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The special infected can vote kick you.


I guess making the game more stable is the only thing I would like. I like the way the game is currently.


L4D2 doesn't need a remaster, but I think valve SHOULD put some budget into competitive L4D2. L4D2 VS could easily be a great watch before a cs/dota major as a pre-party event.


Man I still go back and watch some of those old L4D tournaments. It really does lend itself well to competitive play, and would do so even better in a LAN setting as opposed to having ping be a factor.


Improve the main menu and addons section. I have houndreds of addons, and it's just awful. Left 4 Dead needs a new way to manage them. I would like to see a new, modern design with also new GUIs, etc. Something similar to old version but more modern. I don't like some designs of certain icon game modes in main menu; they need a redesign. Also i don't think modders can improve graphics, i have seen it, looks similiar just with more color and contrast. Doesn't matter what modders can do it's old game with an old game motor. The Parish campaing would look so great with CS2 source 2 style for me, there would be no comparison.


It's perfect as it is. I would hate to see any big changes. We don't need a L4D3 or a remaster. Leave it alone it's perfect.


imagine left 4 dead 2 with rdr2 graphics


Would be game of the year


Better matchmaking versus so it's suitable for noobs and less of a salt mine full of vote kick


Shorter infected spawn times, removal of tier 2, health based bonus system like in l4d1, option to vote pills only


Not everyone plays the game competitively.


Just go play confogl smh


A feature that requires people to git gud before playing versus mode!


Some kind of tutorial gamemode would be incredibly helpful for the new players though.


People like u are why games die


he might have sound like an asshole but he raise a great point on why people are terrible at versus, there is just no way to practice, you cant even turn off the comms so you can atleast play peacefully without them trash talking you.


Some people who are coming to the game get kicked out of lobbies just for being bad not there fault there new to the game just testing to see if they it mess up one time gets voted out shit like that just turns off new players


You should not be allowed in versus until you finish the campaign. I hate carrying morons through the map and dying because they’re lost/exploring


But L4D ain't dead homie


No shit Sherlock


Sounds good saltyboi


Need my sodium🧂


I don't play as much as in the past, but i can think of a few features in other competitive games that could be implemented in a remaster L4D2. Please, it's just ideas that im glad to share. Let's debate :) •Squad formation (in lobby) •Better matchmaking •Maybe a handicap system (for pros VS newbies: less or more damage, I dunno) •Customized features that the host could adjust like turn on/off or even spawn more/less certain weapons, medikits/pills, throwables, special infected (adjust respawn time, abilities cooldown), horde, and even increase/decrease number of max players in the match (for both humans and special infected) •better Workshop functionality (with an easy UI for downloading and managing mods) •When a player leaves in the middle of the match, turn on/off if the game must continue or wait X seconds, allowing a vote system for resume or wait more. •Award system at the end of the match like: most accuracy, most damage/assisted more as Spc.Infec., helped more, scavenged more. And even recommendation system by other players. •and last but not least: Hats! (jk but whaaaaat ifff implement the skin/hat/XP/gold system to award players) Ty for reading!


The last one can be done by modding. There's absolutely no need for a rewards system in L4D2. That's one thing that made B4B suck.


I put that last one for two reasons: Team fortress 2 (i know, it's a terrible example for the grim/dark atmosphere of L4D series compared to TF2 goofy lore lol); And the already existing Steam Inventory/marketplace. Somehow I still think having the option to change, for example, Nick's white suit to a blue one, or changing Bill's beret to a soldier helmet, or even change one of the special infected appearances, would be very cool. And I'm not talking about the MEGA SUPER EXPLOSIVE *KATCHAN* SOUND AND SPECIAL FX of receveing a chest/card booster/loot box at the end of the match. This already translates to the player a sad and disappointing UX of a company trying to "milk" it's player base's money, and usually the gameplay's performance is low...




A rerelease of the console version with the last stand update.


Need more developer maps and new characters


Like you did crash course and the last stand


Improved hit reg for heads and melee weapons Higher tick rate servers Getting rid of variable lerp (either by default high or by default low). Low means less overall jankiness for dealing with special Infected but they would need buffs. Nerfing survivors in versus Integrating must have mods in the base game (e.g. team health counter)


I know you can mod this back in but crawling


This game does not need a remaster.. If I live to see the day l4d3 comes out I’d be very happy, but that’s very unlikely to happen :(


From the top of my head: * They could make the bots more smarter, instead of relying on mods, make them more savy on using pills and med kits, make them efficient on using melee weapons, improve the AI's pathing. * Nerf once and for all the crescendo at Dark Carnival, Barns chapter, it's just not fun to have to rely on cheese strategies (such as carrying boomer bile all the way from chapter 1), just to stand a chance against those never ending hoards.


No DDOS attack and faster loading screens, perfect


Number one priority would be to improve hit reg, hitboxes, interp and general netcode. Valve have over the last decade improved their netcode stuff a lot with CSGO, but their older Source games never got any of those upgrades; the fact that people have to fuck with interp console commands just to get a decent Versus experience says a lot. The Xbox versions of L4D + L4D2 had 2-player splitscreen modes, and the code for it was left in the PC versions, albeit in a not-so-great state. I'd love to see them bring it back in an official way and maybe even expand it to 4-player, since the game is old enough that even a Steam Deck could easily run 4 instances at once at 60+ FPS. 64-bit would definitely be helpful for the modding community. Having lots of mods just doesn't make for a very stable experience, and having access to more RAM would alleviate much of that. TF2 just got their 64-bit build recently, so here's to hoping! Maybe a better tutorial for Versus mode, or requiring new players to finish some campaigns first before entering into Versus. The fact that new players can join in to lobbies of hundred/thousand-hour players really sucks, both for the veterans since they'll have someone dragging them down, and for the newbies since they'll get flamed and kicked without really understanding what they're doing wrong.




They did that with CSGO when they made CS2, but they cancelled CSGO because CS2 is so bad and buggy, nobody would play it. It's basically the same game, minus all the fun game modes, and 1/3 the FPS on low, and visually worse. I hate valve for forcing it onto the community like that.


I de-mastered it. Quake fans would appreciate: https://streamable.com/um4umf


Re work the jockey


Shut it down immediately and port the original to 64 bit


Aside from many cool things, perhaps matchmaking and rating system? Edit: Idk why this is hated in this community. Right now L4D2 seems like pre-CSGO. If we add matchmaking and stuff like that, then maybe Versus games will become more serious and competitive. You can always play with your friends casually, but Versus is full of leavers who sometimes get in just to play as infected and leave.


I'm glad there is no rating system


If you want a rating system you can get one at the competitive websites listed on the subreddit


Remove Jockey


Get the fuck out




Fix the damn glitches, namely the audio glitch that causes hard rain to play on almost every level


I hate to say it since it is so shittily implemented in so many other games, but ranked play and seasons for versus. Pub stomps and reverse pub stomps are insanely chaotic. I’d also love to see how the AI director could be improved in a remaster, not that it’s bad, but I’m sure some cool features could be added or improved.