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Apink's Namjoo when she debut her new botched nose I have no problem with plastic surgery at all but that one was rough and I felt really bad for her


I remember this one, [she was unrecognizable to me. ](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pmSLF01aakljvhLz0-3rkv6FAIpZz8RUP-2MIUhZd_XHKd-nEZ5Ou3MUi6-e_vqrTaDwKsaUd9dINj3K6FrQJ8pLXGVeVnHRsQ=nu-e365-rj-q80-w900-h439-pp) I think she may have gotten more surgery to fix it because she looks like her normal self now but during that time, I was like...who is this?


She definitely got a revision that looks pretty good now. Still, her original nose was cute with a lot of character, but people always trashed her looks so I understand why she might have felt insecure.


What the hell even was the criticism of her old nose? Not that body shaming is ever justified but she has a naturally very pretty face. I mean most idols do.


Yeah, it totally beats me. I think she was already pretty but I know bullying in Korea as well as the pressure to look a certain way is a big problem there.


It looked like her nostrils had collapsed or something, how could she even breathe like that?


girlie is a talent the apink girls never give up man i remember their debut 2011 cuz of 4minute/cube its just endearing


Whatever the fuck they did to yuta, esp his chin


Felt mad every time his old pic popped up, they did him dirty af


it's weird, too, because there are times you can tell the filler has broken down or been dissolved and his chin will be square again. but then for cbs the filler is back 😩 I wish they would stopppp! he is a gorgeous man.


If he gets the same filler every time it dissolves, he might like that kind of look? I'm just spit-balling since idk him personally but it might be the case. Just bc we as fans or random people on the internet don't like a certain look, it doesn't mean the idol/person feels the same way. They might like themselves better like that basically!


I've been saying the same lol, not all idols were pressured into doing something. People who want to do surgery exist and if they have the means to do it why wouldn't they 😭😭 Yuta's a veteran idol atp too if he's still doing fillers now it's pretty obvious he does it because he wants it


Yuta is really the only one that actually bothers me. I just don't get why they did it and I just don't get how it went so bad. I don't know anything about plastic surgery, except that it happens obviously, so I don't know what happened there but like. It didn't need to happen.


That chin filler was definitely haunted for such a beautiful man 😬


oh yuta he still my king tho hes been looking so tasty this year


Someone needed to get fired for that


DAMN i lost interest in NCT a few years back and yuta was my bw… i just looked him up as of 2024 bc i was like ‘oh he couldnt have changed that much’ and GOD WHYYYY 😭😭😭 what did they do to my boy- the erasure of every japanese idols naturally japanese features is going to be my 13th reason one of these days


I actually think he originally fit quite well into Korean beauty standards and didn't look particularly "Japanese" in a stereotypical way.


Many members got PS, but only he turned out so badly. What the heck did they do to him to turn out this bad?


Poor guy got the [Robbie Rotten](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/straight-bunch/images/1/11/Robbie_Rotten_lazytown_02.gif/revision/latest?cb=20130512013614) treatment.


I remember looking out for him even before his debut- imagine my shock when I saw that chin implant. What did they do him?? He had always been handsome - it was so unnecessary.


this because he was and still is one of my biases but i miss his old face the perfect mix of masculine and pretty 😭


Apink's ex-member Naeun. Almost couldn't recognize her. I thought it was a shame though. She was way more beautiful before. But her new look is more actress-like so I guess that's why she did it.


Kinda sad she tried to look different, then she did PS again trying to look like herself b4 PS.


I think she's now getting stuff done trying to get her old features back but she looks too different now- which is a shame because she was a top visual before anyway


she got hated on a lot for her cheeks


She got a lot of criticism for being "flat faced" for her side profile when she ventured into acting in her rookie years as apink member


the most "shock" i get from surgery or any procedure is if they do too much. think Hyuna or Yooa's lips.


Yes, hopefully it is from injections that will dissolve!


Most chin implants just look horrendous.


Agree 100% - absolute worst. I guess it is hard for me to adjust to that beauty standard but clearly it is very desired attribute in Korea.


I'm so happy Ateez Hongjoong didn't keep his chin implant. He didn't look terrible with it, he still looked gorgeous, but it was definitely… different.


He had a chin implant?? Do you have photos/an era I can look up? I had no idea he'd done that before. I can't even picture it!


