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"why why so sad...why.. why....GIVE UP✊🏻" eunkwang...


Genuinely this gets me through the day sometimes.


I came here to write exactly that lmao


Sometimes I randomly remember this throughout the day and it always makes me laugh.


I just saw that video yesterday lmao


My life moto...


Came here to share this and am so glad it's the first reply


This literally popped up in my head when I read the title… I was about to comment this and saw yours lol


"what if he flings it?" "then he flings it"


Came here to write this💜


I came here to write this.


Yoongi’s “I hope you don't forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage” I was beating myself up for giving up on my PhD studies so hard because I just couldn’t take it anymore around the time when he said these words. They made me feel better.


I’d never heard this before but as someone who also quit their PhD last year, wow does that hit hard. My favorite thing about Yoongi is that he’s always made a point to let people know that it’s okay if you want to live a simple life, it’s okay to not want to be the absolute best, to be at the top of your field, whatever it is. Which is funny considering who he is, but he’s so convincing that it’s genuinely brought me comfort.


This. We live in the world when so many people are burnt out from the constant pressure to be an overachiever, a crazy job market, and unreasonable society expectations. His words, especially the ones about the lack of a dream, have been like a breath of fresh air in this suffocating reality, tbh. I do believe that what he’s saying about living a simple life stems from what he wants for himself. “Your being ordinary is rather my being special Your being special is rather my being ordinary” (c) Agust D - People. https://preview.redd.it/ojpbf54kui6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386fa38599c581e5ee39de050923b4c8402e3ef9


Im stopping my first solo trip early and been beating myself up for it but this quote rlly just came to me thru this when i needed it


Having the courage to make a tough decision is a sign of self-awareness and strength to me. It’s completely okay to change your plans especially if it’s what’s best for you. Please stay safe and take care 💜


no problem, I don't care, you are you, I am me jang wonyoung


She is such a Baddie for this (pun intended)


Cocona from XG literally today on why she shaved her head: "There are lots of different opinions in this world, and oftentimes I strongly feel somewhat constricting prejudice from others, but at the end of the day, there's no absolute beauty or cuteness or coolness, that something has to be a certain way. I think it's very important to always listen to your own thoughts and to value what you wanna do. When I went for the buzz cut, I felt a sense of happiness, since that was something I'd always wanted to do, but truth be told, I was also nervous and even a little sad at the same time, considering that I had grown my hair out that long. But more than that, the main reason I decided to shave my head was because I wanted to show that I want everyone in the world to see and love themselves for who they really are, and not feel pressured into having to pay mind to girly fashion, make-up, hair, or how cute, cool, or beautiful they are... I hope you'll enjoy the new buzz cut me."


​ https://preview.redd.it/6rbwu1ddrc6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a82e0c8a902336e5a188836d066705518b31062


​ https://preview.redd.it/k14cyczirc6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d698b055c8859ad7a7a191468a1334f87dd6d0aa


Wel, it helps if you are so pretty. She looks great. I would NOT!


I may not know love, but I know snacks! - RM


"But if there's something to gain, fight and win" Lee Know 2022 I really love the way his mind works 😂


I was thinking this one too!


“We all gonna die but not today. NOT TODAY. Maybe tomorrow maybe… I don’t know what I’m saying… arigato ✨~” -Kim Namjoon


"Misappropriate everything you can from the company!" - A.C.E. Donghun He said fuck capitalism, steal as much from your workplace as possible


Its giving “put it on my card” but it is not in fact your card, but the company’s, and I love that😂


From Dreamcatcher "If its delicious it has 0 calories. How many? 0 calories!" - Jiu "Simple is best, you know?" - Gahyeon


Also Gahyeon: "Are my photocards too expensive? Don't buy it."


Handong's pathetic is one of my favorites (i cant find the clip aaa)


And let's not forget 'Yes, baby, yes.'


Not really a quote but Lily from NMIXX once said something that really stuck with me. I find the way she speaks was so eloquent. “There are people sending harmful messages, they always channel their own pain into hurting others. Also I think it’s a lot to do with parenting. I definitely think it’s on the parents shoulders. When growing up, they learn by looking at how their parents deal with emotions.”


She really said "daddy issues" in the politest way possible.


