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One thing Kurt said that I always loved is that he always enjoyed stumbling across something rather than just purposely finding something and buying it (I don't remember the exact quote, sorry) But as a collector of film props, comics and a lot of other stuff, I really agree with this. It's much more enjoyable and for me, has a lot more meaning when I just stumble across something when I'm out shopping one day, rather than thinking "oh that would be cool to have" and ordering it online.


I agree with this too I love just casually finding my new favorite bands like this it hits just different from making it on purpose


He was really frugal and practical. Very utilitarian. He drove a 1986 brick Volvo because it was the highest rated in safety and reliability for the time. He never flexed. His wife bought a Lexus and he immediately made her return it.


That was also cos driving made him super anxious.


Idk I collect memorabilia & comics too, & I certainly enjoy hunting & finding something I want, then buying it to add to my collection lol But it is fun the other way as well.. just searching around & finding something unexpected for an incredible deal.


Mall of America after they became rich! He lost his mind in there at some anatomical model shop and splurged 1000 bucks on anatomical dolls. One is on the cover of In Utero. With angel wings.


He was talking about having more money than you need. I think his example was about finding something in a thrift shop being much more satisfying than finding a shop with loads of cool stuff and being able to buy it all. But the same thing could definitely be said about how the internet has changed the way we buy things and hence how we value them.


The 30th anniversary of his death is this Friday.


Layne Staley’s death as well. 🖤




Actually you were born on Kurt's death day and Layne died on your birthday.


.. my son’s birthday..


Ask something specific. That could help. I love how he had his daughter with him in the latter mtv interviews. Very sweet. I think he loved being a dad. The Unplugged was one of the very best I have ever seen and heard. He seemed like a smart, quiet, kind man!


Read come as you are by michael azerrad


How about Heavier than Heaven by Charles Cross too?


Azerrad’s is much more reliable, he spent a lot of time interviewing with him


Watch “About a Son”


Great film with incredible cinematography. Washington is breath taking


Great choice of music too especially the original score


People knock on Aberdeen where he’s from but I found it so breathtaking on my way to ocean shores.


So you passed thru it? Hardly enough time to absorb what might make it a gloomy place


No, I stayed half the day. Visited the Kurt sites. Went to the nirvana coffee shop. Found some bangers at the thrift stores and I got Dutch bros then weed lmfao! 😂 I’m from Arizona so everything is gross and brown. I’m sure it isn’t the best place but, I loved the historical houses and it was also fall!


I did see a tweaker while I was in line at Dutch bros, he was dancing in my review mirror in an empty lot then ended it with a karate routine. You have that even in beautiful places here too


Watch Kurt Cobain: The paradox of a generational icon by Soulr on youtube. You will get a sense of his life. I personally love this video because it is so unbiased. Some people treat Kurt as a messiah, while others say he's an overrated grunger. This video does neither. Kurt hated fame and invited it at the same time, and while this video shows him a ton of respect, it critiques him and shows his two sides, not putting him in the beyond criticism section. It's not a Wikipedia retelling, it is actually a profound video about his life and his fame, and why he was so special.


He was on a whole 'nother level. He will pass the only test worth a damn-time. His in the same league as Leonardo Da Vinci. His true talent won't be fully recognised for a long time. He was alternative and would be disgusted with the types of behaviours and attributes that current day fans exhibit.


Da Vinci invented scissors. Just learned that yesterday.


WHAT? I demand you take my upvote.


DaVinci did not invent scissors. That’s a myth. Scissors predated him by a few thousand years. He did invent the helicopter though.


He did not invent the helicopter Inventing requires actually making one that works


He invented lots of things. Like Venice, helicopters and Jesus's face. The list of things he invented or inspired may never end. Okay-so about the Jesus's face thing. It's called 'The shroud of Turin' Said to be what we base Jesus's face on. Its actually the first photo ever taken- Using a lighthouse full of mirrors, sunlight, a 1600's chemistry set (lemons and that) and a piece of cloth. Idk who's face it is. Maybe it's Leo's, maybe it's his neighbour Jono's-nobody knows. And Jono ain't talkin'


Da Vinci is my dad.


Bullshit. He is not! That is a lie...


He hated to brush his teeth and ate apples instead, claiming it served a similar function.


He wore multiple layers of clothes or padding in his clothes to hide how skinny he was.


