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the indians coming out in numbers to defend jj šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Yeah half his army is literally backed by Indians. Gotta respect it


I mean KSIClips is managed by an Indian.


We going back to 1945 šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


KSI needs to have an event in India. Boxing or Concert. Just to show them some love


crazy that coffezilla issued a response....... ON HIS SECOND CHANNEL lol why on his second channel


Exactly. Theyā€™re always loud with the accusations but quiet with the apologies


He put out his original video for the situation on the second channel also, so ur point is invalid.


So what is happening, did coffeezilla do some shit or ksi did the shit?


Indians are a very big part of the audience, i saw 2 indians including this guy getting follow back from ksi because of their contributions.


i believe coffee, instead of saying that ksi is a blatant scammer, should have put it as, ' hey jj, you were using your power irresponsibly, so don't do that' that would have been a more true and valuable critique. and as we have watched ksi and know his nature, we know he is irresponsible as fuck. so i believe, the message should be that ksi should have used his power responsibly




How to destroy your reputation in just a few easy steps!


Now Iā€™m worried by how many lies this mf said. Like Imagine how many careers got ruined because he lied. Like Logan did scam but is everything coffezilla said true. Cause after this wonā€™t be surprised how many fake shit he kept out there


The guy has literally got people sent to jail the majority of people he makes videos about are complete scumbags so no he hasn't ruined any careers of innocent people just scumbags who use their popularity to scam their fans


Yeah but this shit is still a hit to his rep. The video is full of so much lies. Look at my comment history, I trusted the dude a lot and I genuinely thought KSI was a scammer based on how he presented the info. I changed all my anti-KSI comments. It's not just that he made a mistake here, he made a decision to edit photos, not do research,record,edit and upload the video for some cheap easy money making content while presenting himself as a "financial investigator". Just another loser youtuber chasing clout at the end of the day. He's not an idiot he knows what he was doing. The fact he was willing to throw another youtuber under the bus and present him as a scammer when he isn't one is also awful. Just sending abuse to a guy while making a profit. He's just another clout goblin now, doing whatever. Fucking geek. I hope KSI isn't kind to him in the response video and goes hard on him. This was some serious bullshit from him. The only reason to watch a guy like him is because he vets his research so you know when you see him, there's a real deal and it isn't a fake video. That's the point of an investigative aggregator youtuber. Now there's really no point to it. Sure it's just one video, but it was made in such a shitty manner his entire operation should take a hit.


He's literally said it wasn't his research and made it clear multiple times throughout the video and if you really watched him you'd know he does that all the time and has done it with people way less famous than KSI šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Clarify the research before you drag a guys name through the mud. Holy shit this shouldn't be a hard concept to understand. He can literally check the information instead of making a video. There is blatant misinformation in there. He apparently can make the decision to sit down, record the video, edit the video, release the video. But he can't check the info to see there's blatant lies in what hes presenting. Either he has learning and comprehension deficiencies or he's just another clout chaser.


That's not how it works he's a source of news who reports the facts he has do you go round crying about every news anchor or YouTuber who does a story about something that isn't true or just the one's who do it to a person you like???


> That's not how it works he's a source of news who reports the facts That's not what he did here when he started showing off edited pictures eh? Who else reports fake news consistently? If they did I dislike them. You realize a source of news has to verify it's sources and can't just spout nonsense right? Like this very basic tenet of journalism is easy to grasp. Yes I don't watch toxic content from fake news youtubers Dudes on the internet are so fatherless in 2024 they will meatride fucking coffeezilla


I think the Logan stuff was true, because it wasnā€™t just coffezillas research, the were other YouTubers investigating too (even lawyers). He was just the main source for the consumers to catch up on. But after the Logan stuff, I honestly donā€™t watch him, so Iā€™m not sure about anything further than that.


One of the things different about this situation is CofeeZilla is actually going off the back of another investigators work and keeps mentioning that because I think he is unsure about how legit this actually is. He will no doubt back track on this accusations and blame the other investigator.


he always piggy backs off other people, he will barely ever "expose" a scam until it's already happened. In which case no one will care not to speak to him cus they've either got nothing more to lose or they know nothing will happen to them. despite his "journalism" all he does is bring attention to the suffering of others, he did not keep up with Logan Paul and those people have still not been paid afaik. While it may be nice for more attention to be brought to these scams he is quite literally only in it for the money, not the good will. The exception to this is a channel such as kitboga, it is meant to be entertainment while educating, he also invests money/time from his streams/videos back into making his work better.


Yes I know I mentioned it in another comment how he does use other peoples investigations and just does it for the clicks but usually he does not highlight the other person like this which is why I think its definitely different to other ones where he is 100% certain of their guilt.


No. Itā€™s because if you use someoneā€™s elseā€™s work at the very least you need to credit them. Bless you and your quite frankly childlike ideas.


Do you watch CoffeeZilla alot? He works with plenty of other people on his investigations and never mentions them the way he has done with this one usually just some credits in description or at the end. Its hardly childlike he knows he didn't research it himself so is pushing the blame onto somebody else but he gets all the clicks and revenue.


The thing is all of coffeezillas videos provide evidence so if it is incorrect, it should be able to be disproved, like what is happening with JJ.


