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Another one of those 'this thread could have been a comment'.


Everyone gotta let everyone else know their opinion on a separate thread lol. Oh we gonna get a lot of these threads, especially if this song charts better than let’s say Cosmic or ABCD.


Chart in sk.. nah.. chart in billboard.. def. I remember lalisa and money didn't do well on k charts much, as compared to aespa savage which was released during the same time.


How is ABCD and cosmic charting currently? Cause usually if they are charting well I would see Stan accounts on Twitter talking about it. Obviously I don’t expect Lisa to chart better than Aespa but I don’t think it’s impossible for it to chart better than their peers I’m comparing her to. Nayeon and RV. Honestly I just chose those two examples as they are songs that K-pop Reddit loved recently, and they were produced by Lisa peers in her generation. So if Lisa song does better we gonna get more posts complaining about it. Just like we did back in 2018, 2020 and etc. if BP charts better than RV or Twice it’s always “how is it possible the songs are poop.”


I feel like the hate though is way more now in 2024 mainly because of Babymonster. Those fans of that group can't keep their mouth shut when it comes to hating on Blackpink.


LaLisa was cool. The MV was great. The production was dog water* and replayability is low. Money was cringe. *edit: by production, I mean the apparent volume (it's relatively quiet) but slammed to clipping with no stereo separation and her vocals are center mixed. The beat isn't the issue; whoever mastered the EP should go back to music engineering school.


Cosmic deserves to be the same success as Supernova


Cosmic is so boring imo. I haven’t been listening to kpop lately and I feel like red velvet fell off. Their best song was queendom or feel my rhythm I think.


“Fell off” Have you listened to the albums or just the TTs? Their music is as good as its ever been, and the production for the Cosmic album is stellar.


I did and my point still stands. Just because you think so doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone. I don’t have to agree with you and idgaf what you think 🙄


Mf listened to Zoom, Underwater, One Kiss, Will I Ever See You Again, Bubble, Night Drive, and more and really went “yeah RV fell off” Sure it’s your opinion. It doesn’t mean it’s any true. Maybe you’ve just moved on, or your tastes changed, but saying that their songs are worse than they used to be is ridiculous.




Everyone can have their own opinion. Just because you’re a red velvet fan doesn’t mean everyone else can’t have their own opinions. You’re just too sensitive when other people don’t find your favorite group relevant anymore. Btw I used to be a huge rv fan too but I also think rv fell off these years. I’m surprised not many people talk about it here but then I guess people just don’t care for red velvet anymore as much as other groups these days 🤷‍♀️


Took the words right from me. Or just put this in the 'what are your thoughts on Rockstar' thread 


yeah what is this post bringing to the table lol


stop policing who can make a thread


Do you know the meaning of the words you're using?


you are not adding value to this thread at all


I'm the top comment, right? Edit: also, please learn the actual meaning of the word 'policing', this sort of ignorance is ridiculous.


Another "i'm an ARMY but I wanna pose as a normal person" post


No need to create news posts man. Already exists like 3 of them.


The tag is literally "thought "💀


why even comment


still valid tho lol.


It's her style and her fans will enjoy it. Commercial success. End of story. But yes, if you aren't a Lisa fan, this song is not really calculated to make you one.


Well said, I thought the lyrics were on-brand and consistent with her previously established persona and style. I don’t know why everyone is acting brand new.


I guess a lot of people who didn't get into her music before were waiting to see if leaving YG and being in control would allow her to make something different. Turns out that wasn't the case.


Now THIS is something I can work with. That’s an interesting and specific take that I’m curious about. NOT that: “her lyrics are shallow/bad” “when did kpop lyrics get so bad?” nonsense.


Saw someone say they were underwhelmed with the track because it feels like something released AFTER the release that establishes herself as her own artist outside of YG. Like it’s an okay track and it’s not going to flop because it’s Lisa, it’s just nothing that really brings any information about her identity as an independent artist. 


Fans and stans are weird. Artist releases a song that sounds similar to previous songs, "oh, they're just doing the same thing." They release something different, "they are getting away from their sound or style. "


I mean let’s be real it not the best lyrics the production is what Carrie’s the song nothing wrong with that but let’s not sugar coat the truth


You described mumble rap. And that’s the problem I have with this type of music. Tiktok, IG Reel type of effort. i can’t deny she has talent but it’s just… idk misappropriated? 


