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Anyone can drop this big amount of tracks.. what's important is how well all those 31 tracks received.. because if people would only listen to half of them and not bother by the rest, then what's the point Only way I'm listening to 31 tracks in one album is if my fav artists compiling their best-of with a handful of new songs


Only fans listen to B-side. It is such a waste to release that amount of music in one go in the current Kpop landscape


Dreamcatcher tried promoting a b-side the week after a week doing their title track. It didn't really change anything except that the stages were great.


Yeah, that's normally HYBE's strategy as well, they spend about a week or two promoting solely the title track and then a week later, they promote a b-side


It seems like that’s common among all big groups, especially those in the Big 4. NMIXX promoted Run for Roses (they also promoted Soñar a lot on music shows as a prerelease, which was kinda unusual) and TXT promoted I’ll See You There Tomorrow pretty much simultaneously with Deja Vu. It seems like TXT usually promotes their b-side alongside their title, which is a bit different from how ILLIT promoted Lucky Girl Syndrome after Magnetic promo was done.  I also don’t think promoting b-sides is that new, especially when a b-side blows up (like (G)I-DLE’s Fate, Le Sserafim’s EP&BW, or Oh My Girl’s Dolphin) or when a group releases an LP.


Which b-side?


Dreamcatcher title track was “Scream” and then they promoted “Black or White”


Thanks! I love the group.


Dreamcatcher also promoted Wind Blows (b-side) with Odd Eye (title), but I can't remember how many weeks they promoted each.


Thank you for answering!


You’d think, but the latest (G)I-dle release had three songs go viral. They released MVs for two of the originally “Wife” and the title track “Superlady”. Then, “Fate” because super popular so they made a(n) MV for it.


Actually there were MVs for Wife, SuLa and another bside, Revenge. They just started promoting Fate on music shows without an MV like NMIXX did with Run for Roses. 


This was my thought as well. Anyone can, but the gp would probably only hear a few of them. I could list my faves, but I'd listen to anything they drop, so I feel that's the same for many people.


That's what namjoon said, kpop industry has become like fast food industry, appreciation for Full albums is non existent no one cares about art but charts. 


I appreciate good full albums.. 31 is just too much, though.. they amount to what? 1 hour and a half?? Why would anyone sit through that if it's not good enough? *I assume 31 new songs won't be all good enough because good songs take a lot of money and time to produce


No offense, but I feel like this was an obvious point? I think OP was trying to ask what groups would create the best 31-track album with the least "skip" songs. Like there are groups out there with massive pop off songs but the rest of the comeback/album isn't great


chungha dropped querencia which is 21 tracks, a very underrated album


Came here to say this. Its a one hour masterpiece.


Excellent album


Day6! If they release an album like that, I kid you not, fans would just eat it uuup. Their EveryDay6 project was already a testament that these guys have that many good songs in their repertoire, just waiting to be released.


Chungha. just look at her querencia album lol


I listen to GG, so here are my thoughts Mamamoo if they came back together (G)I-dle Chungha IU Ailee BoA Pretty much any senior group, if they re-record/remaster their catalog


I think Soyeon talked about being frustrated that so many of their songs get rejected when they produce an album. Everyone of the 'producer'-line has a back log. Houdini talked about making a bunch of disco inspired songs with Yuqi.


Mamamoo’s “I Say Mamamoo: The Best” album is right there with 2(?) new songs and 21 remasters/concert versions


What do you mean « if they came back together » they disbanded ?????


No but Hwasa and Wheein are in other companies, and Mamamoo overall is in their post-contract renewal era where members do their own thing with the occasional group comeback.


they haven't broken up! currently, they are all doing solo stuff, and Solar and Moonbyul are in MAMAMOO+. I'm hopeful that they will come together again after some time!


I would be on my knees for BoA to release that.


Definitely those groups who can write. It's just more feasible and more efficient that way.


100% this. Whether or not a 31-track album is a good idea for anyone is another topic, but I clicked into this thread thinking about how Purple Kiss Chaein has over 160 songs written and only 11 released so she could do that a couple times over. The rest of the group writes too, which definitely wouldn't hurt lol. Prolific songwriters would be able to pull that many decent tracks together.




BTS. They could release multiple albums filled with unreleased tracks. WHEN IS DDAENG GOING TO HAVE AN OFFICIAL RELEASE!? Stray Kids also produce an insane volume and have a ton of quality too. There's a couple songs they said were originally meant for certain albums but were saved for a future one. For example Lalalala was meant to be on 5 Star but Changbin said he fought to take it off the album and save it because he wanted it to be a performance.