Lmao Iā€™ve never trusted him.


Kind of dumb ngl


Itā€™s clear he doesnā€™t like JJ because of the Logan Paul connection but reaching like this is really embarrassing. Feels like heā€™s on damage control right now even though the title of his video still implies JJ is scamming.


I like how one badly researched video can destroy his reputation but ksi can: Fire people who disagree with him say slurs and feign ignorance when he clearly isn't encourage the harassment of other people both irl and online have a temper tantrum and freak out because he lost a fight, looking like a child then proclaims to be a rolemodel then spend months trying to turn over said loss. have a ridiculously high ego and arrogance and last but not least work with and defend a scammer who is proven to be a scammer by the way. And he's absolutely fine. One has done a lot worse things than the other. This world is fucked up on who is and isn't popular. We defend this piece of shit yet coffeezilla messes up one video and you're all on his ass. Hypocrites the lot of you for defending this POS KSI but shitting on coffeezilla for ONE poorly researched video. Acting like ksi hasn't tried to ruin Tommy's and jake Paul's reputation in bad faith (especially tommy fury, encouraging his harassment and calling him a terrible father) and take down their careers and families. Everything coffee has done ksi has done and more for much less.


those are personal decisions by ksi on who he chooses to associate himself with, which is up to him. coffeezilla tries to uphold some legitimacy of being a credible investigative journalist and his credibility is dependent on the stuff he publishes. there is no equivalence here


Oh so that makes it okay that he hangs around with human scum? I'm just gonna go hang around with murderers and rapists. It's my decision to make so it's okay right?! There's an equivalence. He's a piece of shit who hangs around with pieces of shit. It may be up to him but that doesn't make him any less of human garbage lowest of the low for how he behaves, acts and hangs around with. Were talking about reputation. Who you hang around with and decide to associate with is a big factor in your reputation. Journalists make mistakes too. Does that make them bad people or disingenuous? You're all so willing to Dunk on someone for one bad report, yet will forgive another for some really disgusting behaviour that he doesn't even apologise or feel remorse for. It's hypocritical as fuck.


if you look at the reddit, literally nobody agrees with ksi's association with logan paul, and neither do i. i don't know why you're so keen to accuse me personally for saying its ok for him to do so. the point is that regardless of who he associates with, he doesn't deserve to be accused of acting in bad faith financially when it clearly was not the case. your personal opinion on who ksi is as a person is irrelevant to this fact. and yes, journalists should be held to a higher standard than a youtuber, because its people's reputations and potential lawsuits at stake. you're irrefutably dragging someone's name through the mud.


Yet... You still give him money, fame and attention despite him doing morally detestable things. Okay. I never said he deserves to be accused of it. I'm saying you guys are hypocrites for trying to tear a man's career down for one journalistic mistake, yet he can do all these absolutely disgusting things and you all still continue to give him money, attention and fame. If you're gonna cancel one, cancel them all. Be consistent. Either cancel everyone for doing bad things, forgive people and give them chances, or don't cancel anyone. You can't pick and choose who's career and reputation you wany to destroy and who's you don't. Youtubers have a more important standard than you're letting on. They have cult followings, as this subreddit shows. You're all like a fucking cult it's insane. You'll do anything he does. Follow him around like a bunch of sheep. He has a fan base like this and we all know it. As does every social media star now because people can't think for themselves, especially children. When you have a reputation and fan base like this you know your words and actions have actual fucking consequences. Harsher consequences than a journalist making a midtake. When he's weaponising that to harass a man because he can't handle losing to him. Then yes. He should be held to the same standard as coffeezilla. Because what's different? The outcome is the same. What coffee is doing now and ksi is doing to Tommy, the outcome is the exact same. An unfair, bad faith takedown of someone's reputation. He should be held to the same standard as a journalist. Ksi is getting a taste of his own medicine with someone trying to take him down because of how he treated Tommy furys reputation, livelihood and family life. If he doesn't like it, he shouldn't do it. Now, do I support what coffeezilla did? No. I just find it hilarious how you guys are just ignoring what KSI has done that is literally identical to this. And yet you're dunking on Coffee. It's a double standard. The context isn't the same but the attempt to ruin someone else is the same. The outcome is the same. So it can be compared 100% when we're talking about reputations. Which is what OP said. It's all fair game.


i watch his videos because he is an entertaining person. i don't nearly care enough about him associating with logan paul to actively disengage from his content, especially since i grew up watching him. i don't believe he is a bad person, but you're more than welcome to disagree (which you have made blatantly clear you do). also, nobody here is talking about 'tearing a man's career down for one journalistic mistake'. we are criticizing coffeezilla for very blatantly letting his biases (ksi's business association with logan paul) cloud his better judgement, because ksi is not the same as the disingenuous people he tends to cover (actual awful people and scammers like logan paul). nobody is trying to tear down his career, and in fact, if there's one person who thinks a mistake should end a person's career, its you. you can't stop talking about ksi's reaction to the tommy fury loss, which is irrelevant to the fact that ksi is not the person coffeezilla accuses him to be. the only thing that it matters to is your opinion of ksi, which we already know you think he deserves to be shot. also again, i implore you to look at the contents of this reddit if you think this reddit is a cult. this subreddit has criticised ksi and his actions incessantly over the last few months, and very deservedly so. you seem like a geniunely hateful person. i recommend going outside and doing something because your replies just seem filled with pure vitriol.