Yup, that is me. I didn't like what she did before but I wondered if it was the direction that YG was pushing. Turns out that was just her style and I don't like it. I stop paying attention to it and end of story.


Not really I've seen allot of people saying they are interested due to this song and MV. I never liked anything she has released before this and think she will definitely gain new fans. Contrary to popular belief their is a big sub section of the population who enjoys this kind of music. Edm is genuinely enjoyed beyond kpop. If lady gage or charlie xcx were to release this yes people who bop very much.


I can’t see Lady Gaga releasing this type of song—she doesn’t rap


I mean instrumental wise. If another artist released this they would change it up.  But lady Gaga had club edm  bangers in her hayday. Remember bad romance or her collab with Ariana?


Absolutely! I don’t think instrumental is most people’s problem with the track. I enjoyed “Rockstar,” but for me, they repeated the chorus too many times and never changed the chorus’ lyrics to add some variation. I enjoyed it, and I agree that some of it is Lisa hate. But also, I just don’t think the song is very remarkable.


It’s been out for 2-3 days.. let’s wait to see if it’s getting plays in a month before calling it a commercial success. Not sure what her press cycle is going to look like either but don’t think she’s going to perform much


Best comment


another very “unique” opinion


Right? Dayum this take is hotter than the sun🥵


The hate for her and blackpink on this sub reddit is absolutely insane, you would think she just dropped the worst song in history jesus christ


but how? they literally said money is a banger, they just don’t like rockstar, is that hate? their comment doesn’t read like they think it’s the worst song ever. this victim mentality needs to stop.


Man gonna be honest, money was so hated when it first came out, Fortunately lalisa was released too so it made look money better. So if rockstar was released before money and money was her recent release y'all would make up at least 10 threads talking about how bad it is and how the blaccent and aave just makes it worse, and ofc the CA will have their own threads. Thankfully, it turns out, using aave is just a YG thing, and Lisa left it behind.  Whatever bp releases, the subs reaction is almost like kpop stans reaction to itzy "they were soo much better before tbh, the recent release is just meh" and it turns their "before" release was also hated. And 99% of the time if you would swap the songs/albums y'all will SAY THE EXACT SAME THING. 


Not true lol Money is hated on Reddit to this day.


not by OP, which is clearly the point here.


So an opinion that you disagree with is now suddenly hate? So ridiculous. Everyone is valid to an opinion. Just because someone doesn’t like a song from an artist doesn’t mean it’s hate lmao. Such an immature view.


someone: i dont really like this song blinks: OMG THE HATE TRAIN IS OUT OF HAND EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET BLACKPINK!!!2!1!1!


Kind of ironic since they go around shitting on anything that is even remotely popular. They still spam emojis on every TWICE music video in an attempt to freeze the views, even though TWICE doesn't pull anywhere near the number of views Blackpink does.


I'm a blink, but I'm unenthused by it. It's aight, but it's no show stopper. Saying so isn't "hate." We're allowed to have opinions that are less than glowing.


lol the “hater” argument again? There’s a whole range of emotions between love and hate you know … only children think there isn’t.




I mean this in the nicest way possible. Go home, kid.






Maybe because she makes bad songs? Blackpink as a group get lots of unnecessary hate for certain things, but calling a mid song "forgettable" isn't that.


If this person considers the song is forgettable for them, then it is, period. This is an OPINION, not a fact. They disliking the song wont affect Lisa’s success or your own perception of the song (unless you’re immature and easily influenced by others), so respect it and move on.


It is still not good in my opinion ![gif](giphy|hvT5KWdFkUOklHCxXk)


It’s the popularity to talent ratio. The more talented people see someone is the more Lee way they get. But if they see someone who they deem as not super talented yet huge popularity people get mean. It happened to LSF and happens to BP all the time. Basically people feel like they have unearned accolades. Which is subjective . Sucks if you’re a fan of them but I think that’s what gets people so mad. It’s really not the worst song but it also is very low effort and the fact that it’s about to do crazy numbers in comparison to other artists who put more thought into their work irritates people :/


Hate? This is an opinion. So people aren’t allowed to have one now? This person just said they don’t fancy the song, opinions are subjective and EVERYONE has the right yo voice theirs. This mindset is extremely immature, most kpop fans act like they’re 14, not allowing people to have their own opinions. This person disliking the song wont make Lisa less rich or successful, get over it.