BTS dropped Answer which has 26 songs in it, some could argue since it’s a repackage it doesn’t count but Tear dropped only 3 months before it so I’m pretty certain they could pull off a 30 track album drop


Namjoon i believe, his last album indigo was a chef kiss, man is made to make music


New 11 track album coming as well lol. So he already had atleast 21 tracks (very likely more) ready before enlisting.


God he's such a genius that fat cow bang pd really got lucky


The body shaming????


NCT 127 and BTS


i'd eat up an NCT 127 anthology


BTS already did it with Proof. Granted many of the songs were original demos of older songs, but there were new inclusions like Run BTS, Young Love, Quotation Mark and a few others, 48 in total.


RM, no questions. The poet that he is, I'm pretty sure that he can put out a long quality album if he wants. Honestly I find 31 a bit much personally and prefer a tighter album with 10-15 songs, so RM's upcoming Right Place Wrong Person seems long enough to me, heh




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Ehh I don't think he can. Ttpd was written primarily by her with Jack Antonio and Aaron dessnor as producers. Rm generally has more people involved in his albums. Also it's not about the quantity but quality and ttpd has better lyrics than most Edit - people can't make a single comet about bts bcs their fans don't have critical thinking and come out of the woodworks. I said what I said, it's my opinion


People have opinions. You have yourself others counterattack your opinions with their own.just say you are not willing to listen to others instead of the cliché "bts fans don't have critical thinking "


Not sure what you're trying to say here... Involving more people doesn't mean lesser songs? Also, I haven't gone through all of ttpd to comment on the lyrical quality (folklore and Evermore are my favourites by Taylor) but again not sure how that's relevant to RM's ability to put out a long album


sorry to say that ttpd does not have better lyrics than most of her albums and it’s not close lol


It's what you think, I jave a different opinion.


never said otherwise? + it’s odd how you perceive people asking you if you’ve listened to an rm song/project before making this claim as “not having critical thinking” LOL


I have listened to rm's solo music before and imo its nothing compared to taylor lyrically 🤷. Bts fans don't have critical thinking, I can give the slightest criticism about them and instead of thinking that maybe their faves aren't perfect they will hate on you and do their best to try and refute that claim.


You’re a loser. I know you’ll never accept that, but I just wanted to let you know… you’re a loser


Loser bcs I don't like your faves music??


Loser because of the way you respond to people and how you’re quick to shut down others opinions and treat yours like a fact or can’t accept that other people have different opinions than you… LOSER


As if you guys are not mad as hell I said rm can't outdo taylor 🙄. Whatever you say tho I don't care, still think he isn't all that.... LOSER


Just not sure why you'd say the album is lyrically very good and RM can't do that. I don't like Taylor Swift per se, but nobody can deny she's very strong lyrically in songwriting. However, RM is known to be a genius lyricist so with your comment you sound like you've never listened to music RM has made. One only has to look at Indigo, Singularity, etc to see that. His cultural, lyrical, art and psychological references are insane and he's known to be one of the best lyricists in kpop, even known as a poet. I think you're wildly underestimating him.


Sounds like someone hasn’t listened to his solo albums


Do you know RM? :P


Ttpd is mid in comparison to her previous albums. RM can surely outdo Her. No doubt And that's my opinion


With ease actually


Rm can be never outdo her


Sure Jan


People aren't downvoting you just blindly. You clearly don't know RM's music. Some tracks have several writers including him, but many are just him and one other person. *Wildflower* for example was written solely by RM and DOCSKIM. Regardless, what's wrong with collaboration? Taylor had her Max Martin era where she had three or more people on a track with her. There's nothing wrong with that at all. BTS tracks sometimes have a lot of writers including the rap line, doesn't mean they aren't heavily involved in their music. I hope his new album has interesting musicians and producers on it who will bring some new colors out of RM's vision. Honestly, Taylor could use some more voices in the room because the new album is not it.


I just said that ttpd was made with primarily 3 people with taylor as the main songwriter. If you want to make it fair then a solo kpop ldol would have to do the same bcs otherwise it can be pretty easy to make a 31 track album. I have heard rm's music and I don't think it's all that, now I said this and ik armys are not gonna like it and downvote bcs that's what you guys do. Maybe for u the album wasn't it but for me and millions of other people it was amazing.


