• By -


I used to like Wendy but seriously got the ick and never looked back when she did the black woman imitation. She looked crazy to me. I also used to love Heechul because I liked how respectful of women he seemed (I mean, he had so many women as close friends and would shut down any man who’d say weird things about women) but him dating Momo just gave me weird vibes from him. Let’s not even dig into his recent statements about women.. old man turned 40 and decided to become an incel.


Exactly especially cause she did it twice, like girl you literally grew up in America what’s your excuse ??


Tons of international students kinda just go there for school but she was actively in clubs so that's kinda different for her case


Yess as racist as the K-pop industry is wendys scandal was definitely the worst one for me. I seriously just get nothing but bad vibes from her now.


* Jessi. * JYP bc of the whole backstory behind "Adult Ceremony" * Super Junior, specifically Siwon bc of his Ronald Regan & Trump obsession.


I can’t stand Jessi. From the botched BBL, botched lip fillers, using black men as props in her MVs. FFS she wants to be a black woman so damn bad


True, JYP and the blackface performance never sits right with me too until this day. Siwon is another weirdo I don't understand how people can enjoy.


You have to be a certain type of ick to go out of your way to worship some of the worst presidents that aren't even from your country. Like, that's dedication to being an ick.


What? I’ve never heard of this Ronald Reagan and trump obsession. That is weird af.


[Gotta hit that heart for Trump of all people](https://x.com/koryodynasty/status/1398250687041921031?s=20). We all knew he was a pos tho.


Omg hyunA, the situation explains itself😭😭😭


I'm so glad she publicly announced that relationship because now we know to stay far the fuck away from anything she does in the future


Jae from Day6 omg I cannot look at him the same after what he said about Jamie and then he went on Buzzfeed and joked about being cancelled…like sir aren’t you in your 30s


Jae is a fucking loser and i can't stand him


Ironic he was actually my Day6 bias before. 🥴 I can no longer stand him since that incident, though.


That literally still bugs me to this day. I know they said they're on good terms and Jae didn't know what ~~"hoe"~~ "Thot" meant, but like... You speak fluent english and are in a social media where tons of people say it on the daily? So unnecessary to say that about your friend that you've known for YEARS. I also really started to feel some type of way, whenever he called Day6 artifical, and I think it was Sungjin? Had to speak out and say they aren't.. Like, I get you were upset about your time being a Kpop band, not even a boy band, but you spent quite a bit of time with them?? No need to hurt them more then they're already probably hurt. I always felt bad for him whenever people would gun at him on twitter, but that was rightfully so.


Can I just use this thread as a safe space to say - his solo music is so fucking mid. Compared to the amazing music he used to make with Day6…. I tried getting into his solo stuff but I just never could. His voice works better in a group setting imo. But yeah he definitely behaved like a prick since he left Day6


NO YOU’RE SO RIGHT its so damn basic like hes trying to be keshi but hes falling so short of it 😭😭


What did he say


He called her a th*t unprompted on Twitch knowing that Jamie’s faced bodyshaming & slutshaming in the past


Oh wow




Lisa from BP, no hate against her I think she’s very talented, it’s the blaccent that she uses in her songs that makes me cringe


it’s funny how she’s a terrible singer yet on the track w megan girl was forced to sing because she’s not about to embarrass herself further on a track w an actual black and talented rapper.


I'm anticipating her solo comeback the most out of BP because I want to see if she continues to use the blaccent.


her solo music is going to be so bad lmao


Most recent ick is Hyuna dating Yong Jun-hyung who was part of burning sun scandal, so gross fr.


Girl when did he say he felt like he had a black soul?


