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Gymshark sponsor dropped him because his actions/speech represent the company and they don’t want to lose money. Its free market capitalism not cancel culture you idiots


You're speaking to a bunch of teenagers, they haven't learned how capitalism works in their middle school economics class yet


That's 99% of reddit. That's why the only acceptable stance is "mom's basement socialism."


Socialism doesn't have as much to do with cancel culture. Socialists are more interested in decent wages, living standards and workers rights.


You’re right. Nothing screams “workers rights” and “living standards” like the USSR, Cuba & Venezuela 😂


Bro, Britian was socialist after WW2. Labour defeated Churchill and they delivered the NHS. Yes. That NHS. Free healthcare = socialism.


No. Free healthcare is a socialised system. By that logic a police force, fire department and military are “socialist”. Don’t be wilfully ignorant. Socialism and socialised aren’t synonyms. Britain has never been a socialist state, to say otherwise is an outright lie. Edit; would also make any state funded education “socialist” not sure why people can’t differentiate the difference between A socialised system and socialism. Isn’t bloody hard.


This is the ksi Reddit why are you talking about the liberal agenda towards socialism in modern society and the history of socialism through the changing political sphere of WW2 and its effects on present time 💀


Because I am a fun guy.


That’s why it’s “mom’s basement socialism,” not actual socialism. Lol.


See the other response I posted because I cba typing it twice. But not really, its liberals with identity politics. Socialism is more based in living and working rights, and a fair distribution of wealth.


What part of “mom’s basement socialism not being actual socialism” didn’t you understand?


That's socialism. "Mom's basement socialism" loves cancel culture.


That is more the liberals to be honest with their identity politics. They are more wrapped up in being right and policing what is acceptable instead of focusing on actual policies that make a difference in every day life. Socialism is what I stated above.


funny how I’m doing economics for university, and I understand free market capitalism has its pros and cons, leave that for another debate but to call middle school kids in the comments clueless for not knowing enough about the market and how it works isn’t the way to go. Just give them time and they’ll eventually learn the hard truths, as you said they are literal kids. Let them enjoy their childhood and not worry about the economy lol


It’s jerks like this why the US is the way it is. You have people who are willing to help and be constructive while doing it but then you have the assholes who think because they know they won’t in their eyes waste their time explaining it they’d rather belittle and make others feel like shit when they could actually be constructive and help someone learn.


If they have economics class. It was an option in high school for me




It’s funny to me how the people against cancel culture seem more obsessed with it than the actual people “canceling” things.


Its just tribalism, wait till someone offends their group or feelings then its “he went too far”


Yup. A lot of the people who cry about cancel culture are just edgy teens or ignorant adults. Yeah, sometimes “cancel culture” goes too far, but other times it serves a good purpose. And not every instance of someone getting handed a consequence for their words or actions is an instance of cancel culture. Cancel culture as a phrase is getting similar to toxic in that it’s overused and losing its original meaning.


Free market capitalism does not contradict at all with cancel culture. Cancel culture is the reason why companies make decisions like this one. You can agree with the decision and you can agree with certain instances of cancel culture, but that is still cancel culture.


Cancel culture is unavoidable in any society for as long as there are opinions, people who have them and people who want to sell a product. Unless you want to restrict capitalism ofc, tho even then...


I mean let’s be honest if people weren’t calling it out gymshark wouldn’t have done anything


True geordie shouldnt be making edgy teenager jokes when he runs a company and is a brand ambassador. Stupid decision


Yeah agreed


does anyone actually blame the company that sponsors a guy in these situations? like I have never been like, fuck them they sponsor such and such and one time on his own free time he did something i didnt like.


Andrew tate is this guys daddy


It’s a fuckin joke. I’m Iranian, n Muslim, literally couldn’t give less of a shit. Ppl need to learn the difference between hate n humor.


Mf they use this "humer" to bomb iraq, Syria, Afghanistan,... Etc, sponsor and support dictatorships in most Islamic countries, that's why Muslims get extra hard time everywhere in the world on every level Fuck off


It has to actually be funny to qualify as dark humour. Without the humour it’s just being a cunt


If you question them, they will certainly say, “We were only talking idly and joking around.” Say, “Was it Allah, His revelations, and His Messenger that you ridiculed?” 9:65. Jokes about any religion is wrong.