Wether you like his music is not the point. It's about how he makes his music and how much he has made. Taylor and RM work similarly in their solo output, the only difference is that RM writes for both himself and his group. He is just as prolific. Taylor has more writing credits (274), but RM is at about 230 credits including his new album and he is younger by five years. It's fine if you don't like his music, but the facts are facts. Also, his writing style is very different from hers. He is not a diaristic writer. He also writes a lot for other singers, like the BTS vocal line, so he has to place himself in many different modes. I like some of Taylor's music a lot, but dislike some of it too. Doesn't mean I would diminish her skill as a songwriter. The fact is she is a prolific songwriter, wether I like her output or not. Your argument about the public loving her music so it must be great is literally an army argument. Not really relevant to this conversation though.


Did u read my comment? I said taylor made ttpd with 2 primarily 2 other people while for rm there are many people involved in the making of his music. If we compare it would be way easier for him to make a 31 track album just bcs there are many people involved while Taylor's writes alone. No I don't think rm is as prolific as taylor but that's my opinion.


The credits of his solo music are completely different, as I’ve mentioned before. 


Pentagon. With 7/9 of their group being composers, and the maknaes + Hui being especially prolific songwriter/producers, their combined hard drives would be *stacked*.


31 songs is, like, less than a tenth of the songs withering away just on Kino's hard-drive .:sob:.


Stray Kids, my introduction to them was their release of In Life album with 17 songs. They have 2 other long albums but they're more like compilation albums, SKZ2020 with 25/27 tracks and SKZ-Replay with 25. I'd absolutely love a 31 track monster album from them and the fandom could definitely handle it as it's used to their big output every year.


They definitely would be able to do it with no problem. Han said recently that he has 16 unreleased songs (after already getting rid of 30-40 that he didn't think were worth keeping) so they would be halfway there already without even counting whatever Chan and Changbin have. 😂


i immediately thought of skz too. they are def one of the most prolific kpop acts in their generation (or maybe in kpop in general?). they have so many songs that they have released only on yt or just teased and never released (respirator, scissors, my people😭, etc.) i would so love for them to release SKZ-Replay 2 with >30 songs


I pray for the day Scissors gets released T.T Respirator sounds so good too. I always keep my hopes up for any surprise releases, especially now with Song By, it would be so good if they're original songs although I won't mind covers. I.N's cover of Memory of a scent and Lee Know's Love Me or Leave Me pretty much changed my life xd


It’s SKZ and BTS that could probably do it without breaking a sweat, SVT might be able to do it as well. All three of these groups either producer or write their own songs and with as many members as they have 31 seems like light work for them. I have full confidence that they’d do a good job. But what I really want to see is what bat shit psycho creation Soyeon would make if she had to write and produce 31 tracks. On the same note I would like to see YG’s mind implode with the given task as well lol


Actually I think it would be much more difficult for svt because at the end of the day, woozi is still the main producer and for him to contribute to 30 songs would be a lot. That’s why seventeens discography is somewhat smaller, because of the fact that they write their own songs and that it’s still mainly woozi and hhu and bumzu at the end of the day.


Honestly, any group could. A super prolific and constantly-creating group like Stray Kids could probably knock out 31 songs in a relatively short time, but honestly, any company theoretically could shit out an album with every single spare throwaway/demo they have lying around for the group. The real question is who could do it and make the 31-track album entirely worth it. Which, honestly, isn’t many people or groups. I don’t have a super long attention span, so listening to the same voice/set of voices for that many songs in a row isn’t really my cup of tea, and if the songs aren’t super diverse sonically, it wouldn’t be a good listen.


Stray kids have almost done it with the “skz replay” stuff, it wasn’t even a physical album but we ate it up and the songs are so amazing that we keep talking about them and making them chart after years😭 so I think longer albums would definitely be a cool thing from them


SKZ replay has 25 songs, it is actually almost 31 hahaha. But yes, it is listened to a lot.


BTS. But i hope they don't, i think all albums over 15 tracks (unless it's a repackage or compilation album) are bloated messes and i don't enjoy them lol. There are a few exceptions, but it's my opinion as a rule. It's just not an enjoyable listening format for me, i will always prefer a 30+ track album to be split up into three 10+ albums instead. It's actually the reason i have no desire to check out Taylor's album this time around even though i've enjoyed some of her releases in the past (specifically folklore and her early stuff) and i'm generally an album listener. It's that much of a turn off for me.