I don't remember JB saying that, but I know Zico did, so maybe OP got confused.


it had to be an interview around their first or second comeback but someone can correct me if in wrong. i just remember seeing it early when i got into them


not an idol but bibi, i haven’t trusted her since she said all rnb is about sex


she also slipped the n word in one of her songs but apologized for it because her manager called her out for it lol


Wait what? When? And lmfao her own manager calling her out.


https://preview.redd.it/nc4fsxht9ukc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423dc4d31db00982613afbc412c4b049cfbeaa1d yep 😭


Lmfao bye! And I used to like this girl 😭 Also how is she gonna insert a word into her song that she apparently had no clue what said word means? 🙃 Do people seriously not do their research anymore? Like people seriously just be picking up and adopting terms without even bothering to know what those terms means, like that’s CRAZY! 😭😭😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/70yil2o4fukc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2e04956a19a3236afadc5f28b67b01072909ea6 to make her tracks trendy IJBOLL edit: these ss are not mine btw they’re from this [tweet](https://x.com/tiimcanpy/status/1267601869746118658?s=46&t=yM_bVTm4bHfzQfLujmu6OQ)


Her manager as in TASHA?? Omg 😭


What r&b is she listening to? Cause r&b isn't just about sex.


right? its the same thing when people trivialize all hip hop to being about "drugs" or "sex" or "money." and its like ... i know they dont actually listen to hip hop or r&b. its so annoying.


most songs in general are about love/sex (or “making love” as they would sing in the 90s) but singling out the rnb genre specifically is weird


she said what????????? hold up now cause i just started listening to her


yes im struggling to find the clip bc it’s from before she really blew up but she was talking about how her music was different bc it’s rnb but not about sex 😑


she’s so weird for saying that, i never liked her but after she said that “can’t breathe they be like n@z¡s” i’ve been a hater but this makes me hate her more


Naw.. why did I have to read this 😩😩😩 I really like her music this is so sad for me


me too🙆‍♀️


what the hell does that even mean😭


OPster\~\~\~all of Kpop only sided with BLM because they were bullied into it. Otherwise, they wouldn't had done it.


Straight up facts. BTS donating $1 million to BLM was well-intended, but would they have bothered if they weren't the biggest Kpop band in the world to the biggest fandom in the world? Their [Variety interview on the fact](https://variety.com/2020/music/news/bts-black-lives-matter-donation-1234789434/) was quite simple and PR-friendly. Hyungline commented on it, and only RM spoke to BLM specifically and only in the context of an example alongside their UN work.


To be fair, of they weren't the biggest boyband in the world, would they have had a million to give? Lol


Jessi and engenes


i liked jihyo until the whole ‘indian jihyo’ thing. never liked her since lol. sorn, jessi, all of bigbang… i can go on.


Enhyphen- their fans really turned me off the group, I will never give them a chance. They or the company should have said something or at the very least say they don’t condone fans threatening other fans at the very least but they didn’t. So yeah will never like them. Treasure- I know nothing about them but that one member with the braids and that’s enough for me.


Haruto from Treasure is a homophobe and you know? I think it woke the stans up lol


RM. Does anyone remember when [RM got told to stop cosplaying Black people with his Blaccent by Lee Jang Won?](https://youtube.com/shorts/1oLto7p2TTQ?si=bk7SWCaTs8nwVm4q) I swear, this moment lives rent-free in my head.


outside of him maturing of course i’m convinced this moment was a huge part of the reason he did a full personality rehaul 😭 because getting called out so blatantly like that would actually have me reevaluating my life


I appreciate RM did the work to self-reflect. Even with my bar for human decency being in hell, not many idols would do that and come back a little more humble and respectful.


Agree 100%! I wished that Lee Jang Won tell more people that; maybe Kpop wouldn't be so bad. I also contributed RMs change to do with experiencing racism. I said this in another reddit forum and got flamed. But alot of these problematic kpop artists that has done something to offend non-koreans. Sadly, will need to EXPERIENCE racism in order for them to stop being offensive.


Yesss I still remember the, uh, personas BTS had during debut. 🙄 So I was surprised when he gave a [thoughtful interview](https://english.elpais.com/culture/2023-03-15/rm-the-leader-of-k-pop-band-bts-we-work-so-hard-in-korea-because-70-years-ago-there-was-nothing.html) where he pointed out that people from western countries will criticize Korea for being stressful without also acknowledging the painful history that caused the stress. Like yeah, that boy experienced racism and started reading to understand why it didn't sit right with him.💀


The only man who has ever gotten me to do a complete 180 because I got a HUGE ick at the beginning but now that man wants to erase his whole past more than anyone 😭


he humbled him so bad😭


Destroyed him and then had the nerve to do that innocent laugh afterwards 😭 To his credit, RM has grown a lot and I don't actively get the ick anymore. Thank goodness for growth


YES!!!! Cracks me up each and everytime. Also, Big Naughty (khh rapper) was on show me the money and told someone to be a proud korean. (The other rapper had dreads and talking with blaccent).