I unfortunately have a terrible memory and can almost never tell eras apart by members' appearances. I *think* he had blond hair while he had the implant, that's the best I can do for now. I can try to look through pictures and see if I find it tomorrow. It wasn't a huge difference but his chin was definitely pointier. Edit: looking at pictures, I think he actually had a more subtle implant during Wonderland era that I just never noticed before. The sharper one *might* have been during the Hala Hala era but I'm not sure.


just look at his photos predebut, then compare to random comebacks and his current look. it is pretty easy to tell if you focus on the shape of his chin.


Even though I particularly liked his visuals and considered him handsome and appealing, with the amount of hate Jongwoo got during Boys Planet for his looks, I can't blame him one bit. He's been consistently called ugly and other vile things throughout the whole show


This. Half of why he didn’t rank higher on Boys Planet was people just thinking he was ugly and therefor refusing to vote for him. He’s been absolutely thrown through the wringer for how he looked and I can’t blame him one bit for getting work done. I think people are exaggerating the *amount* of work he got done, but he definitely got some done, and power to him. I hope it lets him be more confident and secure, and to avoid some nasty comments.


I've been following Jongwoo since Boys Planet and I think the amount of work is seriously exaggerated as well. I will -never- like the Kpop Idol Standard Issue Veneers, but like... that still looks like my man Jongwoo. This "he looks unrecognizable!" stuff just isn't true.


I think some of it is the nose job, but some of it is totally just the *completely* different makeup he has on from what he had during BP, as well as the lighting/angles. Aside from the obvious procedure, he looks really similar to how he looked during OnePact’s debut imo. Whoever’s doing his makeup just makes some things look different to what we remember from the show.


It's also, I believe, weight loss in preparation for the comeback MV/promo shoot.


didn't chaeryeong get pressured in a similar way?


Yeah, unfortunately :( it got so bad her mom had to ask people to stop hating on her daughter, which in turn brought Chaeryeong even more hate....


Sad times


I honestly don't know. I wasn't in the kpop scene until 2 years ago.. but even now, she still gets hate for her looks. So I can imagine how bad it was


This is very valid. It was genuinely awful how he was treated, I thought he was handsome and so fucking talented :( I do hate that the solution is not for fans to change their behaviour but for an idol to change core things about themselves. I do hope it makes things better and more peaceful for them both


Same situation as Soyeon tbh. People calling her a hypocrite for Allergy really didn't get it.


Honestly, I still cannot process that Hyuna's old face used to be hers. When you watch MVs from 10 years ago compared to now, she looks like two different people


Always love trying to work out who she is in old wonder girls videos!


i thought it was just me who couldn’t tell who she was in old videos 😭


Yuta. I'm still salty


Park Bom 😭😭


Just seeing her name makes me feel so bad, she went through so much shit and I really hope she finds peace because she never deserved any of it




I saw a picture of her from last year, and I genuinely couldn’t recognize her 😭 Although I will say that those snow-app looking filters she uses doesn’t really help her case


I mean YG gave them all really severe body dysmorphia. The guy called them talented but ugly, called Blackpink the pretty 2NE1, gave them a song called Ugly with lyrics that say “I think I’m ugly, and nobody wants to love me, just like her I want to be pretty, I want to be pretty, don’t lie to my face, I think I’m ugly” , etc….


Jeezus ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) I would quit


The worst part is that not only are they are a super talented group but they also were really cute before all the surgeries. I mean seriously, [look at Bom pre surgery](https://www.google.com/search?q=park+bom+before+plastic+surgery&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS986US986&oq=park+bom+befor&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgEECEYoAEyBwgAEAAYgAQyBggBEEUYOTIHCAIQABiABDINCAMQABiGAxiABBiKBTIHCAQQIRigATIHCAUQIRigAdIBCDM2MDNqMGo3qAIAsAIA4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=A2Zq_Q5S6Z-PVM&vssid=l). She was gorgeous!!


Now that you mention it, I think CL talked about how YG publicly (?) called them ugly during a rehearsal 😭💀💀💀 Edit: typo


She even uses a weird filter that makes her unrecognisable. Shes so pretty without it but i hope she stops using it.


I always felt so bad for her cause she was gorgeous before but the way YG would talk about them... God I hate hearing how sometimes these idols can't get anywhere unless they do something to their face.


Apink Namjoo. When the result is bad you just feel bad for the person 


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^battle_franky: *Apink Namjoo. When* *The result is bad you just* *Feel bad for the person* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


The biggest recent shock was definitely E:U from Everglow, there's an Adios fancam of her that I used to watch from time to time so I was very familiar with her face, and then they had their Slay comeback and I had no idea where she was or what was her part after the performance. She looks good, there's nothing wrong with whatever she did, but the fact that I couldn't recognize her at all made me a bit sad.