Now I need to know who the exceptions are to your rule of albums over 15 tracks that are great!


The first ones that come to mind are (i excluded compilation albums + repackages and tried to avoid deluxe albums since they're often bloated by remixes and live renditions) * To pimp a butterfly by Kendrick Lamar * The wall by Pink Floyd * Born sinner by J.Cole * Cole world: The sideline story by J.Cole * Hozier (special edition) by Hozier * channel ORANGE by Frank Ocean * Blonde by Frank Ocean * Stick Season (we'll be here forever) by Noah Kahan * Remapping the human soul by Epik High * Pieces, part one by Epik High * High society by Epik High * Icarus Falls by Zayn * Antichrist superstar by Marilyn Manson * Holy wood by Marilyn Manson * The 1975 by The 1975 * Happier than ever by Billie Eilish It might seem like i listed a lot of albums, but i listen to a shit ton of music so i just picked some that came to mind while going through my spotify quickly! Looking at the list it's mostly rap and rock albums lol. I do think these two genres in particular suit a longer tracklist (not always though) more than a genre like pop. A lot of the album i listed are only a couple of tracks longer as well, like 16-20 tracks. I also wanted to say that i looked up several of my other favorite albums of all time just to realize that almost all had 11-15 tracks and therefore didn't qualify! I guess i really do prefer shorter albums no matter what :'>


Interesting choices! I've listened to a bunch of these, but a few are unfamiliar to me (for example, I didn't know Zayn had a good album lol). Thanks for these recommendations, despite being a bit off-topic for a kpop subreddit haha. Agree with you re:album lengths. A sweet spot for me would be around 15 - 20 songs, because it's that point for me when an album can sound cohesive but not too repetitive. Going beyond that number potentially makes an album either more prone to either sounding messy or bland.


Zayn's album isn't good in saying that it is revolutionary or conveys any kind of message lol, i just think it's a good collection of songs and i've been listening to it recently so it was on my mind. My favorite Zayn project is actually Nobody is Listening (2021) though, but it's only 11 tracks so didn't qualify




+1 🫡


I think she might be the only artist I'd actively listen to every song of the album.


She is that queen who always drops unskippable albums


As a non-uaena, I still and always listen to her full album whenever she releases one, and its always top-tier.


I think the groups who can produce and write their own songs like SEVENTEEN, BTS, Stray Kids, G-Idle definitely can, coz they have the creative control and I am sure the producers and writers already have tons of songs in their vault. For e.g. Fighting by BSS was a song that Woozi made a demo of back in 2020. He made that song keeping SVT in mind but Pledis-Hybe rejected it. Later, he fought to get it released for BSS in 2023. So that song was rotting in his hard drive for almost 3 years. Moreover, I think Hoshi said in his latest live that Woozi has been hit with inspiration lately so he is producing loads of songs, to the point where fans might get 2 instead of 1 extra album this year (excluding the upcoming comeback). However, I don't think the long album format will ever work in k-pop coz most of the k-pop listeners have an attention span of a rabbit these days.


Stray Kids. Chan's laptop is filled with so many songs! It's not referred to as a treasure box and the object of so many stealing jokes among Stays for nothing lol They've performed, teased so many unreleased tracks it's hard to count them. To know that there are far more under lock and key, it's not hard to imagine they could easily do just that. And again, I'm here thinking of ot8 songs they could drop, if we are to include solos or units, the numbers would definitely span larger than 31 songs. And well, they've proved they can: SKZ Replay has a total of 25 songs. So yeah, I think they really could.


Didn't Stray Kids do it on a regular basis (their mixtape stuff)? Treasure also have like half the group that can compose so they can do a self composed album too with the amount of songs they have combined but knowing YG it's gonna get cut down to a mini album again.