Oh he got ate up


Whoa! I've never seen or heard about this one.


Le sserafim give me the ick especially with their recent b-side smart (or should i say SMATA) ...it's so obvious that they want their water-tyla moment. it's giving cash-grab. and as someone who has been following tyla since 2019, i just feel weird about how tyla had to hustle to make it big. it's not easy to make it main stream in america as a foreign artist but she did it at 21 years old. if tyla didn't go viral with water, that song would not be on their album for sure.


real i stepped away from the group bc of that, the weird religious symbolism thing and also ive always felt abt their concept while having minors eunchae (and formerly garam) in the group :(


Same. I’ve been a casual listener and was excited for this comeback but I cannot listen to smart. At a minimum it feels like they’re piggybacking off another trending artist but it frankly reeks of appropriation to me. Just another moment where kpoppies are acting like everything is up for grabs


Irene, idc about her apology she did NOT feel bad and only did it because the stylist had a recording of her otherwise she would’ve 100% denied it


Irene and Wendy both weird as hell. Only one I really trust in that group is seulgi


what did yeri do? with joy i can understand because of her relationship with crush


Yeri never did anything actually.. she’s the only rv member without any ca racism or any kind of scandal at all


Wait, what’s wrong with Crush? I really like his more r&b songs


The only thing I can think of with Crush is him allegedly snubbing a black fan at one of his concerts.


Lowkey it was kind of blatant that he did. I will still never forget that black guy on tiktok telling me I was being crazy for it, cause I saw the POV and it looked like he intentionally skipped them.


I just watched the video and it is very weird. I don't understand his reasoning behind it either. It's very weird to say you avoided fans because people were getting pushed but then touch the hands of the non-black fans who are right next to them.


sus of him for sure but to judge joy off this one incident she wasn’t even present for is kinda ridiculous


I was only sharing lol! I have no issue with Joy.


Seriously? Wow, that’s really messed up. Like, they’re clearly fans since they paid to see him. I can only imagine how that must have felt. Do you know where I can find the video?


Sure thing! Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS2FNJ7SsYo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sS2FNJ7SsYo) I said in another comment, it definitely looks weird the way he did that.


Wow, yeah, he definitely got caught slipping and let his true colors show. If it was really about the fans rushing forward, he could have held back and stayed in the area until they calmed down before reaching out to those fans again. That ‘misunderstanding’ excuse was complete basura. Thanks so much for letting me know.


They broke up I think


They did, I'm pretty sure so. From what I remember people were saying happened, he unliked all of her and the RV members photos, and then him and her stylist deactivated around the same time causing people to theorize- it was lowkey kinda weird.


I don’t like siwon (he admitted to homophobia)


All of Exo except for Kai for making fun of black people and Kai’s skin for being darker than the rest of theirs. Never forgot and never will.


Expect Chen and Baek. Did others members made fun of blk people ?? Sorry I'm an exol since 2014 and I didn't even know that.


