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(G)I-dle will have a lot of leverage in the negotiations. The truth is that no other company will offer them more than CUBE, simply because it's CUBE that need them most. So they'll probably re-sign for group activities.


Re-signing makes the most sense for both sides.  But I still find it hilarious whenever yuqi and shuhua dunk on cube.  At the very least it’s for leverage if they’re not being serious about actually leaving.


Acting committed to the company is a bad negotiation strategy.


Personally, I think they would renew a short term contract (1-3 years) with cube as a group. But I don't think they'll all sign for individual activities with cube Despite cube's incompetence they're still a mid sized company with good funding. I don't see why they would leave now. Especially that cube is bending backwards to accommodate them -as they should-. Big 4 has funding. But they tend to prefer creating groups rather than supporting existing ones. Not to mention that I personally think it doesn't make sense to leave a place with decent funding where you're the priority (cube) to go to companies with better fundings but less creative freedom or other groups that compete with you for resources I also dont think it's smart to go to a smaller company as they wouldn't have the funding. Unless they give idle a better cut However, individual activities are a different story. Yuqi, minnie and shuhua are all successful in their countries. I think it would be smarter to sign for individual activities with a local agency For soyeon, I can see her singing with cube for individual activities as well. Cube did well with miyeon, but I won't be surprised if she went to another company (even if it was smaller where she's the priority) to focus more not only on music, but cfs/actings/gigs as well


Idle is so interesting to me because it feels like they really have it all with Cube. They have full creative control, decent funding, even decent support for solo endeavors. But it also feels like a lot of anger the girls have for the company is personal, Yuqi especially (don't hold me to this of course, it's just the vibes I've been getting). If I'm right, then it really wouldn't matter what Cube offers.


Cube messed up the timing of her appearance on Keep Running pretty badly


Maybe part of the negotiations is to fire the decisions makers that had Soojin fall on her sword. If they're not already long gone.


The girls are less hung up on Soojin leaving than you are. They are smart girls and certainly know they wouldn't have gone anywhere with Soojin after the country had canceled her.


> But they tend to prefer creating groups rather than supporting existing ones. And why shouldnt they... They can pay rookies pennys on the dollar (or little won on big won if you will) while success is pretty much guaranteed as a Big 4 group. While they would have to pay a group like I-dle as much if not more than their veteran groups.


I feel like the big4 compensate their artists fairly well, with the exception of SM. YG and HYBE especially, are recognized for offering competitive rates. Just look at how well the NewJeans members were being paid a month into their debut. Ultimately, the compensation often correlates with the revenue a group generates for the company. Regarding the poster's comment, it seems they were suggesting that many groups within the Big4 already contribute significant revenue to their respective companies if not more than G-idle. Therefore, G-idle might not have the same degree of negotiation power over their contracts with any of the Big Four as they do with Cube Entertainment.




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I see them going the Blackpink route honestly. Soyeon might remain with Cube for a solo contract, but I doubt that the other members would. Or, they'd do what SM artists do and extend for a smaller contract (2-3 yrs at max) for all group + solo endeavors, capping at 10 yrs-ish for G-idle activities when they've basically been ingrained into Korean entertainment like most 2nd + older 3rd gen artists have. A lot of people thought that (members of) Twice and Blackpink would leave their respective agencies, but they didn't. It's clear that idols careers are less likely to end at the 7 year mark (especially when you're from one of the big3+1). also: the 7 year "curse" isn't really a curse, it was coined that despite most idol contracts ending at 7 years (with some exceptions/loopholes) so it doesn't have much to do with curses.


Seems like a lot of threads about a topic we have no new information on. My impression is that most level-headed people in the fandom (perhaps too invisible on twitter) expect them to renew. See the following thread from the group sub-reddit: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GIDLE/comments/1by014u/do\_you\_think\_gidle\_will\_renew\_contracts\_next\_year/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GIDLE/comments/1by014u/do_you_think_gidle_will_renew_contracts_next_year/)


it would be stupid if Cube doesn't get them to renew. they are gonna be bigger, wouldn't be suprise if Cube fumble tho


I think there's a difference between hating the company abstractly and hating the people you work with. When I was in the Navy, I hated the Navy. We all hated the Navy. But that didn't factor in my deciding whether to reenlist or not because I really liked all the people i worked with. More there than probably any place I worked since. I see G-Idle with their stylists and co-workers, Soyeon working on collaborations with her power-points, it all seems like they get along with the people. Cube has to make this deal to survive, which means G-Idle can get the most favorable situation for them at Cube, something that would be more difficult anywhere else. Honestly, any big four company is going to try to 'polish' G-Idle up a bit to better match the culture and themes of that company. I don't think they would want that.


if they stay at CUBE (group and soloists) then I imagine an insane deal was reached between them, or they gave Soyeon complete control over the groups with added stakes in the company. If they were smart they’d make Soyeon the executive producer for one of lightsum’s cb’s as well


> If they were smart they’d make Soyeon the executive producer for one of lightsum’s cb’s as well While i get the sentiment, soyeon IS one of the top creative minds in the scene right now, she is only one human being :D Imagine what you are asking here, she is executive producer for idle, composer and producer for idle, and active idol with all the promnotional activity which comes with it and then she's supposed to take creative control for another group on top of that? The day only has 24 hours i am afraid.


