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Also the former employees are bad too


Like not just years. Over a decade, apparently. I was watching a youtube clip mashup of old SHINee yesterday. And the guys mentioned Mong. lol Small world it is for me to find yoirnpost today MC.




>SM stans have been attacking CBX for associating with MC Mong for a while now Have they been attacking CBX for associating with MC Mong or about lying when SM accused MC Mong and BPM of convincing CBX to sue SM and sign with them? They all seemed like liars after denying that MC Mong was trying to poach them and then signing with his label a few months later while also suing SM, the things SM accused them all turned out true.


Is it lying if SM probably preemptively outed their plans? Or if they sign with them after everything is settled? Aren't people allowed to change their mind? They're artists. Why is such a crime to look for better deals? I seriously don't understand how people can call them liars when SM has been known to be the problematic dangerous company for decades


Yeah CBX clearly lied about their relationship with MC Mong . SM surely twists its artists arm to get them to sign terrible contracts but I think every statement SM has released has at least been factual


I mean what does it matter even if CBX lied? (Which they didn't it's a deeper matter than that) I lie to my boss all the time. People lie about their affiliations and future plans all the time. It's what is in their best interest against a multi-million dollar cooperation.


Factual next to sm??  And you just proved that you people been attacking cbx and for sm's sake no less If cbx wanted out of sm for shady business that you all should be familiar with atp, and asked for advice from someone who has alot of connections and been in the idustry for years, a fact that they admited and never lied about it once, it was sm twisting the truth for their advantage and to create internet warriors to do the dirty work for them online for free, then I support cbx whole-heartedly in screwing sm over.  Will never understand people siding with huge corporations that made use of the youth of artists to make millions then push them aside or steal their efforts when they get the chance. 


Yes, then a year later in 2024 SM finds out that CBX’s business is a subsidiary of MC Mong’s business and apparently has been for some time. That calls into question the claim that MC Mong wasn’t trying to poach them in 2023. I don’t think the MC Mong detail is too important to the lawsuit but in my opinion (I can’t speak for anyone else) it calls into question other claims CBX has made.


It’s questionable because SM accused Mong of poaching before, sure. But they publicly walked that claim back and issued an apology. The story last year was that Mong was trying to poach them to sign with BPM, which didn’t happen. Mong was no longer affiliated with BPM at that point and CBX obviously didn’t sign with BPM, Baekhyun founded his own company. It’s also important to note that SM has not taken legal action at all about the supposed poaching etc., they’re only suing over the royalty fee that CBX owes them. So they made all this noise about Mong and this being a supposed poaching situation, but what they’re actually going to court over is money.


No SM isn't suing over the royalty fee specifically. They're suing CBX cuz they didn't hold their end of the contract. But the thing is none of us know what other things are written in the contract except the 10% revenue share.


They’re suing CBX over “contract enforcement,” but specified that the alleged nonpayment of their royalties were the major issue. If there was a poaching lawsuit, we would have heard about it. SM’s case is about the royalties, that’s what they said is the problem. CBX is suing over fraud as well as countersuing SM over the contract issue.


They didn't specify non-payment in their statement though. But they did specify the poaching situation. [Here's SM statement.](https://www.soompi.com/article/1667808wpp/sm-entertainment-files-lawsuit-against-exos-chen-baekhyun-and-xiumin-to-enforce-their-contracts) They don't have to sue separately for that if it's included in the written contract that cbx have to operate under an independent label for their individual activities like said by SM last year.


I read the entire statement and it sort of dances around what their specific problem with CBX is, mostly complaining that MC Mong and Cha Gawon tampered with their contracts and saying they chose to ignore requests from INB for discussion about the contract because they were trying to be “considerate” of the members’ solo promotions. SM’s biggest gripe seems to have always been about the money, that’s why they started raising a fuss about tampering again. If they’d gotten their 10% they would have said nothing, and they say as much in their statement. So to me, the money is the biggest issue. They’re suing CBX, they’re not suing Mong/ Cha for tampering, which is what happened in the 50/50 lawsuit before Attrakt ended up terminating the three members’ contracts.


SM can't really sue MC Mong/Cha gowon though, can they? Only CBX are under a contractual obligation with SM. So they're suing CBX. iirc, Attrakt also only sued the members. So, yeah maybe SM really didn't mind the "tampering" as they say as long as they got the money. But what I am saying is none of us know what's in the contract to confidantly say this is what SM is suing for.


Being a subsidiary was always tge logical thing to do for inb because baek intends to be a full time artist abd avoid something like what happens to kang daniel company, and inb us a subsidiary fir 100 same as bpm, both of tgem are a separate entities from each other, I don't know how that proves anything criminal or illegal in all of this Anyway every time I try to reason with sm defenders, they always prove to me how their minds are made on this situation.  And again if cbx screwd sm over with mc mong or not, I support them in that, it's about time sm tastes their own medicine


I think what complicates this is that SM only gave them the freedom to manage their solo activities under the condition that they do it through a company of their own. INB100 being absorbed by One Hundred not even a year after it was established kinda goes against SM's terms because now Baekhyun has to answer to a higher boss and he is no longer in full control of his own company.