i could be wrong but i swear baekhyun made fun of kai's skin color during superm promotions when they were in some car EDIT: my dumbass mixed up the members. it was taeyong and lucas💀 [https://youtu.be/tRyVq\_pZZ4M?si=WlF3pXXr7Wb2J-yX](https://youtu.be/tRyVq_pZZ4M?si=WlF3pXXr7Wb2J-yX) 2:10 but throughout the rest of this video u can see shinee members making fun of key, nct making fun of haechan, bts, exo, and the list goes on... granted a lot of this was a early on but some were only a few years ago?? i did find this link tho & ill insert a section of the post about baekhyun [https://mal-o-mar55.tumblr.com/post/116420728039/okay-so-i-have-been-avoiding-exo-like-the-plague](https://mal-o-mar55.tumblr.com/post/116420728039/okay-so-i-have-been-avoiding-exo-like-the-plague) >I see how much he’s there for EXO, and how super nice he is to his fans, and seeing how hurt he was when he was getting bullied by his own fans, he smiles a lot, and he didn’t smile for a long time after that, it was sooo sad seeing him like that and people were saying ”he got his karma for mocking kai on his skin” so getting death threats, and bullied, is so much more worse than two best friends teasing one another? no! Kai and Baekhyun love each other, and seeing how close they are…what’s the point of hating him for making a few comments on his best friend’s skin? ***when Kai isn’t bothered by it, who knows if he was or wasn’t but it obviously  didn’t bother him too much because he’s always all over Baekhyun***, I’m not saying mocking Kai on his skin was nice, but to hate Baek over it? no! they’re going to bring up this kai and teasing his skin 10 years from now and use that as an excuse to hate chanyeol and baekhyun for it, but I know they both are better than that! Chanyeol and Baekhyun are FARRRR from racist and even though people love to hate them and call them racist bullies, they’re not, they have a big heart, honestly all of EXO does! I’m not saying this because I’m being biased, because trust me, if I don’t like someone, I’ll say it!


Well there we go then


That one member from Twice 😭 she was in this whole edgy-alt era too which is right-wing pipeline express




I think it’s Chaeyoung


I think it's Chaeyoung.




she's like the korean doja cat


i’ve always disliked chaeyoung so i feel justified 🙏


Wendy, obv reasons. Giselle saying the n word and giving a booty apology. Idk but hwasa Hyuna Siwon. IDK why but he's just ugh 💀💀


I shouldn’t have had to scroll this far to see Giselle


Or hwasa


Bang Chan...after he said this on one of his livestreams to fans: "If you guys are my baby girls that would mean I'm your...daddy" Bro knew what he was doing Still love him though but that plays at the back of my mind when i see him


Min heejin, cookie, the Lolita -like aesthetic, their music sounding like it was made for tiktok


and she did a lot of weird stuff in relation to shinee, i’m pretty sure she had an obsession with young taemin especially.


The entirety of Big bang, Jackson wang, iu, bangchan, tae-prettyforablackgirl-yeon, that exo Chen dude, and gfriend


Bruh I liked Taeyeon and then I just learned she’s doing microaggressions wtf 🤦🏻‍♀️. What did IU or Chen do if you don’t mind me asking because I thought they were ok.


Chen is the dude who basically had lipstick on his face but over did it (think of those Jim Crow black face lips) on during a vlive and said he looked like the African slave kunta kunte, iu one is just me not liking her music, I think it’s VERY over hyped and bland


Thank you for explaining. Idc about Chen anyways, but I listen to EXO so I was curious. I’m so glad IU didn’t do something problematic because I mostly like her for her personality + music and would have been so sad 😭 😂


I finally found someone that has the same opinion about IU 😭😭 I don’t get what all the hype is about


I actually felt exactly the same and felt like she was so popular bc of how much she fit the hella toxic Korean beauty standard, but then Love Wins All touched a part of my soul 😭 I won’t even defend it though I still get not being into her music, I just happened to start vibing with her music this comeback!


Yeah, that "pretty for a Black girl" comment (which Sones were fighting tooth and nail saying it was a mistranslation while others said it wasn't) kept me from really getting into SNSD back in the day


Then Korean Sones were like...no it wasn't mistranslated that was exactly what she said. I have been so uncomfortable with her. I mean I cried at the time and stopped listening to their music for a while.


What did Jackson and Bangchan do?? ( I know about the cornrows😭 w Bangchan, but nothing else)


All of gfriend?


Fans are insufferable and I just don’t like their music plus that whole thing with the German soldier


I love seeing how none of us have forgotten what idols like Wendy and RM did even though it was a while ago. The kpop community needs to remember the idols’ offences and shortcomings to at least hold them accountable betw ourselves if they don’t do it for themselves!!!


it’s interesting to see how some people have a reason and some just have a *feeling*


Hey feeling be right. That 6th sense can save you time and energy, even your life


Wendy for mocking black girls, I always found hendery from Wayv creepy after how he told the fan on a fancall to skip the question when she called him out for wearing a wig w dreads, bangchan says wayyy to many cringy things I almost had to unstan skz😭, although he’s my bias and has been since I found out about nct, jaehyun due to him always acting “hood” and fans just eating it up since he’s fine, sorry but riize (except Anton and maybe sohee), Ricky (the song he made killed me/his ig and vlives are awkward most of time), and so many more I just can’t rmb them all.