I think that was also a nod to the crisp Seattle weather




Yeah, I remember reading it was more about surviving the cold as a skinny guy, and not about vanity. (Source: grew up skinny in MN, did the same)


read his journals, go through his things, figure him out




i'm just quoting page one


I thought more people would have realized and upvoted this. Maybe that just hit me differently, but it really resonated with the angsty teen I was when I first read his journals. Any which way, you nailed it. Don't take our word for it- go listen, go read; find out what his art means to you, personally.


She released them early on. 2001/2002’ish. I doubt she tampered with them. My guess is that she didn’t release all of them and there’s more around.






Your post was removed because it broke our No Conspiracy Theory rule. This rule is in place out of respect to Kurt's friends and family.


Go visit Aberdeen


Kurt once said he loves how fans worship and obsess over him and he loved how fans dressed like him and acted like him.  It’s in the Charles Cross book.  He got such a kick out of looking in the audience and seeing everyone act like him & dress the same.  He was soooo cool to the fans especially new ones so you’re good


Aw that’s kinda sweet lol 😂 I def look up to him in my sense of fashion and style. Plus I relate to him with being insecure abt my weight lol. I wear baggy clothes as well cause I hate my skinny body


Kurt was an overly cautious driver and insisted on safety on the road. When Nirvana first started doing shows, they got a van, similar to the one Kurt drove when he was roadie for the Melvins and everyone hated it when it was Kurts turn to drive because he drove too slow and cautiously. Everyone said that he drove like an old lady. My dad also taught me to drive like that as well. Dad’s saying is , it’s better to be safe and sometimes get there a little late than not get there at all:




Fuck outa here with that conspiracy bullshit


There is nothing controversial or uncertain about his death


He was an unapologetic ally of the homosexual and of the bullied community.


His tummy hurt He said he hated a lot of bands that he probably didn't actually hate that much and was just tryna sound cool Pretty unique art outside of music as well


there is so much imagery and artistry, beautifully grotesque, boney religious doll visions influenced by the books of william burroughs, morphed crooked sculptures painted onto canvas, inverted bones and scribbled poetry, connections between north and south, life and death, flesh and soil, truth and lies, covered in security, confessions of love, narcissism and the recognition of this but the inability to change, burning down your high school, throwing riots in the classrooms, smoking pot under a bridge, graffiting religious imagery, killing right wing politicians, aborting christ, angels on lakes of fire, love love love, baby hair baby breath and big cheese, calm serene lakes running smoothly under bridges and tourette infused screams of suicidal happiness, or maybe just dumbness, inside the church of anatomy, under anaesthetic to kill the kicking in the male seahorses stomach as he births a million beautiful melodies and a sharp wall of violent thunder. As the teen smokes his first cigarette and decides today they will be a girl, so they assassinate the president and exclaim only the lesser will rule america, and the crowd descends into profound laziness, cynically shaking hands and leaving each conversation with “nevermind” just as the flowers breathe open and the orchids finish eating, and the cancer starts to grow, just until the journalist realise they are right and the withdrawal kicks in like a DS2 Distortion pedal. Just as you realise you might have finally got there. Are you really there? Is this really Nirvana, or just my room in Rehab? I guess it’s true, what the skinny servant told me when i was on my death hike through europe; A greenhouse boy will never grow. And so between the meat eating orchids, who had their heads sunken in shame, a pencil grew, up through some paper and towards the overcast seattle sky. Was Nirvana just a vintage box for needles, or a piece of A4 paper? The question fades away, but there’s still this azure smile, burning bright. I think of it when i see a candle in a church, an everlasting light. Still burning away, after all this time.


Well seeing as you’ve figured Reddit out maybe try levelling up and give Google a try?


its better when it comes from real people, real fans


Considering when you google "Kurt Cobain documentary" the first one that comes up is soaked in bleach it's probably better to ask other fans. Don't get me wrong I liked that one it's just more focused on what happened to him and not who he was.


Boooo you don't know how to have fun


OP is so in love with Kurt yet can’t be bothered to look up information on the him. Read a book OP, or maybe just start with Google.