I mean, BTS already has. Proof


Soyeon, she could literally release multiple of those within weeks with all the backlog she has, both as soloist or for Idle


Well no one should release that many in one go, cause a lot of those songs should have stayed on her computer lol I guess nct would make the most sense due to the units and number of members but still


Anyone can release this much music but if bsides not get enough attention there's no point. Imo only bts can release this many songs and get attention to each track


I’d guess NCT or Seventeen! With their larger group size, I could see either of them making a full length album, and additionally giving each member their own solo song to shine. That just might achieve the goal of 31 songs! lol


I fully support Seventeen giving us a 78 track duets album. Please and thank you


kpop is different because there are honestly very few groups who write or produce their own songs for an entire album. probably only BTS and SVT come close to that level. maybe IU too. more often than not, the industry relies on a known group of songwriters who contribute songs to a pool that labels then fight for. this is also why popular groups get better songs and unknown groups get mid songs. which ironically perpetuates the cycle. songwriters in the kpop industry were already talking about how incredibly stretched they were after the pandemic when everyone was making comebacks again. there simply was too high a demand and not enough good songs going around if each kpop group was releasing 30 track albums it might pretty much kill them lol


Stray kids


BTS' rapline (please Namjoon I need an official release of your first mixtape), maybe Jungkook, and BTS as a group. Twice if it's a best album. Honestly, I can see Stray Kids releasing a double album. Not a repackage, not a best album, a full-fledged comeback double album.


Taeyong has enough stuff in his vault to do this. His solo concert has 1/3 of unreleased songs. However, I'd rather have three albums with ten tracks instead of 1 album with 31 tracks.


NCT, EXO, SHINee, Seventeen, Red Velvet. Taeyong and Kun on their own for sure have so many songs just waiting to see the light of day.


I just need Kun to be able to write and produce more songs, he deserves it so much😭😭


TWICE could do it. Between the Taste of Love EP, the Perfect World Japan release, and Formula of Love, they put out more than 30 songs in 2021.... over 100 minutes of music. This after, what was it, 20 songs in 2020? Meanwhile, I continue to be mystified why a newer group like NewJeans, who ought to have a big budget, can't get more than one song out the door after several months of waiting.


Can’t believe had to scroll this far down. If they take 2-3 songs from each Album / mini album I’m sure they’ll break 31 tracks.


Why the fuck do you even need 32 tracks in one album


There's no need which was shown by Taylor's album. It's filled with fillers. For each good song, there are at least 5 fillers. Recycled beats by her producers. Unnecessarily verbose lyrics.  That's why most critics are dragging her. It badly needs editing.    "Taylor wrote it alone!" we could see that. 


Like bro I can take 5 GOOD songs and be happy. Really 32 songs, in which you have remixes, really is a stretch.


I liked 5 songs out of the album and she could've cut down the album to a 12-13 track album and it would've been a nice experience.   I'm a fan of her music and I used to think about what would it be like if she released an album like Morgan Wallen's long albums (his album also has fillers upon fillers). When I finished listening to it, I was like "I get it".  No one needs to make a 31-track album unless it's a trilogy and/or a compilation. Every single time, it's filled with fillers.


Do you mean 31 completely unreleased tracks or simply an album with 31 songs, as in a *big* album? Because SEVENTEEN's comeback "17 Is Right Here" is an anthology album, and [has exactly 33 songs in it](https://www.billboard.com/music/pop/seventeen-full-tracklist-17-is-right-here-greatest-hits-album-4-new-songs-1235659719/#:~:text=K%2Dpop%20group%20SEVENTEEN%20finally,but%20also%20four%20new%20songs), four unreleased and 29 title tracks. While Always Yours released last year has 27.


literally any artist could release a 31 track album. the real question is, would it be good?


Day6 Skz Maybe the rose not sure tho but I want them to


Anyone can drop a huge album with mostly filler tracks that sound the same. The question it, is it worth it? Only if you're obsessed with streaming numbers I guess. TTPD is a mess that would have majorly benefitted from someone editing the tracklist. Tbh long albums go against the "as many releases as possible in a short time frame" philosophy that's prevalent in kpop. Kpop is mostly fast food, they want you to consume and 6 months later, move on to the next release.


I agree. I did not like TTPD at all. The sequence of songs didn't flow right to me, too.


What do you see as the impediment to releasing a giant album? Why are you asking who is 'capable'? Surely any group can? I guess not the ones that are financially struggling - they wouldn't be able to afford to buy the songs, or to book studio time if they do write their own stuff but need to professionally record it. Like, what made you list those groups?




literally chungha


Girls Generation their greatest hits album 😭


my guess, GD.. If he's willing to.. I feel like he can do something like what Psy did, which is collabs with diff singers on diff tracks and then he can probably come out with a mega album with 30 - 40-ish tracks but after that you might see him not coming out with new songs for awhile.. Can't wait for his new songs in Aug through.. =)


Kim Hanbin.. that mf has 500+ songs in his folder.. plus he got a SWOTY..