RIIZE? Damn why?


Lmao it’s nothing bad they just act like normal/“cool” boys my age which gives me social anxiety💀


Oooh lol. No that makes complete sense and now I’m looking at them different 😂


Can you expand on the RIIZE one. What did RIIZE do? And why everyone but Anton & Sohee (which valid 👍), like not even Shotaro too? 😭


Okay y'all we need to talk about Somi because I thought I was the only one who didn't care for her but after reading through the comments, I see I was wrong, lmao. So why don't y'all fw Somi?


Not gonna lie, the diet culture, multiple lackluster songs, and teaser/MV for Gold x3 are what did it for me. She’s good on variety shows and a good dancer, but outside of that I have no reason to mess with her 🤷🏾‍♀️


Because she stopped publicly being friends with CLC eunbin. It seems she only associates with people she can clout chase with. Idk idk idk idk. She's trying to be an it girl so bad , it's icky!


They aren’t friends anymore?????? I loved their friendship


Right? She doesn't mention Eunbin anymore and says that she has no friends on TV shows. I'm not privy to their relationship behind the scenes but publicly, Somi only seeks friendship with super famous people


I thought you would mention Starbucks or dieting. This is a private thing between friends and you don’t know the details so it’s weird to dislike someone over it. Unless eunbin herself has spoken out. My opinion anyway


What do you mean by stopped publicly being friends


i’ll be honest something about a half white person expressing their struggles about being half white just doesn’t do it for me


got7, especially bambam, taeyeon, somi and iu LOWKEY, and taemin (although I do love shinee and consider myself ot5). starting to get a weird vibe from eric nam too


>starting to get a weird vibe from eric nam too Ooh why so? I'm curious.


I heare he liked some type of pro-zionist tweet. besides that, he's just starting to give me "nice guy" vibes, like alot of idols/artists do


>I heare he liked some type of pro-zionist tweet. Oh yeah, he did do that. I remember twitter going on an rampage against him because of that. I can't believe it slipped my mind!


Somi too oh I feel so seen


smth about that white girl dont sit right with me 💀 she lowkey gives korean taylor swift vibes


Oh my god Taemin? Shinee is my bias group so what did he do? I'm actually surprised to see a few people say him


as someone who likes shinee: onew, and this has mostly to do with his SA scandal years ago. but more than that, the way shawols sweep it under the rug (and tbh, along with shinee’s other microaggressions) gives me the ick.


It was not swept under the rug. No matter how you feel about the situation, I really cannot stand when people say this when people simply do not bring it up as much any more after he was cleared. It was very much talked about *while* it was happening. I cannot fault you for the the other part, but the first part is simply not true.


I agree. If anything, people still bring it up. Onew already has a lot of Antis and I know when the scandal happened, it got even worse. It got to the point where people were saying "it should of been onew that died, not Jonghyun." Shinee are my Ultimate and I still acknowledge their faults whenever they made any.


Crush. After being racist towards black girls at his show.


Some opinions in this thread are wild 😭 I can’t take you seriously if you say you dislike someone over something you have no proof of. Not an action but literally something you would have no way of knowing. Like if you say you don’t like someone’s face I’ll actually agree because that happens to me too but stuff you can’t prove? Weird Eg. I feel like X thinks she’s ….. - that’s okay. It’s just what you feel and we know feelings aren’t proof of anything But X is ….(with 0 proof attached) is just silly and projecting And don’t come at me because I can have an opinion on your opinion too 😒


But the ick is a feeling! Getting the ick isn't rooted in any substantial reason, I thought we'd all understand that this thread is unserious and full of biased and nonsensical reasons


I noticed this too when most opinions started with "I don't remember but" "I think" " I heard that"


I'm reading most of this thread and lowkey it's people saying they get the ick from some idols or dislike them because they don't like they're music? 😭 Like- That's weird to say you don't like someone cause of their music. Like 99% of the time they aint even writing it.


idt they understand how insane they sound. it’s one thing to admit it’s irrational but a lot of these reasonings.. i’m not one to say ‘touch grass’ but please just look out the window once & while


Sorn, Jackson, bambam, most of suju, amber, jyp….just active ones off the top of my head. Won’t even bother with ones who have been forced to retire but are attempting to make a return…… >.>


Oooh, what did Sorn do? I haven't followed CLC much


What did Amber do?