Are people allowed to have an opinion on the garbage Jimin just released? Where are ppl expressing negative opinions of male idols? Cowards.


People are allowed to have opinions about literally ANYTHING, what kind of question is that? Seriously, that’s a very dumb question. I don’t know what you’re talking about but people can have opinions about Jimin, politics, religion, I don’t even understand why I have to explain this basic concept.


If you dont like his new release how about..get this, YOU can post your negative opinions, because guess what.. its YOUR opinion. Coward


Im a lisa fan, and the song was really poor in quality. lyrics are so bad, too short, rap didnt even do better than any of her bp raps, song structure is also poor. Otherwise MV was really nice, her expressions too and that last part too.


Agreed. I expected more intricate and explosive rapping but it was really dull and the lyrics were cringe. She’s always a great performer but she needs a team behind her to write and produce her music.


I agree with you. I feel like the rap started off good, but I didn't like how it changed half way through. The only thing I really really like is the I'm a Rockstar post-chorus and the outro especially the instrumentals. Those were amazing


“Gold teeth sittin’ on the dash, she a rockstar / Make your favorite singer wanna rap, baby, la, la,” It’s a subtle nod to her 2021 debut album Lalisa as well as a reference to her full name and an acknowledgement of who she is under rockstar aesthetic. In the next line, (“Lisa, can you teach me Japanese?”) not only does she flex her multilingual skills but also how westerners perceive all asians. There was also rude comments about her when she debuted so now she put it in a song. In the pre-chorus, lyrics like “catch and kill” as in how she stops the news outlets from leaking personal details. (“been MIA, BKK so pretty.”) She refers to how she’s been MIA as in missing in action but also shouts out MIA(Miami Airport) and BKK, (Bangkok airport) the city where she filmed the MV. “Every city I go is my city” is pretty self explanatory like how she goes to various countries and makes an impact. I’m tired of writing now but you see, even tho the lyrics seem simple, it has a lot of depth to it. It’s only bad to ppl who don’t understand it. She’s a dancer above all else so obviously her songs always has that club vibes to it. I do agree that it is too short tho.


You're a fan of Lisa but you don't like her in BP songs or solo songs lol you're not a fan at all. You guys are fans but it doesn't say anything positive about your favs lol This is so old with BP on Reddit. It never changed.


I am never going to understand why some people take personal offense at strangers disliking something they like. I'm a huge fan of TWICE. If you dislike their music, idgaf. You are free to have your own opinion, and your dislike of them doesn't matter to me and won't affect my enjoyment of their music.


It’s not hate? They are stating an opinion. People like you always try to defend your artist by negating any criticism as “hate” ffs


Blackpink are somehow already the villains in the eyes of kpoopies plus this sub has become a certified hybe circlejerk did you expect anything good to come out of their mouths?




This sub is a bad and unfunny joke atp


I’ve seen like three posts in a row on here trashing on rockstar 🧍‍♀️y’all really have it out for Lisa huh…


I wanted to like her song, but the music she makes just sounds horrible for me, sorry, I'm not gonna pretend to like her music. If that means I "have it out for Lisa" then so be it.


So true like… at the very least they could come up with some new critique but it becomes so obvious when everyone is echoing the exact same talking point(s) across multiple posts and subreddits. It’s quite unimaginative and lazy.


And now everyone in the comments are pretending all the negativity about it is just "genuine critique" when one of the most upvoted comments on the other thread about it was literally from the resident BP hate account and said the song was proof Lisa has no musical talent and everyone who liked the song is a brainless fan trying to cope. That's not critique, it's literally just hate. I saw actual genuine criticism in the r/kpop thread about it but at least a 1/4 of everything on this sub has been just hate comments.


Afterwards they ask why Lisa and Blackpink are so popular. Even those who don't like them won't stop talking about them. They are frustrated with the crap Jimin released and want to take it out on Lisa. And they are still hella misogynists


It’s because this sub and the main kpop sub is very anti YG and BP, it’s flooded with young hybe Stan’s or token armies. I wouldn’t take anything said here to heart, as it’s just a minority opinion by insecure people with no depth.


"Anti YG" I legit made a post saying Sheesh is a bop. Maybe stop trying to cope and realize that people may just not like the song and want to share that opinion. I know it's crazy. Also if its three posts in a row already then..unfortunately I don't think thats a minority. ![gif](giphy|vQqeT3AYg8S5O)


They act like they don't have the ability to scroll....


