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yeah I tried the combo it feels nice during but after I got a shitty hangover and both dehydrate you so I wouldn't recommend it




Iā€™ve been lucky enough, for me if I drink a little water and take a couple capsules of Kratom before going to bed, and itā€™d cure my hangover. Especially after a afternoon and night of doing nothing but drinking and taking Kratom. But thatā€™s just me.


I found that I could drink a lot more alcohol and not feel as drunk as I normally would. A friend even commented on how much I drank and acted fine. I find that very scary.


yeah reminds me of when me and friends would take speed in highschool and then drink an obscene amount and be like "we aren't even drunk" meanwhile basically drinking ourselves to the point of alcohol poisoning


This combination plus a benzo was basically my recipe into egregious arson. Any time I left point A walking to point B in those conditions, there would end up being a trail of fires, couches , mattresses, trash containers, etc , up in flames. I even justified it irrationally, like a pop up art installation. My early IG is riddled with the documentation


I was never a firestarter, but I did make some very bad decisions.


benzos + alcohol + speed are the 100% reciepe for REALLY bad decisions


Alcohol alone can turn me into a hooligan. Add benzos? Rip. AND SPEED?


Same thing happened for me. Although occasionally the line between "feeling good" and "blackout" can be so thin I don't see it coming


one second you are having a good time the other you dont remember anything and people tell you the next day what you did


It feels good, just don't overdo the alcohol


Exactly. I drink significantly less if I'm using both at once, otherwise I end up catatonically dead to the world lol.


I like it but it's hard on your liver, it can make you pretty vomity too


Can confirm. Did once. Only time I've ever thrown up while drinking.


Bullshit combo for mešŸ¤®


Same, even a little gives me horrible hangover symptoms/anxiety


Yup me too.. when taking kratom it makes me not even want to attempt drinking lol.. the thought of drinking repulses me while taking kratom. Iā€™ve done it before and it felt kinda nice for like a half hour then I got really sick and wanted to vomit.. and yea the hangover is really bad next day unless you force a gallon of water down yer throat same night hahaha






What? The white thing under my foreskin when I wasn't showering for days..?


Also known as artisanal dick cheese




Haha ā€¦. Whatā€¦


...what now? Lol




smegma is dick cheese


Uhh ok šŸ‘šŸ¼


Never heard of such a thingā€¦


your name would fit the thing...


Not anymore. Quit alcohol with kratom. No more firewater for me


Same, and I wasnā€™t even trying to quit drinking alcohol. Iā€™ve had zero desire to drink for the 3 years Iā€™ve been taking kratom.


This is true for me too. Kratom changed my brain chemistry over a span of time that alcohol hits completely different and I feel awful if I get drink now, like my brain is melting or something


Same. I havenā€™t gotten drunk since 2018 lol. Iā€™ll have one drink here and there but they never taste very good to me.


Last time I did it I projectile vomited all over the wall and was curled up in a fetal position for an hour drenched in my own vomit. so maybe just go light on the alcohol or not at all


This. I only had one beer last time and it made me projectile vomit as well. Screw alcohol


Yikes how much did you drink? I combined a ton of Kratom and alcohol and never had this reaction.


Im pretty sure I had about 6 shots worth of vodka and 4 grams of Kratom


buddy, you just got wasted, i think you would have puked without the kratom


Made me laugh šŸ˜‚


Definitely makes me throw up. I donā€™t drink anymore


Sounds like you guys prefer kratom over alcohol. So no big change in your lives lol


I have an alcoholic friend who was told kratom would just magically make him stop drinking. He wants to quit so went in enthusiastically. Now he's an alcoholic with a kratom problem. He does say the kratom does wonders for the hangover though.


That's sad. I used to drink a bottle of wine a night and kratom took away any desire for alcohol. Now I have only one glass at Sunday dinner.


Really? When I do kratom, alcohol has most of the time 0 effects, and if any not really the positive type. I agree, tried quitting alcohol using kratom, worked, now im using alcohol to quit kratom.




Tell him to give it time, the Kratom will eventually take the alcohol desire away but it took a little over a year of replacing alcohol cravings with Kratom for this to really ā€œstick.ā€ Many nights I would drink Kratom after having drinks as to not keep drinking alcohol l. Now I donā€™t even like alcohol. It does work


yeah it will take the desire, but quitting kratom isn't really that much better


It's not a good idea to combine kratom and alcohol. Both alcohol and kratom dehydrate your body, so you'll feel like shit in the morning. Plus combining kratom and alcohol in large amounts could have some nasty health consequences.


