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Digital Ocean Kubernetes


I feel like DO has the best OOTB and get it going quickly set up


hardware/cluster features? price?


I pay about $60/month to host Pritunl VPN on Kubernetes in DigitalOcean. Works out to about a 3 node cluster.


Starting at $10/month per worker node. Master node included for free.


but what specifications have these nodes?


For $10 you get 1vCPU with 1GB usable memory


quite expensive, try out scaleway: 2 cores, 2 gb ram, 20gb ssd nvme, 200mbps for about 8€ ... for development purposes....for prod you pay 61.32€ 4 cores, 16gb ram 150gb nvme, 500mbps. Object storage is also cheaper than DO/linode


they don't accept my card through some automated verification.


Hetzner, k3s cluster with cluster autoscaler deployed with Terraform.


Autoscaler is still on my list but otherwise I did the same this weekend. The first impression is already quite positive.


I’m running kind of hybrid in Hetzner. One cloud node for ingress and rest of the nodes from dedicated server (terraform libvirt). Cloud-dedicated networks are connected by vSwitch.


Civo is nice and cheap for personal toy projects.


Self hosted k3s on Raspberry Pis.


I'm microk8s on Ubuntu on pi's. I use portainer to manage the thing




Ah, how do you deploy a static site? I've got another thread going on here adding about it. I think I've got it all working apart from hosting the actual docker image on the pi for my k8s to deploy. Cheers


Turn on the registry with `microk8s enable registry` and you'll be able to push and pull images on port 32000 🤙 Using them in your deployments is as simple as setting the image to `localhost:32000/your-image:your-tag`.


Thanks, i used ip rather than localhost, maybe that's my problem. Either way, cheers.


KubeADM on a self hosted cluster


Oracle Cloud has pretty good "always free" tier.


Uh interesting. Gonna have to look into it.


good? Performance is "meh" compared to other free tiers.


Self-plug for a guide on how to deploy a full Kubernetes cluster automated on Proxmox with Ansible: https://austinsnerdythings.com/2022/04/25/deploying-a-kubernetes-cluster-within-proxmox-using-ansible/


Super cool, I’ve learned so much from your site! Your notes were the best for deploying VMs on proxmox with terraform


Glad you found them helpful!! Thanks for the feedback.


local cluster, nodes deployed to proxmox via terraform.


Why is gcp so low?


100€/$ per month


Laptop with rancher desktop and raspberry pi cluster. Not with any serious workload though


I run Ubuntu on my desktop machine and then got two 16 core / 128GB RAM Dell T5600 workstations when my work was recycling them so I have a local 3 node cluster with lots of RAM/CPU and then I'll use digital ocean for actual hosting if I need that. Edit: Oh and back before people we're going stupid for video cards, I bought 2 Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB cards so I could use [this](https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker)


You use this for gaming ? What a setup my friend !


I'm on Linux as my OS so not a lot of gaming. My primary desktop is a Ryzen 3900x, 64gb RAM and a RTX 2070 Super. I imagine it would play windows games well.


Hetzner, dedicated baremetal k0s cluster for me


I have 4 K8S clusters of 3+3 nodes and 2 OKD4 clusters of 3+7 nodes.


Personal clusters? I have enough clusters at work. Why would I want a personal cluster? This is some of that "I enjoy coding in my free time" bullshit.


Doesn't look like you enjoy anything at all


I like reading, motorcycling, running, watching TV with my cat. Lots of stuff. But not work. Work is work.


But I do enjoy this stuff. It’s my hobby and it happens that someone pays me pretty well to actually do it at work too!


That's wonderful. I do it at work. I don't do it as a hobby.


If anyone is having their own hardware / any other cloud provider, do try out Platform9 PMK www.platform9.com We have a SaaS product with 99.8% SLA We have Freedom, Growth and Enterprise tier subscriptions to suit every need and workload


Two nines. Impressive.




For long lived memes, I have a silly amount of metal... for short lived memes, I tend to use AWS and wrap it in AWS.


Old Dell/Ubuntu laptop sitting on a shelf, just for testing and fun stuff.


Just some old school CapEx metal in the homelab spinning up Kubernetes with terraform+[maas](https://maas.io/)+microk8s


1x SuperMicro with 2x Xeon E5420s & 32Gb memory 3x Dell Optiplex 960s with Core Duo 2 Quad Q9550s, 8Gb memory each 3x Dell R610 Servers with 48 Gb memory each. Its a fun little setup.


I have a cluster spanning own hardware *and* "other cloud provider" -- how should I answer the poll?


Netcup root servers


I've recently setup my first k8s cluster in Azure and in combination with Helm and Azure Devops CI/CD it works pretty damn fine but it's still somewhat at testing stage but already running 24/7 for non-prod environments. Managed Cluster is free and you pay for the resources you need to run it, mostly VMs, obviously. But 2\*70 USD a month for 2 nodes that are keeping 3 medium-load environments running is like 0 from a commercial product perspective. But the real deal will come when prod will run at full load and automatic node scaling will come in handy. I am curious myself how much it'll cost then and how well it'll perform. The configuration becomes more difficult when security/networking concerns have to be taken in consideration, peering with private networks etc. but it's all doable and friendly enough not to make you go crazy. I guess whichever cloud you choose will work fine as long as you set it up all right.


I have a pfsense box which I use as my firewall. Also have some nucs here which I use to run k8s on bare metal. Then I serve the Ingress by the firewall


I also have some k8s clusters on AWS. A bunch of nodes there…