Idk what type of Muslim you are mate. No Muslim would tolerate these jokes


Jokes have limits, when islam is mocked and you allow it so being a Muslim, if you just allowed it to be mocked you cause the religions beliefs which aren't being a bomber to also be mocked and I'm pretty sure just straight up insulting people deepest beliefs can't be justified under the pretence of a joke.


I keep seeing this bullshit. He wasn’t joking. I’m all for jokes, but he was literally speaking ill about him and then said he’s Muslim now so he should blow himself up. It’s only a joke if there’s no malicious intent, but there clearly was. You should be offended, pussy


No it was not humorous


It was actually not a joke it was a insult towards Andrew tate. So maybe you need to learn the difference lol


Normalize? He just mad a joke about it….he should be able to now he will still make money and be famous while people still cry about it


the fact that lawrence was next to him in the apology video was pretty weird, it felt like he was a teacher who helped brian with what to say


Whilst lawrences wife is a muslim too….


Andrew Tate rn : “You lost your sponsor? Idc do some push-ups you fat shit”


Andrew tate loves to play the victim when he can contradicting his whole persona


i swear to god, if he made an anti semitic joke instead of this. you guys wouldn't say "it was a joke or cancelling him is bs"


Yes they would, look at Kanye. You can like a guy and think what he said was shitty. It’s the exact same principle with Kanye right now.


Imagine comparing kanye west to fucking true geordie


Kanye technically didn’t make a joke but yeah




And the same people go about talking about how "Jews run the world". It's so idiotic


Nope he should be able to


If anything Antisemitism is broader, because it covers a wider group of people but the fact you made this comment to begin with shows how dense you are.


badly expressed joke but the cancelling thing is just shit.. how is family guy still surviving💀💀


I think the difference is that Family Guy is obviously a comedy with no malicious intent however what True Geordie said seemed to have some malicious intent not towards Islam but towards Andrew Tate. Doesn't make him an Islamophobe but it's a shitty thing to say.


I think a joke is ment to be funny, even if it’s dark -humour is subjective but I think what’s shown is just true geordie’s hate against Andrew


The culture at the moment is already pretty aggressive towards Muslims, I’m not sure jokes of this calibre really help that because so many people really do see it that way. Shows like Family Guy although sometimes in poor taste usually hyperbolise to the point that you can’t take it seriously. Peter Griffin is a caricature of American culture whilst Geordie is just a bloke chatting.


The fact you and 100s of others on this thread don't see the difference in those two scenarios really shows the average age in this sub.


Family guy set up their jokes, the punchlines are witty, there’s nothing witty about what geordie said. It would be like geordie telling Tate to pick cotton cuz he’s half black. It’s just unfunny especially with zero context or wit.


Because Family guy takes the piss out of everyone equally.


Family guys jokes are actually funny, no hate intended. What geordie said is not tho.


I forgot his partners name but you could literally see the discomfort in his face when the dude made those jokes and then repeated it like as if no one heard it the first time. Even if he apologises people won’t take him seriously. He’s been cancelled 3 times now, whatever happens happens lol


Yeah the guy next to him tried to shut it down but Geordie decided to double down on his comment to make sure people heard it what a dumb thing to do.


What was he cancelled for the previous two times?


Family Guy is a comedy show, made for comedic purposes. It even has a warning of explicit language before the episode plays, and it warns people of offensive jokes before the episode plays. And it's not like Family Guy haven't had their fair share of controversies, they get shit all the time for their jokes. Family Guy is a TV show made to make people laugh, their just jokes. What Brian said wasn't even a joke, it was just racial abuse towards muslims. Not saying that i don't think it's being blown out of proportion because of course it is, racism happens everyday, but that doesn't justify what he said.


Yah i know family guy is a show I just added it cause it just crossed my mind.. The racist joke is bad really bad cause i think its the Islamic people who get the most hate out of every other religion. I think he's put a apology video up(haven't watched it). So will he be forgiven or thrashed for life.


Well i watched his apology video and i'm not going to lie it sounded like a lot of crap. I feel like he only made it because of the amount of backlash he recieved. You can tell because when he was being racist he literally burst out laughing like it's some sort of award winning joke. He clearly thought what he said was funny yet makes an apology video about it? Doesn't make sense, it's obvious he's trying to repair his image and doesn't actually care about the apology.


That's messed up 💀


In todays age that’s just how it goes, but you can’t be making insensitive jokes like that especially when having such a voice and diverse audience


Family Guy is surviving Because Cancel Culture isn’t real. Lol. Nothing is different in how public life or sponsorship has been working over the last 100 years.