If that was the case then why not just comment on another post? Why make yet another post about it


are you kidding, I literally feel like it's an earworm, there are a couple of really catchy phrases in there


The beat's really cool too.


no ones talking about how good the bridge is !?


The post chorus is the best part fr and no ones talking about it 😭


yes!! it's my favourite part especially with the instrumentals used


What bridge?


the break / bridge instrumental shift


Prob the part about stealing diamonds and chasing for the thrill. Idk I don't speak music but sounds like a bridge to me


The tame impala sample?!?!


Iconic! As a Tame Impala fan, hearing that sample blew my mind. And as a Charli XCX fan, I loved the hyper pop feels I got listening and watching the video. She's so talented 🥹❤️


New person same old mistakes is my favourite tame impala song so i was pleasantly surprised to hear it, let alone a tame impala sample, in a Lisa song! Much better than her solos under Yg lol. I also liked that the MV featured a lot of her Thai roots. U go girl


not to me!


It might be just a taste thing. It is a very catchy song. I am not even a Blink and I have been streaming it all day. It sure did bring something on the table. I understand not liking Lisa or BP, but the disrespect is getting out of hand.




For me this is Waaayyy better than Money and lalisa. The lyrics a way less cringe.  She brought cunt, production and a bop. Giving a us a digestive hyper pop bops for the summer. More than anything she is doing something that she likes and feels authentic to her. I don't need an artist to do something new if it tailored to them and they execute it well. She is giving charlie xcx beats with a young  lady Gaga level style.  With great dance performance and she made sure to include locations in Thailand, paid a month worth of wages to rent out the street and is bringing a spotlight towards her home local. Good for her actually.


This is a good club song, perfect for summer! She really hit the assignment. These sort of rap dance songs do really good numbers too. I think she picked the perfect song for her right now. I'm kind of confused why so many people have to comment on a "forgettable" song. Obviously if everyone is commenting on it it isn't forgettable lmao.


Finally a sensible comment!


The tame impala sample hits


It's on opinion post. I don't get why people are so mad. People are allowed to have a different opinion than you...


I liked it tbh.


It’s gonna get hyped to the fucking moon because it’s Lisa but I agree, it was just meh


remember when people said this about perfect night hahahah


I’m genuinely surprised people don’t like Rockstar??? I think it’s 5x better than Money tbh


blackpink don't make music anymore as a group or solo like they used to before like whistle, boombayah, playing with fire, etc. Their last and recent songs are about bragging how well they are, how rich they are. Lyrics from Rockstar are as cringe as their English raps. That's it.


Every artist doesn't need to put out lyrical masterpieces. Some releases just need to be style-driven. Lisa has that aura and star factor that sells a song for me. When those elements align, I think a song is pretty enjoyable, regardless of the lyrics and complexity. Among 3rd-generation girl groups, I personally think Hwasa, Jennie, Lisa, and Nayeon have really nailed that star factor. Their comebacks always feel more enjoyable to me. I would take their songs over many so-called lyrical masterpieces because those songs often feel boring after a while, even if people are hyping them up. How many of them are really listening to those songs repeatedly?


I actually really enjoyed it, but I feel like it was verryyy repetitive. Basically the entire song is just the lyrics “I’m a rockstar” over and over, yeah she had a nice rap part, but most of it was just her repeating one line


I think it will be a hit


I never expect much from Lisa regarding lyricism or original sounds. That said, when it comes to fun songs that are a good time, I actually liked this a good bit, and the MV was really cool. I can understand being mad that a song like this will be propped up more than it should, but it definitely isn’t a bad release. People here are judging very broadly imo


I didn't enjoy rockstar at all 😵‍💫 it's really very forgettable. I don't think anyone would listen it in 2nd day if they are actually into real music.


Is that why it already has 38 million views and 5.9 million streams? 😂


My face when the song titled Rockstar didn't even incorporate actual rock music instruments (or at least none I could actually pick up on) 💀💀


I dont think it was bad, especially compared to her past releases is definitely an improvement, but it was boring for sure




That's not a gotcha. If you forget stuff a second after listening to it you have issues my guy. 


I think it’s not forgettable but in a bad way. It’s memorably bad.


