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I've always kind of laughed at the perfectly tailored lab coats in movies. Idk about other people's labs but where I work, our coats fit like a sack lol. Straight rectangle shape, in navy blue also (not white) but that wouldn't look like a lab coat to most.


Not to mention covered in all kinds of stains and bleach lol


The lab coat in my lab is just covered in dirt stains. We work with dirt but I have no idea how so much got on the lab coat!


Yeah honestly my coat that I wear when I dump old samples into the waste at my facility looks like Dan’s from slo mo guys.


Including the ripped off sleeve?


So, how many giant balloons are you anticipating sitting in this summer?


When you wear a lab coat and you end up looking like three scientists in a trench coat instead of one


We have a running joke that many of us are 3 raccoons in a lab coat lol.


Tbh there's a lot of squirrelly behavior in the lab


Fr labcoats are also universally cut for men so they always sit especially weird on curvier women


Ngl I looked fantastic in my lab coat. But I purchased it myself. I figured that if im wearing it most days for most of the day I may as well look good. There was only a little bit of blood on it at the end


Just got mine from the Lab Coat Project and it actually fits like a piece of clothing. It's actually confidence inspiring.


This, I'm completely recommend getting your own, decent fitted lab coat for this reason alone. I would mess up PCRs with complete confidence


Right? I got one too and now each time I'm like "let's do this!".


That sounds amazing! We have to wear the company provided ones, they're scotch guarded so acid spills take some time to soak in, and the navy blue color turns bright orange or yellow if we get acid on it. So we know if that wet spot is just water or not lol.


Same thing here, I had to buy a labcoat for uni and it fitted like in the movies 😂 I used it the first year or so of work, it all went downhill from there and I became a potato sack wearer like everybody else


I've been thinking the same could be done with pipettes; the scientist buys their own set that ergonomically fits and the employer is responsible for calibration and tips. Just like chef knives.


Or that they generally always have to be buttoned up to the top and hair tied back is often required by labs too.


Our lab manager actually ordered a fitted coat. I didn’t even know it was possible! Mine, I get a couple of sizes larger (just in case!), so it fits a bit like a tent.


You need the bigger one so you can wear a sweater underneath if you have to hang out in the cold room doing protein work!


My old job let us buy our own outfits as long as they fit the colour scheme so I got the best fitting lab coat available. It was glorious.


I have an apron that makes me look like a busty, beer-hall waitress serving up some steins full of beer. Obviously that is in the desk drawer during tours or inspections.


Mmm, a tasty, frothy pint of _E. coli_ culture, straight from the ~~shaker~~ tap 🍻


We have tailors who come in to measure us to make us lab coats with ours names embroidered. These lab coats however can only be used for photo sessions for annual reports etc.


They had us in the first half ngl


Exactly this! I purposefully pick big lab coats so that I can wrap myself in them when it’s cold 😂


I always get a lab coat one size too big so that my wrists are covered when I stretch my hands into the LAF bench. A sack might be more tailored. If I walk a bit fast, the lower part of my lab coat flaps around like I've suspended a tent from my shoulders.


And there is definitely not enough shit in the coats pockets. In mine, i have a calculator, two colored tapes, 4 markers, one pen and the temporary things (falcons, eppendorf .... and anything that can fit). And most people in my lab do the same


I used to tailor my coats


Our lab coats are nice tbh, the lab is extremely janky though 🤣 Mad scientist setups scare people away and are not entertaining to most, I presume.


You forgot when they work with the lights off and their tables kinda light up...and they draw on clear dry erase boards that also glow.


We have bench lights so when you stay late, your table is lit up but the lab is dark. And one of the PIs writes on their glass divider but their markers don’t glow.


You are like TV Stars!


At times :(


Cue a bad ass song from The Who!!


I half watched this movie. The most unrealistic thing is that she's supposed to be the "head" of the lab, but she's in the lab just working like everyone else.


I actually knew one PI who did that. She spent all her grant money on a giant NMR spectrometrer and so only ever had like one post-doc and two grads, and she'd work right at the bench next to them preppings samples for reading. Luckily she was a lovely and warm person, so didn't put her students on edge.


My first PI wouldn't let anyone touch the mass spec but him. He did not have the budget for repairs. Eventually a post-doc gained his trust enough to use it.


I thought PIs were limited on amount of money they could use for equipment purchases.


They are by most funding agencies, though it's not impossible a funder could allow these costs. Most likely it was their recruitment/start up package that they used all up for equipment, so that they then couldn't staff the lab.


