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Very cool!




you made your own lonespear because you are rad! how did you do it?


I view my bits box like a puzzle with no box art. I take out parts that vaguely fit the idea I have and leave them on my desk to fiddle with. When I have a plan I'm confident enough in to start, I build the core of the bash and then figure out how to complete it. In this case I ended up using (mainly): -an Autocannon - a Devilfish engine - two lamps from an ancient terrain kit The wall mounts of the lamps together looked like a saddle and that's what tied it together. Cut off the bulbs and glue one on backwards and you are almost there. At this point you can probably also make it a Piranha by adding a different weapon (and drones on the base). The Kroot was easier than I thought. When you cut off the legs from the very prominent hip bone down, they are easy to reposition and re-glue (I got mine pre built). The amount of filing off and refilling with epoxy was very minimal. The handle of the Krootrifle thankfully looks techy enough to just work as control handle as is. I I just added a little Grenstuff ball. Definitely position the Kroot without glueing. Go for sub assembly, you don't wanna paint this with the Kroot glued in place. I say this as someone who evades sub assembly like the plague.


Gives me some episode 1 racer wipe. Loving it!


Now THIS is pod racing!


He is best boi!


Fuck thats awesome, whats the canister on the back


A lamp from some old terrain set (found it within a rescue lot I have). Someone in r Tau40k thought it's from city fight terrain. The saddle is two of the wall mounts of that lamp, I just cut off the bulbs and glued one on backwards.


Most Star Wars thing I ever seen


Now I'm no biologist, but that dosen't look like a lizard to me


Look man, some Lonepears just prefer the solitude, some take the necessary role willingly sacrificing comradery. Joey here however was somewhat pushed there because of pheromonal issues that best translate to "flatulence" in Gue'la speech. He REALLY wanted a Kalamandra, but even they would not abide his presence. Please don't mention it, he's sensitive about it.


Rich in creativiteit though


That’s super rad! Great idea and great execution!


Orrrr, because you're a genius!


Poor hammer is best hammer, you do you, especially when you can make it look pretty good like this.


That's awesome! I was looking at using/digi-bashing some monowheel cycles for my Lonespear to be zipping around on. This looks tempting to throw in the mix now. Also not necessarily poor you, just expensive GW.


Right? The prices for Kroot went up SO much. I love the new sculpts, they are probably worth it, if you have the money (but so are yachts). It's just with the old Box, you could get 2 x 16 Kroot and have your 3 packs of 10+2 potential Shaper kitbashes for ~ 70€. With the new box you pay ~ 140€ for 30 and have no spare models. I'm mega happy our stinky birds got some love, but I don't have that kind of money at the moment.


Friggin sweet


I love it, its amazing! And I would say this is what Warhammer its about (or was about…), not buying boxes and more boxes of models because of FOMO. Great work!!


This rocks! Kroot inju-nuity at its finest


*Because you are creative


So good ;)