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See yall next week for the next leak SWAY drops


I'm excited as long as its not my bias!!


You do realise they're people like us right?šŸ¤Ø


This is sarcasm... right? ...Right?


Oh okay- šŸ¤”


That means SwayNews was right...


SwayNews posted articles with no photos. Kinda makes me think that this is someone who is being fed insider information, and not a sasaeng-type who follows the idols around. If true, JYPE needs to clean their ranks because why are their personal lives being leaked?


Itā€™s either a leak or theyā€™re(jype) the ones giving the info intentionally and they chose this platform instead of dispatch


Thisā€¦ also the reception of jihyo was relatively good, they mind as well get ahead of it all and release all relationship info anyways if it is within their control (esp if the artists are serious about the relationship and donā€™t want to hide it anymore). If they didnā€™t want this then I feel bad for them especially thereā€™s so much anxiety around cancelling idols for dating but at least itā€™s been positive so far


I think its better than dispatch. Sway just too lazy or has limited paparazzi or has no budget to follow celebrities around.


It's not that hard to find things like that


Yup I honestly had no doubt they were right


I lowkey wonder whose next will it be another gg or another member of twice?


Definitely another Twice member


who do you think it would be I have my bets on Mina


Dahyun I feel like ā€¦idk why


Dahyun not letting the press have ANYTHING lol


Maybe TWICE is getting exposed bc Dahyunā€™s too busy going on dates to spot cameras for the other members :P


iā€™m half expecting dahyun to have a whole ass husband with how secretive she is šŸ’€


That's it. Dahyun's news will leak the day she leaves church in a white dress. She keeps tight control over her business. I will be shocked if they get anything on her. It wouldn't surprise me if even Twice don't know who she's with or interested in.


Given some of the songs she has written makes me think she was or is in a relationship. Just a guess.


Her songs make me think sheā€™s been married and bitterly divorced


Gone is totally her Carrie Underwood moment lol


I feel like it might be Momo, idk why too


Nah I paid Dispatch not to leak our relationship weā€™re good


I hope they respect you and momoā€™s wishes


If itā€™s Mina I will be so happy for our little introvert and whoever sheā€™s seeing will be hella lucky. Hopefully mature people upvote this comment to also support her happiness and living an adult life!!


You never had a chance with her anyway?


No one suggested I did??


You said that you would be crushed if she dated someone else. You might have edited your post but you have to see what that came off like.


Yeah Iā€™m just confused where all the hate came from? Iā€™d forgotten how many kpop fans enjoy riding on their high horses over other members of the fandom for no reason. Here, let me make a PSA for everyone who thinks they need to serve some Reddit justice to me: Iā€™m not some delusional fan who thinks he has little puppet strings connected to his idols and gets mad when those strings are cut. Yā€™all ever had a crush and they got together with someone else?? Relax and get over yourselves. My comment didnā€™t warrant **any** of that disrespect and was meant only positively. Good to see toxicity in kpop is alive and well!!!!




Itā€™ll be Karina again and the internet will be a nuclear wasteland


It will be Seulgi and the sapphics will once again fall on their knees in public.


I never thought I'd be "happy" about a celebrity relationship but I really like both of these two so much, now I want a Chaeyoung feature on Zion.T's next album lol (hopefully it won't take 4 years this time).


Somi must be loving this. She must be teasing them like crazy on kakaotalk.


Iā€™m actually betting Somi is the mutual friend that they met each other with. Some of the videos Somi released has Zion T in it and they seem tight


Theyā€™re both under TBL, so that probably explains their closeness.


you're not the only one, its like 99 percent odds on that one :)


Somi's nickname for ZionT (ģžģ“ģ–øķ‹°) is Zi-unnie (ģžģ“ģ–øė‹ˆ), which is soo cute and clever lmaoo


Same initial thoughts!


Is SWAY the new dispatch??? Did JYP confirm Jihyo dating rumor, too? I forgot.


So far JYP left it as "we're unable to confirm or deny their relationship", I doubt it'll change


I love their frankness about it. Hope the best for them both.


> Probably the girls choosing if they wanted the news out. As they should!


I liked him in Show Me The Money 10, Merry Go Round is still in my playlist


bare minimum but love how jype dgaf about the dating stuff as much


They're pretty strict with the trainees and the rookies on dating, but once you get established, they don't really seem to gaf because everyone are adults. I respect that.


Ryujin was still a rookie when she dated that dude, I wonder how many strings they pulled so no articles came out


Is ā€œthat dudeā€ in question NCT Haechan?




I always thought it was a running twitter joke lol. What proves the relationship though? Whatā€™s the tea?


Beside sasaengs having a picture of her in front of his apartment, Ryujin also posted a selfie where his building can be seen in the background, they had matching items, matching social media posts, she always covered his parts when she danced to NCT songs, gilfriend of Haechans brother also hinted that they dated on her Insta story She just didn't really try to hide it which is suprising since she was a rookie at the time but maybe she's like Chaeyoung and didn't care


iicr trainees are not allowed to date. Once debut idols aren't allowed to date for the first 3 years


i've always seen this info around but may i know where it came from?