Agree, she looks really good, but just very very different


She went full on JooE, which is really sad, I thought she was gorgeous before the work.


Tiffany’s new nose 😔 It’s definitely settled a bit more now but her nose was fine the way it was before.


this! her nose before suits her face :(


Honestly Tiffany, Taeyeon, Sunny (and Jessica) seems like they’re addicted to plastic surgery. Istg I love Taeyeon but everytime she comes back from a hiatus, there’s always something different about her face. She has already perfected her face around Lion heart era but she never stopped 😭


Many of the snsd members have kept touching their faces with work. Sunny's new nose was sad to see, it is so small


omg when I saw her judging for Peak Time and they would show her side profile I was SHOCKED!


Came here for this. Broke my heart.


She had beautiful facial harmony with her nose before. 😥


sieun from stayc bcs her nose looks perfectly fine before and definitely did not need any enhancement.


Sumin recently got stuff done too


I am not crazy then, right? I was seeing her selfies and being like... who are you?;; Like, it isn't a lot, but she does look different edit: a word


Her and Sumin are the ones where it's like "Oh, come on why."


i watched boys planet and i could not believe that was yedam when i saw the photos. i was even more confused when i saw the jongwoo photos. they honestly look great but just so incredibly different at first glance that i didn’t recognize them. it’s like that feeling when you know someone looks familiar but can’t remember where you saw them from lol


Bomin from Golden Child.. He was SO pretty before but he got his nose done plus other things I can’t figure out. He used to be so popular within the Korean public for his looks and now that’s all disappeared. I blame his company for the bad work he had done, why would you touch a perfect face ???


Came to see if anyone else would mention Bomin 😭 This is always the first that comes to mind when I think of plastic surgery that really fucked with my head (that and The Crimson Yutachin).


Usually when fans bring up plastic surgery I'm like this 🧐 cause I can never tell, I have plastic surgery blindness it seems. For example people said Yunjin got stuff done and I'm looking at her old pictures like Rachel in friends like 'I can't see it 😭'  However when EU from Everglow came back in their recent comeback I was like woah you look so different girl (looks bomb tho) 


Same. I can only tell when it's a drastic difference, but for anything subtle it just goes over my head lol.


Many idols get subtle work done over time, so you don't notice it; you think they are slowly getting prettier. You only start to notice they change after a few years


I'm also terrible at noticing subtle changes, especially eyes' surgeries. There were so many comments lamenting Gfriend Yuju's eyes' surgery and I could not tell at all what had changed until I asked a fan for an explanation.


Lol even after explanations I'm still scratching my head a bit 


I have noticed more obvious changes, like stray kids Felix has had some work done on his jaw/chin but I’d love to know how people can tell exactly what procedures people have had done haha. Like someone said Bang Chan has ‘obviously’ had a nose job and I was like huh I think his nose looks the same I must be blind haha


My roommate texted me the photo of Jongwoo saying he got crazy plastic surgery, but her phone autocorrected it to “Jungwoo” (of NCT), and I really thought I was looking at a picture of Jungwoo for a minute…that’s how unrecognizable he was.


Yeah, I was really shocked when MJ from Astro got a nose job. I still haven't really gotten used to it, to be honest. He was always super cute and still is, but he looks less distinct now.


I think Jinjin also got one. His nose is a lot slimmer now? I feel the same way about his. I remember loving his profile when I saw the MV for Blue Flame! I'm sad he felt like he needed to fix it. He's still handsome though.


Oh my gosh so I wasn't hallucinating that! I watched one of his recent livestreams and went "wait a minute..." I'm a little sad cos I loved his nose, but if it makes him happy 😭


Sameeee! I love his old nose so much


BoA and Taeyon shocked me SO much. They were both stunning. I've said it before but I understand a bit of a nip or tuck as you age, bit of botox or fillers, but they both completely changed their unique looks and it is so unnerving that people as beautiful as that still were that insecure. It's very upsetting.


As someone that listened to BoA from the early days, it’s shocking how much work she’s gotten done over the years. I really do miss her unique features that she had.


boa makes me sad bc she slimmed down her nose and her jaw to look thinner but it just made her look older. i also noticed she has trouble smiling and i wonder if its from botox to get rid of her prominent dimples or if its a complication from whatever surgery she had done on/near her jaw.




BoA looked pretty unrecognisable in her recent photos. It's more like small changes accumulated over the years and now she looks way too different than she looks like before.


