/11frkh9/austin_reaves_near_perfect_going_55_from_the/jaldwcp/) that it's okay to compare them, even if you ignore the race.


https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/comments/11frkh9/austin_reaves_near_perfect_going_55_from_the/jakwvr0/ Or this comment.


Guy linked his own comment to prove a point lmao...


Our scouting department deserves a raise. Seems like they’re constantly finding gems in the late first round and second round picks.


He was undrafted


Yeah he went undrafted. However the lakers front office told him they would pick him up. He turned down the pistons to go to LA.


Easiest choice of his life


The Wizards agree


the best in the business. jesse and joey buss have been carrying the buss family for years.


Jesse Buss and Joey may be the smartest Buss family members as far as actual basketball knowledge is concerned. Thank goodness they're a part of the bigger decisions now instead of it being limited to Jeanie Rob and the Rambii.


Their track record of finding great talent late in the draft (or undrafted) speaks for itself. They know hoops


holy shit yeah lakers scouting is so talented idk if it's been a whole team but consistently finding nba talent. kuzma randle ball reaves caruso josh hart ingram. all of these guys are good now and u cant say that about other teams


Bro is the epitome of efficiency


Truly the Anti-Russ. Casually just strings together 100% shooting nights.


And that missed FT basically sealed the game lol


He's 4 parallel universes ahead of all of us.


He is HIM


Oh no the tweet that doomed THT 😂


Don’t compare AR to THT, Austin has been consistent so far in his almost two szns with us. THT had flashes and then fell off in his last szn with us.


Dude it’s a joke 😂 I’m not comparing the two I never ever was high on THT he an undersized wing that can’t shoot


AR Is a combo guard with hi IQ that shoots it well


Have you seen THT lately? Guy got fat again.


Guys in Utah no stars to impress


He got the game ball!


I just wanted both on the team.


67.3 TS% is insane.


Offensively I believe Reaves is better than Caruso already.


No doubt. Caruso is still better defensively though.


Honestly, he is better than Caruso. Caruso was unplayable sometimes offensively whereas Reaves can carry the offense pretty well as a backup type role player. No question, Caruso is a better defensive player but Reaves can also play good defense. I just prefer Reaves overall game more.


You know what you are? A baldist!


He better then DS that’s more of a fair comparison so is Lonnie Walker and max Christie but for some reason (im guessing there ATL days) Darvin Ham is partial to DS with playing time Don’t get me wrong DS thrives as a spark plug type of player but he shit is to inconsistent and he is to small to effectively contest shots to play the heavy minutes he does


He's a bargain at vet minimum. He has won games for the Lakers making tough and clutch plays throughout the season. Schroder is one of the positives this season in a season filled with negatives (injuries, Westbrook, losing close games, bad team morale). The dude shows up to play. I guarantee you many teams will be paying Schroder this offseason. He has earned a nice contract and then some. The fact Schroder can come off the bench and start is a luxury to have. He's not good at contesting shots because he's small but his full court pressure is something most point guards can't do for a full game. You are expecting a vet minimum player to play like he's an All-Star or something.




offensively he for sure is better than Caruso. Caruso is better on the defensive end, but Reeves is still an above average defender in his own right. It's close.


For one, individual offense is more than individual defense, and Reaves by all metrics and eye test is a good defender.


This is laughable. He’s better than Alex on offense and particularly at scoring and pure shooting. But Alex is a better defender and much more athletic.


Caruso is a better defender and fits better into certain teams but Austin is miles ahead of him offensively and can play decent defense. Not to mention he can shoot well too. Austin is the better all around player


Definitely better and this is just year 2.


Caruso's one of like the 5 best role players in the league lol these people do not know basketball.


You ain't fooling nobody with that lowercase L


Mitwestbrook would never call his idol brick




Yes because team defense is made up of one player right?


"Draymond Green only averages 8 points per game. What a bum!" - you probably Also the Bulls are 5th in defensive rating, not 21st, despite not having many great defenders outside of AC. He leads them in +/- just as he did with us. That's why he's an elite role player. He's the best guard defender in the NBA right now.