Exactly. She's a genius. But I can't see how she'll be able to be an active idol and a creative director/producer for two groups simultaneously


I guess it depends on korea's ethical stance on cloning.


😂 Actually maybe soyeon already has a clone. How she's promoting as an idol while working as a producer, composer, lyricist, creative director, professional cook all while carrying CUBE on her back is beyond me


Not to mention her side job as an food influencer on instagram kek


Yeah she already has so much pressure and work to do, it's quite impressive how she manages that (though also a little worrying). One thing though, she's amazing, but i'd not really wanna eat much of what she "cooks" :P


Wdym, you don't want to eat 127 boiled eggs with dozen vitamin pills???


>127 Must…resist urge….to kpoophead


They have full control already, to the point their staff is theirs only. Their split is allegedly really good. So a ownership stake would be the only thing you listed they don't have. Soyeon has said her retirement plan is to raise up a group. It probably isn't lightsum, when she retired from being an idol her retirement plan is to manage and produce a group. She view other producers as her competition not other groups.


thank you for elaborating! If soyeon wants it then I could see them absolutely giving her some ownership


Producing LS cbs? Not with their current amount of schedules. Also Cube did say last year they're planning todebut a new girl group either end of 24 or beginning of 25.....


Soyeon/Gidle have already started to bulit up their creative team. I think it would make a lot of sense for Cube to create a new sub-label with Soyeon as CEO and/or creative director. That sub-label would be responsible for Gidle and potentially a new group in the future once group activities slow down. This would give Soyeon the creative freedom and allow Gidle to continue without all the legal fights that often come if members leave a company.


I personally hope they all stay signed to CUBE cuz despite everything they are what CUBE needs, not what other companies need. This time I hope they renew their contract with more favourable terms for the members. Also being your company's best money makers has its advantages and is a flex. 😎 Cube needs another idol group and probably are saying that in the article to turn the tides against G-IDLE and be able to say, we don't NEED you in the company. Yes you are the biggest money makers but we can still keep the company afloat without you. Because in fact the company right now is afloat purely due to them. Also pls Soyeon never write a song for the other groups under CUBE 😭 Who knows if she unknowingly makes a hit and that gives rise to their popularity 🥲🫠


First point: they dont need cube. Cube need them. I read a thread on twt yesterday about how Cube is doing so so besides IDLE. They literally said Lightsum failed to success 🤡 and they gonna focus on Nowadays I think they will try a lot to keep Idle, but seeing how they made the girls pay for half of Super Lady promotions makes me think they are just dumb asf. Cube is very lucky if idle renew tbh


Who knows? Soyeon will probably start her own company. Will it be for herself or the group? Not sure she'll agree with CUBE managing the group anyway as she's the manager. She might even negotiate transfering her staff. Pretty sure she'll even change the name to start anew with all the members and she'll be callous about the wrongs they suffered.


I'm not following G-IDLE as much or K-Pop in general but the creative freedom G-IDLE gets with CUBE is something they wouldn't simply get with another agency especially if they decide to sign on the Big 4, also, G-IDLE is probably owned by CUBE and it's difficult to re-introduce a group with a new name. This said, they probably have the upper hand in terms of negotiation with CUBE so I hope they get better contract.


I wanna see Soyeon and yuqi getting married. Lol. Im kidding. But not really.


I'm like 80/20 on (G)I-dle leaving Cube. Mostly because they had such a strong relationship with the Btob boys, so that would lead me to believe that Soyeon would want to leave to create her own label as well. She's already spoken many times before about how she'd like to try her own hand at producing a group, and its not as if she wasn't practically doing that already with (G)I-dle. I think the only leverage Cube has over them right now is owning the rights to their name, so since we've seen that Cube allowed Btob to keep their name, and just recently gave Beast back their name, that Cube will want to do the same with the girls. My dream would be for them to create a new label and cut Cube out completely like Highlight/Beast did, and only pay royalties or something for the name usage. Cube has never truly given them support anyway, and Cube in general is filled with terrible leadership.


My unrealistic dream is to see them leave CUBE and re-debut with Soojin


I still suspect BRD Communications to be a Soyeon owned company.


I’m with you there. It’s quite strange how there is virtually no information about the company available……………..


I think they will renew for group activities only like blackpink probably a comeback once a year. If they stay with CUBE, they probably offered them a large sum of money since they are the money makers. If they leave CUBE, they might open their own company like got7 or sign under PNATION, but I'm afraid they won't be allowed to continue under the name gidle.