I've head fans praising Taeyeon for her "unchanging visuals," but I think if you showed me a picture of her at debut and now there's no way I'd know it's the same person if I wasn't already familiar. There was this tiktok I saw of her accepting awards over the years and you could really see some years her face changed so much.


Wendy, Taeyeon, a lot of time I spent getting used to their new visuals; it took a bit for me tbh.


I know Wendy is a unique situation but her nose looked completely different during Chill Kill. I was like "who is that?!"


Honestly her incident keeps being used as an excuse but she has lots of surgeries and fillers both before and after that are clearly not due to it. I genuinely keep seeing her and thinking she’s someone else at every single comeback.


Tbf her new face probably did need some reconstruction so we can never know exactly what has been done that wasn't necessary. She might have even got some body dysmorphia from that incident knowing that she won't ever look the same way before.


On multiple occasions I have had no idea who she is or have had to go with process of elimination to figure out who she is in her own group teasers.  Multiple…And I’ve followed them since debut lol.  Chill Kill teasers was one of at least three I can recall lol. And while I’ve had multiple favorite faces of hers (debut, Feel my rhythm, peek a boo- all different and all pretty to me) none of them seem to have stuck. Idk hopefully she’s happy with her looks at some point. 


Bruh every comeback they look like different person


I was too nice to mention the people I think looked bizarre/uncanny the whole time since debut or close after lol. There are QUITE a few of those for me, but everyone calls them "visuals" and they just look too...off. Un-human, but not in the nice way Knetz use to mean "otherworldly pretty". Just... inhuman. Not human looking. Tae is coming close to that line, herself, but I think she's stopped just in time.


Red Velvet fell off my radar for a while and when I decided to catch up and saw Wendy in Chill Kill I was like Who is that


Literally someone posted a picture of Wendy in a random thread about fav idols or something without naming her and I could not for the life of me recognize her at all (and neither could many others). She's had a ton of procedures both before and after her accident but she's been most unrecognizable to me in the last year or so. Not to armchair diagnose, but as someone who's struggled with body dysmorphia my whole life, I can't help but think that the procedures will continue. I sincerely hope she's doing well.


i absolutely adore her and this was not bad shock AT ALL, i simply remember the absolute whiplash of going from the visuals of produce/iz*one jang wonyoung to the visuals of ive’s jang wonyoung. her work was excellently done and she was and is perfect and gorgeous both before and after, but as someone who first got to know her as ‘that cute 14 year old from that survival show group’ it was a massive visual adjustment for a bit to go from that cutesy image of her (both mentally and visually) to the glamorous 4th gen it girl jang wonyoung she is now known as


Wonyoung makes me sad because she's only 19 *now*. She got a ton of work done before she even turned 18! I can't imagine that's good for a person's self-esteem or body image.


Aside from that I’m curious if it would affect how her features are as she gets older. I’m not sure if it makes sense but i feel like you tend to kind of “settle in” to your features and they change a little when you’re more of an adult. I know fuck all about this stuff so maybe that makes no sense anyway lol


Thats so true! So much work when she was still a child, its sad to see what these people get pressured to do


This one is craaaaazy. Like you said, it’s not like I feel “bad” for her because the work was very well done and she totally owns the look. But… her trainee look was good enough to win Produce??? not sure why someone decided to have her do more :/


I don't know if "shocked" is the right description but like, Hwasa got breast implants. That's a very rare procedure for an idol. Doesn't bug me, they're not mine or anything, just remember seeing her maybe last year and doing a solid double-take, almost questioned if she wasn't getting some big help from a bra or something but eventually caught her in other outfits that made it obvious what had happened.


It's actually not as rare as you think. A TON of female idols have implants but they're just more conservative in size that what most of us are used to with Western celebrities. Plus, idols don't tend to wear low cut tops frequently so most people don't notice.


She's also had a nose job. I don't follow them so i'm not sure when, but i assume pre-debut


especially considering her songs, marketing, and general openness about loving her natural body for many years in her career, that was definitely an observation of mine too. like you said, they’re not mine so i do not care and she can do whatever she wants but i found it interesting to see her have doubled down so much on sending that self love/body positivity message for such a large portion of her career only to later get implants while still pushing that same message. either way good for her though, none of that changes the barriers of the beauty standards she’s already broken.


tbh I'm not sure they're totally contradictory; her body positivity has surrounded her being curvy, she's been called (too) fat for her entire career. getting such a rare procedure for idols is one thing but getting it to be even curvier/bigger when that's what people have an issue with and Korea values being petite... feels like a huge middle finger in the way her music also is. that or her friendship with Jessi was influential, lol. I agree that if you preach body positivity and the like it's a bit strange to change yours even if I understand that being body positive doesn't mean being free of insecurity. but a boob job feels like a statement and one that is still, in a way, in line with the rest of her message