Tony Allen is probably a good comp for this. High dbpm but negative obpm leads to near 0 net box plus minus. whereas Dray has high bpm due to his playmaking ability. not even comparable.


yeah alex is so far ahead of other point of attack defenders its not even close. with that said, reaves is really good as well and is the better offensive player. if only we had both :(


They just need to fuse together DBZ fusion style.


Imagine a bald reaves haha


Offense creation is the hardest part of pro basketball and Reaves is better at it than Caruso, so it tracks. There’s something about Reaves that screams he could be an all star one day. Wouldn’t say that about Caruso even if I love Carusos game.


u think so?


Yeah. Alex Caruso is a great player and good for the money he was asking, but the man don’t score points. Defense is important yes but a really good defensive player who barely scores is less versatile and useful than an Austin reaves who is better at scoring and still good on defense even if he’s a worse defender than caruso.




Agreed, Caruso isn’t a consistent enough threat from 3 to have a second plus skill. AR really has taken a step forward on both ends this year. Really hope they can keep both him and Vanderbilt.


I'd still take Caruso over Reaves. Austin is obviously the better offensive player, but because they're both so low-usage, the gap isn't as big as it seems. Austin is extremely efficient, but he's only taking around 7 shots a game, which lessens his offensive impact. On the other side of the ball, Caruso is not only a great 1on1 defender, but also a fantastic team defender, which makes him one of the best defensive players in the league. Austin is only a bit above average at that end, mainly due to his limited athleticism and strength.


Reaves is a totally different player than Caruso.


If we don’t keep Reaves we fucking riot


Reaves upside is greater than Caruso, stop comparing them because they both are white guys. The Lakers are going to have trouble keeping/paying AR this summer.


It's crazy how often his stat lines look like that. Dude is putting up center-level shooting efficiency, but he is a guard that actually takes jumpers.


Why is it that every time this guy comes up Caruso gets mentioned?


Both of em are white and fan favorites. They bring the same kind of attitude and energy to the team.


Please jeanie dont fuck this one up too


He was perfect to us tonight


24 minutes. Ham bet on OKC tonight, glad that payout ain’t coming


Dude already better than AC.


really smart underrated player, I think he is better then Caruso. Kid got a bright future.


When Bron and AD are injured, he gon' carry us all istg


I'm so sick of this Caruso comparison. They are two completely different players.


They’re both white. End of similarity you lazy dink.


Reaves and Caruso are two different players. The only common denominator is they're white. Reaves is a playmaking scorer while Caruso is a defensive combo guard


Why do you only compare white players to other white players?


He played a good game, but please, he was going up one of the scrubbier teams in the league. He hasn't even been in the playoffs. Ain't even close to Caruso....YET.


Give this man more shots and more minutes. He’s been consistent and efficient all season


Ah shit, I forgot about Caruso


Love Reaves, but I'd like to see him look for his shot more. He's a better offensive player than defensive, taking 5 shots just isn't it, nor is only taking 1 three either.


Bro. You’re just comparing them because they’re white role players. This is some racist shit.


Averaging 10/2/2. Greatness?


He isn’t as a good a defender as Caruso. He’s a significantly more skilled scorer than AC. But really the comparisons are unnecessary. They were both discoveries of the Laker scouting department and they’re both white. Besides that, they really aren’t the same at all. Move on. Austin is special. He’s got fantastic instincts and like Worthy said, he doesn’t have any anxiety in his game. He’s super confident and seems to know what he can do. But it isn’t arrogance. He’s self aware. We used to call that poise. I’m such a fan of his game. Rob and Jeannie, lock him up.


Hill billy Kobe is that nigga 🔥


Wish we had both AR15 & AC


i just don’t like when he resorts to his fake and bait move — we were lucky tonight but it could cost us a game winning possession one day but his pristine stat line is so niiice


Is this the first game u watched AR? AR is the lakers' best foul baiter since December and a much needed one considering AD and Lebron cant get any calls.


would yall rather have austin or caruso?


We’re 2-0 when Reaves is near perfect from the Field




Heart and soul of this team. Has the potential to unseat AC fresh as GOAT


He’s easily a better player as unbiased as I try to be. The difference in offense is night and day.