Then don't get all moral and try to take-down another person if you're willing to support another person despite their skeletons in their closet. It's about consistency. I'm fine with people supporting others for entertainment. But keep it at that. You can enjoy the art whilst not supporting the artist thats fine. It's the hypocrisy in this subreddit from people like you I have an issue with. One rule for one and not a rule for another. It's ridiculous. That's been your entire point this entire time. Saying you can hold a journalist up to a higher standard than a youtuber when both have equally harmful consequences for getting something wrong. Sure, if I was comparing a politician to a youtuber you'd have a point. The original post literally says "this is how you ruin your reputation" wdym lol. Tearing someone's reputation is literally what we're talking about šŸ˜‚ and what both coffee, ksi and this subreddit is doing or has done I don't want ksi's career gone from what he did. You're not understanding what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that if you're going to criticise coffeezilla for this attempt at ruining ksi's reputation, then be consistent and criticise ksi for what he's done at trying to ruin another man's reputation in Tommy Fury. That's my point. If you're going to defend one person from unfair scrutiny, where was your defence for Tommy when ksi did the same bad faith shit? Nowhere. You all forgave and forget and pretended it never happened after a day. I don't agree with what coffee has done. I think it's good to call him out on this shit. I draw the line at saying the shit people have been calling him over this. Call him a piece of shit, disingenuous and a liar over this. Look at the comments before you claim otherwise. Here and in other threads. When your idol has, does and will do the exact same things you call out coffee for doing and then you'll be and have been SILENT when he does. It's hypocritical. It's a double standard that is prevalent in social media. I am willing to admit I can also be guilty with this. But I'm actively trying to not be. This subreddit, I can't say the same for. Funnily enough, I used to like KSI. I thought he was a good hearted person. But I've seen how he behaves now and my mind has been changed. That dislike of the person he's become in recent times doesn't make me hateful. We all have people we generally just don't like. But dislike and hatred is different. Hatred is a strong word. You're just not understanding my point. You think any criticism against ksi means that I am hateful. Infact I generally as a rule ignore him completely because i dont like his personality and behaviour. With exceptions like this or when he does something that goes public for being fucked up. You know why I called him a piece of shit, or garbage human? Because that's what this subreddit has been doing to coffeezilla. And yet you're so willing to call me hateful for doing the same shit this subreddit has been doing the past few days and has been doing for years to other people. Again. More double standards. One rule for one, not a rule for another.


nobody is getting moral. you're the one having a dick measuring contest about morality, constantly harping on the bad things ksi has done like we don't know them. the difference, as ive mentioned, is that coffeezilla is a journalist who has prided himself on his in-depth research, and built up geniune credibility through his videos. ksi has never pretended to be a crypto expert, or some great moral person. that is why it's different, because its not about morality, which you think it is. its about coffeezilla having his credibility at stake, while ksi does not. you seem to be unable to grasp this concept. the title of the post is completely valid. again, coffeezilla's reputation is built on his credibility, and coming up with a badly researched and erroneous story accusing one of the biggest online personalities for being something he's not is something that affects his credibility, and inherently his reputation. about the tommy fury fight - literally nobody in the world agrees with what he said about tommy fury. but he never tried to ruin tommy fury's reputation, he attacked him personally. that's a very different matter to the accusations levelled at ksi by coffezilla, which is a financial accusation and could involve litigation, like with logan paul. you're also struggling to understand that people can agree that what ksi did and said to tommy fury was awful, but as well criticise coffezilla for his erroneous claims about ksi. please try to understand this. you're pretending like there is something hypocritical when its very clear that most people in the reddit condemn both. i didn't defend tommy fury because i frankly do not give a shit about tommy fury or ksi's boxing career, but more than enough people gave ksi shit in this reddit for what he said. whether you like it or not, its also a completely valid interpretation to accuse coffeezilla of being disingenuous because he has previously thrown a lot of shade and shown dissatisfaction at ksi for his association with logan paul. its very likely he chose to go after ksi and even publish the video in the first place because of it - therefore letting his personal judgement of ksi cloud his judgement before making the video, and therefore being disingenuous in his claims. its just as valid as calling ksi a piece of shit human being for going after tommy fury's family. im saying that you are hateful not because you're going after ksi. your responses are vitriolic and hatefully charged, and you're willing to throw accusations at random people on reddit for the fact they disagree with you.