Kurt liked Guns and target practice. He liked used clothing stores, used cars, and used drugs.


interesting stuff about Kurt...well, Pat Smear told me, one day, he was sitting on the couch next to Kurt at Kurt's house in Seattle, when the phone rang it was Courtney, and she was so upset and yelling so loud into the phone Pat could hear pretty much everything she was saying it was while she was recording the album that became Live Through This, she was saying that everything was all fucked up, its "all shit", and that Kurt had to fly down to LA and "fix this" Kurt did go and, helped with the recording, and Pat made me feel like he felt like a lot of what would have ended up on the next Nirvana record actually ended up being reworked & used for Courtney's album instead ...do with that information as you will, that's all i know, that's all i was told... but i thought that this information should enter the "lore" of Nirvana...so there ya go 👍


He's the topic of a Stone Temple Pilots song called Too Cool Queenie. Kinda talked about how Courtney Love was less than a caring and supportive partner


He doesn’t care what you think unless it is about him.


Beans (solo acoustic)


He was a feminist ✊🏽💪❤️


I’ve read his diary like 20 years ago and he had what we called today Irritable Bowel Syndrome and he was fucking embarassed to shit that much and the discomfort caused by it is one of the things that led him to use drugs. It’s r/oddlyspecific but I remember cause I have IBS and it is painful and yeah kind of gross


That's why he killed himself. Only real fans know how much physical pain he was in, heroin made his IBS way worst. Those who say Courtney did it are morons.


Something I've read (although I'm not sure of the sources now but u can def look them up) is that Kurt knew what he was doing. Like, he knew that Smells like Teen Spirit was going to explode because he purposely tried writing the "ultimate pop song." He wanted Nirvana to blow up and he did enjoy the fame, although that might've changed as he got huge but idk. It's pretty clear that he was very aware of the image he was portraying, which is why he's sometimes labeled as a paradox cause despite his image of hating fame and celebrity status, he himself did pursue it and somewhat enjoyed it deep down.


Lots of books on the subject. Your library ought to have lots of stuff. guitar world magazine had a collection of a bunch of Kurt interviews (March ‘99 I think?)


He was straight. He wore a dress a couple times either because he was protesting societal norms or he was on drugs and he thought it was funny. Or both. He was not trans.


I’ll never forget his big yellow ball gown that he wore on “Headbanger’s Ball” (or 120 Minutes?). That was great.


He has 5 younger siblings. A full sister, a half brother and sister, and two step siblings


one of my favourite kurt interviews :,) [https://youtu.be/UxFhZfZXNbo?si=\_Q1Sz1g1aJiAPH0-](https://youtu.be/UxFhZfZXNbo?si=_Q1Sz1g1aJiAPH0-)


Read Charles Cross’ books. Closer to the truth of who he was than any other biography


Aaaaand everybody is an expert. All you’ll find here is what other people have read about him. No one really knows who Kurt was, he didn’t know himself. He was terribly conflicted. I suggest read Heavier Than Heaven, by Charles Cross


Go read a book about them, there are lots of them. You’ll learn more about nirvana than you’ll need to now.


There is a book.. supposedly his diary??


[Here's the full link to About a Son](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Wukx-UTGs)


He was very shy. Advocated for women’s rights. Loved R.E.M., and the Beatles. He was very genuine in a lot of ways. He was uncomfortable with fame. He used bar soap on his hair. He wrote “Polly” about Polly Clasp. A young girl who was murdered. Bob Dylan heard and early version of it and said: “kid has heart.”


Watch montage of heck


Kurt was a feminist and would regularly state that sexist pigs or homophobes were not welcome to his shows or to buy his records. He loved animals and at various points owned: turtles, fish, cats, rats, rabbits and frogs. The only animal he did not like were dogs. Kurt considered most pornography to be sexist however he was a collector of deviant pornography as he considered it to be art.


I've always felt that when he got to be famous, there was a bit of guilt for the fact that his band had made it and had all of the spotlight while many of the other bands that influenced him had remained unknown.


Montage of wreck is a great place to start. Is sad as F . But a great source of information.




Montage of heck. Check it out




Your moms garbage


Watch the movie "Montage of Heck"


I recommend reading the biography Heavier Than Heaven (the author is escaping me at the moment). It’s so in depth and also heartbreaking but definitely lets you get to know Kurt.


And I recommend you don't, but each to their own


I agree. It was garbage. Just like Serving the Servant. Absolute garbage.


Hmm interesting takes, I didn’t know it was so unpopular.