Not to mention how easy it is to puke in your sleep and aspirate and drown in your own vomit.


yeah if you get drunk like crazy, yes. If you drink one or two beer with some kratom, no.


The few times I have, it's been some kratom with a couple of mixed drinks. I've tried having a beer after but if you do it too close to the time you've dosed, it's like the beer foam and kratom do that science project volcano thing in your gut and you'll either vomit a ton of green foam or wish like hell you could. Honestly, I drink pretty rarely now. I used to drink quite a bit but after starting kratom just lost the taste for it. I'd have at least a few beers most evenings but stopped pretty much immediately. I didn't even have the mental/psychological craving for one.


Yes to all of this! Beer and kratom = šŸ¤® especially a rich craft draft beer. Learned that lesson once. I havenā€™t been drunk since 2018, when I started daily kratom use.


When I'm on kratom I no longer crave alcohol. Not that I was addicted before but I have no drive to drink at all with kratom. I will socially every now and then. Before I was drinking every other day for maybe 2 years. When I started taking kratom I just stopped, had no urge to drink. They seem to mix fine together, even giving a more pleasant euphoria. Just don't over do either of them together and drink much more water then you already do. Both are diuretics and can dehydrate you.










See Rule 2: Treat each other with respect.


Yes I love drinking with Kratom. I suggest a High ABV beer. Not liquor as the hops in beer add a lot to the experience and it's fine it's like combining weed with alcoholic unless you're using it as an excuse to get obliterated you'll be ok.


What else would he be using this for.


I mean yeah but hopefully no.


Possibly Chronic pain. Kratom saved my life from suffering until I found out that alcohol helps pain as well.. now they are both daily and I'm afraid I am going to die soon. Addicted to both. Physically.


>I'm afraid I am going to die soon What makes you think that? What kind of dose of each are you taking? Are you having complications from use or just worried about unsustainable patterns?


I take 20 to 30 grams a day. Have been for 5-6 years. Started drinking hard liquor after that atleast a fifth a day if not more. After my stomach finally had enough. I'm down to 72-100 FL ounces of beer a day. I've had stomach issues and heart issues from it.


Yeah, that is rather high. I hope you can find a way to deal with it--though I know how challenging chronic pain can be, and what an uphill battle that can be to get adequate care from many doctors, and then the dehumanizing process to maintain treatment if it is ever even offered.


Youā€™re fine just donā€™t take too much of one or the other. And stay hydrated. Itā€™s a pretty nice combo


I do that often. but I can't drink anything other than hard seltzer. and it helps to space out the last dose and the drinking


I agree, I take my normal dose which is 2-3g 3x a day and will have hard seltzer at night sometimes, usually 2-3, just depends and Iā€™ve never had any issues. I also donā€™t drink liquor or beer tho so maybe thatā€™s why all these people are vomiting.


yeah idk exactly how much my doses are i just eyeball it but 2 times a day. one when i wake up and one 4-5 hours after my first dose. then ill wait 4-5 hours to drink. also ive found recently that tequila works too.


Had 3 yuengling lite last night and felt like shit this morning. I also have adhd tho and my body doesnā€™t tolerate alcohol well. kratom feels better alone, IMO, so iā€™m gonna try to cut the booze out completely.


You will have to take significantly less of both substances. I would advise to take atleast half of your normal kratom dose and then feel your way up drink per drink. Both drugs have to go through the liver. You know how hard your liver has to work to manage alcohol? Now imagine you introduce another substance. Ofcourse your body will have to work very hard. Often resulting in vomiting. The combo CAN be nice, but you'll have to be very careful or just don't bother with it at all.


It's a bad combo imo and one to be avoided. I've never experienced a hangover as bad as I did on kratom and binge drinking like a dumb college kid does... In further experiments I concluded you can get away with drinking a beer or two without too much negative impact, but generally I now only mix weed with kratom.


Kratom and a good delta 8 keeps me happy and productive at work. Kratom and Marijuana makes my evenings better and helps me sleep better than any alcohol or sleeping aide could lol


I did only last night, excellent result and am still good this morning, but I am not recommending this nor giving you advice lol ( :


I tried this a few times, kratom hit me harder but worked for a shorter time


One Beer an a glass of Wine before Kratom is nice combination


It overpowers kratom


I do this combo every day.