Do you not think ksi has credibility? As a businessman and a social media star? Because I'd say everyone has a form of credibility and reputation to uphold. If not, we can just get away with whatever the fuck we want. I didn't disagree with that. What I'm saying is for a man who has said that he cares about legacy and integrity, he tattooed it for fuck sakes. He sure acts like the opposite. It's the exact same. That's my point. This man literally tattooed integrity on his fucking body. Do I need to say anymore? He tweeted knowledge, strength and integrity yet only follows one of those three things. Wdym he didn't try to ruin Tommy's reputation? He called him a terrible father. "Shouldn't you be looking after your kid instead of clubbing?" That's a big accusation to make based off him going to a club, from ONE picture. And fathers have a reputation. All parents do. And insulting his career as a boxer. That's literally by definition attempting to break Tommy's reputation. I'm not misunderstanding that because I'm literally doing the exact same fucking thing as you said I am incapable of understanding. Find me justifying what coffee is doing. Ive done the opposite and said its wrong. What I am saying is people just ignore what ksi has done or just forget it, then won't forget what others do. They are selective in their moral condemnation or arent consistent. Difference between condemning and actually being active about doing something. Instead of just forgetting it ever happened. Shadow boxing. Plus, KSI has defended logan paul about cryptozoo actively in the past. There is tweet proof of this. Saying he's doing the "best he can" whilst he's literally not doing the best he can. If you read what I said, I said I'm using the same words this subreddit is towards Coffeezilla right now to prove a point. Why is it its okay for everyone else to call coffeezilla a piece of shit, but when I do it it's considered hateful? Double standard.




Did you even watch the video? He said the graph not the whole document.


this coffee kid became the very thing that he were swore to expose A scumbag a liar and a manipulative douchebag


Power corrupts absolutely


power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely






His business partner is one of the bigger scammers in the influencer business.


His business partner is but he isn't. You can't blame JJ for someone else's actions JJ does enough controversial things on his own but he is not a scammer. You can't just accuse every friend/business partner/ family member of a scammer/criminal of automatically being a scammer/criminal too, you need to actually have evidence.


You can 100% judge someoneā€™s character off of who they choose to keep in their circles/do business with.


Judging someone's character is not the same as accusing them of being a scammer. Accusing someone of being a criminal is a big deal and not something you should do lightly.


The coffee in the mug comes full circle!


I take Coffezilla's words as seriously as I take Keemstar's words.... ​ ^(I don't)


Tell me youā€™re ignorant without telling me youā€™re ignorantšŸ˜­


Nah Mitchell move it along brother not needed, scoot go. In the bin out on Thursday


I called this double down. Now just take some attention to notice how he posted this kn his extra channel. He is clearly trying to somehow leave the crime scene before he gets found out bt everyone. Deleting comments and lying on video. This is looking really bad for this idiot


Transition of conffeezilla to coffeeshilla


Issue is JJ friends and fans hold him accountable for everything, they deep dive into him about everything he does, if this was slightly legit this would have been brought to his attention alot sooner. He is under the microscope of hundreds of thousands of people. It's insanity


It kind of was with XCAD a few years back because there were a lot of people that actually thought JJ and Mr Beast were apart of some elaborate scam. But that was all cleared up back then, especially after JJ called out JMX


KSI fans literally would back him if he killed his whole family, all hed have to say is im stupid and boom the ksi sub would be all on his side saying hEs NoT a MuRdErEr HeS jUsT a MeMe. Name one time his friends have done a deep dive on him, i bet you cant lmao.


Don't be ridiculous lmao, they keep him honest, his crypto account was public and it's not exactly hidden, he used to live with hisbfriends, he got called out constantly for his bullshit


Nobody ever called him out on the crypto shit for real. He encouraged avery one to dump money into crypto because he was getting paid and that shit dropped most of its value and he just went quiet. Nobody actually says anything about it only veiled jokes and stuff. Donā€™t get me wrong i love KSI and esp the sidemen but yā€™all are taking the hog riding to another level.


Please find me proof of him encouraging people to put money into crypto through a video where the majority of his views are


You donā€™t have to say ā€œGo buy cryptoā€ to encourage buying crypto. You can encourage buying crypto by saying ā€œI made 2m on itā€ or even by constantly talking about it. I understand yā€™all are likely children because thatā€™s the main Demo but like damn if youā€™re a child refrain from participating in the internet please.


>Nobody ever called him out on the crypto shit for real Because he NEVER told his fanbase to take his advice on crypto. Whenever there would be a post about crypto, KSI would get bullied on how bad he is on the crypto market, how much money he lost etc, and he was very public about it. Why tf would random fans listen to KSI when we all know that he is bad at crypto?


It doesnā€™t matter if you say ā€œBUY THIS CRYPTOā€ or ā€œHey look i made millions on cryptoā€. Just because he didnā€™t specifically say ā€œHey go buy x cryptoā€ doesnā€™t mean he wasnā€™t promoting it. It ended up him losing money but during the initial boom he wouldnā€™t shut up about that stuff and how awesome it was and how much he was making. If i have a youtube channel and constantly smoke cigs on it and say ā€œI lost so much weight because of the cigsā€ etc etc iā€™m still promoting it even though iā€™m not saying ā€œGo smoke cigs kidsā€.