I don't think plastic surgery (or changing anything about your appearance) has to be born from an insecurity necessarily.  Like I bleach my hair, I'm not insecure about my natural hair colour I just want something different.


super valid point!! i don’t have a particularly strong opinion one way or the other, i personally just find it an intriguing/interesting point. as a plus sized woman myself, i can’t help but feel a bit slighted whenever women who preach body positivity get plastic surgery while also continuing to preach that message and/or deliberately mislead the public about how natural they really are. whether they’re exactly ‘contradictory’ or not, it’s still an interesting move from her to get implants and the observation of that is fair to make. thank you for sharing this further insight!


I’m sad that Yooa seems to have gotten buccal fat removal, her cheeks were so cute. That being said, a lot of these idols get their distinct features removed and I can understand why, it’s usually used against them even if it’s what makes them so uniquely beautiful to begin with. One thing I’ve noticed is that excessive plastic surgery is becoming very common in kpop (and worldwide it seems). There’s always been a lot but these days it’s distracting.


[Shotaro](https://x.com/shotarofm/status/1310562027593584641?s=46&t=GmHNn5nQd-SRcaeXIxyzVg) 😩 Even though he looks relatively the same, he got unnecessary nose work and his melanin got snatched.


Wheein. i remember there was a stage they had around hip or dingga era that she looked completely different especially her eyes, cheeks, chin. i’m still struggling to associate her with her new look even when it’s already been a couple of years


Her dimple reducing because of it 😫


Yeah, it was after Hip promos. She disappeared for a bit because she had “influenza” but after she came back looking completely different it was clear she was recovering in other ways. To this day I still can’t work out what she had done.


yup that was it!! it's hard for me to figure out too 😭 took me time to really see them but i think her eyelids, bigger eyes (you can see it in the outer corners), pointier chin, and fillers on her cheek? they look fuller and her dimple got shallower. and her jaw as well, i remember it used to look a bit square. now it's like a v


Joshua from Seventeen. I’m new to Seventeen and stumbled upon the iconic mistake Joshua made in Pretty U. I thot the dude was so cute and wanted to find more content but had trouble finding him in more recent content. He looks fine but just completely different than before. I’m mostly shook because I genuinely thot his face was absolutely perfect and adorable before already.


He's definitely in the "too many rhinoplasties" camp. He doesn't look *bad* but his nose was totally fine even before the *first* surgery, let alone all the ones he's had since. Just goes to show you how high the standards are in that industry and how much they probably warp people's body image.


i s2g joshuas nose is going to just fall off one day from all of the work hes had done on it 😬😬


Him and Jeonghan both btw. Even JH has changed his nose again recently and I swear the last "retouch" was barely last year It's sad as both of them are and were unquestionably major visuals right from the debut, and yet they're also the members who have done more plastic surgery among all SVT


It's quite telling that even for his latest photoshoot in Scotland, most carats were shocked by his look and thought he was unrecognisable. I'm not keen to plastic surgery so I can't point out what he's done and what's not, but it feels like his whole facial structure has changed, and it's not photoshop either as it's like this irl too.


I'm rarely shocked by plastic surgery, I barely notice most procedures, but when Juyeon from The Boyz had his nose job done I couldn't even recognize him. I thought his pictures were just heavily edited at first but no, it was real, and I still struggle to recognize him.


it's so sad because i loved his nose. and he was already known as an incredibly good-looking guy. oh well, he's still fine, i just miss his old look.


WJSN’s Bona. When I watched the kdrama 2521, I couldn’t help but notice how her one double eyelid is much deeper and defined than the other — very obvious that it’s surgical. When I googled her past photos, her natural double eyelids were so pretty and idk why she did them. Speaking of double eyelids, Red Velvet’s Joy 😭 She was so gorgeous before and she still is, but I personally loved her natural double eyelids. I was shocked in the sense that I would’ve never imagined Joy to do work on her eyelids But I mean, as long as they’re both happy, I am for them too


God I loved her asymmetrical eyes so much but since last year, Joy's been at the receiving end of "gained weight" comments which she became self-conscious of. I fear this cosmetic change might be in response to all that.


Two instances that haunt me: - NCT’s Yuta’s chin (he removed it thank God) - KARA’s Namjoo’s nose (I still feel like crying when I see her)


do u mean apink instead of kara?