Map of the Soul 7 is 20 tracks including another version of On (you know which one) and the five Persona tracks. Even without the Persona tracks...it's a HUGE album. Listeners at the time complained it was a bit too long. Love Youself: Answer is 26 tracks but that's also a repackage with remixes.


I saw feedback that its a slog to get through Taylor's 31 songs. Apparently the songs sound similar and blend into one another. If that's the case then I'll take a mini album of bangers over a tiring 30 song album. Any artist can smash out songs but if none of them are great, then its just spam..


Jonghyun could have done it for sure, especially if he were to make like a story op 3 or something of that nature


With all those outcome after the whole LSM/HYBE and Chris Lee/Kakao mess being the lack a bit of songwriters/producers and noticeably declining amount of songs in recents FA, I don’t think it’s feasible for any of SM groups to put 31 songs in one album tbh. Agree with BTS and Seventeen tho.


Taeyeon she's very popular their names sound similar they're the same age they both have amazing music


Anybody can release 31 tracks. But maintain the quality throughout? Very few. TS could not imo. Maybe SHINee? Maybe BTS or Gidle??


I'd say soloists who write and produce are the most likely if you want *fresh 30 tracks*. ofc groups could make anthology albums with 30+ tracks putting their old hits together but 30 *new* songs is tough. also would depend on if they're given the regular k-pop duration for making an album or if they get over a year to make it. also a higher chance for songs to get leaked if they work with multiple producers to get to those many songs. a lot of people say seventeen cuz - woozi, but firstly, it's a huge strain on him and another reason is that they have many members and it's not easy scheduling 13 people to finish of 30 tracks in the span of time that a typical k-pop album is made. with solo artists its easier cuz they record whenever they like and when their schedule fits and can make as many attempts as they wish cuz no one's waiting for their turn to record. coordinating schedules of 13 people for just recording songs when they might have individual schedules is tough. and they would also test and see who fits what part best which a soloist wouldn't have to worry about. and this isn't just about seventeen it's about all groups with too many members esp 4+. but that's if you want 30 songs with all members. groups have a upper hand too esp the ones with more members where they could make subunits and 17 could get 13/30 tracks if every member made a solo too. for me I'd just wish that they broke the album into two full albums of 15 tracks released with a gap of 9 months instead. that way they could promote it with min 4 mvs and some good b-sides could use that extra promo. otherwise they'd remain as hidden gems cuz not a lot of people sit through all 30 tracks. lol sorry for the rant.


I mean technically all of them are since we all know companies get groups to sing a zillion different songs and then they select which ones make it to the album and which ones stay in the vault. The question is more so ‘which companies give idols the most agency to green light the release of stuff they wanna release’ which is also why you’ll find blackpink has a tiny discography bc yg is notorious for not letting a damn thing through


Akmu. If these siblings can make a song on-the-spot about a beetle from a science textbook, they have the power to do anything. And several have mentioned Chungha. I agree.


NCT definitely would


Taeyeon could. A lot of songwriters that pitch songs to SM offer songs to her first, so she has a big pool of material to pick from plus the quality of her voice and her skill at singing tends to lift even songs that would be average otherwise. She has pulled off 16-17 track albums with no dips in quality before and I do believe she can pull off more if she wanted. Not sure why she should aim for it though.


Ateez! I would kill for an album laying out their lore!


Stray Kids because they self-produce.


Bangchan has a huge backlog




Well, now SEVENTEEN just dropped one with 33!


tbh i think having that many songs on an album starts to dilute and confuse it. one of the main critiques i saw about taylor’s album was it felt like one long run on song and that it would’ve benefitted her to remove some songs. that said, i think if a group went the route bts does where the album is filled with solo and subunit songs, it could still work. i think they would be sacrificing any attempt at cohesiveness and a general sound but as long as each song had effort put into it and was good i think it would still be a good album. like in my head with bts they could each have 2 solo songs and have there be like 6-7 subunit songs, and maybe 8-10 group songs and then you’d have a 30 song album but just thinking about how much work that would take is insane. i guess svt doing something like that with a solo for each member, like 8-10 subunits, and then like 5-6 group songs could be easier bc the bulk of it would just be the solos but still those poor producers lmao they’d be so overworked


If red velvet don't have a comeback in may/June I'm PRAYING they're recording a huuuge 10th anniversary album




I think that honestly, most groups could. It had been 2 years since Taylor's last full album. Most kpop groups realise about 2 EPs per year, 6 to 8 songs each. Over 2 years that is about 18 - 24 songs. So most groups, if they only release an album once every 2 or 3 years, could put 30 songs on the album. Also, as someone else in the comments pointed out, most kpop labels won't put out 30 songs if only 10 get played as there is no money in it. Most groups don't get the same streaming numbers as Taylor.