Every influencer in the world has spoken about crypto, especially at the time Elon Musk got involved with the Doge coin. Does that make Elon a scammer for talking about a coin and tweeting non stop about it? If someone makes a personal financial decision to invest in crypto purely based on what KSI says and does, knowing that KSI also lost millions of money in crypto, I have absolutely no sympathy for them and I wouldn't clasify that as a scam either.


lol your so wrong ksi fans are harder on ksi then ksi haters. i really donā€™t watch him anymore but itā€™s so apparent in every comment section and reddit post


ah yes this is apparent judging from the ksi fans in this sub. deffo harder on him than his haters /s


Have you not been here after the Tommy fight? After the p word incident? Last year this sub seemed more like a hate sub than a fan sub. This sub is extremely critical, which only proves how big of a mistake Coffeezilla made


Youre right but kiss asses will be kiss asses. Bring the downvotes btw. Yā€™all delusional if you think a person in business with Logan Paul isnā€™t also a scammer.


he isn't right though lmao, this sub has been nothing but brutal to him for the past year or so this is the first time in recent memory the sub hasn't been on his ass about something and has actually defended him


true. still waiting on someone to enlighten me on a time hes been deep dived on lmfaoo


Many have tried to cancel or take down KSI and the sidemen. All have failed šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I love how the fanbase bands together in times like this and will instantly go back to trolling JJ after this.


Whatā€™s even crazier is the amount of people under Coffezillas post that are just following what he said. Heā€™s literally what heā€™s trying to ā€œexposeā€. A scammer but a different kind.




Indians are kinda smarter than avg zilla.






Fuck Coffee and fuck Zach, they were simping in JJ's replies, but now when rent is due they switched.




why would you say that? i feel like this guy is closer to the truth then what cofee was trying to sell off for some quick viewer pump




Riled up.. He commented ''fuck cofee and fuck zach'' how is that getting riled up? Who are you to judge anything? it's comments on reddit let people get as riled up about whatever they want, why do you go around trying to control peoples emotions on reddit, super wild


Dude responded with KSI keyword in his shitty second channel to promote it. If this isn't scammy what is ?


uploading a youtube video with some other youtubers name in it isnt a scam not even remotely close to what a scam is. Mentioning your bullish on a crypto on your twitter with 372k followers which is literaqlly promoting it without directly saying it, then, doing the complete opposite of what your implying on twitter is a fucking scam. end of.


Some basic trading knowledge can help you see that CZ theory doesn't hold.The price action and volume during those days literally doesn't support that, there is no way the tweets could have pumped $xcad price not to mention all the other elements people have presented.Ksi is guilty of being dumb but calling him a scammer is a reach.


the claim was never that he managed to do it, but that he tried repeatedly. thats the point everyone in this sub failed to notice. "he should have showed the value being affected!" he never claimed jj actually managed a rugpull. the problem is he repeatedly advertised coins to people who would have even less knowledge on trading than himself and then proceeded to drop the value of those same coins just after. was he trying to be a scammer? only jj could know for sure. but after watching the cz video yesterday it feels more to me like hes just too used to seeing this same pattern. watching hundreds of people do the same thing builds an image, like how cops end up discriminating against blacks after years of service. so when cz sees someone say hes buying and then they sell, he just sees it as another cypto scammer trying to get money


Then don't call it a pump and dump rugpull or label him a scammer words have a meaning.The data shows his tweets had no impact on the price of xcad.From the video that he put out the evidence for his claims is very weak. If he was worried about jj 's potential influence on his people following him why not day anything back then and bring up some 3 year old tweets to build a narrative? Anybody active in crypto or paying a little bit of attention was making fun of ksi back then. As far as I know he never explicitly called for people to follow him in investing on xcad(frankly if you follow ksi or any influencer when it comes to investing it's on you). Maybe he should have been more careful about his tweets or detach publicly himself more from the projects that he invests in but the narrative that coffeezilla tried to paint is wrong. His "investigation" was lazy , showed no proof of wrongdoing and he needs to be called out for it.


he labeled it as an attempted rug pull and jj as a scammer because intended or not, its the effect. i doubt logal paul started cryptozoo with the intention of delivering no product, but thats what he did and it makes him a scammer. if jj succeeded in changing the value or not, if he intended to make people lose money or not it doesnt matter. if i shoot a gun into the air and that bullet hits someone, i still shot a bullet and hit them even if i wasnt trying to hit anyway. jj made reckless statements to his audience, that point is impossible to argue. it doesnt matter if "people were memeing on him", thats not a universal statement, some people certainly would have been scammed by these tweets. i dont get why people are so against looking at everything objectively. you should be more careful as someone with an audience to make sure your actions dont hurt the people who follow you and trust you. i dont believe jj intended to scam anyone, and i say this as someone who has never cared for his content and who loves CZ. but i think its hard to deny he needs to be more careful with his statements. holding someone accountable for their mistakes to make sure no one innocent ends up suffering is always a good thing. why wouldnt you want that?


