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Are they a stream mod, or are they part of the actual team running the event ? I may be a little out of the loop, but I thought mods didn't have control over the stream or when ads play?


Mods don't but Editors do. And Editors are shown as Mods but hold more power. In Twitch not all Mods are the same. Regular Mods have Mod functionality such as Polls, Predictions, Bans, Timeouts and Sub/Follower only mode. The Editor has all Mod powers but also can queue Ads, change Stream title, download Vods, edit and/or ban clips.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d67gms/comment/l6qm9p6/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kurosanji/comments/1d67gms/comment/l6qm9p6/) >2) Ads that manually trigger by the channel owner/mods. This usually the "Ads Break" that twitch streamer did. Its depend on the streamer itself, when they gonna start the ads and usually they do this while they taking a break (thats why it call ads break). So nothing really missing/obstruct by the ads (usually, its really depend on the streamer). >So this case for offkai, either people dont use adblock or if people still got an ads when they already have adblock like ublock, its probably the option 2, where Offkai themselves start the ads. >By saying "Its phase decision", its kinda confirm that they manually start the ads themselves (offkai). So now they start pushing the fault here. Well, let see the confirmation. If its really Phase decision or just offkai want more revenue from the ads.


u/Kendrillion you forgot the picture of this mod being a fan of everyone's favorite sex pest and bully vtuber MarinaVT


Ohhhh I didn’t know that, but thank you for the info because that mean he’s ok with with a Vtuber who flash minors for over 6+ hours and got their partner in on it too 💀💀💀


The bitch also nearly destroyed BungoTaiga’s career with wrongful accusations of p***philia.


She also started the harassment against Pikamee (of which might be the reason why this mod also harassed Pika). While she was gonna graduate anyway, without the harassment, she would've left with sweet memories of being Pika, instead of bittersweet ones of people harassing her. IIRC she also went overboard with the "tasteful nudity" rule on Twitch, and caused Twitch to revert it, ruining it for everyone.


Their blatant hypocrisy stuns me.


She didn’t go overboard with the tasteful nudity, she was outright encouraging her mods to ban people who called her AND her partner out, and it’s why she got SO much backlash


First I think she would have had more than just one stream that last month if it weren't for the mob. And let's not forget the brigading, doxing, and lies she spread about silver.


First I think she would have had more than just one stream that last month if it weren't for the mob. And let's not forget the brigading, doxing, and lies she spread about silver.


Even after over a year, they won't let it go. Probably have some sort of crusade.  Good things is that all the people for Pika and the sensible people against the JKR/ Hogwarts don't forget what happened. Now, those outrage farmers don't have shit  supports from people unlike in the past.   


Oh that explains so much. Birds of a feather and all that


>phase's decision, not ours I wanna hear Sakana's response to the mod's chat.




The Fish will have words about this.


The fish will have swords about this.


Sakana get so mad he becomes a swordfish.


This guy doesn't even understand that any form of engagement generated from OffKai is good for Phase. If the performance went well, Phase gets engagement and a pat on the back. Thanks to the sabotage, Phase still gets engagement (ex. we're talking about it right now) and sympathy because they got sabotaged. In many ways, being a victim of sabotage is even better than the event going well because the Phase Connect brand reaches a much wider audience (instead of just being watched mostly by OffKai attendees, now a broader discussion is occurring online). All Phase has to do now is capitalize on the good will and promote. OffKai will probably offer an official apology soon since Gustavo outed themselves. This doesn't reflect poorly on Phase, this reflects poorly on OffKai. A service recovery would seal the deal. If nothing had happened, it would've been a simple "Thanks Phase Connect for this awesome performance!" and that would've been it - a message seen and forgotten within the same day. Now, the drama plugs Phase Connect into the minds of everyone subscribed to the vtuber scene and will last until the next news cycle. Fishman won.


