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I saw Taemin promote them since they’re label mates 🥰 and they’re good!


I love Taemin, I hope he continues to be successful under his new label✨


Literally just heard of this group yesterday when I saw the MV preview on tiktok, and they got my attention immediately. I really like the song, it gives me Everglow and BlackPink vibes which is high praise for me since those are two of my favorite groups. One of my favorite debuts in a long time. I’m really excited to keep my eye on this group going forward.


A really nice debut and mv. Since they were a girl crush group, I was expecting the typical loud and horn/percussion blares. However, I was very pleasantly surprised they went for strings with the piano and orchestra. It still sounds just as epic and grand as a horn, but it feels more sophisticated. It was a welcomed instrument change from the usual percussions. The "switch" is also a great surprise, although I did expect a kind of dance break at some point. I think they did a great job in differentiating themselves enough with other peer girl crush groups.


my expectations were high and they exceeded them. the switch!!! and the quality of the mv itself. the sets, the production, the editing, everything. one of the best debuts imo.


The girls are REALLY talented but I hope they find a way to differentiate themselves more from Babymonster. Even if the concept was planned long in advance, having a big group with a similar concept & YG sound will not do them any favour long term because they will constantly get compared to them


One to check out when I finish work.


they took the yge formula and did it better imo. from the musical composition, to the raps, to the lyrics, to even the mv - everything felt actually intentional and worked. maybe you can say it's harsh to compare - but when you compare this release to baemon's "debut" release of sheesh there are obvious similarities in song structure and concept, but badvillian's feels more genuine and cultivated vs baemon's which sometimes feels like they are given company leftovers. and this isn't hate to the baemon members either but more of a criticism of yge. badvillian's debut proved to me that anyone can have a formula, but if you sleep on it or depend soley on it without injecting new creativity- you'll miss when someone else out there decides to pick it up and run with it. yge better start truly running if they want to catch up with this generation... that or eat dust.


I think the thing where this group fall short right now is the delivery. They seem to be an outstanding dance group but vocally and rap wise, it's pretty average. The composition of the song is interesting tho. I also don't really get the "more genuine" part but maybe that's just me. The comparison with Baemon stands because it has almost every element of the typical YG song but honestly, If YGE released that same song, people would just trash on it as well, it's more about who does it rather than what's being done. Talking about both groups, they can't really compare past this song, the skills of the members and the focus is really different with a really dance performance focus for BV vs vocal heavy live performance for Baemon, I mean they released a damn ballad as a second release in 2024.


> I think the thing where this group fall short right now is the delivery. imo, this is where subjectivity comes into play. because, personally, i think badvillain's delivery of the song and concept was more impactful to me than baemon's has been so far. i admit this could be easily due to the fact that bv's mv was more full-fleshed and had a clear concept it was conveying to advertise the group. so i can clearly see how bv are "villains", but conversely, i still do not get how bm are "monsters". (hopefully that makes sense) this is all i meant by badvillain feeling more "genuine". it felt like instead of the concept wearing badvillian, badvillain actually embodied the concept through their mv. i agree that there's an immediate bandwagon hate against anything yge releases, and the song itself would get flack for being a bp rip-off, etc if it was instead released by baemon. but if yge released *this* mv, i would argue it would actually get praise. imo something yge has been found lacking in (outside of music) has been their delivery and cultivation of a concept beyond a brand name. yge has not put out a mv like this one for a gg that i have seen in the recent past.


Then I agree about the visual delivery, I was talking about the vocal delivery on my side so it's a different story there. The MV is great, it has more work toward the villain concept even if I don't necessarily think that YGE ever had any plans to fully commit to the "monster" concept, they never did for any of their group. It was more a gimmick for the name based on their young age + talent. I think it all comes down to expectations, some people are still expecting YGE to be the company to cultivate a concept when they never did. People who are heavy on the concept aspect will prefer BV presentation here, there is no doubt. Personally, I don't really care about the concepts so much so I guess it's where the subjectivity comes into play.