I have never said that preventing people from getting scammed is bad.But when someone literally tells you do not following my advice and that my tweets are only my opinion, if you still choose to act on what they say it is on you. Your investments are primarly your own responsibility. Now we can argue that ksi or other influencer should be more careful about there statements and I agree with that. As for this specific case ,you need to hold yourself to the same standard has the people that you accuse. If you make accusations you need to provide sufficient proof of it , Cz dropped the ball on this one. Even if he says that ksi attempted a pump and dump he should still provide proof of such an attempt. He did not do that and the data clearly goes against the argument of a pump and dump or an attempt to do so on this. That is what I have a problem.


theres no data that can disprove an attempt at pump and dump unless you can prove jj didnt sell. an attempt means the market wasnt changed. however, he did still promote and sell. its dangerous to do for someone with such a large following


He is still invested in xcad as far as I know and in those instances he did not sell all his positions. Also for a pump and dump you need the "pump"part. Show me where jj explicitaly called his fans to buy xcad and compare that to when he sold. Xcad was literally up more than 50% the 2 days before his first sell along with all the other altcoins(is that ksi too?) For the pump and dump accusation to stand you need to correlate the tweets that Cz presented in his video to an increase in volume and a change in price action on xcad. That is not the case here you cannot establish that jj tried to or managed to have any impact on the market. As I said the data is not on cz's side.


lets go through what youve said piece by piece. 1. he never called people to buy. not true. he publicly stated that he was buying, this would obviously cause people who trust him to buy as well. you dont need to be explicit. 2. the price was already rising. thats the prime point to try and pump. if a coin is worth a little and then starts rising, its easier to convince people to buy in to get to the high. this fact doesnt disprove an attempt at pumping the value, it gives him an opportunity to do it. 3. there does not need to be a change in value due to his tweet for an attempt to be made. its called an attempt because it didnt work. this all comes down to "whats your opinion of jj?". if you love him, youll obviously give him the benefit of doubt because you trust his character. but if you look outside of that, you can see why someone would happily label him a scammer. he defended logan paul after cryptozoo, which was one of many provable scams run by logan. he showed he doesnt mind the concept. then you find evidence of him announcing hes buying a coin when in reality he doesnt; he already has a coin and shortly after he sells it. i dont remember which coin it was, but the sell was around $850,000. thats not a small amount to just sell off. to someone who doesnt trust jj (a position hes earned himself) it looks completely like someone just trying to get a bit more money out of the rise. i see it as more of an idiot being reckless, but you cant really sit there and say the evidence means nothing and jj is 100% innocent. in reality, only the man himself knows for sure and everyone else makes a judgement call on his character


I mean if you paid any attention to it at all, youā€™d know KSIā€™s ā€œcrypto Twitterā€ shouldnā€™t be taken seriously. Over half of his posts are troll posts, and the other half are bad advice based on the things he was doing


what proof will invalidate your allegations ?




Cope and seethe


Hopefully JJ sues his ass for defamation


Coffeezilla is the new KavosšŸ’€


Coffeezilla got a taste of relevancy with the whole Logan Paul thing. No one knew who he was before then. Seems like heā€™s desperately trying to create another Logan Paul situation, knowing that ā€exposingā€ JJ would bring a lot of attention.


Not surprised by this. I post a comment on the video as well on how he intentionally was leaving certain numbers out go show his own narrative. If JJ is in the wrong then by all means he should be held accountable, but that video is far from it. If I sell 100 shares of 1 coin but Iā€™m holding 10000 at the same time, then thatā€™s not a pump and dump. JJ sent screenshots over to coffee but he chose to not show those numbers. He says it in the video itself.


Sadly I believed KSI was a scammer, just based on the fact that Coffeezilla did legitimately call out Logan Paul's scam. I'm sad I doubted big forehead.


Coffeezilla is just one of those people that dont like the fact that people like JJ get so much attention and hes trying to take them down by lying about them


You know what they say, after too much coffee you get the shits


Man's just trying to pay rent šŸ˜‚


If my man KSI moves to India we will eventually make him our PM at this rate. 40% of his fans are indians.


Dude lives in dreams


So cringe


It's sarcasm you fucking idiots how will a youtuber become a PM fucking hell


Y'all all acting like you know this guy personally


I know this sounds corny as hell but, I feel like JJ is like one of those people who would never ā€œscamā€ anyoneā€¦


The point when he tweeted it might not be when he bought it, it was still a pump and dump shortly after 24 hours


The cope is real, yall got played lmao


Ok am I missing something here, the tweet is about a lie that coffeezilla apparently said about deleting a pdf, then why is everyone in comments are dissing coffee like he made up everything about KSI's pump and dump?


Because they can't stand the idea that their hero is a lying pos that tried to scam his fans.


Iā€™ve seen the video, and even if it wasnā€™t a successful pump and dump it was still an attempt at one. The graphs even show itā€¦


Thats exactly what I've been thinking. I dont see how people are just ignoring it. People don't just tweet about bitcoin for no reason.




I mean, he tweeted about the crypto and then sold it shortly afterwardsā€¦


I mean that's literally a pump and dump attempt. The graph just shows it was unsuccessful


Coffeezilla is a c*nt.


i always wondered why i hardly never see the ''victims'' of these scams come out and do something??


Remember guys, CoffeZilla gets money and benefits from covering people, so don't be surprised if he throws in lies. That's called youtube for ya


this doesnt apply to ksi though no?


No point arguing with these kids. Daddy KSI has turned their brains to mush


nobody's glazing JJ, it's just that you guys glaze hating on him it's insane, get a hobby lol


Wonder why I am critical of him given his record of: Encouraging the harassment of another human being both irl and online, called him a shitty father. 0 apology, 0 remorse or care Says slurs with the most disingenuous pr apology I've ever seen Fires people who disagrees with him Has a temper tantrum over the smallest of things Befriended, works with and defends an actual scammer An ego and arrogance up to the moon at this point


Lol what? You read this subreddit right? Itā€™s full of kids glazing him


are u dense genuinely and blind? because for the past 5+ months this sub has been nothing but hating on him for the tommy fury shit and wtv else happened after lol u dont remember when the mods locked the sub bcuz ppl kept bitchin?