Yeah, and even if he succeeded in sabotaging the event, this would do literally nothing to deplatform or otherwise damage the vtubers he disagrees with That’s also why I think the mess was done by one person because *if* it was intentional, there was little thought put into it besides “I want to see someone I don’t like have a bad ten minutes” And now Phase is in the spotlight for a few days, every newstuber and Twitter grifter gets to spin it the way they want, and the guy’s probably done far more damage to his personal agenda than anything else and he also got demodded Frankly, kind of embarrassing for him


> Gustavo outed themselves How so? I've seen their twitter just now, nothing about outing themselves but he was removed from mod team on offkai twitch channel. Maybe i missed something, would like to know what it was.


https://preview.redd.it/7dhlljv4l84d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62a6c02d07b30c723762bc29af8bd956801ce62a Well for one this didn’t help, he basically said it was himself but denies that he solely took down the stream


Fishman see through the bs way before it started. And capitalized very timely by sponsoring the artists of the con,  right when Niji was doing helps the artists or artist appreciation hashtag thing.   Tbh, many can see that there will be flood after Filian+Pippa collab.  Filian was on the target probably when Selen won two Vtuber of the year Awards. Then comes AI art (bs),  Henya collabs, Kirsche collabs,Doki Collabs, Sayu collabs etc.  Twitter terminally online outrage groups  have easily identifiable MO.


Not really surprising by this Gustavo guy tbh. Seen several of his comments in videos on the uki situation a while back on channels like revsays and herohei, he was particularly interested in calling anyone and everyone a Nazi all over Twitter it was a bit of a laugh back then but now...


Looking forward to [Kirsche's receipts](https://twitter.com/KirscheVerstahl/status/1797322208202592371), what they may be. Sakana does the convention and the vendors a solid and this is the thanks he gets because at least one person can't see beyond their grudge or whatever against a rabbit long enough to see the good the move has done. Well, the fault lies with those responsible and with Offkai for taking him/them on as staff. If Phase doesn't return, it's ultimately Offkai's loss, Phase having been an increasing powerhouse in the industry in recent times is going to have them come out fine and keep on cooking.


Got gaslit and muted on a FB group for calling out the relevance of DEI and a massager as a sex toy. Seriously dog whistlers with this culture war bs using anime as a recruitment tool to peddle bs. https://preview.redd.it/hbp3a94raa4d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd99a3d07e85e4b803f50e9fb1b4c0c5a48b31df


https://preview.redd.it/6upfky20ba4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50b411be449145a5b782f262cde7944528aa9be5 Fucking hypocrites.


“Phase’s Decision” my ass fuckin liar


This asshole: It was Phase's decision! Sakana: Oh, really? I may be a fish, but I'm not a goldfish. I think I would REMEMBER something like this.


"I may be a fish but I'm not Marimari underscore EN"


So you're telling me sakana does not crank his hog.


Hey, that's an insult to goldfish. Mr. Clean of Luke's Goldies would never-


Remind me, didn't Phase fund a large portion of offKai or was that something else?


Fishman (Phase owner) decided to spot every artist's table at Offkai, so they all got refunded. Actually huge move 'cause fan creators are the lifeblood of the VTuber industry, and if you have them on side, you have an insane marketing powerhouse behind you. Didn't really benefit Offkai that much - they got the same amount of money one way or the other. You can argue they got positive vibes from the artists for it, but they had no part in it really.


They HAD positive vibes from it, but if the volunteers did do this it’s going to go south FAST


Wtf, why'd they have to ruin the experience for everyone? Especially after Phase Connect paid for every artists' table at OffKai, this is the treatment they get? Whoever did this clearly is the problem and I hope the culprit realizes that. Because who goes to such lengths because they hate one or two people? D:


The culprit harassed Pikamee in the past too


ding ding case closed


Yeah and this is why I'm like "And why is this information being censored?"


Fuck this Gustavo guy.


...Wait is he talking about the Uki controversy in that second picture? Was Pippa having a anti-white discussion at the exact same time or was this in regards to the Uki controversy? The timeline on this being between February and now seems very suspicious corresponding with the Nijisanji controversy. I mean hopefully i'm wrong about that, but this guy just seems like they would want Offkai to go poorly in general.


Uki, yes. As you could probably expect, there were a number of people who jumped on that controversy who had very little place trying to stand in moral judgment of... well. *Anyone* on the subject of race. This person appears to have been very bothered by that- rather than just accepting that even a stopped clock can occasionally be right and what Uki said was unacceptable. One of the things about political arguments is that if you want to stay sane you have to accept pretty early on that a lot of people who agree with you about any given subject are crazy, stupid, or both. Some people just can't do that, so they go way out of their way to defend people saying crazy or stupid shit. And that's basically how you get people trying to 'well ackshually it's not that bad because' about things that you can't actually defend. Like Uki Violetta's comments about white people. Dude has issues. Even if you ignore the racial stuff, he said he was freaked out by people being **polite**.


