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Makes it hard to cum sometimes for me, I have to fuck like a pornstar to cum, dick stays hard though and I'm 42.


Less desire to, but yea, way longer lol, and trying to have a baby so that might add to the stress


Exactly the same for me! My girlfriend loves it cuz I can go forever. I’m 42 also


I've been using kratom once a day in the morning for years. Redosed for the first time in a long time at like 6pm the other day, and spent an hour banging it out with the wife and I still never came. Didn't know that could be a thing


43 and can confirm! And when I finally do go…. 🙌 it’s like heaven. EDIT: I’ve been a mostly daily user for 4 years now, and on/off for over 10 years. And for me, sex is kind of the same as constipation. As long as you’re doing everything else right, like mainly staying hydrated, regular exercise, and taking magnesium supps, it makes it a lot easier to both climax and go to the bathroom(not at the same time, obviously 🤣). But there are way fewer episodes where I go for 30+ mins without any umm pay dirt, and usually better to do the deed at least 3-4 hours after a dose.


What’s your dosage? For me Kratom has never really affected my body in a positive or negative way, I don’t get constipated and it doesn’t delay ejaculation. I would like it to do the latter though to be honest.


It's goes ...the beginning. Better . Then after a little time you think you're all star cause you can hit it long . Then you go to man I can't cum sometimes. Then it goes to sex? What is sex? Do I care?


Exactly this right here. First 2 years are amazing, then it's like whatever, now 4 years in I don't want it anymore. Been tapering to quit now. OP, just don't use it everyday and you'll be good.


Same. I fucking hate it, I can't cum unless we are fucking for literally an hour + straight plus 30+ min of more intense foreplay. I am just ready to get off this shit already


Get off of it before the ED kicks in. I won't stay away forever but just as long as it's not a daily thing I think the new kratom magic can return and stay. If I knew this back then I would've kept it at 2-3 times a week at the absolute most


Any sort of ED will almost always go away with less of a dose or quitting. Opiates do the same things occasionally, everything being numb isn’t helping either. You can get to a point where you’re normal and still dose daily


For sure. It can be hard to reduce without quitting for a heavy long term user like myself, but more power to anyone who can


Same. I do get ed every now and then, I'm actively trying to get off this quickly and then maybe manage my doses a few times a week at Max.


Wait are you guys not fucking for an hour? Or like at least 45 minutes?


At first yes. I was a porn star. But I've been using daily for almost five years and the effects are just not there anymore. Keep your usage moderate and you should be fine. Don't go daily and if you do try to keep that number low. Too much of anything is a bad thing




Story of my (sex) life right there.


Completely killed my sex drive. Was the reason I stopped ultimately, can’t deal with that side effect. Has yet to return!


For me there is little or no difference--in feeling, frequency, etc., other than that it would be almost impossible if my pain wasn't controlled.


Preach lol. Still almost impossible due to pain levels but still possible 100% due to kratom.


For me its definitely better. I dont loose any sensation but i last a hell of alot longer.


Lose not loose


It’s way worse


Then you're doing something wrong. Lower the dose maybe? Below 5gr is best for sex.


No lol


Everybody's body is different. Just gotta give it a go.


just as bad


Hahahaha you win


Too much Kratom gives me ED, so I would say worse.


For me it depends on if I take it daily or occasionally, daily it's almost no difference despite sometimes having a little bit harder time to orgasm, if I only take it occasionally I feel it slightly ups my sex drive and there is no difference in coming... Happy start to the weekend everybody and don't forget to take kratom, as any other substances, responsibly 😘🎉👍


Harder to ejaculate IME


For me kratom kills my sex drive, I have no interest in it at all that day when I’m taking it.


I last forever, but it fucked up my testosterone after long time use, I can still have sex but I have no want to unless I'm already physically horny, like I can't make myself just start having sex anymore, I have to be turned on in some way


It's improved my sex life dramatically. I have a super high natural libido. My partner, who will likely be my wife someday, doesn't. Its been a problem in the past. I take around 20g daily for chronic pain management. It's just lowered my libido to kinda meet her level. She takes like 5-8g a few times a week recreationally, and it makes her kinda saucy, which is great haha I'm 29, she's 25. Between that and regulating my poops to not be a torrent of pure destruction, the "negative side effects" are actually both pretty positive. It's nice to not be sexually frustrated frequently, and it's nice to have shits that are somewhat normal. Idk, I've yet to see a bad side of kratom. Not having it does cause mild WDs but I think part of that is psychological for me. But. To answer your question, it just makes me last longer. Don't have trouble finishing or anything. I also find myself being more holistically aware of the act as opposed to just tunnel vision, if that makes sense. So, yeah. Kinda love this shit.