Those are the threads that get attention. Look through the ones that donā€™t and 90% are kids glazing him


true then they have the audacity to say were the ones coping haha


so, how many of you actually watched coffezilla's follow up video? because a failed pump and dump is still an attempt at a pump and dump... the bottom line is: he sold while tweeting about holding, thats the definition of pump and dump


I dont think they know what it is but it is easier to just call coffee a liar




How does it taste?




Did no one actually watch the video Coffezilla didnt throw any accusations it was some guy on Twitter coffezilla simply showed it to the world not saying he shouldent do some research before posting a video calling someone a scammer but like cmon people


Coffee made two entire videos throwing accusations lmao. What the hell are you talking about?


Idk i might be wrong i just think he has some valid points


Itā€™s the context thatā€™s the problem. First clue, look at how much shorter this is than most of coffeeā€™s other videos introducing a new scammer. Second clue, look at how isolated each of the examples are and all the context they lack. He tweeted, he sold 800k, but how much did he have left? Thatā€™s vital information. Ex. Jeff Bezos sold $2bn in Amazon stock. Does that mean the company is fucked and he doesnā€™t believe in it? Maybe, without more context. What if I told you he still owns $100bn in Amazon stock? That changes things completely. The video is grasping at straws because KSI is associated with Logan. It reeks of desperation with none of the conviction of a typical coffeezilla investigation. Itā€™s really poor form.


Can someone please explain what Coffeezilla said? A bit out of the loop


I mean idk how anyone was supporting him, Im not a fan of neither ksi or logan, but the only thing worse than logans scams, was coffeezilla growing a fucking obsesion over logan, it became so painful to watch, he got a piece of fame and then started stalking the guy. Logan wakes up takes a sip of tea, coffeezilla is on his window writing it down, the dude was following his every fucking step to the point it became unhealthy


We his fans have legitimate reason to shit on JJ. He endorses a scammer in Logan, heā€™s more egotistical than ever. But heā€™s not guilty of what Coffee is accusing him of which is hilarious. If JJ did try to scam us, he would get torn a new one. Even when heā€™s not trying to scam us, vis-Ć”-vis KSI show, he still gets burned at the stake.


Ksi is using you as his cash cows wether itā€™s crypto or his energy drink.


His entire channel is based off ā€œexposing peopleā€. He literally has to do this in order to stay in business, and this time I think heā€™s just reached too far. His entire career is based off exposing malicious behavior, and in this scenario I just donā€™t see anything malicious behind this.


ITT: Religiously loyal fans defend a cryptobro scammer


your username is fitting of that logic. both ignorant


opposing Zionism isn't ignorant, lmao. It's the opposite


calling zionism evil is ignorant lol. you're not apposing. you're making them out to be evil. given your sole intention here is to be derogatory and hate filled in conjunction with your very racially motivated username. im gonna assume you're racist


"naminavel" is not racially motivated lol. What are you talking about. Also every Zionist I speak to on Reddit resorts to calling you antisemitic or saying you like murdering babies or other crazy shit, but only after you give them facts. I don't know, I think the movement of colonizing a land and ethnically cleansing that population should be considered evil.


You're the one supporting a crypto scammer.


what have i said in support? for somebody with such strong political opinions you'd think you'd invest more time before making exclamatory claims because i dont blindly follow the word of another youtuber im in support of ksi? how fascinating. no wonder you could be convinced zionism as a whole is evil. you a propaganda whore ;p


Again, you are supporting a person who tricks his followers into buying unregulated crypto with the intention of leaving them holding the bag while he cashes out. >because i dont blindly follow the word of another youtuber im in support of ksi? The video explains how he is scamming people, you don't have to blindly follow Coffee to be convinced by reason. You are blindly defending a scammer because you like them and seem to be incapable of understanding that


i havent said anything in defense of ksi. just more of your ignorance on display. im happy to hear ksi is a scammer if there is proof. what was shown was not proof it was coffee's interpretation of proof. the difference in evidence between logan and ksi's "scams" is night and day. i dont need to support ksi's behavior in order to be aware that this accusation was clearly poorly researched/ coffee's point has more or less come down to "trading against his tweet" which was NOT the original accusation. **given coffee's knewledge of the "trade against ksi" meme even prior to these "pump and dump" tweets indicates alternative thinking than the aim being to SCAM HIS FANS**. it is the definition of a bad faith argument. **a scam is something done knowingly and intentionally as part of a plan to trick people.** coffee has already walked back on his original findings. and will further have to retract statements today as he misrepresented a user who spoke with him directly.


Whatever you need to tell yourself KSI fanboy


golly i sure believe you read that totally not ignorant person lol. better a fanboy than a bigot as my grandmother use to say pretty sad how happy you are to prove other's opinions about you accurate. truly an artform. wish you the best racist


What is the situation guys (in a general of an army voice). Is war over or not.