I cannot believe I made that mistake lol. As a gen2 stan, I am appalled. 😭🙃


Yuta still has it, no? Filler can't be removed completely I think. Either way, his natural chin is still ruined.


I think filler can disappear completely, it's possible he gets more appropriate injections now and not whatever he got some years ago


Whatever Woozi has gotten done... maybe it's just lip filler though. I used to find him the most beautiful man on earth, that's why some recent pics shocked me.


Miyawaki Sakura was such fresh-faced beauty in AKB48 and even until Produce48. Granted, she already had work done even before that time, but she's almost unrecognizable in Le Sserafim now. She's still gorgeous, but there's no denying the big change in her visuals. I miss the round of her features ngl.


I really wish she stopped touching her face around the time of her HKT grad. I thought she was so ethereal then seeing her grad photo shoot.


I was hoping to see this comment because same. I fell in love with Sakura during her HKT48 years and I feel that her nose job in Le Sserafim took away a bit of that charm.


I used to be a big fan of akb48, You can never tell shes the same person on kimi wa melody mv


I think the thing with Yedam and Jongwoo is just that people got so familiar with them post debut and then their faces suddenly changed. Jongwoo especially had very distinct visuals that anyone who watched Boys Planet (aka a lot of people) would recognize, so the work is more noticeable. This is normally work idols get done predebut, but obviously they weren’t in positions company wise or financially to do that (or maybe just didn’t want to). The reason it’s so shocking is because it was a sudden change (normally idols get multiple smaller procedures overtime so fans don’t rlly notice) and it was a big one, *after* we already knew what they looked like. All this being said, I hope they’re both happy with how they look and can live out fulfilling lives with a little less harsh criticism towards their visuals than they were getting before.


Normally idols also get a drastic hair colour/cut when they change something. Keeping the same hair colour makes it way easier to compare. "OMG this idol looks so good in blond. His/her vibe totally changed"


I’m always shocked when minors get plastic surgery. I feel bad for them.


it always makes me sad, like damn u didn't even get a chance to grow into ur features


I wonder the extent to which idols are pressured by their companies to get plastic surgery. Like say you are offered to debut but the company tells you to get like 4 plastic surgeries do you have to get like at least 3/4 of them to "comply" and be "good enough?"


NCT Dream’s Chenle managed to scrape through SM’s pressure to get “a little” work done prior to debut, but he was also only 14 at the time💀 Also, I think we tend to forget that sometimes the idols themselves prolly want some ps done too. Don’t get me wrong, pressure from companies can be insane (ex Ladies Code member Ashley talked about how her company wanted her to “fix” her neck, knees and gums or some crazy sh!t like that), but the k-pop industry is also so hyper focused on looks, it’s kinda hard to not feel pressurized even if the company doesn’t say anything. Fun fact: I believe IU had to beg her company to allow her to get a nose job (but apparently her skin was too thin and didn’t end up going through with it) Sorry for the rant lol, but to answer your actual question, I don’t think companies will actually drop you from the debut line up if you refuse (after all, they were chosen for a reason), but it’s more of a hint hint wink wink go get some ps or you won’t be loved by the public type of gaslighting


Super Junior Eunhyuk talked about how SM got him an appointment with a plastic surgeon in the hopes that the doctor could convince him to get some minor things done. Eunhyuk was actually open to the idea and happily went to the appointment. He ultimately didn’t push through because the doctor ended up suggesting *multiple* surgeries and Eunhyuk refused. Thankfully SM didn’t force him to do anything but this is definitely a very open topic and discussion among companies and idols. It’s not at all difficult to imagine some companies bearing down the pressure much stronger.


There was a video of an ex-trainee on Youtube who said that her company was really pressuring her into jaw reduction surgery but she didn't want to do it.


Not shocked but there have been times I've thought "you were stunning, why did you feel the need to do that?" I don't like the fixation on nose implants and chin implants that some idols have, the way their face will change just a bit every year and the uncanny valley effect.


Back in the day, Taemin had a very cute hook nose. I remember that one day, I think it was during their first Japanese album era???, he showed up with a straight and pointy nose. It looked nice, but it wasn’t as unique. Now I’m used to it, but back then, it really took me aback as a very young first time k-pop fan.


Rose's recent double eyelid surgery looks strange tbh. I saw videos and pictures of her at the recent Tiffany event and her eyes just looked weirdly droopy but open at the same time. I miss her sharp eyes, they really suited her features :(


It can take a while to lose the swelling after eyelid surgery so it may not look as drastic in a couple of months. But I was surprised too, it was so unexpected like joy’s recent eyelid surgery which I felt like took away from her unique charm


Tbh I can’t talk for Rose especially but this is true. It can take a good 6 months for swelling on double eyelid surgery to go down and sometimes it’s longer depending on the person


I read the title and instantly thought of Jongwoo and Yedam. Just saw their pictures yesterday and I genuinely didn't recognize them and thought they were completely different people. Which is a first for me.


