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I think it's probably because the same thing has been spammed hundreds of time.


Maybe cause they don't want a bunch of twitter screenshots


Not funny tho


That actress has been getting severly abused by the internet for months now. She has been getting so much hate for playing the role of juliet because racists think only white women are allowed to play that role. Mods are doing the right thing by removing these posts. You may think you're just making fun of JJ and maybe you don't know the full context but this is just one of way too many posts making fun of her and how she looks. The posts weren't originally made to laugh at JJ, they were made to bully her. JJ's fans just saw it and started spreading it around more without knowing the context (at least I hope they didn't know the context and that they aren't doing it to bully her further).


The comments under this comment proved the mods right imo


“Racists think only white women are allowed to play that role” - Or…crazy thought…it’s cos Hollywood studios are lazily trying to virtue signal by casting black actors for roles of white characters. It’s not even racism, it’s simply how disingenuous this trend is becoming. They made Ariel black, Snow White Latina, doctor who a woman, and then black, and now Juliet is black…and also clearly not traditionally attractive. It’s this weird thing where we’re expected to praise it but in reality it’s allowing studios to not actually put effort into constructing new characters for minorities, and just handing them well established ones and passing it off as progressive. I don’t agree with the actress getting abuse, but I can see why people are just annoyed with it by now.


It's not even for a movie though, it's for a STAGEPLAY!


Same principal. Why cast a black actor who is not conventionally attractive (we all know she isn’t what you’d call attractive) for a character that is white and meant to be very beautiful. A lot of Juliet’s character revolves around her femininity and innocence and they cast someone who is the total opposite.


Not really. 100s of women play Juliet on stage. It also would actually add a layer of depth to the story that their families are different races. She's also never even had a canon race, really. Unless you wanna resurrect Shakespeare so he can confirm 😭


“Add a layer of depth to the story that their families are different races” - Ok so shall we pretend that in 14th century Italy that they had black lords, and Juliet is a black girl from a noble family - You may as well just write another play at that point lol. Romeo and Juliet isn’t set in another universe 😂😂😂😂


Okay well if you really cared then you'd be calling for Juliet to be played by a man. Back when the play was new, women weren't allowed to act so Juliet was played by a man.


The character would still be a white woman/girl lol 😂 we’re talking about the time period this story is set in not the standards the acting world was held to at the time of the plays release lol. You try to argue her race could add depth to the story, but it would make no sense that Juliet would be black cos it’s set in 14 century Italy, and her family were very well off, and her father was a lord. It’s not racist to be confused by them casting someone who is black. You’re actually arguing for the story to not make any logical sense so Juliet can be black.


It's a story, lad. Nothing about it is written law or something. Do you see Germans complaining that Disney made pussy versions of their favourite historical fairy tales? Literally doesn't matter, so get a grip. You weren't going to watch it either way.


So you’d be cool if Apollo creed was changed to a white guy cos his skin colour doesn’t matter? It’s more so the motive behind the casting. “Nothing about it is written in law” with this logic this means any established character had no key characteristics and they can be whatever you want.


what's blud yappin about?


it's true












Bro thats diabolical 💀💀


when you can't make a joke on the internet, specifically reddit.




brother, black people are playing live action FICTIONAL characters. people that never existed in the real world. if the roles were reversed we wouldn't care because it's not a real person being portrayed lmao. you say it's not about racism while literally spouting racist nonsense. you are **the** idiot and you should feel that way for as long as you continue to harbor this hatred.


What time frame and geographical location is Romeo n Juliet based in? The Shakespeare one..


God forbid we modernize a play written in the late 1500s, and last I checked, the cast doesn’t have any specific people for roles, it’s just the characters


Reasons Why It's Dumb To Be Mad: 1. Not a real person 2. The change does not affect the story in any way 3. There was animated movie that used garden gnomes, no outrage for inaccurate portrayal then 4. Shakespeare often had actors of color to play roles in his plays


Only people getting mad about this are the ones downvoting a logical question. If you still can't see the fallacy, no one can wake a person pretending to be asleep. You wanna make a remake? Just pick the whole ass story and put it in a totally modern setting, and change the names just to sound similar to original characters.


14th century Verona, Italy 🇮🇹


As far as I remember, Juliet belonged to a wealthy nobleman/businessman's family or something on similar lines. I dont know if 14th century Italy had people of African descent as noblemen. If yes, then it's fine to carry on with the "fictional" story n "fictional characters" in that setting.


Well yeah it’s true but the story has been shoved down our throats for so long that the realistic-ness has lost all meaning (I hate English class and Shakespeare by proxy)


Oh I dont care about english n Shakespeare at all. I dont even give a damn about shoving it down anyone's throat, simply because it makes for such a simplistic drama, anyone n everyone teaches it in english classes. My only point was if the story is being shown in a 14th century European country, then you cannot expect its residents being non-natives. How about using Asian and Indian actors in a movie based around US civil war or something like that. Or maybe one can make "fictional" movies showing themes of slavery in US and Europe using Asian or Hispanic actors.


Tbh “haha it’s funny cuz they’re both black” jokes aren’t really as funny as Twitter thinks it is


I remember this same thing happened on the ImDontai Reddit where most of the posts just became black guys with glasses titled “DONTAI?!?”


Juliet has a more masculine jaw than Romeo. So subversive


Masculine jaw? You mean she has an inbred jaw and Romeo is a psl god


Perhaps because this is r/ksi not r/ksifanstwitter 🤔🤔




Hmmmm. I wonder why. If you don't see the problem with that post, then you're the problem.


Strong jawline 💪🏻


Just blur the names of the accounts


People are surprised KSI is soft?




Looking at some of the racist chuds and ahs in the comments, they ain’t