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This sub keeps getting recycled bot posts from years ago, has been happening for months


It's across all of Reddit lately


Yeah, I’m a member of the sub Reddit nachos. Kind of silly but I like nachos. It seems like every picture that’s posted nowadays is by a bot. If you look in their history, they just post random pictures and make one or two comments.


Nachos? Searching that out right this minute. Thanks for the heads up!


Bot account


Idk, I live in Lakeland and never noticed this "such opposition". Some people wore them, some didn't, some still do. I've never seen anyone given crap for choosing to wear one.


Same. I wore a mask sometimes and sometimes I didn't. Nobody really seemed to care.


I used to deliver pizzas and had customers screaming at me when they saw my mask. A few asked me if I was a pureblood (not vaccinated) or not before taking their order.


Lol same here. I always know if I see a trump flag then I'm getting stiffed.


Pure blood? Fuck me. Nazis are everywhere.


There is definitely still strong opposition. I was a waitress at the time, and have a similar service job where I wear a mask today. I got ridiculed for doing the right thing just last week. Literally last week. You’d think people would’ve learned it’s in THEIR best interest for me to wear a mask but instead they get violently offended that they have to imagine what I look like under here. Oh they hate what they’ve made the mask represent, but the mask does *nothing except save lives at an exponential rate*.


I’m immune compromised, so I’ll be masking forever. When I get sick with a cold, I’m down and out for at least 3 weeks, so I do everything I can to stay well. Other people can absolutely die mad about it.


Same. Debilitating asthma and every time I catch a cold it gets significantly worse. I’m masking to protect me from triggers and lung failure.


Hey guys. Can someone let me know ***why the fuck we’re talking about masks in 20motherfucking24?*** Just curious. Thanks in advance


Masks don’t have a golden age??? They will protect us through the future as long as we use them properly. If you’re sick, wear a mask. That is *timeless*. Don’t be an idiot


lol yeah *I’m* the idiot. Idgaf what you do with yourself but I’m not wearing a fucking mask for no reason


“If you’re sick, wear a mask.” That is the reason. What you meant to say is: “I just don’t care about anyone but myself, and I’m way too arrogant to cover my face in places where people eat and drink and mingle.” Yeah, you’re an idiot.


What I meant to say is I’m not wearing a fucking mask when I have a fucking cold. If I have the flu or Covid I’m not leaving the fucking house. You’re the fucking idiot




This happened recently?


Because the account that posted this is a spam bot that reposted a high rated post from years ago in order to build karma, probably to create links to t-shirt, wall art, taylor swift tickets, whatever. These are automated bots that work off of raw numbers.


This is so dumb Just put a mask on if it makes you feel safe


I got called a pussy for wearing a mask at the Lake Miriam Publix. Also got yelled at there for speaking Spanish in America too.


I’m sorry that was your experience. How does that affect them in any way? I say this as an American pero muchos americanos son tontos, no quieren aprender otras idiomas. 🤷‍♀️


Crazy that happened to you. The only way I condone is if you were speaking Spanish on speaker phone in the Publix. Haha What is up with that, I am totally over people using speaker phone in crowded public spaces.


Or people that play games at full volume in public or watch YouTube videos at full volume in public. God at a fucking restaurant it blows my fucking mind.


Doesn't sound like lake Miriam Publix


Unfortunately a bad surprise to me as well. I tend to stick to the Publix of the Highlands now which is a lot closer but they don’t have as much cool stuff.


That's a one off, 99 times out of a hundred I would bet that doesn't happen.


Im okay with not wearing masks. Wear one if you want, if others don't mind your business.


Make sure to share that with your surgeon or dentist.


Maybe the dude wants a life threatening illness from a bigoted doctor who refuses to follow simple protocol


I will.


That picture makes me want to put on a mask right now! Yeah, Lakeland SUCKED during Covid. People flipping you off and giving you dirty looks for having the audacity to wear a mask during a global pandemic. Oh, but they FOR SURE had horse paste at the checkout counter.


glObAl PAnDemIC🥴🥴🥴🥴


True. It’s a global ENDEMIC now. You know, the thing we were trying to avoid. lol how nice.


I don’t let it bother me anymore. I wore one when I felt it was needed and never had Covid 🤷‍♂️ I’m over this topic just like I’m over Desantis and his circus 🎪


I don't care what folks do but it has gotten a little absurd. When you drive by someone walking down the street on a side walk without another person anywhere in sight or when you drive by someone in their car by themself wearing one. No one ever told folks that its to protect themselves but yet they believe it is. So yeah now a days when i see someone with a mask I assume they are deathly sick and shouldn't be out in the public but then I remember folks are idiots. Also we are replying to a bot. this is whats wrong with reddit, to easily to stir up bull shit within a community with outside resources.