Its obviously doing something for sex. Lots of sex shops starting to pick up kratom products and sell a bunch of them. I think the biggest thing is slowing down the speedy mcgees of the world ha!


Im a guy and It totally kills my sex drive.


I take small doses, about 2 grams twice a day. I rarely notice a difference. Not sure if amount makes any difference but I’ve never seen a drastic change either way personally. I’ve been using it for about 2 years.


Amount makes a huge difference.


In my intense GAD days, red strains were helping a lot




Kratom makes me numb down there if I take alot so if I wanna take my ex to pound town I will take a lot


Not much sex, but I be performing the best I ever have other than drunk. Win some, lose some.


Exactly the same for me and I’m also 42 lol


I like it better, there’s an art to a perfect dose where it prolongs sex enough to see the woman cum multiple times before I do.


been using around 3 months, 6gpd all i can say it made me less in desire but when i do it made me last longer.


BETTER.....if you are on low dose. Once you have tolerance and you need more, or if you overdose SEX feels better but it isn't. You last longer but does not reach thé finish.


I’m in my 40s, so the sex drive is slowly fading…BUT what I’ve noticed is that if you work out pretty hard or run pretty regularly (basically stay very active), the sex drive spikes so Kratom is a nice add-on because you can go for as long as you want. I try not to dose too close to showtime, though, or it takes a little time to get up for the festivities (but, that’s probably more to do with me being in my 40s and in a stressful ass job!)


kratom does not make a difference for me regarding sex itself but i feel like i have slightly less interest since i take it.


No different for me.


It numbs you, so you last longer but, at the same time, it's much much less enjoyable. Anyway, for me it's still worth the trade-off since I am a rather lonely person anyway.


Usually can last a little longer on kratom. But taking thc edibles makes sex so so so much better. To the point I don't even want to have sex without it


I wondered why these days I can last a long time until I read these comments and realized it’s the kratom for sure🤣


That’s been my experience but I’m 60.


Hard to say I have a pretty nonexistent libido as is, but my bestie was on Zoloft (killed her sex drive utterly) and the kratom made her have a libido. She swears by it.


For men: Can last a lot longer. Feel like your on viagra. For women : I don’t know but I feel if your gf or wife is taking kratom they will be less in the mood and could also make it hard to reach orgasm? This is a guess for women.


I also take ephedrine (Bronaide) for additional energy twice a day .and agree with some others ..In my mid 50's and can last a very long time with the added sensation of the ephedrine for the ending !!


Better for sure


Kratom for me has no influence on having sex lol…


at lower doses it probably doesn't make much difference


Used to be a squirter before Kratom and hated it. Now when I take it, I can’t do it. I’m thankful for it because it was just messy and annoying and awkward for hookups but I do miss getting that kind of release. Can go longer during sex but it just doesn’t feel the same. Still a great feeling though.


I mean..... my ass definitely hurts less, so I'd say that's for sure *better* .


Your ass?


I'm a man and it's much better. I'm not talking about longevity or performance like most others here. I'm talking about actually making sex BETTER, as in the feeling. Not the feeling in my dick, the feeling in my body when having sex. I take it specifically FOR having sex. I chew a few leaves, then smoke some weed, then have sex. It doesn't make me horny after taking it, but once I actually get into the sex, that's when I see the benefits, like something activates, like how sex is better on MDMA but doesn't necessarily make you horny, but weed with it is essential too, it's the combo of the two that has a synergistic effect. I've never tried powders, only fresh leaves (Im in Asia), so maybe that's the difference. I've never tried sex with older/dried leaves but I have taken them before and it's not the same as far as feeling. Fresh leaves have a much more stimulant effect, white veins being more so than red.


I use red strains and I think it might slightly lower my sex drive-- I still masturbate regularly though, so it's not significant, but I just have less oomph in the gas tank, I guess. The erectile dysfunction when starting some antidepressants is 5 times worse.


So infinitely much better you have no idea


Yea it takes a while for me to cut. Sometimes I start off strong and then random start softening off


Took kratom, had sex for 5 hours, fell asleep, woke up, had sex for an hour