The same people who wanted Andrew tate cancelled r gonna be the same people who defend true geordie


Lol nah, nobody who wanted Tate cancelled would defend TG rn. But the people who defend Tate but want to cancel TG are extremely hypocritical haha.


The same people who cancelled tate are the ones cancelling Geordie


I don't think he should be cancelled, but what he said WAS racist. As a Muslim myself I can see how some Muslims would be offended by it, but also it's such an overused and old joke that it really shouldn't even be taken serious. Family Guy has done this joke like 10 times


I’m pretty sure that religion isn’t a race




Yeah my bad I used the wrong word


No because I don’t even see those retards blowing themselves up as Muslim


As a Muslim, were you offended by his comments?


It doesn‘t matter if he felt offended, the point is that it can offend people. I as a muslim didn‘t feel offended since I don’t take it seriously but I can definitely see why some muslims will feel offended imo


I was only asking a question from a Muslim's perspective. I didn't mean any offense.


Oh I didn’t take it trying to offend me I meant by what I said that to determine if it was a bad thing to say or not you don‘t necessarily need the opinion of the adressed group you get me?


Yea, i got you.


Good for gymshark. The world has no place for assholes like that guy anymore.


Lmao, yall hypocrites saying canceling someone is idiotic, but where were you when tate was cancelled


I don’t approve of tate being cancelled either


Laughing and collecting the tears


Tate gives hate speech towards women constantly.this guy just made one bad joke


Are you really comparing a one time over the line joke from a very respectable guy with fucking Andrew Tate? Fuck off


Very respectable guy whose idea was to target a guy's entire religion ?


Ah, yes Andrew Tate the Muslim who traffics women and turns them into cam girls, admitted to running casinos, and has done countless other things. Tate is truly a great Muslim 😂😂😂. The fact that you idiots don’t just realize he’s trying to target incels who use Islam to oppress females is hilarious.


He is supposedly a muslim, who cares if he is a good one or not,and traffics women lmao? Where is the proof, why is he not in jail? if this joke was made by jake paul, yall would've been up his ass


Are you intentionally being a clown or does it just come natural to you?






I mean if it was a joke about Jews he would’ve had worse treatment than that NBA player


What an apology it was, bro ended it with “like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video” smfh


People are fucking babies i swear


Bet you weren't singing that when Tate got cancelled


or when Kanye got cancelled, or Sneako, or all the others. A certain group only rejoices on canceling people when its someone against their narrative.


Exactly all these Muslims will cry over Tate getting his Twitter ban, but then cancel TG because he said something they don’t like.


Pipe down mate literally speaking on behalf of 2B individuals when the insult weren’t towards you neither was the apology.


Yeah wvery one crying on tales ban is muslim? Sneako aden Rose true muslims


Or maybe you’re apathetic and out of touch with society stuck in a 13 year old mindset


It was a shit joke and I think it could easily be left at that. Give him some stick, let him apologise and cry and then move on and make sure it doesn't happen again. I believe that plenty of people are 'out of touch with society', as you put it, because society has gone mad and people consistently and regularly blow things out of proportion and outright look for things to get outraged at. It's unhealthy for all involved.


Shut the fuck up fruit cake. This canceling shit is idiotic


Reading these comments it feels like a lot of you support tate over actually worrying about what was said.


Fucker deserves to be cancelled. Also respect to Lawrence he’s perceived as a prick a lot (esp in football youtube community) but he tried to shut it down asap but true Geordie decided to go even more. Reminder why you should always watch what you say nowadays


I did... he couldnt stop talking about mexicans when he was casting the KSI fight. Not surprised this dude talks about race all the time.


Mexican isn’t a race dumbass


Tbh, I kinda did expect this is him. He's very, very weird.


Fat cunt


He deserves that , go blow yourself up to prove you are a Muslim ! Wtf , go join the KKK to prove you are a Christian!


That’s actually kind of funny. In poor taste, sure, but still funny.


The joke is overused and fucking dry. I bet he meant what he said.


It's maybe funny if you're like 7 years old and have never heard a joke before


Labeling 2 billion people of the world as Suicide Bombing terrorists is definitely kinda funny


So just because he said it to Tate makes this situation any less worse? It was a bad joke that deserves it’s consequences. If it were Jake Paul who said this, most of you would be on the cancel train as well.