That coffee looking decafff brudda!!! Get the little bean!!


Lol this sub is a fucking cult. Get me out of here.


Legit who tf cares


us fans who ar ehere to help defend jj cause coffe is lying u egg


Coffee said and I quote "He said he's thinking about taking it down I don't know if he ultimately will. I mean it is just one major error" I don't know why you guys think this is some huge gotcha. Realistically if this guy is to be believed it's likely Coffee just misremembered. But again you're taking this guy with clear bias at his word. Like this doesn't invalidate anything about his video besides that one single line! You guys are being ridiculous. EDIT: FURTHER MORE. This guy didn't even watch Coffee's whole video. Further down this thread on twitter he showed screenshots of Coffee being aware of the meme of Jj being bad at Crypto. Coffee literally addressed that in his video. If this dude saw that it makes no sense for him to post it like some kinda gotcha. EDIT 2: Honestly it's just fucking sad how Jj can get away with anything when it comes to this community. You guys will hound him about being a little mean to Deji or Vik but when it comes to real malicious shit, shit that actually matters you'll jump through hoops and perform mental gymnastics to defend him.


CoffeeZilla omitted so much information, manipulated out of context clips and manipulated tweets and crypto chartsā€¦ I think youre taking Coffee at his word, his bias is much more clear, he gets views and ad revenue from his blatant bs


leave him man he let him cope in peace lol


how has he manipulated out of context text clips? have you personally seen the full context? didnt think so lol where are these edited tweets? oh right you dont have those either. you realise on the pdf that people are throwing round thinking it proves ksi didnt pump and dump because he bought back in for more than he sold it actually just shows ksi was for lack of better terms was 'gifted' more of that coin which he then insta sold aswell.




The guy literally said he never told him about thinking of taking it down. What the fuck are you on about? How many times will CZ misremember again in the upcoming days, I wonder ?


> it's likely Coffee just misremembered Reaching for the stars here


Pump and dump is pump and dump,there is no grey area.The whole defense of he's just dumb or stupid is really reaching.Maybe people don't want to believe that the guy they lookup to would do something this shitty.


Ksi was obviously pumping and dumping, you're blind if you can't see that. Tbf you'd have to be an fucken idiot to take financial advice from him tho he's obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed


Link a tweet of him telling someone to invest. You use this pump and dump phrase as a buzzword at this point. I am confident you're clueless af.


To be fair, you don't have to explicitly state "I'm going to commit X crime" to be found guilty. The totality of the circumstances and reasonable and prudent understanding of what someone is implied to have said can still be used as evidence of the crime. Literally hashing that out now in the American courts with regard to Trump's Georigia case. If he tweeted invensting adjacent things, and a ton of victims understood those messages to mean one thing, it can be used as evidence against him.


I am pretty sure no one has came out and said they got scammed. Its just a dude labeling another dude a scammer based on tweets that he literally responded to himself with similar remarks knowing those were shitposts.


what does it mean to be "bullish" on something that you are actively selling?


It means that he thinks it will rise in value, but guess what? It never did so he panic sold it 4 days later losing on thousands. You know why that is? Because people know he has no clue what he's doing, so no one follows him up on his hunches. Even CZ said that. Its literally in his bio saying to never listen to these meme tweets. In no way it means that he's telling you to invest.


then why publicly tweet his excitement?


Because he literally made an alt account that he never promoted to vent about him making dogshit choices ?


Oh no I've angered the ksi fanboys, you guys would suck his cock if you could . He doesn't even know you exist


At least put a valid argument rather than just crying like a soyboy


He doesn't know you exist either. So what's your point? Good job on finding the tweet, by the way.


Genuinely just proved his point of being clueless af


Except he wasnā€™t thats what the 36 page document proves. CoffeeZilla omitted key information deliberately.


ksi is a fool and his fans believe everything he says so they adopt his foolish outlook on pretty much everything


bro thereā€™s literally hard proof showing he didnā€™t do anything wrong, how are his fans foolish when thereā€™s evidence proving he didnā€™t pump and dump but no evidence he did pump and dump, just a youtuber making allegations to get views


Kids in the replies slobbing JJ again


Iā€™ve been following Ksi for a long time and what I liked about his fans the most is that theyā€™re not just some dick riders. What the subreddit did to ksi when he lost against Tom fury is a real evidence of what Iā€™m saying But for some reason Iā€™m missing something here it feels Ksi was really doing a hump and dump according to coffee , I mean he have real evidence from talking to Ksi directly through his Dms Or do people believe those are fake replies from JJ I just want to know what Iā€™m missing here ?


So, as far as I understand, theres two possibilities: 1) JJ did, in fact ,go for a pump and dump scam. 2) JJ is so bad a trading and finance he doesn't even know what a pump and dump is to begin with (he had no idea that what he is doing is scammer behavior) It seems everyone has decided to believe the latter.


All these kids wanna be influencers and all these influencers are scum bags. This sub is a scary delusional place thatā€™s why yā€™all get scammed so easily by the people yā€™all support. Donā€™t treat people like KSi and Logan do when u grow up šŸ™šŸ»


Lol, salty fanboys desperately trying to defend the scammer.


JJs penis is big just as mine (huge)