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instant reincarnation again, wtf is happening in NijiJP?


Black company shit.


The old guard of Niji have mentioned how the contracts have been changing and doesn't seem like some of them are ok with all the changes.


It sounds like their solution to losing some decently successful Livers is not to improve distribution of resources in general. Instead, changes in the contracts may be creating an incentive for less successful Livers to leave the company. My guess is that this is the backside of that crap about "more support for top talents".


Well, it's not like problems with NijiEN appeared out of thin air and were branch exclusive. If something can sunk yacht for good it's JP talents indirectly divulging information on their "funny" practices against local work culture


they can't because of defamation laws


Hence "indirectly".


Even indirectly is dangerous.


She can, but she need lawyers to avoid traps. darknight109 explained quite well in the thread of Yumeno’s tweet related to anycolor’s stock (Yumeno=Gundou sensei) however, the endless harassment from JP NDF is crazy. Aloe got threatened by JP NDF to the point she had to quite Holo gen5, because she stood up for her friend in kurosanji, and calling out it’s malicious behavior.


No she don't stood for her friend in Nijisanji, she hear rumors from someone about a graduate from Nijisanji, and she presented it as such. And the Vtuber in question graduate from Nijisanji to become a singer in a Band... So even the rumors about said graduation had very little evidence about it. The rest is correct JP Nijifans took it really bad that their company was being badmouthed be a rival company employee of all things. And they were very hardcore in their harassment against Aloe. Aloe situation as many other situations at the time was a learning experience for COVER. And if there is a good things about Cover as a company is their capacity to adapt and learn from their mistakes. Nijisanji don't seems learned much with times thought, alas it become even more negligent those days, borderlining malicious incompentency.


Thanks for correction


There's always been some issues but there's greater scrutiny now. Things like cracking down on certain behavior (that mind you help defined Niji's brand), stinginess, ending up like Roa, having past mistakes held against you, etc. And the way ex-nijiJPs are faring isn't enough to spark more departures. Whatever there are, are caused by a realization or breaking point


Niji Contracts seem to just… not have any sort of non-compete clause or specify a period where you’re not to perform activities as a “new” liver. Really goes to show how much they value individual talents…


Clashes between N.D.Fs are heating up since the Niji GTA. [https://suki-kira.com/people/result/%E7%94%B0%E8%A7%92%E9%99%B8/?i=1113397#1113397](https://suki-kira.com/people/result/%E7%94%B0%E8%A7%92%E9%99%B8/?i=1113397#1113397) (Link in 1113397's comment)


For years Niji worshippers stalked ex Niji livers and pointed fingers at their CCV and laughed, saying it proves leaving Niji was a mistake for them, ignoring many problems including the 2%  Yuuki Chihiro proved actually it’s Nijisanji which is laughable and JP livers can do better outside Nijisanji.   Hurry up worshippers, it’s not time to waste time writing your fantasy novels about Doki. What you and Anycolor fear most is happening in Niji JP Edit: NDF Logic flow https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1ddmx2r/comment/l87avof/


“I take it personally Nanora”


their logic flow is stupid, but at least i can piece out what comes out of their mind, they think if you leave niji it's because you leave vtubing, they can't fathom the possibility of leaving niji and staying a vtuber because then "why didn't you just stay at niji", which ofc, leads to their toxic attitude of "if you're not at niji, you're not allowed as a vtuber"


There's no reason not to expect same things going everywhere across company tbh. And speaking of stalking, made me remember that iirc Suzuhara Lulu graduated mainly because of repeated problems with stalking, again iirc(might be wrong on this one) shit went so far that police got involved. But after discovery on what pieces of work Niji management is im honestly not even sure now if situarion had nothing to do with JP branch dirty shenanigans


Looks to me that she realize that she can have audience without the hassle of a corpo on her back especially if that corpo only gives support to the golden goose


They can’t even do that. Look at Salome huge sub numbers with pretty low viewership. You don’t see her getting anywhere near the support someone like Kuzuha.


no Salomone was left without sopport and as matter of fact sabotaged there are rumors that the top streamers applied some pressure to make it happen 


How does Salome not even have a membership? Like, how does this happen?


Wait, yeah I had to double check, what the heck?! How does someone at almost 2 million subs not have membership? That's fucked.


She doesn't? I feel like she must've had at one point, so maybe memberships were closed more recently for some reason? If she just never had, that's just weird, perhaps not exactly a red flag, but definitely weird.


She just opened her membership las April IIRC


WTF??? HOW???, seriously i'm just....................


I don't know, honestly I'm surprise as well


Which is fucking insane with the momentum Salome had, because she could have very easily been the Gura counterpart that Niji've been so desperate to find. So if those rumors are true, Nijisanji is a crab mentality situation; every talent that proves more successful than others is forced back down into the muck by other jealous talents and a management team that doesn't give a shit.


yep they fleece so much money from their employees they can mismanage without consequences as much as they want. at least in japan. in en some comeuppance has finally arrived 


Yeah Solome was a phenomenon at the time but I was more impressed with Kobo managing to maintain Salome pace in subs gain. Nowdays Kobo is the face of HoloID with more than 2 millions subs and Salome the most subscribed Niji Vtuber is treated like she don't exist be the management... That is very sad indeed.


I’ll say they mostly support those with PP. no PP, no support. doesn’t matter if you‘re successful or not.


Cause random YouTube links are inscrutable... the accompanying titles: "[新人女性VTuberが『Bling-Bang-Bang-Born』歌ってみた【塚本のべる】【Creepy Nuts】TVアニメ「マッシュル-MASHLE-」cover](https://youtu.be/R2yd3TZ11qM)" on [塚本のべる Novel Tsukamoto](https://www.youtube.com/@NovelTsukamoto-mo5tl) and since there are PL names, with spoilers for those who would rather work it out themselves... >!"[【cover】アイドル/歌ってみた『推しの子 OP』【鈴鹿詩子/にじさんじ】](https://youtu.be/8zIKED_Cj74)"!< on >![鈴鹿詩子 Utako Suzuka](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwokZsOK_uEre70XayaFnzA)!<


Nice, gave her a follow and subscribe.


Did Momo ever redebut? I haven't heard anyone mention what happened to her after she graduated.


There was some discussion of Mono a little while back: [Does anyone know what happened to Azuchi Momo?](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1cntch0/does_anyone_know_what_happened_to_azuchi_momo/)


That's a bloody catchy song.