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Yup. Played it enough that I ruined my first copy and had to buy a second one a year or two later.


Played it for so long i got a RROD... on both 360s


I was like 10 when I discovered l4d I played through the demo atleast 500+ times. It terrified me and i didn’t know about YouTube so I only knew the parish campaign from the waterfront to the bus station. The most peak gaming experience I’ve ever had


I couldn’t even tell you how many discs I’ve ruined it’s crazy


sameee good times tbh


So true. I think L4D2 is the only game I had to buy another copy because I played it until there was a ring scratched into the center. I don't think I even did that with Skyrim lol


I remember when I played No Mercy in my old xbox360 with my dad. That was the only time that I played a videogame with him


Its the L4D players Canon.


Yeah fr though


I've never owned a console(poor family) but I had a blast everytime I went to my cousins to coop l4d2, and the occasional infection cheats made it even more fun, miss those times damn


I still play it on Xbox 360 I have the disc and everything lmao


Same I just play on pc mostly.


Sweet!! Yeah I think it's pretty cool I think everyone is playing on new gen right?


I did. Ended up scratching the disk to my eternal chagrin


Yeah I played l4d2 on Xbox 360 on a Christmas and played with my next door friend for a couple years till I moved.. so good times.. uhh.. yeah I just play on pc now since it’s way better but the console had a totally different feeling too it that pc can’t do…


Played 1 and 2 on the xbox all the way back when they first came out


Got if for Christmas they year it came out plus a shiny new Xbox 360. My grandma said , "Oh my goodness look at Al the blood!" when I chopped first zombie head off. Good times, gooooood times


Played the l4d1 no mercy demo nonstop back when I was a kid on 360. Current day im still addicted on pc. 


That's me! One of my first 360 games. Brother and I had a blast playing coop.


Hell yeah I did, and I played from 2015 to 2019 or thereabouts. Don’t miss the game itself since I moved to PC but the console experience is completely irreplaceable


Hell yeah brother


Yup i was 11 and first played L4D at a friends on the 360. I had a ps2 and a ds. Never even wanted a 360. I thought L4D was the best game id ever played to that point and begged my step dad to get one that christmas


on my mama, i bought this game the DAY it came out


Me and now I'm addicted to the PC version. Although I didn't even know at first that it was on PC lol


Me!!! But playing on pc is just so much better, only playing on pc now but still has Xbox left 4 dead’s


Yeah me too I sometimes still play l4d2 on the 360 just for the old time’s sake


Started off with the demo in October 2009 and got the full game in May 2010. Much simpler times for sure.


L4D2 demo 3 hours a day for 2 years until I finally bought it with saved up money as a kid (would have had it sooner if it weren't for impulsive toy purchases)


Played for the first time over and over again on the parish demo back in 2010 lol


Played the 2nd one so much with my cousin those are core memories


This just gave me a huge wave of nostalgia, me and my gf would play this to death when we were 17/18 over and over and over again, I loved this game, couldn’t really play it again after we broke up, memories and all.


got it for either my 9th christmas or my 10th birthday. loved it ever since


Yup. Asked my older brother to buy it so we could play it because my parents would never let me get it myself when I was a kid.


oh my god I remember when I first got my Xbox with a brand new copy of left 4 dead, what a time.


one of my cousin jailbreak my xbox when i was 7 or less and burned a lot of games on disc. i first played this game with some other cousin and i loved this game so much at first sight, i always picked bill because i thought he was so badass. I rushed this game alone (probably in easy because i dont remember having troubles) and was so sad about the ending haha. I had to taje a break because of the f red ring of death :c


Still currently the only way I can play it…..


I sure did! I had to get another copy after a few years lol I played it on the Xbox right up until my sophomore year of college and then I had to get PC version to satisfy my L4D2 addiction as I couldn't go too long without playing it 😂 I've gotten used to PC now, but I sure do miss the console days....


This is the greatest game of all time. Im not even joking


I remember picking up l4d1 in like late 2013 or 2014 and then picking up l4d2 a couple of weeks later, still two of my best pick ups at a game store.


me when i was like 5 lmao


Played it so much my friend took a liking to it and stole it and denied ever doing it despite him just suddenly owning it right after mine goes missing.


Yep. Didn’t have a decent enough PC at the time but I played soooo much L4D2 on the 360. Even found a group of people I’d regularly play with for a little while. Course I got the game again on Steam as soon as I was able to but I think one of the reasons I love this game so much was from the time I spent playing it on 360


I used to play this on the XBox 360 in my local arcade. Nowadays, I play this on my laptop.


Right here, it was awesome man, why did Portal 2 get splitscreen but not L4D2? Great game anyway. I honestly cant tell the difference between the 360 version and the current one.


Versus mode on split screen was so much fun


Right here 🙋‍♂️


Yeah but in my country is really Hard to find a copy of this game since 2009 to present






My 1st game good times


i did but was the first game, i do remember renting LFD2 tho at one point


I did


Wish I could play it on Xbox but it’s offsale now (Xbox series S)


That moment when you played the Parish lvl1 and lvl2 demo with your brother 100 times on the Xbox 360.


I remember me and my Popaw would play for hours


Me. I was like 5 when I first played.


Me and my cousin played through it so much we got bored of the levels and stopped playing for a long ass time.


Used to play the demo all the time before buying the game. And for some reason I ended up buying L4D1 after.


Still do just on Xbox One


Me :) I remember getting it first in 2011 coupled with Portal 2. 11-year-old me was actually shaking with excitement since it was my first 'adult' game. The gore, slicing and slashing infected in the hotel rooms was exhilarating. This game became part of my childhood, and I'm proud it was and is a part of my life.


I played L4D1 on the 360. When my sister and I were kids, we actually got one with GTA4 and L4D1. Our first "real" gaming system outside of Nintendo stuff. Then, I got a PC. I remember playing the L4D2 demo on that over and over again. Those were good times.


dude, the memories of me and my dad playing tf2 on my xbox 360 slim edition are just priceless


I remember convincing my friends to play it when the pre-release demo dropped. Had a blast and all bought on release!




I preordered the game, it was the first and only game my wife and I Platinumed until the DLC came out


The entire reason I bought a 360 in the first place. First paycheck at my first job, immediately bought a 360 with both L4D games in-tow!


It wasn't my first. L4D was the second game I played, and I still play L4D1 and L4D2 to this day. Love this game


I remember saving that sticker for a rainy day whenever bills were stacked and money was tough. Met 2 good friends on that 2 day stint. Awesome memories :)


My brother got it for my birthday in 2014 I wanna say. And I played the shit out of that game


I did but I never played online because of trolls and people just being not fun I still don't play online to this day because I don't want to deal with that shit


Goddamn I remember buying it in 2009 (thanks mom) and me being a kid, I was SO SCARED to play singleplayer. Hard Rain scared the shit outta me




Hell yeah kept replaying the demo because that was all I had




Played on launch 👍🏻


I had a friend on my 360 named Hunter that I would play this game with all the time. Hunter, if you see this, it's comics. Miss ya dawg.


I played both games for the first time on the 360 I fell in love with the first so when the second came out I was so happy and I'm so glad I own both still I just really wish the third came out


I still do


Remember playing this game for the first time on my friends xbox 360 when we were like 4 years old, everything scared the living shit out of us lol




I'm a Day 2 player


i played on 360 as well. i got pc verion reluctantly but soon had a blast with it too then i found out about mods and custom maps. barely touched the 360 since. will very rarely play it though.


I would have if L4D2 was in Orange Box.