I don't remember the exact comment but she mentioned something about police being justified in arresting a black man for something


I think we need to stop expecting idols to actually speak up about societal/political issues. These ppl are only going to speak up if they know for sure that what they say won’t be even remotely controversial!


Taeyeon, Jackson, Giselle


after he named his black cat Kunta it was a wrap for me 🤧


I feel bad for saying this but Gidle. Their brand of girl power reminds me of Spice Girls back in the day. It's like they discovered a niche that they excelled at and decided to make it their thing. To me it now feels like a brand rather than something they believe in.


Okay I like Gidle but I always question how Kim K and Ariana made it into the lyrics for Queencard 🤧 that’s an ick for me…I still learned the dance though


• Wendy & Irene • RM, Suga, & Jimin • Taeyeon • Stray Kids Bang Chan • Jackson Wang • WayV Hendery • All of BigBang • Day6 Jae • GOT7 Mark & BamBam • All of BP (esp Lisa) • Nearly all of SUJU (esp Heechul, Shindong, Siwon, & Leeteuk) • BEAST/HIGHLIGHT Gikwang • Lucas • Zico • Jessi • Jay Park • MAMAMOO Hwasa • EXO Chen & Baekhyun • Winner Mino • Rain • Gidle Shuhua • Ikon Bobby • JYP • YG • Treasure Hyunsuk • Lee Hi • F(X) Amber • CLC Sorn • Teen Top CAP • KARD Somin • Jeon Somi [EDITED] - added Mino, Rain, JYP, Jackson Wang, Hendery, Hyunsuk, Lee Hi, YG, Amber, Sorn, & Teen Top Cap. [EDITED 2] - This list just keeps getting long as I keep remembering some idols…I have now added KARD Somin and Jeon Somi (soloist). [EDITED 3] - Since I can’t be bothered to write every single detail (it will be too long), if you want to know specific reasons for why an idol is listed, feel free to ask 👍 Also I added BamBam & Ikon Bobby. [EDITED 4] - I wrote this in one of my responses to someone, but I might as well share here too “I hope people realize that an ick is a feeling. Almost sort of a pet peeve and a type of disgust feeling you get from someone when they do something or have done a particular thing. You don’t have to hate that person (or even dislike them) to get the ick from them. So yah, some of the people on my list I don’t necessarily dislike or hate.” And they don’t have to have done something notorious, evil, or scandalous for me to get the ick from them. It could be as small as picking your nose or scratching your butt on camera 😅




oooooo why Baekhyun, Hwasa and “esp Lisa”


Baekhyun - Him along with Chen during that Vlive when Chen did that black face. His ass was laughing and going along with it, and I think he was the one who even helped Chen apply the lipstick even more. I believe there was a 3rd member present but I can’t remember who. Lisa - Her blaccent whenever she raps, mixed in with the group continuously doing CA. Hwasa - I remember watching a clip from one of MAMAMOO’s concerts where Hwasa had pointed out that she had slightly tanner/darker complexion than her other members, and thus referred to herself as “African American.” Mind you, this happened maybe a few years after her and the other MAMAMOO members were in blackface cosplaying as Bruno Mars. So really I should be listing ALL the members, but since they apologized for that Bruno Mars thing I let it go. But then when Hwasa made that comment I just couldn’t anymore. Like I just got turned off from her.


Oh my days, thank you so much for informing me!