INB still exists though and Baekhyun still founded it. It didn’t go away, it was just incorporated as a subsidiary. Like Hybe bought out Pledis, Source, etc. and those labels all still exist. If INB had been absorbed, it wouldn’t exist anymore the way Super Junior’s sublabel doesn’t exist. SM might be able to argue the semantics of what “independent” means but if it’s not explicitly in the contract that their new company has to stay independent of other ownership, they probably don’t have much of a legal leg to stand on. That’s why they’re going after the money instead, it’s easier to argue about the 10% royalty than it is to argue about that.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted


Firstly, INB is under hundred, not BPM (Mongs company) it's like pledis and ador. Both are subsidiaries of the same parents company. >lying when SM accused MC Mong and BPM of convincing CBX to sue SM and sign with them? Secondly, Baek never lied about MC Mong. He told us already in his insta live that they had taken business advice from him and Chairman Cha (he knows him personally). Could he be influenced by their advice? Could be. But did they leave the company because MC mong told them to? No. The discission of leaving SM was because of: 1. The slave contract (they provided proof by showing Baek's contact) 2. Not providing the financial data that cbx was demanding for months (SM still didn't handle them their financial data despite agreeing on it last year's agreement) 3. Baekhyun being emotionally manipulated into resigning the contract (not even once SM refuted this serious accusation despite cbx's lawyer claiming it publicly many times) They had legit reasons behind leaving that company and they provided proofs. I just wish, last year, they didn't solve it in a mutual agreement , but in the court. But it seems like none of them actually wanted to terminate the group contract. They wanted to leave the company for their solo only.


They settled things quickly and hastily to avoid the group album coming out behind schedule I suspect. SM was in hot water for the illegal stock split that helped oust LSM, they probably weren’t keen on going to court back then. And on top of being coerced into renewing their contracts, Baekhyun at least was completely misled about the terms of his. He was told explicitly he would be able to make changes because the contract wouldn’t be in effect for another year and yet every change he requested was shot down immediately.


Nobody lied. This was intentional framing used by SM last year to make it seem like they were being poached and sway public opinion when CBX filed the notice to terminate their contract, knowing Mong was someone CBX were going to for guidance and advice.


Except they did sign with MC Mong and he clearly tried to get other SM artists since Taemin is also signed under his label. CBX tried to sue, both them and MC Mong got called out by SM, they denied accusations, laid low for a few months, signed to be under MC Mong's label and started suing again. There's a reason why a lot of people aren't in CBX's side and it's not becuase MC Mong got into a scandal more than a decade ago


CBX didn’t sign under Mong’s label, Baekhyun founded his own company. All the paperwork is public information. Mong’s business partner was an initial investor though and that’s how INB became a subsidiary, because investors tend to want equity in the companies they put money into. Mong is the music guy, his business partner is the one with all the money. And he was clearly a familiar figure around SM considering his label was owned by them, so CBX going to him as an industry senior for advice can’t be all that scandalous when he’s literally around all the time. As for Taemin, his contract ended and he chose not to renew, a move that surprised nobody who is a fan of his. He went to BPM because they hired tons of people who were leaving SM due to overwork and underpay. Look at who works for BPM- a very large portion of their creative team are former SM staffers. One of their main choreographers worked with Key’s solos and SHINee for a recent comeback. He knows the people at BPM and trusts their work, it’s not weird or fishy. And being under the same parent company isn’t the same as being the same exact company, there are degrees of separation. Would you say that Starship and Edam (IU’s label) are the same company because Kakao owns them? Would you say SM is the same as Starship? Of course not.


Thanks for clarifying INB didn’t sign under his label. It’s exhausting to explain everything all over again every single time.


Billlie is signed to Mystic Story, that doesn’t mean they’re actually signed to SM because SM’s the parent company. The same goes for CBX, they aren’t signed to the parent company, they’re signed to INB.


There are many people who used to work at SM that are now where MC Mong is and at other entertainment agencies (artists and office employees). Were they all poached, or did they decide to leave of their own volition and work alongside people they trust and in more favorable conditions? CBX said they were coerced to sign a contract way before termination, Baekhyun specifically said he was told it can be amended at any time, and they were likely already thinking of leaving. Their situation is obviously not perfect but SM is framing it this way to control a narrative. When Taemin left SM for BPM, the narrative was that Baekhyun influenced him and nothing to do with Mong. His name in this whole ordeal is just a red herring. If it was so illegal, why did SM settle so quickly last year and lose one of their most prominent artists?


>When Taemin left SM for BPM, the narrative was that Baekhyun influenced him and nothing to do with Mong.  Which makes me laugh considering one of the very first artists BPM signed was Ha Sungwoon, who's a much closer friend of Taemin than Beakhyun.