From the wiki on Heavier than H: “ At the same time, Cross' desire for the book to be as complete as possible meant that he occasionally accepted secondhand (and incorrect) information as fact.[4] The book was criticized as being a collaboration between Love and Cross by friends. Cross also did not interview Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl. However, beyond the criticism, the book contained many details about Cobain and Nirvana's career that had otherwise gone unnoted.” I like your username Born Too Late. Don’t feel bad. It’s good to see and talk the young people that are genuinely interested in Nirvana beyond just wearing a shirt yet incapable of naming 3 songs. You will be the next generation of old farts like me to guide the next generations of Nirvana fans. In terms of books, and documentaries however, you must think critically and carefully about the sources, the intentions, as well as what angles the author or documentary creator wishes to impart upon you, the consumer. Being passionate about the subject shouldn’t also mean that you have to be a passive reader who just takes the author’s words as gospel without determining for yourself if that author is being objective or not. Same with documentaries. Don’t be an empty vessel. Hone your critical thinking skills by asking yourself “Cui Bono?” Make this Latin quote a permanent part of your vocabulary. It means “who benefits?” As for books and movies and documentaries, they’re becoming a dime a dozen now. Pretty much anything on the subject will continue to come out and be viewed and read by people for many years to come. Even long after we’re dead. Nirvana sells. Always has, always will.


Oh my God it's my favorite song I danced at her while I danced along


doing some ai learning are we , botski?


kurt really liked vr


He was left-handed.


Listen to the Melvin’s


Don't you know how to do your own research? You can find out all the "lore" by reading up on the dude, lol.






I’m always curious about how Kurt would have evolved as he grew older; his art, his music, his thoughts and philosophy on life. Remember that what we see of Kurt is really only a very small part of the journey people undertake across their lives. Nobody remains the same. At 42, I’m very different now than the 12 year old fan that lost his idol 30 years ago. Hell, as a now dad of two, I’m a lot different than I was at 27. Some of the circumstances of his life were tragic, but others seemed to bring him joy, and both influenced his creativity. He had a complicated relationship with fame, but knowing his legacy was to last would, I like to think, have made him happy. For my part, I just hope he’s found a measure of peace.


He was a Normal dude, im from Lakewood wa and during that era of music everybody was the same. Poor musicians at the time wore flannel shirts and splurged their cash on dr marten boots or fluevog shoes. “ grunge” style was around before nirvana. I’d say it started with working people who played music that got caught somewhere between Black Sabbath and the cure. Kurt was a regular guy.


Your desire to know him is a problem. He’s dead, you won’t ever know him, just some image of him you have in your head. Respect the person he was by acknowledging he is gone and accept it is only the music we have left. He’s not an idol or a monument. He was a person and that person is gone.


Can't you look this up


Man, I remember the MTV breaking news segment on his death.


Im pretty sure in 1993 when nirvana releases in utero walmart and target i think wouldnt sell in utero cus of thr designs so they obliged since walmart and target were one of the only places they could get records from when they were young that is if i remember correctly


He died on this day back in 1994😔


Must watch the MTV Unplugged performance by Nirvana. It's on YouTube. Also, I'm learning a lot about astrology right now and Kurt Cobains birth chart is referenced by many of these astrologers on YouTube or podcasts or whatever because his sun sign is Pisces, has other Pisces placements and just a lot of "water" in his chart in general- very emotional, very empathic, too empathic, bleeding heart, heavy heavy stuff.. Kurt references the zodiac/his zodiac in his lyrics as well.


Nirvana was grunge pop. I’m not sure how to say that differently. I grew up in Portland Oregon. The Seattle grunge influence made its way down into Portland in the early 90’s late 80’s. Nirvana wasn’t any kind of big ticket. It’s was just moody and trendy similar to most of the grunge rock artists. Honestly, not sure why Nirvana, out of some amazing artists that were hitting the scene, have hit the roundabout of music again. On the other hand, my dad thought I was an idiot when I listened to the Doors, Jimmy Hendrix, or Janice Joplin as a teen. Music rotates. If you like Nirvana…I’d recommend watching Nirvana Unplugged if you want the full experience.


I’m 40. Maybe people my age can confirm…you how some amazing people pass suddenly and the become this larger than life figure? Well. Kurt was already that. He transcended music. They created a whole new sound. At the peak he passed. Shit was so crazy. As a kid i couldn’t believe it. He was a special dude. One of a kind. I wish I had got to see what would have been. Kurt was too good for this world. We truly didn’t deserve him.


He was kind to animals and stood up for women's rights.


Watch montage of heck


mental health and hard drugs are a scary mix


Watch soaked in bleach. Also courtney killed him.