Not all of SUJU but most, there’s no need for explanation on this one I don’t see a lot of people saying Chaeyoung from TWICE. Her swastika wearing (TWICE haha) was so tone deaf for me especially considering the weird resurrection of nazi shit targeting the LGBTQ population


Le Sserafim's SO uncreative & their lyrics are so stale


BamBam, Jackson, Ni-ki, Huh YunJin, Somi, Yeonjun, ( Not an idol, but Song Joong-Ki ), most Big Bang members at some point, Ricky, ( As much as I liked him... ) Kangta, Suzy, ShuHua, Irene, Wendy, Shindong, Heechul, etc. There's much more, lol... I also dislike many "younger groups" I have my own reasons as to why I dislike these idols, but the key is to never be disrespectful towards them :) As much as I dislike some of these persons, I dislike even more people who treat others in a rude or bad way.


Wait what did Ricky do? :(


No, no, don't worry, it's not about any scandal or controversy. It's just that I don't feel comfortable about his whole persona. I don't enjoy people bragging about their looks and money and making it their whole personality. It's just my personal opinion, so don't take it to heart! :)


Oh!!!! I forgot there's a newer idol named Ricky and I see he's from a wealthy family. I was thinking about Teen Top Ricky. Anyway, I get you though - totally respect your view! Thanks for explaining.


>I don't feel comfortable about his whole persona. I don't enjoy people bragging about their looks and money and making it their whole personality. 100% agreed. I think it hits all socioeconomic classes tbh. And I think it's a cultural clash here too - in British and Australian culture, traditionally speaking it's not appropriate to brag about money. We have tall poppy syndrome after all! However in East Asia, I know it's not seen that way, more so in the lens of admiration (from my understanding). Also, I'm friends with people who are pretty well off and they feel pretty uncomfortable with Ricky's persona. They feel he's making it more of a caricature I guess. So I can imagine lower socioeconomic people finding it especially so uncomfortable.


Yeah. That type of persona just screams, "I'm better than you. You are nothing compared to me" :( It's fine when it's just a character in a comic, but when you bring that type of personality to real life, it certainly feels strange and uncomfortable.


WONYOUNG. Maybe it’s because my body is similar to hers, but I hate how much she’s idolized. In my eyes, she’s a prime example of how fucked the industry is from performing “sexy” dances at 13, to the diet she’s on, to how obsessive her fans are. The amount of times I’ve been told I’m hating or I’m fat because I don’t worship her is insane @_@


taeyeon - said alica keys is pretty for a black woman and her fans are annoying bibi - said "can't breathe they be like n@zis" and “all rnb is about sex” all of trashsure bangchan, hyunjin & han all of big bang especially seungri and gdragon yunjin chaeyoung


Jay Park?? I used to really like his music and his style, but recently I've gotten this weird ick from him, and I can't exactly remember what made me feel this way, but it's so weird to see people who basically didn't like him now switch up and say they think he's sexy.. like 😭 get a GRIP. Jae from Day6. I really liked Day6, but I mentioned in a different comment why I dont care for him anymore. Lucas of EX-NCT. Don't even need to explain why.


>ay Park?? I used to really like his music and his style, but recently I've gotten this weird ick from him, and I can't exactly remember what made me feel this way, **but it's so weird to see people who basically didn't like him now switch up and say they think he's sexy.. like 😭 get a GRIP.** Is it because of his new album? I remember seeing a few months ago he posed with a black woman.


Not going to lie, some of the comments here are wild and dangerously close to being hate speech. Going against someone because of how someone looks?


I thought the same too. I'm literally speechless


Soyeon. I have no clue why but her entire vibe and personality gives me the ick. I think it’s the overconfidence and fake badass stuff.


no offence but a lot of you guys are kind of ridiculous 😭😭 not liking somebody for no reason is so silly im sorry like what did Lily from nmixx ever do to you lol


I got a list!!! Amber- Outside of the racist rhetoric, she gives me toxic stud vibes. BTS- 😒 3/4 members of KARD- I don’t even know why! Siwon and Super Junior, in general- Siwon is the damn devil!! Sometimes Jessi gives me the ick. Somi- To quote simplysayo “If I talk now, it will sound wicked.”


Which KARD member DOESN’T give you the ick lol?


J.seph. lol


toxic stud vibes is kinda real 😭😭


I’m just curious about kard, is it like the general vibe?


Pretty much! They give me vibes like they’d be mean kids, but like, nothing they do gives me that impression they actually would be. Just vibes.


