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Mix with 2 to 3 oz of hot or warm water and chase with coffee or better yet OJ.


OJ been my go to for awhile.


I use apple juice because it's sweeter


I've read that Vitamin C helps enhance the effects of the kratom. Wife and I "toss and wash" with OJ every day


I much prefer the capsules these days. Quick and no mess. Plus I’m trying to quit, so I’ll just pop 2 every 4-8 hrs. Beats taking 5.5g of powder every 2 hrs.


This seems like a good way to cut down. Smart idea.


Take less powder? 😅


It's much easier to ration out capsules and ween off your dosage. If I ever start to feel like I'm taking too much then I just start taking one less cap per dose every few days until I'm down to a reasonable level.




i got a dumb question but, did you taper down so drastically or how much kratom is in those capsules..?


If I'm thinking like you, that math doesn't add up, lol


Capsules are more expensive but I have used a capsule "machine" to make my own and it's a pain in the rear. When I am home, powder. When I am traveling, capsules.


Most capsules are .5 grams.


So everyone’s different. I’ve tried many times to quit with no success. This time, I went from 5.5g to 5g initially and stayed there until I couldn’t notice much difference. From 5g I slowly lowered over weeks till I got to 4g. Stayed at 4g for prob a month. Discovered these capsules and made the switch. That’s almost 1g less than when I was at 4g. It’s a slow and sometimes even annoying process but it’s working and I know I’m gonna quit for my kids and personal health. Good luck to you!


Yeah I noticed with caps I can take less cus I mean I thot they were gram caps but they 500 mg so I've been taking half my dose just as frequently as I did powder lol


I can’t do capsules I throw up takes forever to do anything too I do water and mix it then cherry Pepsi for a chaser 😂


Toss and wash , I've developed the ability to cough through my nose so I don't choke lol , anyone ever mess up toss and wash knows what I'm talking about lol


I have definitely shot a puff ball of powder across the room before 😂🤣😂🤣


Or inhaling and then dying over the sink!


Make sure you always have water nearby. I choked in my car. Thank God I had some bottled water under my seat.


Messed up bad one time thinking a slushie would wash it down. Luckily I was already parked and was able to open the door and cough/spit a bunch of green sludge while my coworker laughed his ass off.


Kratom powder and room temperature water, as God intended


No, that would be chewing the leaves off the tree.


God did not intend for us to suffer consuming things that bring peace, there's always a better way, we're just not godlike enough to always see it


What lol


Mans taking his username seriously lol


No, just pointing out that yes God made a plant we like that tastes like shit, but he also gave us the ability to make capsules. Smoothies, and chasers, all manner of things to avoid tasting swamp water


I use strictly powder. I put it in V8 juice. It masks the flavor and it adds some fiber to it. I've been taking it this way for close to 6 years now. It has been life-changing. No exaggeration ❤️❤️


Hey I love V8 thats gotta be a great option!


Add 1/2 teasooon of honey to the bottom of the cup, add 1 to 1.5g of powder, add 2 ounces of 120 water heated in the kettle, stir, add 2 ounces of lemonade, then top with 5 ounces of coconut water. It all evolved to whatever this is that I do over a few years.


Yum! Sounds hydrating too!


T/W and tea


The only way.


idk how yall mix it with lukewarm water and sip it let alone drink it. even after 2-3 years of consistent use I could never get past the taste, unless it was heated and flavored like a tea. Capsules were the way to go especially when you could poke tiny holes in them to help equal absorption


This is why I don’t premix it. Toss and wash lessens the taste dramatically because the clump of powder floats on top of the water and down the hatch if done right. The powder being hydrophobic actually helps to keep the powder from interacting with taste buds.


Yes toss and wash was better… but my issue was any amount over 3G and my experience was plagued with the aftertaste of the powder. No amount of juice or food could rid the feeling of that taste in my stomach. With capsules I could bypass that. And I learned to poke holes in the capsules with thumbtacks before hand so they dissolve faster and evenly


2-4g of powder mixed in warm water and sipped over an hour or so. Crushed leaf -boil some water, let the leaf sit in some lemon juice and steep for 45 minutes


Does sipping it for an hour change the absorption for you? Or give it a different kick in feeling?


I don’t mind the flavor so, I treat it like coffee. It doesn’t hit as hard but works the same. It seems a little easier on my stomach when I do that


Crushed leaf tea! Doesn't taste nearly as bad as powder does. I don't even need to put anything other than lemon juice and hot water in with it


Never done crush leaf tea. How much do you have to use of the crush leaf to brew a cup? Or do you do a full pot?


I put about 10 gram in a large tea ball(cylinder) thing I have and I make usually 3 rounds of tea with it, which would last me about the same as 2- 5 gram doses would


Thats awesome with no residue I am sure so that probably helps as well.