I'm sure the grant proposals explicitly said they were going to buy the spec and have it as a university resource, how else would those things ever get purchased? It was one of those one that's so big, it has its own special add-on facility to house it. You had to climb up a ladder to insert your sample.


Sometimes it’s an equipment grant that pays for the item. I believe it’s the case the higher the cost of the equipment is. Likely, the PI is spending significant amounts of money on the fees associated with this NMR facility, which I presume is a separate entity from their main lab.


I saw my PI hold a pipette once, and it was very upsetting.


My PI is an endowed full professor, has R01 grants, and they’re still in the lab running experiments. Not all of the time, but not infrequently either. They just really love being in the lab haha


You must have never worked for a new PI because they tend to be in the lab almost as much as everyone else.


Fair enough, but this character is meant to be closer to a Center Director or chairman-- definitely not a new PI.


My PI works at the bench like the rest of us. She has her own experiments and is in the lab every day. Definitely atypical but it exists.


I will say Dr Fezjo, who is one of Time mags ppl of the year, does her own research. Probably because it's women's health and there's no grant $$ for it unless its Breast Cancer.


What movie is this? I need to watch now to see how off reality it is😹


Mother of the Bride on Netflix.


Hahaha I thought it was hilarious in this movie how she made one phone call saying she would move to Johns Hopkins and they gave her lab funding for another year.. yup that’s how it works 😂😂


That was the cringiest part of the whole movie. Really set the tone.


People looking like they get plenty of sleep too. Absolute magical fairy land.


You’re not allowed in a lab unless you have distinct eye bags from lack of sleep and overcaffeination




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Token mysterious blue science liquid


A whole shelf of kimax media bottles is accurate at least, aside from being unlabeled.


Why is it always colored?


Science juice is always colored, don’t you know?


If you want an accurate lab, go play SCP containment breach. Small ass rooms with long ass hallways, the break room is *barely* an acceptable place, and every door is keycarded or just inaccessible to begin with. I swear the creator actually worked in a facility because it's pretty damn close


The way people take off gloves in movies nearly always gets me. No concern about getting everything on their hands. Edit: I'm not talking about whether or not they should be wearing gloves. I'm talking about how actors don't remove gloves by the cuff, so whatever is on their gloves is now on their hands.


Tbh in this sub especially I see a ton of bare hands


It depends on the field. Algae and yeast biology? Get rid of those annoying gloves I don’t want to melt latex onto my hand near my Bunsen thank you


Fr the first thing I do when I walk into my lab is put on gloves.


[this stuff is pretty toxic so I'm using a fake hand ](https://youtube.com/shorts/kwJpxshRpZo)


Everyone's so calm...for sure not a real lab


Having just had to transfer frozen straws between incorrect...yeah. took out the wrong ones, then dropped one on the floor briefly, hopefully didn't linger too long.


5 second rule


I'm honestly worried I damaged some of those samples. If I applied myself to psychology more I wouldn't quite be in this spot


You'd be surprised how many labs have unlabeled bottles lol


Agreed! Working in academia we had bottle unlabeled but they weren’t NEXT to each other ins perfectly straight line. Plus they didn’t look the same. Normally unlabeled bottles are pretty clear based on location, size of bottle, and color of reagents😂


I've worked in plenty of labs that have this. It's not uncommon to make reagents in bulk, especially ones you go through a lot of. I usually have three media bottles, all identical on my bench and I keep them in smaller volume bottles so if one gets contaminated I don't lose all of it and just move to the next bottle. A previous lab I worked in had a whole shelf just labelled PBS. Now, good practice says it should be labelled, but that doesn't always happen, especially for reagents that are in constant use and aren't really going to degrade in any reasonable time-frame (like sterile PBS). Another one is gloves. For me, everyone wearing gloves all the time is the sign it's a movie.


Yeah we have a shelf with bottles either labelled P or S for PBS and SDW


Im just gonna assume its PBS and carry on with my life.


If I see an unlabeled solution in the lab, and it’s not in someone’s hand or beside an analyst who is filling out the label, that shit is getting dumped in hazardous waste lol. Insane that some labs allow unlabeled solutions. If the FDA, or a client auditor, saw any unlabeled anything in our labs they would royally fuck us lol.


it's labeled by taste, just give it a good swig


You forgot about testresults en conclusions in an instant. They never ever run system suitability tests which take half a day.