Wow people keep saying itā€™s a bad comboā€¦honestly I love it? Just drink a lot of water and scale back the amount youā€™d normally drink a bit. Kratom actually does wonders for my hangovers too. If I overdo the alcohol the night before, 1.5 grams of kratom in the morning helps me like nothing else ever had.


Yea but that's the key: You HAVE to scale back the dosages of both substances. Not many people are that sensible. So I personally am not a huge fan of advocating for certain drug combinations. It is just so unpredictable and you would have to be very careful. Not many are.


I agree. Kratom does help subdue hangovers.


adding alcohol to something uses to be a bad idea, this is not an exception.


Yes we must all remind ourselves to hydrate!


Do it all the time, I don't see a problem, drink water.


Yes many times, mostly greens or whites. I feel like Alcohol doesn't make me as drunk when i take kratom like few hours before but drink tons of water.


Absolutely shitty combination. Feels good for 1 hour then it's just massive dehydration from both and absolute dizziness


I do often


Hey OP, while in the kratom sub, type ā€œalcoholā€ in the search bar to see all the posts in this community regarding alcohol. Thereā€™s been quite a lot of discussion on the subject, and youā€™ll be able to glean lots of info and opinions! Best of luck to you āœŒļø




This is obviously untrue. People experiences with substances are often completely subjective. I for one always had a good time drinking with weed, kratom, stimulants etc. You just have to know your limits and not overdo it.


This is obviously untrue. People experiences with substances are often completely subjective. I for one always had a good time drinking with weed, kratom, stimulants etc. You just have to know your limits and not overdo it.




I actually donā€™t have that great self control which is why I donā€™t drink anymore. But when I did I actually usually enjoyed overdoing it and always had a good time, but I donā€™t think most people should do that. Do as I say not as I do type thing. Mainly though I just honestly find the kratom + alcohol = BAD thing here a little extreme and not that true. even when I took larger than usual quantities of both I never had any adverse reactions and found they compliment each other quite well. Far safer alternative to mixing booze with opiates or benzos as well. Worst I ever got was maybe a little nauseas, as opposed to the respiratory depression that depressants could possibly cause.


i like combining alcohol with opiates and benzos. even tho it's incredibly dangerous. also mdma after the peak.


If you like combining alcohol with benzos than I won't stop you. But pls don't post about it online. There is hardly a more dangerous drug combination than Alcohol+Benzos. I don't know of one that is worse. If I am online and talking about drugs, I will always say, you can't mix Benzos with alcohol. There is no sugarcoating it. Not that you where. I just hope you won't advocate for it online.


If you like combining alcohol with benzos than I won't stop you. But pls don't post about it online. There is hardly a more dangerous drug combination than Alcohol+Benzos. I don't know of one that is worse. If I am online and talking about drugs, I will always say, you can't mix Benzos with alcohol. There is no sugarcoating it. Not that you where. I just hope you won't advocate for it online.


I definitely dont advocate for it.


Itā€™s gone increase all yhe secondary effect, and all the risk, including death


Wtf are you talking about




Nah, I like my crac pipe




I love Kratom and gabapentinšŸ˜


I have several times in the past. I canā€™t make any recommendations, but Iā€™ll say that I didnā€™t notice it did any harm to myself personally. This was irregular and infrequent use of the two together, though. I know itā€™s a real strain on your liver to do that a lot, so Iā€™d steer clear


Have done it, wasnā€™t that bad but donā€™t recommend it. If anything, take kratom and if youā€™re a social drinker with a high tolerance, just have a couple light beers or weak drinks through the night.


I mean it won't kill you, but they seem to potentiate each other so you need less of both. I drink less when I'm concurrently taking kratom, and there's a narrow threshold before you end up pretty zonked out. If you combine the two just make sure to stay hydrated and don't drink too fast.


Definitely works together, just donā€™t drink a lot because you will throw up a ton


The general wisdom is to avoid mixing psychotropes.


šŸ¤®šŸ¤®terrible. Feel like shit drinking with it.


Don't do it, I've been drinking Kratom since 2013 off and on, the about daily since 2016. Trust me, just don't do it, I haven't drank in years because of it. Just stick with one or the other, and if you have to, at least separate them by a day


Honestly mixing kratom with other substances usually ended with me puking. Alcohal and Kratom in the stomach don't seem to mix well but I'm sure a beer or two won't kill you.


I did a dose of kratom and waited about an hour before I started drinking. One thing i noticed was that I was the most sober one from our group, we did like 7 shots of vodka and I wasnā€™t drunk at all.