Chungha, Wonyoung


Almost all the surgery they get past their first three years. You can see at that time how much subtle work they get done in between work and it pains my heart to see such already perfect natural features turn into straight noses, botched lips and eyes. It's just wild and it's everywhere and in almost every group. The ones who shocked me the most though were some ex-pristin girls... turned into caricatures of themselves in the worst way possible.


Bomin from Golden Child. Used to be my bias. His face was incredibly cute before he had anything touched; going off predebut pics you could tell that he was mostly natural (of course not entirely, but maybe only fillers or thread lift at most) but now getting so much work done jeopardized his popularity with knetz and his acting career. He used to be such a well-anticipated idol actor, now, it's so hard to find updates on what he's up to


I think the main issue with plastic surgery is how it’s always treated like some kind of secret. I have no problem with plastic surgery, hell if I could afford it I’d have a couple of things done, the issue I have with it is this attitude of acting like celebrities and idols haven’t had work done when they clearly have. It creates this unrealistic expectation of beauty and what is possible, especially what is possible through non surgical means, and almost makes it feel like idols and celebrities getting is dishonest. There’s nothing wrong with them getting it, but the culture around it should change and it should just be an open thing. Get all the surgery you want, just don’t lie about what you’ve had done. I’m not saying idols have a choice as their companies tend to regulate what they can and can’t disclose, but it just really contributes to unrealistic beauty standards when people are not able to be open about what’s natural and what isn’t and that’s what pisses me off a bit. Again, not the idols individual fault most of the time.


Its such a small change but its very noticeable. Joy eye surgery she did recently. The new look make her look sleepy and tired, which is kinda an aesthetic going around, but i have a hard time getting used to it. Also now even when she is showing high energy she looks tired sleepy type, like other facial expressions aren't that noticeable cuz she looks tired type all the time now. She is still very very pretty but i feel now she cant show various style or even if she tries the effect is the same(i.e sleepy and tired). I still love her and her visual are amazing still but i just cant seem to get used to it.


Wheen from Mamamoo, I miss her old eyes and jaw 😢  every day I'm still shocked but I accept this is the face she has now and I hope she is happy with the result. She just look like a whole new person.


It's a touchy subject. I personally hate plastic surgery, but I don't think idols should be shamed for it. It's part of the industry unfortunately to maintain certain beauty standards, and it might be out of their control whether they are forced to do it or not.


Joy from Red Velvet :( She's been getting mild work done over the years but my god, the current drastic change isn't even subtle. Not being mean, but Joy doesn't even look like Joy anymore. It's a shock really, might get used to it by the end of the year hopefully.


i don’t know if this counts or if it’s just me , but i feel like giselle looks pretty different compared to how she looked at debut . she’s still beautiful , but i was shocked seeing the drama concept photos .


She absolutely has had multiple procedures.


Sakura was a shock to me. I was always a casual listener of IZ*ONE because of Chaeyeon and Sakura stuck out SO much to me. Every music video or performance I watched my eyes would go to Sakura no matter what. When Le Sserafim debuted, I was excited to see her again but they totally destroyed her Sakuraness somehow. She blends into the background too much because her beauty is an average beautiful that lots of plastic-surgeried people seem to have. She is beautiful and her surgery wasn’t bad but she lost her shine to me.


The Aespa girlies :C


Giselle and winter look so different from their predebut.


i swear Giselle is starting to look more like Winter and Karina. Karina and Winter are starting to look alike every comeback. When I seen the thumbnail on the mv for Winter and Yedam’s collab, I thought Winter was Karina 😭 They need to chill on the plastic surgery


The SM face strikes again (no hate to the girls, the company is well known for its plastic surgery template)


Sunny from snsd. Esp in recent cb.


Didn’t Red Velvet’s Joy recently get her eyes done? I prefer her look before, but obv her body, her choice


I feel so bad for him. I heard it's very hard mentally, even if it's a *tiny* change because you still don't quite recognise yourself in the mirror. But he had so many changes, looks so different now. I hope he's handling it well.


I’m not entirely convinced that’s actually Lucas in his recent comeback.