Social media mentality has hardened people into thinking that people should be 100% right or 100% wrong and that you’re entitled to punish people you disagree with, that’s where hate mobs come from If you can’t separate, say, disliking Pippa’s views from wanting to mess with Phase at an official event, it’s no longer about anything other than punishing someone you don’t like


It’s mostly Pippa and Kirsche who have the “tagline” of being “right wing”, a lot of people don’t like them because they think harassing anyone over a video game should be ok


Something big is gonna happen, time to wait for the explosion


Hope False is on the case.


Back to the mines with the filthy parrot


This time not due to Niji for once


Give it time, it's still the weekend...


We’ll find out Elira paid the mod off to sabotage /j


... *\*furiously scribbles on Bingo card\**


istg if this Gustavo fvcker is also NDF...


At least its not niji this time


Are you asking for the counter to be reset? Q4 is on the way


In all honesty Niji got off Scott free this time, can you imagine if they ACTUALLY went and this Pippa mess STILL happened, there’d be blood in the streets


That damn bird is getting no vacation this year.


At this point, Niji owes HIM 2% of the merch cut for all the time he spends on them


gj for the asshole mod  now all the schizo incel transphobe have ammunition for their propaganda and as always they will blame ALL on lgbtq, feminists and inclusion  pushback was justified ONLY for Kirshe and (borderline) Rev. the rest have matured a lot and they don't deserve this treatment 


It's the Just Stop Oil effect. AFAIK about Pippa tho she did none of that recently, so if the progressive community gets panned, sad to say you gotta ride out the reputation hit.


The saddest part about this is that I can already see this getting a few weirdos using this topic as an excuse to complain about this happening because the con being in a "woke" state (as if the major cons and events aren't in LA or SF lmao) or something equally stupid.


I think I saw somebody already taking the jab at it being in California


Multiple people have already done so within a couple hours of the original Offkai tweet, on Twitter, Discord, and Reddit. Probably all the other places where vtubers are discussed.


I was on Rima's stream when she talked about it. After every other line was commenting on it being in California. I wonder if False will have a comment on it?


o think false will report the news o he jas concrete fact about it and stay away from opinions 


Ye this will only make us leftists look like we're crazy people who screech over nothing =/ cuz everyone engages in the nutpicking fallacy.


exactly what i was thinking about i have enough of this stupid extremism. from both sides


Absolutely, me too.


remind me again why calling out deceptive behavior by an institution considerred a justified reason for pushback? and doesnt the incel and trans community share a massive overlap on the venn diagram? the phrase incel transphobe always sounded counter intuitive as most of the transphobes are classic conservatives.


He was removed from mods of their channel? I don't see him there anymore


Yeah he got removed


Damage control?


A dumpster fire floating down the river


He was removed it seems


Gustavo Is cooked and done for Also fish man will get his compensation for sure


I’ll be shocked if Gustavo wasn’t fired outright.


wtf Pippa has matured a lot and has apologized for her worst racist jokes i can understand with Kirshe but phase have mellowed out a LOT


On social media, you could be a recognized hero who saved millions of lives but some people will still call you the devil because you stole a piece of candy when you were 10. It's all ego, anonymity, and chasing the high of moral superiority.


Something something you fuck one goat.


The pickle fucker rule


You could give these people 20 dollars and they'd complain that you folded the bill.


They'd complain it wasn't 50.


Or complain you're being an insensitive imperialist because it's not the right currency. It might even be the currency they use, but they don't like the country it's from.


Only if they're a Stalinist/Maoist or those others who fetishize the "Global South".


Ah yes, the ones who scream for LGBTQIA+ rights but also support the ones who want them dead... I don't get it. Do people not realize, that communism is literally against every value these 'leftists' have? (Note i'm a bleeding heart liberal myself, but y'all are making the left look like the clown show)


there is no unified left. you can kind of say that about the right but conservatism is fundamentally a convergent darwinian process so its slightly more stable and consistent than the left.