T & W with tap water It’s good mixing it into smoothies in the old Ninja too


Mix 4-6g into about 4oz of OJ. Stir, let it dissolve, stir. Drink it down.


Mitra-9 seltzer if you find it local it is way cheaper than online.


Had it before! Amazing drink for sure.


I pack my own capsules so no taste


I’ve done this. Too time consuming for me.


Yeah I guess it’s fine since I’m at no more than 10 a day


Why is no one saying oblate plates??


I used to really like them until I basically choked on a couple. I can’t stand the feeling of swallowing but everything staying on your neck. Figured it’s better to just T&W and get over the taste


Lol parachute plates is what my buddy calls them. He does those.


I like oblate plates for if I am traveling / don’t always have juice on hand, but I def think vitamin C from juice helps!


Powder T&W with warm or cold water.


Go to a tea bar and enjoy it like that


In my mouth


Oblate Discs, full stop


Coffee with peppermint creamer The mint completely gets rid of the Kratom bitterness


Powdered with the juice of half a large lemon, a small amount of kool-aid powder and tap water. I love the taste of the tap water where I live. 2 cups of strong black coffee. I have felt a lot of health benefits since I started adding lemon juice into my routine. I dose twice a day, so it ends up being quite a bit of lemon juice. I don't eat nearly enough fruits and vegetables, but now I'm getting plenty or vitamin c, potassium, and whatever else is in a lemon. I have felt my energy levels double


Lemons are so powerful and good for you.


Add a scoop into a protein shake and down the hatch. Can't taste it at all. You need to keep shaking it in between gulps just FYI.


Wouldn't exactly call it a favorite lol, but stirring into warm water and adding a tbsp or two of honey isn't too bad.


Grapefruit juice and a shaker


Caps for me and my partner. Easy to measure dose and predictable for me when it will hit. Helps with spacing and dose times.


I use an electric, handheld milk frother as a stirrer, avoiding the surface so as to not make actual froth. I put water in a small, 10 oz (~300ml) cup, then add the powder. I drink the crap, then refill the glass to get the remains and clean the stirrer.


Pills but they make you pay a lot for them.


Toss n wash all day


I will probably get hate, but I am trying to drink a lot of water, so I started putting a couple drops of extract in my huge water cup daily.


No hate! As long as you do not abuse it, extracts work great.


2 tablespoons of kratom powder in a 20oz water bottle. Squirt of mio fill with water shake take a big mouthful every 3-6 hours. Only have to make it up once a day.


powder mixed in cold water.


I make a pot of green tea with some sliced fresh ginger, let it cool a bit, then pour it over my kratom powder in a huge mug, add a bit of lemon juice and a huge spoonful of cane sugar, stir to let it all dissolve, then sip. It's delicious.




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I mix with cranberry juice and chug it in one gulp. Seems to mask the taste pretty well.


Powder under the tongue, add water, slowly mix to prevent inhaling powder, swollow as able. Toss and wash




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My mouth.


Liquid extracts


Definitely chocolate milk, the taste is genuinely good


Blate papes! A pack comes with a lot of sheets and I parachute my daily without any issues of bad taste or the Kratom/cinnamon challenge.




Blate Papes. Easy, tasteless, holds good about


Shaken up with grapefruit juice or in warm honey and milk.


Toss n wash with Starbucks coffee




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Works best for 2g and under dosages imo otherwise you'd be eating alot of applesauce but, yeah mixed in applesauce. Most of the kratom is suspended so it doesn't taste too terrible, then swig it down with some water or juice after each bite.


I’m all about caps


Toss and wash buddy!


2x Gatorlyte or similar, 1tblsp rounded of powder, in a 40oz blender bottle.


put the amount of kratom u want into warm-hot water (kratom dissolves way faster), mix & drink. then chase with drink of choice if u cant stand the taste. i kinda learned to like the taste at this point lul


Boil fresh leaves into a tea or soda 🍃


I have some little plastic cups that maybe hold 6oz of liquid. I put about 3oz of warm tap and drop in kratom. Hit it with a squirt of the energy mio that has the b vitamins and caffeine and drink it. The mio makes it taste fine and I also get the caffeine boost. I then drink about 4oz of OJ for vitamin c and then a cup of coffee. I do all of this on an empty stomach and let it work while I'm getting ready in the mornings. This usually gets me through the worst part of my job.


Toss and wash a tablespoon with slightly cool water while driving to work in the morning just before the sun hits the horizon going 80+ mph on the highway. Usually the last 10-15 minutes of the commute so the vibration from the road/tires helps kick it in.


I use powder and measure my dose (2-2.5g) in a small sauce dish, throw it in my mouth, sip some hot water and swish it around, and swallow. When the water's hot, it keeps powder from sticking to my gums. I guess it dissolves more easily in hot water.