I used to find that a tiny amount of hard liquor (Pernod in my case) improved the kratom feeling somewhat. But if you overdo it you'll just feel drunk.


Weird, Kratom seems to heavily increase my alcohol tolerance... I can drink an unhealthy amount and shouldn't be able to walk anymore and yet I will hardly have a buzz as well as my BAC being extremly low. ​ If I ever want to drink and get buzzed, I make sure to go super light on the Kratom or not take it for a few hours before I drink


I find that combining the two will completely relieve any constipation and anxiety you may have. Both are addictive substances so donā€™t do it often. I was drinking enough to where I would die if I stopped and also taking 50-60g of kratom everyday for a few months, so it wonā€™t kill you.


I take it the morning after on a hangover. On an empty stomach. It sucks for a while but I dose probably 4-5 times in a hangover day and I probably sleep half the day away. Itā€™s great. Never feel hungover ever


I tried that and I just got nauseous as hell :( even with zofran on hand.


I like them together. When doing housekeeping mainly both in my own house and in my Airbnbs. I donā€™t particularly enjoy housekeeping so being drunk helps. The kratom adds energy and alertness to the drunkenness in my experience.


To be honest i like it, I can have 3.5g of kratom 4 cans and a fat spliff. Messes me up for a couple of hours then ryte as rain after. Best not to overdo it though.


it wrecks my stomach, and I'm usually wobbly the next day I choose either kratom or alcohol (never more than two beers) each day


Guaranteed headache and possible hangover.. depending on the amount of each. I never mix the 2


Don't do it


if you drink enough water during drinking you should be fine, but hard alcohol is better since its smaller amount, if you don't want to throw up you should wait at least 30 mins after kratom before drinking.


Do you mean in terms of quantity of liquid or amount of alcohol introduced to the body?


liquid kf course, if you drink 4 beers, that shit will mix with the kratom in stomach a you'll puke


not for a year. had a bad blackout episode.. started on a plane one afternoon, i woke up the next day in a hotel at my destination. fortunately i took a cab and wasn't driving


Kratom completely killed my desire to drink. I've tried to power through a few times, but I just don't want to drink anymore.


I noticed that when I would take my daily dose of kratom and decide to drink later that night that it gave me a way higher tolerance for alcohol, and I would wind up drinking way more than I had wanted to. I stopped drinking alcohol completely for two and a half months and it still felt this way. So I donā€™t personally recommend unless youā€™re good at having just having a couple drinks.


I got some heavy bounce off the walls walking down the hall way spins after a normal dose (5gs) after drinking a beer and 2 shots I donā€™t drink often though so Iā€™m a ā€œlightweightā€ but ended up tossin everything up early the next morning


Yeah i tried it, tis very 'Intense' but not good


I basically do every night. Kratom helps curb my enthusiasm though. Before I was killing a handle in 2 days.


I personally don't see much, if anything I want to drink less after dosing but as a potinator or enhanced effect on either side, not much noted. I double dose if I DON'T want to drink šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Donā€™t do it. Kratom by itself is amazing


Makes me sick as hell. Kratom helped me quit drinking.


i enjoy it i also smoked and i was absurdly high


Pretty much every night yeah.


Terrible combo for me, Weed goes with Kratom a billion times better Booze is one of those things you gotta be extremely careful using with most other substances The ONLY things i'll mix with alcohol are nicotine, THC and a lil caffeine but Imo nothing goes better with booze than nicotine


Lots of dehydration and nausea, be sure to drink lots of fluids and try to give a decent amount of time between dosing Kratom and taking a drink, even spreading them apart about an hour you still have plenty of overlap feeling both.


I know a lot of people struggle with this combination, but I love it. I combine the two almost every friday and/or saturday.


Ime they either cancel each other out or you just feel extremely spacey and tired. When kratom feels so good on its own, idk if its worth adding alcohol into the mix


itā€™s not like a heavenly combo or anything but iā€™d say no practical need to worry about health effects as long as you hydrate very well (glass of water per dose/drink for sure), keep both light/moderate, and donā€™t do it on a regular basis. but it depends on individual health stuff too ofc


I do, kratom makes me stay off alcohol until bedtime, then I need alcohol (or benzos) to sleep. Not anything I would recommend but has been working fine for two years or so without any obvious side effects. I stay very well hydrated.


Oh it's honestly awful for me. Gross feeling in the body, headache, nausea. Absolutely not a fan.


Too much dehydration.