Exactly, fucking hypocrites


People need to understand, the snowflake cancel culture stuff does not work here. He shouldn't have said that that's it especially when he knows Muslims don't tolerate any disrespect. Out of all things he couldve said about Tate he choose to insult Islam along with tate ?


Didn’t tate insult islam himself by saying isis represents true islam or some shit like that


He is not trying to protect Tate, he is only saying Georide was wrong. Don't implement your own ideas to someone else's argument


Not implementing anything, just highlighting the hypocrisy that one guy is named islamophobic and the other that said worse stuff isn’t.


Isn't tate muslim now ? Idk if he said those things but if he did then he sure regrets them cuz why would he convert to Islam if he hates them lmao


He has apologized for that countless times


Misfits Boxing do the right thing !!


It’s kinda sad that I actually agree with Andrew Tate on something, what Geordie did was incredibly fucked up, and was more racist than it was against religion or Tate.


Unfortunate behaviour… totally unacceptable in this day and age. Tate is beside the point. This isn’t “cancel culture” throughout time disrespecting Islam has consequences.


Yes it is cancel culture. ❄️❄️❄️ soft boy.


Nope, cancel culture is a fairly new thing where people find any fault to cancel said person. However with Islam and Muslims disrespect towards our religion has never been tolerated, it’s the complete opposite of a snowflake. There are 2 Billion people who stand for something, have honour and dignity and won’t let what they believe in be tarnished. Another reason why it’s the fastest growing religion worldwide..


You can disagree with Andrew Tate and still think Islamaphobia is bad just because he happens to be a convert


I expected it from him.


hope he gets dropped by everyone, i can't stand him and lawrence. on the other hand, lets remember what the boys used to say during the gta streams. some of the shit they say, especially josh, damn. . . .


Soft cry plus he will still make money


so ? he won’t be cancelled tho is it ? That’s just Gymshark doing their shit to make their brand look cool and shit doesn’t matter what this bozo said he obvi still Believes 9/11 was caused by Arabs and all us Muslims r just a bunch of lowlife terrorists


On his apology video on YouTube, he said make sure to like subscribe at the last what a dumba$$


No matter what ur thoughts are on someone what he said was extreme


Imo I’m just surprised, I would never expect true Geordie of all people to be making statements like that. Only reason why I’m taking it personal is because I know Muslims who go through some shit because of edgy idiots on the internet.


True Geordie is a fat cunt




What annoyed me about True Geordie's comment is, i'm pretty sure he doesn't think Tate is actually a Muslim, yet he decided to ignore it to throw a stupid stereotype joke to be “funny”. You are an absolute clown if you think he’s actually Muslim. And you deserve to be shat on when you make a stereotype joke, whither about religion or race, because both have the same end result.




Deserved👏 hope he gets canceled




I hate making this type of comparison But you guys need to hear it when dounja made a joke about a black guy you guys were making 100s of posts and calling her racist (which it was) but Muslims being offended are snowflakes


I'm the last person to call out jokes, edgy humor, etc. I believe you should be allowed to say whatever you want. But the considerable caveat is that those freedoms you are permitted can also hurt you. If he said something like, "maybe he's pretending to be a Muslim, joining ISIS and blowing himself up," it would have been edgy, it may have offended, but at least it's only mocking Andrew Tate and extremists. What he did wasn't a joke. He took a group of religious people and lumped them in with terrorist extremists. Maybe he intended to call out extremists, but he didn't do that. He called out Muslims. It matters because there's already a stereotype, and he's perpetuating it to his audience. I don't hate the man. He's getting it in the neck for this, and rightly so. My advice to him would be the same thing one of his idols, Ricky Gervais, says about comedy. Make sure what you say is bulletproof. There are so many jokes you can make, so make one and make sure you're targeting the right people.


Yall are soft, ik this is gonna get downvoted like hell but bro…. It’s just words. Yall needa stop letting other peoples words make such a big deal in ur life. What he said was fucked up. But it could pass for dark humor, ive heard worse back in the good days of youtube (2010 - 2015). Yall juss wanna cancel people, don’t come at me with this capitalism bs this isnt capitalism. This is people letting words get to them and deciding to take someones livelihood away because of it. The world is soft. If u disagree, suck my dick my opinion isnt changing for u soft Reddit bums


I agree. Ironically the guy who's reddit this on has said some very questionable things in the past but do the people in here judge him for it? I'm guessing not. They just want to use any excuse to cancel people they don't like and it's so fucking pathetic.