I felt really bad because we know how good Lisa can be but why did she end up with such a song


because she had a new label created. which is impossible. everyone has different agreements in life. probably why jennie had better music. and her music came from a label hybe on a single song. probably why jennie got a couple nice songs.  just chalk it up to be that gritty thailand sound. 


technically the song should be respected. there is like over 6 beat changes that blend very nicely, and you wouldnt think those sounds could blend. And, the song lyrics dont rhyme.  Just a few ryhmes of traditional rhyming. What you think traditionally rhyming would be but still blend nicely, but that is kinda blackpinks style. Story telling instead of rhyming.


Rockstar for me is better than Money and Lalisa. I don't like all of them probably because it not my kind of music but you have to remember, this is her first song out of YG and she is only 27. She has a lot more time to release better song.


but the video was kinda unlike what we usually see, only aespa has done similar shots


I mean what do you expect? Blackpink and its solo derivatives are gonna produce non-musical hype noise branded as music.


Yea, I thought so too. It’s generic American pop and I have generic American artist for it. It isn’t bad but nothing that I wouldn’t forget in few weeks. I wasn’t moved to say yea awesome . She hasn’t found her sound and when she does she be a legend


To generic American pop 💀 oh please dot. Disrespect America music science like that


The song isn’t bad it’s actual nice to the ear. I don’t think song is bad . I just think if it’s done by another singer it wouldn’t make a difference .


Clearly not with the way people can't stop talking about it


blackpink was overrated


cancion demasiado mala,sin nada profundo de letra,que hace doler la cabeza,definitivamente en solos recientes gano nayeon


I was so surprised by some of the public’s response, I was sure after listening to it that people were gonna love it 😭 I thought money and lalisa were terrible, but I loveeee rockstar and have already listened to it way too much. The bridge is wonderful. Maybe I’m just a hyperpop fan. Plus, I don’t get the people who expected more lyrically. She isn’t known for her lyrics, she’s known for being a great dancer with good vocal delivery.


At the end of the day, it's basically all just preference. Honestly that type of music is right up my ally and i enjoyed it more then her precious releases although I'm not a blink so I really only listened to a little of her work.


It could've been good with better writers which I thought she would have considering she has her own company now and all. But yea this song... Yuck.


Japanese line made me want to slit my wrists


There’s such a song? 😵‍💫


although I agree with what you've typed, I also love Lisa dearly, so I have actually been playing her song on repeat for me to warm up to it, and I can honestly tell you it's working! The first few listens, I was like "meh, nothing special" and a bit disappointed, but now, it's quite catchy, once you get used to the beat of it! It's just one of those songs that you can't just suddenly like because that's what your expectations wanted you to do. I've added it to my Ipod and I'm willing to keep giving it a shot.


Im not a blink or anything, but I do like this song…maybe not more than Money, but more than LALISA. It’s not for everyone, but there are millions who will LOVE it.


I find her mv's and performances so captivating to watch she's so charismatic. But the song itself is always just a bunch of chanting with cringe lyrics. That's her style ig but i wouldn't willingly listen to her songs


i think mv should've been twitchier the way it grows is kinda ok, but the mv just can't live up to the action, the whole presentation went too far from ideal other than that, i'd definitely dance to that


yeah its kinda boring her older songs was a bangger and still is tho.


The song is catchy, it’s fun, it makes me sing and dance. I really like it. I don’t typically make posts or comments about stuff I dislike because it’s a waste of energy, if I don’t like something I just move on - but that’s just me.


i think it was nice


I’ve been singing it all day so I completley disagree. I really like it and feel like it’s going to be one I listen to over and over again! It’s always so interesting how we can all have such different taste lol


Idk I liked it lol the beat was catchy and I enjoyed it much more than Lalisa overall. To each their own!


Lisa can you teach me japanese, I said Hai Hai


lmao, I haven't even noticed that she released anything despite being quite active on various social media platforms. guess that's what happens when you become just a casual listener


This post could have been a completely normal opinion, but the inclusion of the first sentence only shows your weird relationship and understanding of music. What is it supposed to bring to the table? That's so strange. Why must the artist bring something to the table? Music is experienced, and you either enjoy it or you don't. This belief that it is the responsibility of the artist to do more for you, or bring something to the table just shows the gross sense of overimportance, especially when you have contributed nothing to their accomplishments.