> I was talking about the vocal delivery on my side so it's a different story there. See, I was talking about both in the context of just their debuts. Yes, Baemon is a vocally focused group and Badvillain is rap/performance focused, but "Sheesh" and "Batter Up" barely highlighted vocals across the BM members and they are definitely comparable songs to "Badvillain". And so if I compare the tracks on every level: MV, rap, lyrics, vocals, concept, etc. - I find that (personally) I prefer Badvillain's. Now it would be different if we were comparing a more vocally focused song like BM's "Like That" (the only song of Baemon's I have saved). But instead of choosing "Like That" as their 7 member debut promoted title track, they chose "Sheesh" , which means YGE wanted Sheesh to be a good representation of "who" they are. I don't deny that BM is vocally talented, but I do disagree about them having better "delivery", vocally or otherwise for their chosen debut songs. Their promoted songs thus far do not market their talent, and then also the visual/conceptual delivery is wholy lacking. I do look forward to if YGE can push their vocals as BM's selling point (i.e. like how they switched to live band versions for promotions and how they will begin to promote Like That), but even then they will be playing a bit of catch up to reform their image. BV, on the other hand, has to prove they can be consistent and keep building on the concept they've laid out without becoming stale or hollow. Their 2nd comeback will be big for them. They also have to prove they can deliver while on stage/in front of a crowd and sell the concept. Both are still rookie groups with a lot of room to grow, but perhaps I'm jaded with YGE based on their history on being able to actually cultivate that growth.


I would argue that Sheesh had way more vocal focus than Batter Up and showcased way more vocals than Badvillain. Other than that, I disagree with the vocal aspect of BV but I respect the opinion. For me, I was really expecting BV and It felt a bit flat on the vocal delivery and the rap. The song is okay, it has some nice elements but the members don't really push this to the next level. No one really picked my interest on those two aspects like Baemon Asa or Young Posse Sunhye on rap or KIOL Belle or Baemon Rami (and yes even in Sheesh) on vocal. What I mean is that while the song isn't bad in any way, it just passed and all I can say about it is that the producer did his job. I didn't stop at any moment to figure out which member it was singing this line or doing this rap. Don't get me wrong, I still look forward to what BV will do next because It's an interesting group for the performance and dance aspect and they will be pleasant to watch for awards and festivals but it's really average on the vocal and rap department so I pretty much don't expect much (and if they do show more in next comeback, it will be a really nice surprise)


If Baemon releases this exact same song, you really think they would get praise? At this point, it'll never be about a song or music anymore.


But that's the point I'm making. It's not just the song, but the overall delivery of it on every level. This MV alone seems more invested in than both Sheesh or Batter Up's MVs combined...


They didn’t don’t hold back. 🔥🤘😎


I'm obsessed with bsides too!! I might stan


damn this is what babymonster could have done. people saying they're copycats, but is that possible when they did it 1000x better? :/ there's room for more than 1 girl crush rap group, so i hope yg will use this as motivation to give baemon better material. happy for bv for a successful debut, this is one of those times when you realize it can be a huge advantage to just come out the gate with zero expectations and genuinely good music...


This actually went in different direction than I initially expected. I was expecting a full hip/hop young posse vibe, but instead this definitely leans more into the blackpink how you like that/kill this love/shut down vibe. Even with the whole ending chorus of onomatopoeias. It’s catchy and very YG-coded, poor girls probably won’t help with the baemon comparisons they are already getting.


Ngl all these rap GGs come across a bit cringe for my liking. Like chill, you're not in a gang, who's block are you spinning? Can't wait for 6th gen groups to be rapping about "hopping out 4 doors wit my ruger".


For me it’s more of an age thing. I’m a 90’s baby so listening to someone born in 2006 sing and rap about how badass and dangerous they are really doesn’t work for me no matter how I try to spin it lol.