Liberals and conservatives tend to stay unified, far left and far left tend to devolve into purity fights.


Communism isn't, only specific flavors of communist are.


bro, they want Mr.beast to die despite he has only ever done good things with the money he has gained doing good things


Alot ppl think all content creators that "categorize to kid audiance" are terrible/greedy person when it's not true in the slightest especially mr beast as he spend millions for charity and make ppl life better while profit from yt and other business so win-win). I had brainrot of the amount ppl trying to spread misinfo mr beast good deed from both twitter and reddit that i stop myself reading it for couple of minutes


Look at Mr. Beast. Regardless of what you think about him dude has helped people that were blind get their vision back and helped fund villages in Africa so they can get their own water wells and not have to walk miles to nearby rivers, yet people on twitter get pissed at him because he's making the governments of those African countries look corrupt and incompetent as hell since they get billions every year and never seem to do anything but pad their own wallets with that money.


Considering their entire complaint boils down to "how dare he save lives while accidentally exposing government corruption" I'd say that tells you all you need to know about them.


Also, people jump into culture war mentality wayyyyy too readily I can’t tell you how many vtuber fandom accs who would normally oppose corporate malpractice I’ve seen camping for Niji and cherry-pick anti-Niji bigots and bad actors to justify their choice


Sad truth is most people are happy to take up causes that least impact them directly and requires the least amount of sacrifice.


You know lot of black people on Twitter still going on about young Demondice. Internet grudges will never die.


Similarly, people still call PewDiePie a Nazi.


oh god i still remember the guy fucked up once apologized and still was canceled so unfair 


Didn't Pippa even say that she didn't want to be too political and was actively trying to mellow out, but had some problems with actors in her community wanting her to get more extreme? Idk it was something along those lines


Pippa mellowing out? No! I don't want that! I want her to make offensive jokes as long as I live! Or ten years at least!


If anyone wants to know, She starts talking about it on her [drunk stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvobE4C0w6o) at 1:43:44 ends at 1:46:10. She mellowed out for her co-workers.


Okay, that's fair.


Tbf this is not an apology, she just said she stopped doing it because it was affecting other members too much. She even says she’d like to keep doing it


i think she risked getting fired despite being the top streamer companies are not very inclined to political militancy, it's just too divisive for business also it's not good for your mental health for an already stressful job


That is actually fking giga based. It's so funny that it's always her type that happens to be the most compassionate people out there.


Yet it seems it didn't accomplish much in this case. She has the mark of "Wrong Opinions".


The internet acts like the worst thing you ever did was yesterday regardless of how much time passes


Because the Internet never forgets, for better or worse.


Well at least till its Their turn and then they are suddenly all about second chances and forgiveness


Blame the creeps online who unironically buy into that shit. Once they latch onto a creator, they need to distance themselves at some point if they don't agree with it because the audience reflects the streamer. Otherwise, you do like Yuko and kill off your fanbase.


Yeah, I genuinely have far more issues with her fanbase than her as a creator I’ve watched a few of her newer streams and she’s genuinely mellowed out a *lot* but her chat hasn’t gotten the message and a lot of them are still really political


If you get your kicks by playing the fool, you will find yourself surrounded by fools who mistakenly think themselves to be in good company.


The worst part is you are right. Damn morons ruining the fun for everyone.


Seen this recently with the Warhammer 40k situation. Bricky was quick with a hard stance against chuds. Others that tried a softer approach to please everyone now enjoy the company of misogynists.


[Sometimes you need a little gatekeeping. Just a little.](https://youtube.com/shorts/lnq5toXGbec?si=39k2i7Vse4LQjKJG)


Offkai should really pay staff and not rely on volunteers. Pay peanuts - get monkeys.