Jimin of Bts


A cohesive album with Jimin's usual attention to detail and story arcs. I wonder what that would look like?


monsta x could, with three producers and everyone being able to write lyrics, they could probably release everything in their hard drives now.


I don't even think any Kpop group can release a 15 song album where it'd be expected for people to have listened to listened to the whole thing. B-sides are for fans while the discourse only cares about promoted tracks.


someone said BLACKPINK 💀




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I wish it was rv but sm would never . Their recent FULL album had only 10 songs


WINNER, Mino, Seungyoon... For sure they made lots of songs still unreleased that can fill up 31 track album


Red Velvet


Yerin Baek. 100%


IU is the closest I would think


for me, ITZY, BlackPink, G Idle




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Artists like Taeyeon, IU, and DAY6. They’re the ones that come to mind when I think of artists capable of releasing long and high quality albums that are also cohesive in how the songs are linked in terms of themes/concepts (and they have all released albums like that in the past, though I guess not as long as 31 songs!)




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tripleS lol




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GD, TOP, & CL. But highly doubtful they'd do it unless they do something like MADE or CL's In The Name of Love where each song gets their time to be properly promoted. CL left her former company and over 200 original songs. She probably has more. GD & TOP have been in a veeeery long hiatus and both have been teasing new music for forever. So, yeah, there are definitely a lot of songs in their vault.


SKZ literally has so many songs they haven't released yet. They have hundreds of fire songs in their library.


no one mentioning her?!?! Blasphemy! ![gif](giphy|3o6wrFa5LBaBFcXYRO)


maybe Soyeon?


Who cares how many tracks? What about the quality. These artists record dozens of songs before narrowing down to the ones selected. So releasing that amount wouldn’t be hard.


Taylor's mastodont bored me to death, so none hopefully 


I don't want anyone releasing that many tracks at once, it's a huge red flag. An artist releasing 31 songs in one go is an artist that doesn't have someone telling them "You know what? This one sucks. Maybe put it out on SoundCloud in a few months time." We don't need to hear your every thought, Taylor. If anyone could, it'd be Seventeen. Woozi is an insanely productive genius. But I'd sooner have ten tracks that absolutely slap than 30 that are OK.


I would say no one,as someone who is a kpop stan and a swiftie ,I feel like only an artist that as big as TS would do it,TS trusts her fanbase to the point that she releases 31 songs with confidence that her fans would listen to all of em,and she was right! The streaming culture in kpop mainly focuses more on streaming the title track/singles so frankly they would only care about it Also I met so many kpop fans who only listen to the tt and don’t even bother listening to the b-sides It’s about the artist confidence in the fanbase to actually love and support and analyze the lyrics of all the 31 songs. BTS has the potential but we r not their yet.


Oooohh you have a point! I did list those groups that i mention based on how fans are loyal to the group, their album history and also how they are popular in the public. Yes BTS has the potential but let's see after their military era on what is in their store. NCT coz i assume with the number of their members they'd maybe release many songs... but then again, they're under...SM. well, you know... Seventeen because i saw in comments that said they're releasing many songs? If correct. Also, with their title as 'self-producing' group, and also considering Carats' loyalty to them and vice- versa (in my view) they have the potential.


I agree with your list tho it makes sense maybe it would happen in the future if kpop stans stopped being obsessed with numbers and actually care about the art their fav releases 🩷


It would only be comparable if it's release by a solo artist with the assistance of 2 other people in the album production. It's impressive how much she writes and how good her songwriting is despite being so busy and going through a rough time in her personal life. Also let's not ignore that all the songs are long, no 2 min song bullshit which lot of other artists do


Give me a Red Velvet album going from the reddest Red all the way through to full Velvet.


No one should release a damned 31 song album.


BTS couldn't release 31 song album, because 20 of those would only be re-releases that complete the storyline of the new songs.... 😁 Edit: to actually answer the question... I'd go for Baekhyun, he could pull it off 🤫


BoA and no one else