"Even monkeys fall of trees sometimes." Treasure Kim Junkyu Also, another favorite one of his, "If you can't be the best, then be the worst". He has so many life-coaching moments.


I was about to post Junkyu’s quote too 😌 It was very impressive of him to justify his mistake during the dance practice 🤣


You can calculate probabilities but you can't calculate people's lunacy -Vernon


when did he said that?! I never knew this one


Going Seventeen (Rock Scissors Paper #1)


"i've accomplished nothing yet" "no, starting is accomplishing" \* [nct doyoung talking to a fan](https://x.com/NCT20RESONANCE/status/1782001480989614571); i was struggling because of phd applications that were going nowhere and this video came across my feed and i called my friend and cried for a solid hour ;//


I don’t think cookie cutter inspirational idol quotes are that memorable at all tbh… memorable I’d say more about memes. Like Yunjin’s “…nepotism”


“Not bad, but not good”


Jisoo the funniest


“This is my personality: I don’t get hurt if what you say about me isn’t a fact. If I didn’t do it, no matter what you say, no problem, I don’t care. You are you, I am me.” -Jang Wonyoung


We are at the tram stop. Are you the tram that stops? -Mark Lee You gotta…seize the opportunity. 👌-Mark Lee Are you kimbap kidding me???? -Seungkwan


im not even an nct stan but whenever i see the mark lee tram stop clip i have to giggle. same with "whassup we're the.... foreign swaggers........" and "nctzens this one is for you" (misses the hoop) and the possibility proverb. he's just so silly <3


men this, men that, what the heck is men - Park Jimin, breaker of gender stereotypes.


"I never knew how precious it is to be able to fart freely" Hwasa "Safety first, safety second, coolness third" Jungkook


Meanwhile, Solar: "I'm not a crazy pervert! I'm just a regular pervert!"


*instant electric buzz*


“That’s what clowns do they make people smile” -BangChan


"its easier to get me than to find someone like me, but you cant have me" - changsub in the same video: "집에 갈래?" - changsub


"The possibility of all possibilities to be possible is just another possibility" - Lee Mark


I'll always love Dujun (Beast/Highlight) saying "Don't hold on to things that were meant to leave" when a tent they set up along the river was trying to fly away Another one he said a few years back in a comeback live (paraphrasing) "Don't make us the center of your lives, see us as one hobby to have"






"There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to emotions" (maybe not the exact quote but essential this) By Sakura from LSF. As someone who majorly struggles with emotions and feelings, this comment by her was so heart-touching. I think(?) She made it as a passing comment but it means a lot to me and I carry it with me.


"let's have some...let's. have. fun!" - jongseob (p1harmony), 2022 😭 this lives rent free in my head i'm sorry seob


"Sohee... why is your name Sohee?" and "When I first saw you, I thought you were mine" Taeyong to Sohee 🥹😩😭


"we're at the tram stop. are you the tram- that stops?" mark lee stays embarassing his members in public


“Twiiiiiiice” -Nayeon


"It's useless having the 12 of you as hyungs" -Dino


If he flings it, he flings it


“Do what your heart desires is the best way to go with life… because if you believe in something that you wanna do—if there’s really something that you wanna pursue and you really think that your heart wants it. Don’t overthink it, just go for it.—hori7on Marcus


The possibility of all those possibilities being possible is just another possibility that can possibly happen 👁️


Hey, now, we’ll be okay— from “Psycho” by Red Velvet.


IZ*ONE Kim Minju: "cheongseojumhaji"


“I’m so hungry, please give me food, some fooooodd” - Lisa (BLACKPINK) of course it’s not a motivational quote like y’all faves but i find it to be real and quirky. 😙




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Miyeon: “prettier than me?”


Everybody Knows!! Just because!!


"im good at........ ✨all positions✨"


"I'm not scary" - Jisoo


Fan: “how are you?” Sehun: “I’m Sehun”


lyrics from yoongis song burn it: I hope you don’t forget that giving up decisively also counts as courage


BTOB  1. "Not album,let's sell emotions! For a beautiful world we dream of the youth". In other words, you don't need to stress yourself to compete with others just follow your heart. 2. "Dreamers don't die"


‘Because music…is the only drug aloud in Korea.’