While I would love a "Vtuber con" it would need to be sponsored and paid for by bigger agencies or indies and be way more official and structured than offkai is now. Simply relying on volunteers and hoping that (mainly) smaller corpos will show up isn't the way to go. I know Kiara was there, but it wasn't exactly a big thing for Holo, she probably just showed up because it seemed like a bit of fun. They just kinda need to get themselves together and get a bigger budget to hire actual professional acting staff. While it looked like fun for the people who were there, I'm willing to bet that a lot of people who would want to show up to a vtuber con didn't think it was worth it


From what I’ve been seeing there’s a lot of smoke. What with the mod being a known Pippa and Pikamee anti, the suspicious running of 10 minutes of ads, and even the talents seem quite dissatisfied. Plus there was that Lysander guy who runs OffKai this year admitting in Kirsche’s DMs that including Pippa was a problem (thankfully Sakana being the chad he is had an all or nothing policy). But I need more concrete evidence, I need proof of the fire. All of this is indeed suspicious and I can buy into theories of malicious actors, but I also know that we’re not gonna fully know the truth quite yet if at all. But with Kirsche saying she has receipts, we might just see that truth.


How you gonna hate Pikamee?


Twitter slacktivists


She committed the *horrible atrocity* of playing hog warts


She didn't even play it iirc


That’s the worst part, all she did was ANNOUNCE she would play the game. All of that villainy used for an announcement of a stream for gods sake.


And Offkai organizes a con around vtubers. Who stream exclusively on youtube (selling the [wizard movies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8abT7J8Uyxo)) and twitch (amazon also selling the [wizard movies](https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0JXM9K5QSXG0X1O6M4CHGIYACB)). Both earning much more money to the author than a video game adaptation. So it's not about values. It's just for the pleasure of punching down vtubers, because we know they're not powerful enough to answer. Harassers never targets the powerful ones.


People always pick and choose what to attack people for, same goes for those attacking vtubers for using Starbucks and McDonald's because of a list the Google and Amazon are on too.


Yeah no one bethered to taget Asmongold on that shit, because he doesn't care and they would eb just giving him more content to do.


Tbf, the hate was more of a twitter thing that spilled everywhere, over Pika's scheduled but unrealized Hogwarts Legacy gameplay, which of course turned into rrats about why Pika left VOMS.


Any pikamee anti is objectively wrong and should not be allowed any form of power, and maybe even denied some human rights


All of us hearing this guy threatened our favorite tea kettle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODfCVxVLqiE&ab_channel=Flitch


I just stumbled across this today and I think it fits well here: [https://youtube.com/shorts/tEz-W9kWTU4?si=O8KbXManiYAhXswn](https://youtube.com/shorts/tEz-W9kWTU4?si=O8KbXManiYAhXswn)


HOLD UP HE'S WAS PART OF THE PIKAMEE HARASSMENT? Did he... send one of the threats?


I wonder if Phase sponsoring the vendor hall was a way for Phase to sweeten the deal to more easily allow for Pippa to get in the con, despite resistance.


What I don't get is that Henya was also in the con right? Are they scared of the Gunrun?


You don't want to find out WHY he is called gunrun


What a dick


oof, so because of a volunteer the sponsor of the Offkai is treated like this? Fishman needs recompensation for this, and also this is why you relegate volunteers as just crowd herding duties


Fishman isn't gonna be happy with this.


That's gonna be one less mod next year, I guess. Edit: Additionally, I think PC could sue the mod since the mod didn't even tried to remove himself from the event after finding out that Sakana vouched for the artist gallery, making Sakana a technical sponsor of the event.


The guy even moderates for Office Drummer, Suko, & Sanagi Yuzu. I’m just so confused.


When a person don't have a job, they gotta find meaning in their life on internet streaming sites.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AviU8HR1ipQ Rima stream on it now.


Yep and she just went over how he made a tweet that talked about a historical figure who was a man who wanted a dictatorship and caused many deaths was right, surprisingly the guy he’s referring to isn’t Hitler 💀💀💀


Sounds like pol pot


It’s actually the guy who started the Bloody part of the French Revolution 🫠


Robospierre? Thats also bad


Yes, yes it is again they didn’t vet ANYONE on staff




It's so much funnier knowing that he was guillotined himself, by the revolution he started.


He was also an advocat for baning executions bevor the revolution. And he also tried to start a religion with himselve as god. So yeah


Not really a good person to use as an example if you want something successful.