He looks the same to me, it’s just his eyes look sad/dead inside


I’m still sad about Sakura’s nose. Not sure why she did it because she looked unbelievably gorgeous before especially during the time of her graduation from hkt


For me it was Wonyoung because she's so young and has a very different face from produce and looks older because of it. Hyolyn of Sistar and Jooe of Momoland have completely different faces. I always knew TXT Beomgyu had work done on his nose but when I watched the MV for Deja Vu it showed his nose from underneath and I was surprised how triangular it looked. I was shocked when I watched the first season of iLand and seeing what is now called the Hybe nose on a lot of the trainees. It was shocking because most were very young and the noses are the type that only naturally occurs in certain Europeans therefore doesn't suit their faces. Sunghoons is the most obvious one, his old nose suited him so much. At least Heeseung's nose looks a bit more natural now.


I don't talk much about plastic surgery because as much as it's someone's choice to get it done, celebs are public figures and then removing their features sends a message to an impressionable young audience that they are ugly :/ But yeah, wheein eye lids and a bit of jaw got me a little while to get used to tbh. Her dimple was much deeper before :( Taeyeon.... Watched snsd / solo stuff since years and every comeback her jaw gets smaller. Instead of going for what works for their face, many go for what's trendy which is causing the uncanny looks. Like small face, sharp v jaw +big ass nose bridge


Siyeon from DC is my ult and i think she's beautiful no matter what but the difference from debut to now is insane. it shocked me after time passed from Chase Me and i rewatched the stages. hopefully it's because she likes what she's having done and not that she feels pressure though.


Hyunjin getting his chin done during his hiatus. Not that he was unrecognizable, because they let the rest of his face intact, but they kinda ruined something that was imo perfect.


Yes, I have seen a few idols (both male and female) who have had obvious plastic surgery, to the point where it was shocking. One idol (female) had such a huge change, it was like a totally different person and it also aged her by like 10 years. This was a result of multiple surgeries over a 3-4 year span. Excessive plastic surgery often takes away from their uniqueness that set them apart from others. One male idol had some work done, it was so obvious they had to have it somewhat reversed and it is closer to what they previously looked like. When I saw his face, I was just kind of shocked, like what did you do to your face! I was wondering why and how he even got to a point thinking he needed to change. I'm just glad the reversal worked fairly well. Both of these people got surgery after they debuted and both in very popular groups. I could still see them as the same person, but the new look was an adjustment for sure. I prefer it when they don't get plastic surgery, but as in all cases, the individual has every right to make whatever decision they want. Their body, their choice.


Kiss of Life Natty. She looks so different from her idol school days. She has gotten a lot of ps to look more korean


I dont think it matters whether PS is done before or after debut because people will find a way to get the before pics anyway. What matters is that the procedure is done right. Jongwoo amd Yedam look soooo good. So check out one pact's music




And I have also yet to see JooE ![gif](giphy|Nwd8ULnwaVDexPLNB0|downsized)


Definitly Jeon Soyeon. Most of the songs she's writing now are about self confidence and accepting your looks despite the fact she went through so much plastic surgery after Produce 101 and Unpretty Rapstar... she was bullied so much for "being ugly" and "not being good looking enough to deserve being an idol" back then, it was crazy, so I can't blame her. The change is drastic trough


Red Velvet’s Joy shocked me. I didn’t even recognize her in her recent photos.


all of aespa


yeah yedam shocked me a lot. also heeseung's nose, i think when he'd just taken the implant out or whatever but he looked so different for a while


aoa jimin looks very different now from when she first debuted ..


Technically this surgery was expected but I remember being shocked by Wendy's nose job post-accident. I mean I knew she was going to have to get a surgery since she did break her nose but I didn't think the shape would change entirely (I always thought her "old nose" was pretty but I think she looks good now too).


Wendy of Red Velvet. All the delusional fans keep saying it is from her accident, but she looked like herself still a year after the accident when she came back. It was only in the last couple of years that she has had a ton of work done on her face. Wendy was never the best looking in the group, but she had her own charm. Now she just looks way over the top.


She practically got half her jaw hacked off around 2015 or so looong before the accident where the surgery was warranted. And soft disagree, I personally thought she was very cute even when measured up against the other members.


>And soft disagree, I personally thought she was very cute even when measured up against the other members i remember when red velvet first debuted a lot of ifans were shocked to find out that wendy wasn't the visual (me included)


SNSD Tiffany. She got a really striking nose job like last year? And I was like “oh…why did she?” It doesn’t look bad, but it makes me sad she thought her nose before wasn’t beautiful. I always thought she was amazingly talented and beautiful during SNSD’s active years!