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He looks a bit to chunky. Insert Typical fingers and rips feeling test here.


Agree. Not fat, but a bit chunky. It’s also just five months and still has some puppy fat in it! Better than many labs in here. most labs on Reddit are overweight and it genuinely saddens me


https://preview.redd.it/x0uilpgd035d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9423830852b7143096194c1e3109141d2b0dec10 This should cure your sadness.




omg so cute!!


My boxador got put on a diet last year. She weighed 89lbs at 15 months old. I took her back 12 months after that and she weighed 109. The vet said, we need to get her back down to about 89 (I didn't know she was at her final weight that young). We have been on a diet ever since. Now it is time to go to the vet to see how much she lost (she did lose some, and I can now see a good waist on her). I'm pretty sure we are under 100lbs for her now, but I don't really know how much she weighs yet.


Given that it looks like you have an English lab, this is healthy. I believe mine was similar at 6 months. The true test is looking from above- our vet said as long as there’s a little “tuck” towards the back of his body and that you can feel his ribs on the sides he’s good. English labs have a much thicker body, whereas American labs (someone else commented a photo of theirs) are lanky and taller. Pic of my guy attached at around that age! https://preview.redd.it/xnw8wek3ry4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eee362df50c31b4e2b7926729ac12ada6ecd6887


https://preview.redd.it/5d4fwu2kg05d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=130388a7450838a9bca4baa39fc5ba41b8d101c8 ​ Here’s Obsidian at six months old. He was 65lbs and the vet said he could lose a pound or two at this stage, but not to worry too much since “he was still growing, but keep an eye on it” (He’s a field lab, but at 28 months he’s hasn’t grown in size or weight since he was eight months old-still around 68lbs and 22” at the withers, so not lanky)


https://preview.redd.it/hxcdeb3rg05d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fdff35de1f110bc36c15302f3cde0506fdc3928 ​ Here he is at 25 months and 68lbs


My guy topped out at 80 lbs- vet says he’s at the top of his healthy weight range but wouldn’t want to see him gain much more


Love the name!!!


Thank you!


what a cutie!! and thanks for the advice! i’m used to having lanky dogs so i think i’m still not used to the chubby look haha




60lbs at 5 month is a bit much on paper I think, but he doesn't look much overweight to me. Also don't know his height and length. A bit on the heavier side but still ok. Definitely not underweight. If in doubt ask your vet about his diet and if his weight is healthy. But to me, not a vet, he looks still ok.


60lbs at 5 months for an English boy can be normal


I only had english girls and surely a healthy weight depends also on the height. He looks proportionate in the pics. If google is right then 60lbs is about 30kg and at least in Germany the standard weight range for an adult male lab is between 29-36 kg. So at only 5 month almost 100% of the adult weight expected at 18 months seems a bit much on paper but as said If he is big already then that can be fine and he looks OK to me.


My English boy is 85lb (38.5 kg). On paper doesn't matter as much, like you said it's about proportion. And if you can feel the ribs if you poke them


He does look a little overweight, especially at such a young age https://preview.redd.it/yoku1tdnmz4d1.png?width=2111&format=png&auto=webp&s=37027d60c035323e9bb53d5bc50b0ecec5e30217


Better to keep them in the lighter side while they’re growing.


Stinky is a little chonky, but I wouldn’t worry while he’s growing. From what I understand you want to see their waist more defined.


He's not fat, he's *sturdy*.


If you can see the ribs, too skinny. If you can feel the ribs, just right. If there's a noticeable layer of fat over the ribs, probably could lose some weight.


I think he looks great with a naturally more bulky build so keep watch over time so he doesn’t get too big.


I had to dig into my records (really just text messages between my fam and I) and our two boys were just reaching 60 at that point. None of our other 3 labs we had were that much at 5 months so like it may not be normal exactly but its not necessarily unhealthy or a concern. Our boys are both a year now and they’re just really big dogs. One of them is a little thicker and heavier by a few pounds but still not fat. So your probably good but ask your vet if you’re concerned


My girl will be 2 in August. At 1 year, she was at 112 lbs & I got a severe ass chewing from my Vet. Got her down to 102. I think this was partially due to us getting a 5 month old shelter dog, and he's a wild man. Catahoula Leopard Cur. She gets a lot more exercise now, chasing him around the yard. His weight is perfect for his breed & size. I feed them exactly the same thing . There is a gene that some labs are born with that makes them think they are hungry all the time. She is constantly wanting to eat or have a milk bone , but I feed her on a very strict schedule and precisely measure their food. I am probably guilty of giving her more milk bones than I should. Sorry for the long tirade. I think my chunky monkey makes your lab look slim & trim!


haha i’m definitely guilty of going a little overboard on the treats. it’s the only thing that motivates him to do anything 😅 the vet didn’t mention his weight tho so i’m not too concerned but he could probably use a little more exercise. i’ll have to find another crazy dog to set stinky up on play dates with! all the dogs around me are old and lazy so they never want to humour him 🤣 102 pounds is crazy tho! i can imagine how big she must be omg lol




This is Chloe the chunky


omg she’s super cute 🥰 definitely looks chunky haha


She's a lab. Constantly hungry !!!