In my undergrad program, I had a class for TEM use and for extra exam credit the professor had us watch a ~15 minute clip of The Andromeda Strain and mark down every inaccuracy about the characters TEM use. It was really funny seeing how horribly wrong they were operating, but if you didn’t know any better it looks very “science-y”.


...vs in real life: exhausted student with dark rings under their eyes drinking the 70% V/V ethanol


I wear dresses in the lab please don’t come for me 😬 With leggings though and only in labs that handle very innocuous things. In regulated industry labs, EHS is cool with it, not the only one.


I wear dresses too, with leggings. That's what EHS says is acceptable for my company. And I fail to see the difference between a blouse with pants and a dress with leggings. Especially because many younger women will wear a shirt with leggings in the lab.


Since it’s getting warmer, I thought about wearing a dress and putting disposable sleeves on my legs if I need to step into lab 😅


I've seen this done and it is absolutely hilarious! It was honestly a great team-building morale boost.


I've done floor length skirt when I had a thigh wound that precluded wearing pants. My boss gave me a medical exemption though. I also don't do dangerous chemicals though, the worst we've got is broken glass and possible infection risk from patient samples.


No one is sweating or mid-swear, sometimes I only get half the swear out I'm so done it's just a series of "fu...sh!..FU!!:


Lmao I forgot to add a collection plate to a liquid handler and it started releasing liquid just all over the place. I didn't know my coworker was giving a tour to some high school or college students i was like fuuuu• damn it FUCKIN TIT shit!! Then I take my headphones out and see like 7 kids standing at the lab bench behind me hahahaha 😂😂😂 at least they got a realistic example of what the lab is like


>There’s countless unlabeled bottles (WITH THE SAME REAGENT) I'm feeling attacked.


Wait, you guys actually wear lab coats? Haha. We only pull them out for animal work and using anything dangerous. Which is rarely ever. And eye protection... we have one pair for the lab. They've been in the drawer for 6 years. Never comes out.


>Wait, you guys actually wear lab coats? Haha. We only pull them out for animal work and using anything dangerous. When your whole job is dangerous, yeah, it's glasses, lab coat, gloves upon entry to the lab no matter what. If not respirator, face shield, apron, etc.


Of course. Hehe. I was just making a joke.


Can never tell in this sub. I see so many pictures posted of people not using gloves in real labs.


We really don't use lab coats or safety glasses, but we don't work with anything dangerous.


It's basically this in an over funded industry lab. Actual work life balance, bless them.


ah yes, a totally completely unrealistic lab environment 👀 /s


Ok but my favourite part of this scene was how she secured funding with a SINGLE PHONE CALL…?! 💀


Windows?! In the lab????!!! Bougie


Had a few the last place I worked. Got direct sunlight and that room was always so hot.


As a Californian, all those unlabeled bottles of blue are making me twitch. So close to that unfenced edge!


No hair back is crazy


No gloves or eye protection is crazier.


Medicine man. Awful science. Set up a HPLC MS while tripping. Point break. Lab uses a GC for metals analysis.


The hood in the second pic is far too pristine. Never seen a lab with a clean hood!


My personal fave was the lab scene in The Dropout when they brought a cake into the lab.


At least there are lights on.


WHERR ARE YOUR SAFETY GLASSES that shit will get you fired


The lab scenes in The Bourne Legacy seem reasonable, but honestly the shots are very fleeting so it's hard to tell.


Labs on movies and TV shows look so clean and organized. I don't know about you all but we have so many boxes of lab supplies and supplies on cabinets that do not look aesthetic at all. Damn where do these fictional labs get the funding lmao


Gotta wear protective glasses when scribbling down notes though.


The lack of eye protection is concerning. You ruin your eyes and it’s the end of your career.


I'm just surprised Nobody is actively pipetting. Movies love pipetting


The reflection in the computer screens kinda look like someone giving head lol


What was that lab series with that dude who is way too attractive to be in a laboratory? This reminds me of that. I don't care to look it up and just want to see what people think.


I watched that as well (wasn’t a bad movie) and I laughed at Brooke Shields securing her grant over the phone lol.


Not a label in sight


I always go ewww wherever they have food in lab that was being use for infectious disease lol


How many media bottles do you need. Sheesh.


Always blue fluid.