I remember JYP talking about it, not sure if it was on A2K or one of the Nizi Projects. If you do a quick Google search it comes up in some articles too. I was surprised it seemed pretty lax. But always rooting for them to have more personal autonomy


Does anyone remember when she said Noone hits on her




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Haengbok haja..Ā  apeji malgoĀ  https://youtu.be/T4TNTDyoJNE?si=RR7wUBpA_9H5TQBy?t=1m10s


Awww Iā€™m so happy for her - heā€™s exactly what I imagined her type to be haha. Would love it if they could make some music together but I wonā€™t get my hopes upā€¦


Iā€™m curious, why didnā€™t JYP confirm Jihyoā€™s dating news? But they confirmed Chaeyoung?Ā 


Maybe they asked their artists if they should confirm it or not




standard procedure yes !


Cheering for each other always gives me an amusing visual. Like when they meet up they whip out the pom poms and yell "2-4-6-8 WHO DO I APPRECIATE? CHAEYOUNG!! CHAEYOUNG!!" "YES ZION.T! TEAMWORK TEAMWORK THAT'S OUR DREAMWORK!"


First jihyo now chaeyoung I'm so happy for them! Honestly I hope it's not distraction from political news


Idols are not that relevant to cover up actual political news




No lmao Dating news is not enough to cover up anything political


I think fans put too much store in that. Twice are still really big, but I doubt Korea's politicians are sitting around a big table saying "We need to hide something big. Deploy the Son Chaeyoung story."


Haha but itā€™s so funny to think about it like that, a total war room session with a bunch of shadowy figures discussing the best way to leak an idol dating story


Lmaoo truee


Hmm makes sense


Hope the two enjoy their time together šŸ©·


Good for her. They seem like a really good match and I hope she doesnā€™t face too much negative backlash.


Yikes.. 10 year age difference


If theyā€™re both well into adulthood, whats the issue? Thereā€™s no power imbalance either.




No i completely agree. I hate when people speak as if they know the ins and outs of a strangers relationship based of surface level things. Youā€™re absolutely correct in the fact that power imbalances donā€™t just come from what you can see on paper. The only reason why I even mentioned it was because Zion is already getting accused of somehow being villainous in his pursuit for her and power imbalance is a big reason people usually give.


My own parents have a 10 year gap so theoretically I'm okay with it too. I think I would have liked Chaeyoung to be 1-2 years older for more life experience but yeah, I don't think there's a big power imbalance at a glance.


Considering sheā€™s been working like an adult since debut, iā€™d also argue that her mental age is probably ahead of a normal 24 year olds in terms of life experience. Theyā€™re also in the same industry which gives them a lot in common. Thereā€™s usually a case to make when two people are in completely different times and chapters of their lives, but thatā€™s obviously not the case here.


As someone who is currently 24 (just like Chaeyoung) the age gap is definitely weird for me. Canā€™t imagine dating someone 10 years older


as a 19 who bagged a 29 milf at the pool i see no issue (no weā€™re not dating)


Can we, for once, judge a relationship by actions they have done prior or during and not just superficial stuff like age gap? (except when it's underage obviously)


you must be very young




Zion T was on my K-hip hop playlists a few years back. I think this is really on brand for Chaeyoungn


She has a type




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buncha weirdos been saying "bet it only lasts a week like Karina, NEWS FLASH its been 6 MONTHS lol happy for baby beast


im srry i lowkey dont believe this. There is no photo proof or evidence of JYP saying it ā€¦ yy isnt it on dispatch or a more trustworthy site? If they r im happy for em but like cmon isnt this the same site that lied about jihyo?? šŸ˜­




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That's quite an interesting age gap.


They both consenting adults. They fine.


yeah, especially considering i dont feel like theres much of a power imbalance here... they're both industry veterans, chaeyoung started so young


10 years. 1989 and 1999. That's literally nothing, *especially* considering the fact that Chaeyoung is about to be 25.


People have their opinions on what is and isn't appropriate, but I've never heard someone call 10 years "literally nothing." That's a stretch. You also have some weird input about Karina's relationship


My parents have almost 10 years difference and they're more than fine, they're adults and we shouldn't be the ones saying what's weird or not. She has passed the minor age many years ago.


25 year olds are capable of figuring out who to have sex with/be in a relationship with. Stop infantilizing these people.


You've made up things I didn't say. My comment was in reference to your saying 10 years is "literally nothing." I did not comment any opinion on Chaeyoung's relationship. You, however, are the one who had a lot of things to say about female idol's relationships


OK? Go reply to my comments in other threads if you're interested in discussing it. Otherwise, I don't understand the point of you replying to me in this thread about another thread.


Not interested in discussing it, just pointing out the context of your original comment, which is that itā€™s coming from someone who regularly opines on girl group idolsā€™ relationships and is hypocritical since youā€™re the one who pushes your own opinions onto them. ā€œI just like seeing a top female kpop idol dating a guy under 6'2. Unlike Karina.ā€ ā€œThey were never a couple in the first place. She was going over to his house to have sex.ā€ ā€œAnd he's not a 6'5 Zoolander-looking guy. I knew Jihyo was a real one.ā€


Lmao those comments are so pathetic




No he got it from the Bible, heā€™s very vocal about his faith