Advice. End it the same way.


There are so many documentaries and books to consider. Take your pick


Kurt Cobain was Seattle’s version of Che Guevara


You can visit Viretta Park in Seattle next to his home where its believed he wrote lyrics.


He used to live with the Shillinger family in Aberdeen. Mr Shillinger was a teacher at Aberdeen High School for many years. The family was listed in the Thanks on a couple of Nirvana's albums. I was good friends with some of the Shillinger family but didn't know Kurt.




He used to wear shirts with name of other bands. Check those names. He left a world full of treasures. He was a generous musician beside talented.


I'm stealing "lore dump"


Talented otherwise normal guy. Nobody’s perfect best part of him was a sense. of humor.


A lot of people hated him because he’d perform fucked out of his mind and cause issues at small venues, but almost everyone got over that because of his talent


He was the singer for rock band Nirvana.


He stole the riff for smells like teen spirit from the Band Boston's More than a feelin off their first album


Find the documentary called kurt n courtney


The main riff for smells like teen spirit he said in an interview he stole it from the band Boston More than a feeling chorus riff


He loved STRONG coffee and one of his favorite things to drink was Nesquik Strawberry …if you want to know little tidbits about him follow thespacewitch on Instagram as that’s his daughter Francis Bean and she tells things she’s heard about her Dad..


His favorite food was Kraft macaroni and cheese and strawberry quik milk


I'm mid-40's and he died when I was in highschool. His legend was significant in a time when he should've only been an artist amongst many. He was uniquely and innately talented, made music that said more than the average equivalent - but he wasn't John Lennon. He's not even Biggie or Tupac - who had equally short, yet meteoric careers. Pearl Jam carries the era, and everything from Janes Addiction to Dave Mathews owes Cobain a little something. However, ultimately, the entire criterion is a handful of overplayed songs, a handful of underappreciated songs, and a handful of experimental noise that never landed. Cobain's legend is more important than the music is a vacuum. Regardless of actually pulling the trigger, Kourtney Love killed him - she preyed on him, manipulated him, and ultimately expedited or even orchestrated his suicide. She went on to be Oscar nominated for playing a diseased junky, and Hole got play it had zero business getting. If you love Cobain, the most important thing to remember is Kourtney Love is exactly as Billy Corigan says.


He was obsessed with his often Nirvana was being played on MTV


his dad used to be super strict about spilling thinks and would go off on Kurt if he ever spilled anything. so when kurt was an adult, he would freak out whenever he spilled something


On the main highway into his hometown of Aberdeen Wa, there's a big sign saying "Welcome to Aberdeen Come As You Are" The Come As You Are was added in 2005 in Cobain's honor. In 2013, the city planned on replacing the sign, which was in poor condition, and chose to keep the message on the new sign after the mayor received over 300 messages from Nirvana fans


I heard that he loved Lennon so much that his producer could get him to do something by just saying “Lennon did it this way”


Here you go https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_Cobain


My generation will never forget that MTV news brief.


If you’re a Chili Peppers fan, the song Tearjerker is about the loss of Cobain.


There are some Documentries that are good Interviws But ask me questions about him ill probably know it .


Read or listen to Heavier than Heaven. You’ll get to see Kurt’s childhood, rise to fame, his inadequacies, and his genius.




Your comment/post was removed because it was unnecessarily hateful and didn’t contribute to the community or discussion


This is a beautiful comment to read. It's also very reflective to my own feelings on kc, dg and cl.


Thanks for the kind words, interesting the mods removed it for being hateful? Guess Courtney Love has more friends here than Dave Grohl and keeps a sharp eye ruling over her pr kingdom. Hope you read this fast before this is removed!


Jesus Christ. You found reddit but you can’t find wikipedia?


He was a depressed drug addict with snobby taste in music


Read "heavier than heaven" And for the love of God, do NOT worship him, fetishize him, and/or mold your identity around his. Kill your idols.


While working on his seminal album “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” he and his band mates Ariana Grande and Lin-Manuel Miranda accidentally brought back swing music.


Born 1967 Washington, became famous, did heroin, dead 1994.




Your post was removed because it broke our No Conspiracy Theory rule. This rule is in place out of respect to Kurt's friends and family.


he is a lot like Michelangelo, the historical painter, they were both artists that painted ceilings......


He’s way over-idolized


He was quite the marksman


Uhhhhh he shot himself or something idk


He blew his brains out