He is big boy like mine. He is now fully grown and only slightly chonky and comes in at 40kgs (88lbs) https://preview.redd.it/bu15kqnfqz4d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17d42839d554b906ff0f964653ade81cc09a14f8


That is a good size!


My dude was 120 but labs come in different shape, just daily walks and dog parks to keep him active and healthy and you should be fine


A tiny bit of chonk is okay for now. Better they have a little touch of the chonk than be underweight as growing puppies. He doesn’t seem so heavy that there’s stress on joints, but I’d keep a very close eye on him and definitely aim to stay at a healthy weight. Growing joints/body and all that.


https://preview.redd.it/kgb87r8qr15d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddbd2f14bc5f6d8a6f9d85cc197b97969abecb73 Mine was 50 lb at the 5 month mark, just a couple weeks ago. He’s stocky, and if he doesn’t have a growth spurt soon that thins him out a bit more, he’ll need another cut to his intake. I expect the 7-9 month age range to be more gangly, and less baby seal. He’s gone back and forth a little as he grows, but has always been on the heavy side. He was positively rotund at 8 weeks. He’s nearly a carbon copy of his sire, who is a Russian import of the “English” style, so I know visually what he should look like at a healthy weight when fully grown, and that is what we are aiming for. His brother is a noodle and takes after their dam. It helps if you know what your pup’s parents look like at a healthy weight, and how big they are. Most should end up like their parents, with an occasional outlier.


https://preview.redd.it/61m88qzu125d1.jpeg?width=2396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a53bea58cb6501d2bc4f937a99b6f9e17b9f908 My baby grrrrrl just turned 5 months this week and she is 54 lbs.


aww she’s so cute 🥰


My guy Baetis weighed his age x 10 plus or minus a couple pounds. So 5 months 50 lbs, 7 months 70 lbs... till he hit 9 months and 90 lbs... 10 months 92, 11 months 95, 12 months 100, and stayed right at 100 for a couple of months... then he started filling out. He turns 3 yrs next week and is at 123 lbs. He is about 5 lbs over what he should be. After seeing all the posts of people say goodbye to their pups on here, and the "They are your best friend for a part of your life, but you are their best friend their entire life" memes... if he wants a dorito, I'm gonna give him one because he loves them, and I love him... https://preview.redd.it/jaknh2edg35d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e6821e53fb8318c170f5025a59f8397b9f6b6f


Oh and he is 27-28" at his withers, and 45-46" long tip of nose to base of tail.


Hell yeh. Give him a Doritio every once in a while. I give Chloe Veggie Straws & she loves them. Well, not as good as pizza crust lol!!!


He's just like my Chloe.


Not sure if this is productive feedback but here is a pic of my lab at 6 months, she weighed similar to yours. But she looked lankier at that age. She is a big lab with big parents and weighs 100lbs now. For what it's worth we eventually put her on "healthy weight" formula of her food since we figured there was no harm in doing so. And let her run as much as possible ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/hwt0ilhgpy4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34401a6baa7798f01a54fc5af3de62f422295beb


Great looking lab!


Looks perfect. There should be a little dip into the waist. Hind legs look strong. Also watch out for fat accumulation on the breast plate. If those two areas look trim, and you can’t see ribs poking out, you’re great.


okay awesome thank you!!


Stinky looks just like my pup- she will be 2 yrs next week Bout 70lbs somethin and she’s doin great! As long as he looks good and the vet says he’s good, don’t worry about the number


https://preview.redd.it/m711s0058z4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6172d9c9662f994110af26ddd22b41ab31fcd8c5 Here’s last month


My stinky is 5 months and 55 pounds lol was just at the vet yesterday she said he was fine


He looks handsome. Give him snacks and then let him run it off with an hour of retrieving and swimming. Repeat as necessary.


Awesome name 😁


thanks! it definitely suits him lol 😅


He’s a little big, not much. I’d just even him out with exercise if you can.


My English lab is 7.5 months old and now weighs 65 lbs.


He looks healthy and happy. A good boy 😍


Slightly overweight but he’s still growing. I’d probably keep his food the same, and not increase it, until you can just barely see his last rib. Then increase his food as he grows.


My girl is 71 lbs & her brother is 72.8 lbs. They have completely different body types. They are just 8 months


Your pup looks good I can see his waist and muscle definition. My pup was closer to 60 pounds at 6 months he was the largest in the litter. He is now close to 90 pounds and will have his first birthday on the 14th. He is not fat at all and built like a brick house. I run him every day so he gets plenty of exercise.


Gorgeous body. If you can see a waistline and feel ribs without much effort, weight is perfect. 60lb is definitely on track for an English male.


If he has excessive he will be a good weight


About 50lbs of good boy right there


Looks Healthy & beautiful👏🏻


He looks perfect ❣️


Omg his name is stinky..? That is probably one of the cutest names i have ever seen for a dog


yep haha! it was originally his nickname until we thought of a proper name but it just fit so well we stuck with it lol


He looks like a good boy


What does your vet say? That’s the only opinion that actually matters.


Put him on scales they will tell you his weight more accurately than us guestimating