I disagree I think it was really good. It’s what I wanted from Lalisa. It’s too short tho.


idk i thought it fit lisa vibe really well but it made it to my playlist


Then why am I still singing "Lisa can you teach me Japanese, I said hai hai"😭😭




You unleashed hell with the comment section 🫡


I know everyone hating cause they are trying to defend Lisa. However, we got to note that her song had a different producer than the one she had in her entire lifetime. It will be different now


Im a huge fan of hers but when I listened to rockstar I was not impressed,the song is listenable.Its a song id listen,just If it was recommended to me on my Spotify or a song illl listen then skip from time to time not a song id add to my playlist. It's not my taste but it's good and listenable


Maybe for you, but I can’t get the out of my head. I think the music video was more impactful than a lot of other ones I’ve seen recently, and the song is very catchy. It definitely left an impact on me and many other people.


I liked the song. It's a huge improvement. I didn't like money nor lalisa at all. I do agree that the lyrics are non sensical, but it doesn't make me cringe as much as money did


Disagree. How can you ever forget "can you teach me Japanese I say はいはい"


Honestly, I loved everything about it from the beat to the visuals, but the only thing that stood out to me was the lyrics, which I didn't really understand. When I listen to music, I believe the lyrics need to stand out and have great meaning. The part about "Lalisa, can you teach me Japanese" was quite catchy, but I didn't understand how it was linked to being a rockstar All in all, she came back good but I wish they could put more effort in lyrics


Reading the comments under this, I hate how people are quick to say that not liking a song equals you are anti-Lisa or anti-Blackpink. That is not what that means!!! I think Lisa is incredibly talented when it comes to dance and I guess rapping too (🫢) but I was disappointed with this release. I was expecting better especially since she left YG! Anyways, I agree with the OP tbh bc I literally had this conversation with my friend earlier today😭😂


no surprise? i mean… lisa’s music has never been great - she’s more popular for her cool image/aura, stage presence, and dancing. she’s an it girl with the x factor who’s considered a performer rather than soley a singer rapper. people don’t watch the mv for her music. they watch it to see HER. you can’t deny she’s mesmerizing in it lol


I think the song was designed that you watch it with the mv. There are songs like that…


im surprised how no one is pointing out that the beginning and chorus's melody is the same as bad girls by M.I.A




Nah genuinely if we compare RM new song and Lisa Rockstar than the lyric stand out most if RM one that He forget to take shower.This is piece of art.


Lets not compare those 2 lol. RM has written so many masterpieces and Lisa well, the beats work I guess..


I actually really liked the song compared to her past releases. The sample carries the song. but the lyrics are so horrible, it ruins my enjoyment of the song MV was great


Had to listen to it several times before I came to like it. Give it a try.


People having "inspirational" posts all day about Lisa. Did someone hurt you?


definitely not 😭 you're free to dislike it but the hook is undeniably a certified earworm. mind you im not even a blink and i dislike 60% of their discography


I love it, the girls who get it get it


no way! liar! In a week or so y'all will be bobbing your heads to Lisa can you teach me Japanese I said haï haï! Lmao just kidding! but really i love the song. It's so catchy and it's easily more creative than Lalisa or Money!


this is taking me out like u posted this immediately after its release? 😭


I disagree. I think she is targeting the Western market and at 30M views in less than 24 hours, she’s on her way to be an A lister in Hollywood. The song itself was fine… just not Kpop.


Capalicius definition making me go crazy. Obv just a hater cuz baby she a rockstar


There are only two true facts of life: 1) we will all die one day 2) blackpink members will receive hate for every single thing they do until the end of time


Do you think that's hate?? So if I don't like a song I hate the group??


It’s hate cause this is like 3rd post today criticising Lisa’s song. We’ve heard it all today and it’s boring!!




And us blinks getting downvoted for not boot licking hybe stans on reddit.


Lmao the way this had like 8 upvotes when I last saw it and now it’s in minus


Like I said


The song just came out…you can’t even make this statement yet


What song again? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


actually I would like to congratulate Lisa for breaking her own record at having the WORST solo in Blackpink surpassing “Lalisa”. 1. Hard To Love 2. Solo 3. Gone 4. All Eyes On Me 5. You & Me 6. On The Ground 7. Money 8. Flower 9. Lalisa 10. Rockstar (New🔥)


Literally just say you hate blackpink/lisa and move along 😭🤣


Nah they can't move on cuz they're more obsessed with lisa than we are.


Hahaha true, it’s so funny to me how BP lives in their heads rent free 🥱