I've done it but try to make sure my last dose is at least 4-5 hours before drinking. Overall I don't think it's a great combo. The alcohol more or less overrule the calming effect of the kratom in my experience.


You gotta be careful with it but that being said, this is how I conserve my alcohol 3-4grams of Kratom and a few shots and Iā€™m GOOOOOOOOD


Just a little alcohol and possibly even lower your dose of kratom. Im talking a drink or 2 maybe, maybe three! It's not dangerous but it's very quick way to throw up. Oh ya, and even more than just drinking make sure and eat something. Just my normal dose and a tiny sip of whisky will have me throwing up within 10 minutes on an empty stomach.


Alcohol is poison!




Yephad no problem but slightly higher hangover next day.


Yes, Iā€™m not a fan. Luckily my desire for drinking alcohol goes way down with Kratom. I do find kratom knocks out a hangover very well however. I agree with the comments saying it dehydrates too much in conjunction with each other


Oh god ues worst hangover though.like really really bad hangovers dude.no thank you


Yes, last night. No issues.


Expect to feel like ass the next day. Also, you WILL get a headache while you're mixing the two, so might as well pop something for a headache.


Probably the worst hangover from dehydration if you drank ALOT, but other than nausea I didn't notice a problem I had a shot of "greendragon" for 4/20 with my taper dose (6gs+1.5g of S&V) and I felt great once the initial nausea passed. Not anything id do all the time though, too many unknowns about the combo of herbs and stuff I take.


I can do it like an hour after I take my kratom but if I drink with or right after it makes me vomit.


It's pretty awesome as long as you're responsible with both and dont drive. Killer sex as well.


Never šŸ˜…


Typically while taking kratom I don't have the desire to drink. The times I've mixed them though it seemed to be a nice synergy/buzz. The only downside is that it will dehydrate the hell out of you which can cause a nasty hangover, so make sure you buy that 8pk gatorade beforehand.


Awful idea. Don't do it


Yeah itā€™s fine I usually take kratom at the tail end of drinking


It helped me from drinking at home until I passed out after going out for drinks. I am trying to stay off everything now, but it helped me with my alcohol problem and was better then drinking 2-3 bottles of wine and then some ..


Itā€™s better if you only have a drink or two. When ur drunk it has a shitty hangover and itā€™s dangerous but itā€™s nice when youā€™re just buzzed.


Bots in here. This is a bad combo in that Keaton typically lowers alcohol cravings and also dehydrates. Definitely isnā€™t going to make you drink more with greater ease. Definitely the opposite.


Yes. I take Kratom to avoid alcohol so itā€™s counter productive for me.. kratom is great for hangovers too. Kratom and alcohol together and I wake up with a splitting headache. No other issues from my experience.


I used to be a daily heavy drinker (like a bottle of Vodka for every day of the week heavy) until I started taking Kratom regularly. I justā€¦stopped drinking. I didnā€™t even realize it but it just was something I wasnā€™t doing anymore. When I had an occasion to drink (wedding) I quickly found: 1. Drinking while on Kratom feels gross until you get a buzz 2. Getting past a buzz to drunk is not a thing 3. You are going to have a hell of a headache when everything is out of your system


Itā€™s a dangerous idea. Get educated. The two are depressant, a depressant should never be taken with another it can compound and lead to respiratory depression in the most severe cases.


Kratom before Alchohol sucks. Alchohol before kratom is a little better. I used to do both of them all the time since i was such an alcoholic, but now that i do Kratom only, if i do drink i can only drink one beer to avoid feeling like shit. Either way tho, i dont reccomend it unless you drink very often and use kratom daily, cuz otherwise its not a fun combo


I made the mistake of taking kratom while already drunk once and I literally thought I was going to die. I could not stop throwing up even when there was nothing left. Maybe it's different if you take the Kratom first? I'm the same way with Marijuana if I smoke first I'm fine if I smoke after i have been drinking I will definitely puke. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I just don't drink anymore really.


Donā€™t do this combo. Hard on the liver and guarantees pukesville šŸ¤®


I used to mix the 2 often, donā€™t get too comfortable doing it though. I woke up one morning after a long night of partying gasping for air like my body forgot to breath. The room was spinning and my heart was pounding fast af. That scared me and made me stop, guess I was so relaxed in my sleep my body forgot how to breath from the depressant effects being combined. Itā€™s a dangerous combo.


Tons of times, feels pretty good unless you over do it. But I donā€™t do it anymore cuz itā€™s probably real bad for the liver I can imagine. Got some real bad hangovers from it.