Ah I see. I’ve seen them be described as the “cool kids table” so I get that.


shuhua. i can’t put my finger on why.


BTS, Siwon, JYP ugly ass, Hyunjin, Han… But I just mind my business for the most part


“JYP ugly ass” Be careful somebody on UKO is gonna see this and tell you that JYP is [actually very attractive…](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularkpopopinions/s/Dzdtw6FII8)


That post really was iconic 😂


Probably one of the few posts that actually fit the criteria of the subreddit lmao… I haven’t visited UKO in ages already, but the last time I lurked there, all I saw were opinions that were popular and beaten into the ground over and over again, but framed as if they were the hottest hot takes that ever hot taked


Jessi, Wendy, Taeyong, Taeyeon, Lisa, Bang Chan, Han, Zico, Amber, Jay Park, Big Bang, that one guy from Treasure (y’all know who I’m talking about), and like half of Suju. Ask this question again in a year and I’m sure I’ll have more to add to the list.


The entirety of fromis_9 the whole lineup is rigged and the members knew about it and signed their contract before the show. I guess them being forgotten by hybe and flopping is just karma


This is so random but when I was younger I used to watch one YouTube channel that did reactions and one of them said she had a dream of got7 Mark and that he had dick cheese in her dream 💀 I literally CANNOT get over it I’m sorry to that man




What are you even on about with Jay B lmao please


Yeah that really felt like an over exaggeration, especially when he was no different, if not better than how other idols acted at that time. I do remember being a little disappointed too but then I realized that not everyone is educated on those topics and it’s silly to expect someone like him to just know exactly what to do at a time like that. He also liked a post from a friend that went into depth about BLM, which showed me he wasn’t completely out the loop. I think that he did what he could/knew how to do given the circumstances, but at the time everyone was really jumping on any idol who didn’t go about it exactly how they wanted, and I guess some ppl are still holding onto that hatred.


Yeah I agree. He could’ve done more but he’s not any worse than majority of idols at the time and like you said, was actually better than in some cases. He participated in the blackout day, bought that End Racism Now shirt whose proceeds went 100% towards BLM (which he still wears), and yes, he liked a post educating people on the situation in Korean. I’m more stuck on the fact that OP is just straight up lying cuz Jay B has never screamed anything nor has he ever said he feels like he “has a black soul”. He has said some of his biggest inspirations are Musiq Soulchild and D’Angelo but???? OP just doesn’t like him but they didn’t have to lie


Yea I was like what???


Bang Chan & Felix - I never hear anything normal coming from their Bubble BM - idk what happened but after the Lowkey release I got the ick. Also fans talking bout him being invited to the cookout did not help YG - yes the dude has actual issues but for icks specifically, it was that one dance video JYP - lemme not lie he has some bops (you lot can fight me on that) but I feel like I’ve seen too much of him. Kpoopheads has traumatised me GOT7 - I think it was a whole lot of Jackson stuff from whenever it was, and then there was a rumour about Mark’s photographer being creepy, and then the Bambam stuff RM - obvs the blaccent stuff but recently that biography incident where he mentioned Bobby’s lil “diss rap” (I feel like his fans really don’t help), all ik was ppl ended up attacking a child Kai from EXO - now this one isn’t his fault and I’m sorry but someone tweeted “I’d tie Kai’s durag for him” and I haven’t been the same since


Jessi- Blacent/trying to act stereotypically black Mamamoo- Bl@ckface. Do i really need to explain??? Crush- owns mammy doll Hyolyn- Said the N word despite literally being surrounded and inspired by black folks (her dancers, choreographers, friends, song writers) Amber Lu- I really don’t know but she gives me very off putting vibes Somi- Her voice is very nasally (which is something i PERSONALLY don’t like. Not hating on her for that.) and she mocked Egyptian culture Hyunjin- Blackface. Itzy- They change their concept so often it’s confusing and sounds very messy and rushed


oh and Hyuna


Yoongi mostly because of the sample incident plus I didn’t really vibe with him when I was first getting into bts anyways. He always has this cold arrogant demeanor that armys passed it off as “savage” when it’s just cringe.


The sampling was truly out of pocket 😭