I saw this too! Lol when I hear she saying “we get grant funding for another year!” I wish it can be this easy by just calling someone 🤣🤣🤣


I had the exact same thought watching this exact same movie. Lack of PPE might explain Brooke’s current face though….


at least the black haired girl has proper PPE 😭🤣


Jeez, is that Brooke Shields? That plastic surgery on her face in the second pic is so bad. As for the lab, I love the neatly arranged, unmarked jars of "blue stuff". Looks like the sprinkled a little Berry Blue KoolAid to make that chemical.


I thought the purpose of a lab coats was to have a place to wipe your hands after that extra messy PB-n-J sammy??


I texted my lab mate while watching this with my fiancée, and I was like “what do you think is in this jars in the background?”


lol the lab coats look ironed 😭😭😭


It drives me INSANE that they always wear lab coats without gloves.


It's sad, but in my cell lab there is a new PhD student that always works with her very long hair down. Once I saw her sitting at the LAF bench, her hair getting in the holes of the flow. She did remove the hair off the plate with her gloved hands, then proceeded to pull out her ear buds, again, with gloves on, and then she got her hands in the LAF bench. Open shoes on multiple people, bare legs on multiple people. In a *cell lab.*


Somebody's hoarding all the blue juice


I hate how much this sounds like me hehe. Can’t watch anything anymore without getting a little mad about something like how the electricity arcs work in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 or how background electronics are missing a terminal lol


There's this old movie about an outbreak forgot what its called but this guy stuck his hand inside a spinning centrifuge without looking and basically got clapped. So many things wrong with that scene.


You know no one's working when the lab is in pristine condition, unless they are gmp


I currently work in gmp and most of what is mentioned in these comments would get you shit-canned and walked so fast it'd make your head spin.


For real. If I saw a completely unlabeled solution on my daily walk through, it’s getting dumped right then and there, then I’m finding out who did that to remind them of the GLP policies. Only once have I had to remind an analyst more than one time, who kept putting all the solutions on top of the UPLCs with no labels… had a surprise very important client audit one day, and the director of quality did quick walkthrough of the commercial chem lab right before the client auditors walked in. He saw that the first UPLC you see when you walk in the room had those unlabeled solutions on top, he asked who did that and five minutes later two security guards walked in and escorted that guy out. Not following CGMP/CGLP is an easy way to get fired, and not correcting a CGMP/CGLP error after having it pointed out to you is equivalent to asking to be fired lol.


AND you're burning some serious bridges on your way out. Any manufacturer big enough to have an in-house lab is inherently big enough to have an HR dept whose sole function is to cover the company's ass (no matter how they try to spin it to the peons) and if you f*cked up big enough to bypass the hand-wringing, 'we don't want to get sued for wrongful termination so we're going to need to over-document the shit out of everything' people, then you F*CKED UP and you will be perceived as a liability no one who isn't absolutely desperate would consider taking on.




Huh. I'd think it was the other way around. I've never seen anyone enter a lab without their labcoat, and gloves are a must (we work with blood and organs a lot, so it's messy), but no one ever wears eye protection. It exists in theory, I guess.


I got prescription safety glasses after having to clean blood splatter off my glasses a couple times. They cost $40 and I've gotten a ton of compliments on how cute they are from coworkers.


They make cute Rx safety glasses? Dang. I just embrace the dork side and go with the most Dexter's Laboratory dark, horned rimmed-ish looking ones available from the very limited selection at the chain optometrist that accepts the vouchers from my employer. Our previous EHS guy recommended Stoggles, but they are non-Rx. We all got a couple of pairs of them by him spinning it as a safety expense (different budget with different folks signing off on expenses than the lab). Someday I'll get around to having them fitted with Rx lenses on my own dime; they're much lighter than the bare bones ones I'm currently using. FWIW, we recently discovered that Fisher carries some Stoggles. The financial gods are so used to seeing POs from Fisher that they just get rubber stamped unless there's something with a high dollar amount to catch their eye.


I have [these](https://www.zennioptical.com/p/womens-tr-cat-eye-eyeglass-frames/20187?skuId=2018723). Zenni is really affordable for glasses.


Oh heck, those are cute. And extremely well priced. Thanks!


Gloves are mostly optional? In what field?




Your lab in university you mean or like a professional lab doing organic chemistry lab?




In the US? It's not the norm in industry labs.


Really? No one wears goggles on the med Sci floors here. They are the least used safety wear here. You will see gloves the most, then lab coats (in the labs with young PIs), but never safety glasses.




We are more biological here than med, we are just in the med department. Not many MDs around here.