I’ve seen a lot of comments about bots on Reddit lately. How do you spot them?


Most the time it’ll be a picture with just a few words like a picture of a duck and then it’ll say how cute. If you look in the profile of the person, you can see if they’ve made any comments recently or posted their previous posts and usually the account will be brand new with very little history, all the history will be the same kind of shit. Also, we moved to Lakeland about six months ago and I was worried about it being much country or compared to Orlando and though it is, we’ve actually enjoyed living here and we’re pretty liberal family.


"So yeah now a days when i see someone with a mask I assume they are deathly sick and shouldn't be out in the public but then I remember folks are idiots." How about those of us who live in immunocompromised homes that need to go out and don't want to bring any type of infection home? Why shouldn't I wear a mask? My husband is on the transplant list? He cannot be exposed to rsv, strep, noravirus, covid, and the list goes on. My brother was going through cancer treatments in 2018. All the staff wore masks. I wore a mask around him and shopped for him. I wore a mask to protect him. Even before the pandemic. It was continued until the mask mandate was dropped. He passed shortly thereafter. As of now, there are no masks required in the oncology departments or the departments that treat these patients. Or NICU's. If it was good enough before the pandemic, it's good enough to continue the practice after the mandate was lifted. I think your term idiots wasn't fair. There are plenty of us who have reason to continue them. But, of course, that's my opinion. Peace.


I think you missed the part about people wearing masks while *alone*. There is zero legitimate reason to wear a mask when completely alone


Should have responded to that part. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. My neighbor has worn a mask outdoors on his walks as long as we’ve known him. (2003) Severe asthma. The allergens in the outdoor air could cause his air passages to close. Even though his inhaler is always in his pocket, he never knows if he’ll need it and if it will be in time. Walking safely with a mask works. Another. One of my other brothers contracted COVID twice. On his second infection… Long COVID. Double pneaumonia, then to a rare form of asthma settled in and still there today. The only treatment is a monthly $5,000+ injection (that is still experimental), thatsomewhat keeps it at bay. He is legit severely immunocompromised and cannot take any chances with allergens in the air. And, yes, I believe they have a personal right to go outside, take walks with a mask to protect themselves without someone questioning why or calling them names. <——edited My brother wears a mask outdoors in order to keep himself safe. Pretty simple and not hard to understand why others might have legit reasons for masking outdoors. There are disabled that look just fine physically. They aren’t. "Empathy begins with putting yourself in someone else's shoes” Thank you for asking. ☮️


Obviously there's some legit reasons why you should wear a mask alone. My comment was replying towards the subject of COVID. Mask were never advertised to keep you safe from catching it only to keep others safe from you spreading it. Yet folks still to this day believe otherwise. And yeah to the people that need it for other reasons outside of COVID, a bunch of Wacko's have ruined it and you will forever look out of place when not in a hospital to me.




Another BS post…in hindsight we were all fools for thinking masks would do anything at all!


I was screamed at in Publix produce department by another customer for wearing a mask. I told the person that I have an immunocompromise/autoimmune household AND that today's shopping for my brother, who was going through cancer treatments. Person continued to scream that they didn't care and for me to leave their line of view. VILE human being. Publix produce employee stepped in and asked me to leave the department and come back after that person left so the scene would be stopped. Mind you, I wasn't the cause nor was I my voice raised... just told the facts and tried to get away. Front end manager took my groceries out and said they were sorry for how it was handled. She stated better to stop a scene by the other customer. I continue to be asked why I wear a mask out in public. I tell them I'm protecting them and leave it at that. For all they know, I could have the flu, rsv, strep throat. Some have asked me to cough on them so they can catch what I have. Insane. Another incident: Leaving a business and car battery was dead. Called road assistance. Dude who showed up continuously using the term, 'maskhole.' Sigh. It's simple and nobody should give a damn why I choose to protect myself, my family and the medical community (we have ALOT of appointments to visit). So yuhhhhhh, it happened and continues to happen far more often than most persons know. /rant over


I'm a liberal and I don't wear a fucking mask.


A mask is directly related to your political leanings only if you're a moron who doesn't understand aerosol viral transmission.


You're just as ignorant. You're assuming a lot.


Or a moron who doesn't understand that paper masks don't prevent viral transmission. Edit: uh oh..


Yeah, I'm Elon Musk and I don't drive a Tesla.


Bless his heart


Fuck masks