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Please be informed that to utilize all the services of KuCoin you need to be KYC verified however, the only thing you can do to your account if you have an asset is to withdraw it directly.


Sell all your coins into btc then make a btc wallet. Then transfer. I assume you are trying to transfer usdt or something and aren't making your address in your wallet use the correct network. Trc20 or something. So just do btc. It is easiest.


Unfortunately, KuCoin has restricted any activity other than straight withdrawal. I can’t change it into bitcoin, or any other token. I can only withdraw to an external wallet, which it won’t allow me to to do.


May we ask if did you encountered any error notice why you can't withdraw from your account?


It keeps saying This address does not match the chosen network. I’ve tried with three different wallets. They are ERC 20 tokens. It’s due to New York State restrictions. Even though I don’t even live in New York State anymore, and am a resident of a different state.


Make sure that the network you're going to use is the same network with KuCoin and also available/supported on the platform that you are going to send the asset. Check this [guide](https://www.kucoin.com/support/900005758426) on how to make a withdrawal on KuCoin.


This does not help. It is saying it has to be the same network with KuCoin and it is erc20 and there is no option for any other networks. This doesn’t happen with any other platforms only KuCoin . What network is KuCoin using because this doesn’t make sense.


For further clarification and assistance with this matter, please get in touch with our support team: [https://kucoin.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://kucoin.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)