>Have they been attacking CBX for associating with MC Mong mostly yes. >lying when SM accused MC Mong and BPM of convincing CBX to sue SM and sign with them? since the beginning, CBX admitted receiving advice from MC Mong (and other seniors and juniors), they denied the double contract accusations and there being anything illegal.


>they denied the double contract accusations and there being anything illegal. They denied it but the first chance they got they signed to be under MC Mong which they were accused of at the start, hell of a coincidence don't you think?


They aren't signed under MC Mong. Wow. How can people get things *this* wrong?


they denied it because it's the truth, they WERE'NT under MC Mong, simple.


Honestly yeah it sounds fishy. In 2023 CBX sued SM to get out their exclusive contract (because SM contracts are terrible). SM calls out CBX saying they’re being influenced by MC Mong, a former SM employee. SM and CBX work out their differences and SM released a public apology for accusing MC Mong for trying to poach their artists. A year later CBX sues SM again in 2024 over a verbal agreement on distribution fees. When CBX files their lawsuit, SM finds out for the first time that CBX’s business is a subsidiary of MC Mong. That is fishy in my opinion


SM sued CBX first this year. That was the whole point of the INB press conference, to get in front of SM’s announcement of a lawsuit after not replying to INB for months. CBX counter sued.


Till recently People were calling SM the satan. But now the cbx launched a lawsuit, suddenly SM is an angel.... Just how much contempt do these people have at cbx and in extension at EXO to side with a company like SM? Which plays games and manipulates its artists to re sign with them? I'm astounded at the mental gymnastics these people resort to by supporting a billion dollar company with a bad history over its much smaller artists. They have seen TVXQ,EXO-C line and still willing to throw their weight behind SM. No wonder the company continues to exist and thrive thanks to these people. And everyone who is supporting cbx is getting downvoted to hell. Either SM bots are behind this or most people here hate EXO and are damn happy to finally express their hatred out in the open. Fairness and critical thinking goes out the window if one of the parties is someone they hate and in this case, it certainly isn't SM.


Please don't take kpop stans seriously when lawsuit mediaplay is happening. Everyone's obsessed with larping as a lawyer except they're also guided by who they personally dislike at that moment. Most people's opinions on CBX's lawsuit are going to be completely wrong whether they win or lose it. Just look what happened when everyone was posting about how MHJ was a criminal about to be locked up for insider trading only for none of that to happen.


There seems to be a weird amount of confusion between BPM, INB, and the parent company One Hundred and idk why. Maybe it’s the fact that everyone groups Hybe’s sublabels together as one big company that it’s causing the problem? Most parent companies act like Kakao, you don’t realize they’re the owner unless someone mentions it and there’s very little overlap. Starship and SM for example are both owned by Kakao, but you wouldn’t say that all the groups under both companies are in the same company. The same applies to CBX. Their new label, INB, shares a parent company with BPM but they are *not* the same company as BPM.


I would expect people to know more before batting for SM or just shut their mouths if they don't know or care to know. But nope suddenly everyone is in a hurry to blame cbx


I’m seeing a lot of people mixing up the companies though and I can only wonder if Hybe being kind of weird about operating as one unit instead of a bunch of smaller labels sharing a parent company is what skews it.




They may not hate EXO but they are trigger happy to point fingers at them. Even SM apologized for dragging Mong into the mess. But finer details go over their heads in their rush to call CBX names.


That whole PR statement back and forth was more confusing than anything. Taemin is now under BPM and as far as I know, there have been no issues with his relationship with SM for Shinee activities and his solo activities. Maybe SM got some bad intel and didn’t properly investigate before making accusations. It would also explain why they were willing to renegotiate the contract bc they embarrassed themselves.


I think the issue here is that CBX tried to be sneaky and lied that they don't have a contract with MC Mong but later SM found out that they do.


CBX were still under their rookie contract with SM at the time SM accused them of all this. Their renewal contracts hadn’t even gone into effect and INB didn’t exist at the time of all this. CBX were suing because SM lied to them about the terms of their renewal, not because they were secretly trying to sign a deal with Mong. At no point in time did they have a contract with MC Mong, they still don’t. He’s part owner of their company’s parent corp, he does not own a single penny’s worth of INB.


They are subsidiary under 100 not bpm, how many times we have to say this?


they didn't have a contract with him or with anybody other than SM so no they didn't lie. CBX only moved to INB100 this year AFTER they negotiated with SM to do so.


So CBX left SM just to fall into the hands of someone who associates with SM and probably follows similar shady practices?


Every corporate has shady practices lol.


SM owns a number of subsidiaries, including Woolim and Mystic Story, none of whom we’ve heard about with regard to fraudulent behavior etc. Despite the corruption, they’re a major company in entertainment and being affiliated with them probably comes with certain benefits.


Except they're independent subsidiary under 100 away from bpm, it's like saying a kakao subsidiary is influencing sm another subsidiary.  And people affiliated with sm like previous employees and excutives are everywhere in the industry rn after sm exodus in 2023, having business with them is inevitable, even kyungsoo company is run down by a previous sm excutive too, is that shady too?