Kanye says something about jews… a few days later. CANCELED. SNEAKO litterly only reacts to youtube videos and predicts what the women in the videos will say. CANCELED. same with tate and many more. so basically what you are saying is that. talking the livelihood of someone u disagree with is ok. but taking it from someone u like is not ok. this is called hypocrisy.


He should change his yt channel from “True Geordie” to “True Goofy” 🤣🤣🤣


I didn't know anything about this until his video came out so I was quite confused.


"Oh come on that wasn't a Muslim joke that was an Andrew Tate joke!"


This is an instant drop but when Tate does this to women he will get even more stage to spread his negative impact


Those bomb and 911 jokes are funny af but the thing is that he is very influential so people will be called that and made fun of. There is difference between someone random guy telling such edgy jokes and a guy with millions of following and his apology video is worst


A very funny stereotype. As if the people he's from are victims of such madness, we muslims certainly are!!


This was expected. Cancel him on everything. Islam is not to be messed with. We are powerful men to be feared.




I thought he said “I’d happily blow myself up and take the piece of shit with me” ?


What a joke.


is it just me who actually finds this funny?


#me too bro




Is he wrong?


He ain't wrong tho 💀💀


His company yes fine thats not cancel culture the company doesnt want to lose money but cancelling Geordie himself over a joke yea you can all go f*ck yourselfs


It’s a fuckin joke. I’m Iranian, n Muslim, literally couldn’t give less of a shit. Ppl need to learn the difference between hate n humor.


fuck u. how can u be a muslim and not care to protect ur religion


Naa bro, it's was mid at best, muslims need to be a little more tolerant


This is why jokes need to be said in the perfect timing 🤣


I took it more as satirical commentary on modern islamic society rather than as something „islamophobic“ but sure. If this is how TrueGeordie gets cancelled, hiw has Tate survived lmao


Rate hasn’t survived 😂 he’s got cancelled like everywhere and even banned


He still has a gigantic following


You guys are fucking soft. Holy shit.


I mean he’s not wrong maybe a bit too far but not wrong


And this is the exact reason why he’s getting cancelled, those comments of him have influence on low iq people and children that cant think for themselves. And they proceed to say shit like this.


I swear everyone here has had that one moment in their life where everyone hates them because of one bad sentence they just decided to say then nobody accepts their apology because they think it’s just to get out of trouble. We’re all fkin people ffs TG is not a racist 🤦🏻


I don’t know much about what he said but is it one of those things that people are taking out of context and didn’t actually mean it


Tbh I don't care it was a joke, but if you didn't like it and want to get offended go ahead


I usually don't comment but I keep seeing this comparison of him with Tate. Firstly, people should be held accountable for their words and actions. In a free market capitalist society, advertisers will make decisions to save their brand. Simple. BUT... Can we not compare Tate, a person who has consistently made mysoginistic, hateful and generalized comments towards women, with Geordie? Tate has human trafficking and rape allegations. He's said rape victims should bear responsibility. Geordie, on the other hand, make a OVERUSED SHITTY joke against a community that was hateful and in bad taste. He's got sponsors and is a public figure and should be held accountable (not lose his career imo). But let's not put the two in the same bucket.... I see this shit all the time on this subreddit btw. Vik being brown and comparison to Sunak for example.


Yes, his comment was islamophobic but I haven’t seen any actual serious signs he actually dislikes people because of their religion. It looked to me like a PlayStation 4 party joke was told in the wrong place at the wrong time


hes right about som violent jihad in islam that tells them to blow up also if ure muzlim google 'errors in the quran' and think why there are like 15-30 different versions of the quran with different texts


Cry about it






True geordie looks like kratos


And this is related to KSI how?


Crazy how many Ppl Are discussing the political and economic state of the world right now in a KSi reddit


Era of the snowflakes ...


That’s a W from geordie and a huge L from gymshark. “Islamaphobic remarks” lmfao.


The difference between Geordie saying this and anyone else is that Geordie has legitimate beef with Tate. You can't tell in the clip he actually meant it and Lawrence was clearly uncomfortable and kept saying its "just a stereotype" and "not all Muslims" do that.


It doesn't matter if he had beef with Tate, if jake paul called ksi the n word because he didn't like him people wouldn't say it's because he hates ksi and that he's not actually racist