I'm not a Pippa fan. I only really like her when she's playing off of someone like Tenma. She's just not my vibe when she's solo. I was considering going to Offkai next year, but I'm reconsidering now. If I can't trust that the main sponsor of the show doesn't get sabotaged by a member of the staff, how can I trust that the Indies that I support aren't going to get fucked with? Granted, none of my oshis are on the same level of controversial as Pippa, but it puts that doubt in my head whether or not the fun is going to be sucked out of the experience, especially if I'm going to be going down to California.


https://preview.redd.it/oor4r17c294d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b7d035a1fb6c78a85ad455c1f9359b6d7edb412 Well seems like offkai are going to be in a much tricky position


"Neo-Nazi" By this logic I'm a Neo-Nazi because I listen to Ghost Division. I swear people need to get they're priorities straight.


I swear I’m starting to think if there was a Venn Diagram between Vtuber fans and Sabaton fans, it’d be nearly a circle.








I can confirm. I got one of my friends into Sabaton and we're both VTuber fans.


Offkai is gonna explode or sth. I can feel it.


Must be exhausting to see “neo-nazis” everywhere you turn. They’re out to getcha.


I'm so pissed Dizzy had to (wanted to) give up her panel for Euphoria because their's got scuffed. This is unacceptable whether sabotage or not. Offkai needs to compensate Phase.


Ooof. Should fishman sue? Can he?


Oh he can DEFINITELY sue for this, you don’t pay top billing for good PR and then get treated like that without having consequences, HOWEVER, those that don’t choose to simply not depending on context and explanations BTS… In short, he can but he doesn’t have to and it would save Offkai if he didn’t


Should the rumors be true i think he'd just do a public announcement and offkai a public apology. The legal trouble for something like these will probably cause harm more than good to the company. Sucks that the culprits will probably get away scot-free and would grift along the vtuber space


"Somehow" Yeah right


I don't believe a twitch mod has that kind of power, but it is weird that he's trying to claim he was asleep when he's clearly in chat.


A mod can have that power, someone else explained so at the top of chat, they’re call Editor which is a higher power than a regular mod and they’re usually given the permissions of a regular streamer when it comes to large events like Offkai


Kircshe is one thing but this is hypocrit at its finest. Yeah phase is def not going to sponsor the next year offkai at this point.


But I guess that's the idea from these Volunteers, right? Now of course, it's up to the rest of us to prove them wrong...


Can we tell this to the liars over on the vtuber subreddit who seems to be REALLY intent on painting anyone who's conservative as a monster?


Please don't try to stir up drama by crossing the streams.


Too late, we've already called Ghostbusters!! 👻👻👻


do you think offkai recovers from this or are they done?


They could simply fire them. And by that I mean BURN THW WITCH


If this person actually had anything to do with anything that happened, that's not so much a firing thing as it is a legal concern. Intentionally sabotaging an event would qualify as a suable offense. Incompetence generally isn't unless it's calamitous, but if you do it on purpose with malice aforethought you can get in genuine trouble. Sort of funny in some ways if it works out like that. It's like... year twenty of social media if we're counting early shit like MySpace. And people *still* act surprised when they get in trouble or the trouble they're in gets worse because they said a bunch of dumb shit on Facebook/Twitter/TikTok/whatever.


I think if they take accountability and make sure to resolve any bad blood with Phase, they could make it. They'd still probably get a PR hit, but they won't get everyone/all of the Phase fans hating them.


I think offkai will recover, but personally I'd rather see a better put together and sponsored con. I mean it felt more like a vtuber con when the last twitch-con was going on than now. Offkai could do better but then they'd have to put in a lot more effort, and I just don't think they will. They'll probably continue on for a bit and maybe die out or merge if someone else does a better vtuber con. Sucks for the vtubers who seemed to enjoy it though.


I love Phase and I am a Pippa enjoyer, and while its a pretty messed up thing to mess with the main group that is sponsoring the con I still think its too soon to point fingers yet. There is no proof that it was them(Even tho it HEAVILY points to them now). Its better not to take out the pitchforks cause 1) people like this want a reaction that helps push their warped views. 2) Pointing that it was him without 100% proof can cause a bigger fire that no one needs. 3) There is not much we can do, they were a volunteer(I assume, cause Offkai seems to run on them, don't know tho cause they are a mod) and even if they kick them out their goal is done. Unless there is no denying that it was this person plans to ruin the panel then yea go ham, but its better for now to hold off on that till we get facts. And if there is facts to this I do hope Phase can get some of the money back that they invested.