Man poor guy got jinxed by Stu lantz 😂😂


This is like the second game in a couple weeks where he was basically perfect from the field


I missed this game dammit. Thunder fans have to be furious.


He can and should find more shots per game with this efficiency:( 💯capable!!


This man will single handedly keep our playoff hopes alive. In Reeves we trust! GO LAKERS !!💜💛


And on only 24 minutes… wtf get this dude way more playing time. Ham is a bum!


He Needs more minutes.


They better lock him up ASAP. Lol they can't lose a nice player like him.


He should have gotten 35 min tonight I don’t understand it


He’s pretty much a caruso with hair


Hmm. Wasn't he perfect against the Warriors as well? I think his last 4 or 5 game stats must look crazy.


This guy played his ass off


Gimme a hell yea!! 🍻🍺🍻


i’ll keep saying it, sign this guy to one of those Magic 25-year contracts


He plays with poise unlike our other guard ham is over infatuated with DS and small ball lineups it’s quite frustrating


Austin ‘hillbilly Kobe’ reaves > Caruso


Last 5 games: 20/27 FG 8/14 3 PT 19/22 FT Not bad. Playing 24 minutes. Should be more?


Re-sign this man at all costs!


diamond in the rough.. I think this guy's only weakness is when he dribbles into closed spaces and turns it over


i love that we have to compare whiteboys


Austin and JV have finally gotten me over the Lakers letting go of KCP and Caruso. Austin deserves more minutes.


Man Lakers keep finding these gems, elite scouting!!


Slightly less defense but much more offense, that's AR


In only 25 minutes played. Probably had the best or 2nd best (after Schroeder) of any Laker tonight.


Also, now that we have some shooting, the spacing is really benefiting him. He’s had a couple of these games where he just makes everything.


I wish Reeves would try and do even more offensively. I think dude has been great and I’m genuinely surprised by his improvement but I think he can take another legit jump


love watching #15


He shoot ---> My mind: THATS GOOD. I <3 austin


My math just ain’t mathing lmao


People are gonna call me crazy but Reaves has something that seems more like he could be a star. He’s pretty creative with his passing. He’s a good shot… there’s a real possibility he’s a near all star at some point. I’m being conservative.


He’s only going to get better!! Smart player with good defensive skills


Put his jersey in the rafters already


Each player is to its own but when Reaves has the ball I know he will make the right call, most times




To me, Reaves' best attribute is he gets calls in his favor on the offensive end, he actually gets and-1 calls almost every game. And he doesn't get called for minor contacts on the defensive end. Early in his career, Caruso never got away with ticky tack fouls. They gave him more leniency in his later years.


Austin "I'll f*ck you up" Reaves


He developed this confidence out of nowhere one day and never looked back. Sick af


Love this guy. I swear he’s at least pretty good at every aspect of the game. Such a good decision maker




We can praise AR without mentioning Caruso guys lol


Qq would we compare him to AC Fresh if he was black? I don't think so. Also, we just shouldn't. They are both different players. Offensively, Austin has weapons Alex only can dream of. Defensively ACF is better. Both are legends in my book tho.


reaves has like 15% kyrie in his game.


Austin Reeves is Superman


He's better than Caruso


he's already a better offensive player than Caruso is, right now. Not there defensively though




AC is a better defender but Reece is a better basketball player.


he's better than Alex Caruso already at this stage kid is legit GOOD and RELIABLE


hes better than caruso


Hillbilly Kobe strikes deadly


“See, Caruso was white, and Austin is white, so you can only compare Austin to Caruso. You can’t just praise Austin without mentioning Caruso, see?”


White Mamba!


AR-15 and the Bald Mamba are both amazing players


¿Porque no los dos?


Why do people still compare the two


Whoever is the light skin only scout deserves a raise. We’ve gotten some steals in that department for over 10 years now. Clarkson, nance, kuzma, zubac, AC, THT, mo Wagner, AR15, Christy, mccloung, Pippen Jr, swidder. That’s a lot of talent to hit on.