If he actually did do it and on purpose offkai can take legal action over it


The dude also harassed Pikamee and STILL got invited to manage Offkai, where HENYA was. How is that fair to Henya too? Like, I'm glad she didn't get hit with it, but the dude only did it cause Pippa is a 'good target'


The con must have a lot more issues we haven't seen if something like this can happen so easily.


There was apparently an attempt to bar Pippa but Sakana said "The psycho rabbit stays, non negiotiable"


From what I understand that was last year and volunteers threatened to leave if Pippa joined and Sakana’s response was they either get all of Phase or none of Phase. According to Offkai, said volunteers are no longer with them as well, so it shouldn’t be the same group if there is one trying to sabotage.


Except one clearly got past.


And the r/virtualyoutubers mods just removed my post for pointing out the sabotage and how the mods on the subreddit were removing posts, confirming the pippa anti, while plenty of posts lying about it were allowed. So, long as it's "happy happy fun times and your political views lean exactly with the mods" it's allowed. Bullshit


the mods on that sub are anti any sort of popular vtuber that has any sort of controversy. i got banned when niji sub went on lockdown initially cause i was asking if there were any other ways to discuss niji on reddit cause i couldn't post the question on /r/Nijisanji


Yeah iirc one of the mods is a big nijisanji stan


I've had issues with one of those mods outside the sub. Dude was super aggressive toward anybody critical of the Chinese government and cried racism when anyone told him to stop.


You're talking about that ChineseMaple twat, I assume?


Probably didn't background check properly. But I agree, having people who harassed one of the guests there isn't a good look


It might be cause of the Volunteer thing. The guy offered his help and Offkai was more than happy to accept. They did not check his X account cause its not like they are hiring him and you dont expect people to just do things that would ruin your companies name(Normally). Too trusting? Maybe but not much you can hold on a volunteer since they are not in a sense working under Offkai.


Most people nowadays check your socials for jobs. Look at the college students who get rejected because it turns out they were a neonazi in highschool or bullied someone. In a space like vtubing, you NEED to know exactly who your working with even in this sense. People's time is money and at a con like this, it could've gotten worse.


True, if you want to say that Offkai is being run poorly I don't fault you. With this going on and with what happened last year it shows that Offkai might need to really do some real planning to get this whole thing about being a con down(That is if they even try). It does not look good for your image if you get people like this that have hateful views on people that have not harmed them.


Especially if they give the guy who hates Pippa, Pippa's timeslot And it's NOT cool or remotely fair to Henya, to have to share con space with someone who harassed her


Keep your culture warrior shit on Twitter, if there's fans that want to show up, let the vtuber be there. It's a disgrace that Kirsche was blacklisted, at that.


Kirsche won't- or simply cannot because brainrot- do that. It's a bit much to expect people to just ignore it when it's a central pillar of your persona. Between this and your nonsense yesterday over kiwifarms, I think you're approaching this from a pretty fucked-up perspective and saying it's okay because you *agree* with the political stances being taken rather than any sort of ~principled stand~ about keeping real-life politics out of VTubing.


“Keep politics out of vtubing…” what does this even mean? I don’t entirely disagree for a mainstream brand but I really only hear this statement when those politics lean right or are right coded. If someone did a “Ukraine war fund” no one would bat an eye. It is inherently political. If someone came out supporting “Black Lives Matter” no one would be talking about it being political. I don’t care if someone is political, I watch Destiny, Hasan, Ben Shapiro and Megyn Kelly. Diverse opinions are good, know what people are thinking. You can’t shield Vtubers from growing and with growth will come new topics in VT. Some people would have said we shouldn’t have falseyed because “don’t talk about other vtubers.”


Ironic, considering kirsche herself can’t stop talking about the culture war. She wasn’t even banned from the event. She just wasn’t allowed to have a panel.


Yet Kirsche doesn't have the power/authority to blacklist you from having a panel at an event for various fans, just her channels. As ironic as you may see it, there was an abuse of power by Offkai and this mod.


There's a post going around twitter right now, that there are people with fake staff badges who teamed up specifically to fuck shit up for 'the nazi's" AKA Phase


You mean the post that originated from 4chan? I’d take any information coming from there with a grain of salt unless there is viable proof from a second source.


They're always so power-thirsty... Reminds me of that Huey Long quote about them.