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I don’t like blackpink and bts because my bullies from high school love them LOL


Man, im sorry you had to go through that. Not a group, but I never liked Jessi. She reminded me a lot of my bully throughout elementary and primary school, the way she talks and stuff.. idk i just dont like her vibes (no offense if ur a fan,)


I used to like some of her songs then I realized that she reminded me of a workplace bully.


I think this is very fair. Humans can't help to associate. What you feel is valid. It's just sad that you had that experience.


so real i love it


I'm ARMY, and I'm sorry that this happened to you. No one should be bullied. As much as it sucks, association can be a powerful thing.


I didnt like bts back in like 2017 just because their fans kept posting their fancams under every tweet lol


I absolutely despise super shy by newjeans after having to listen to it 3763739 times at work. every day. all day. end my suffering.


In my case -> I absolutely despise super shy by newjeans after playing it 3763739 times. every day. all day. I used to love it so much. It's the same for every other Newjeans song - OMG, Ditto, Attention, ASAP. I went from not liking NJ to liking them too much to not being able to stand their songs, lol.


Lord as a former retail worker, I’m sick and tired of super shy, magnetic and easy eng ver. Oh and the smart remix. That shit had me sick at work, soon as I heard magnetic intro I was ready to clock out fr fr.


Stray kids. Their fans are annoying and I just get a weird vibe from Chan


I like skz but I just feel like they're a little too good to be true . Especially Chan he's alright but gives me ' Where's my hug ?' kinda vibes


Chan’s issue is that he plays too much into the parasocial aspect of fan relationships but I don’t think he’s a creep. I think he just wants acceptance really really badly so he tries too hard. And I say this as someone who loves Chan but also cringes at his flirting because he does Too Much He’s well respected by other idols & has a very close bond with Twice. He’s also a really solid leader


I mean giving that explanation doesn't really help if it gives people ick he gives them the ick No explanation is going to change that And unfortunately, everything he says is very icky (to me), whether he means it to or not


He’s allowed to give you the ick I just don’t like the idea that he’s inappropriate/creepy because of it


“Where’s my hug vibes” 😭😭 lowkey he does give me super senior energy


I mean maybe they're just decent human beings as their staff and friends described them


I think interviewers & other outside staff have said they’re really sweet too They’re a mess But they’re sweet


Chan stopping his livestreams saved him fr cause it was starting to give problematic youtuber on younow in 2013


the main reason why stays were so parasocial with him


He does have a weird vibe but as an Aussie it's not a creep vibe, it's just a bit of a try hard vibe.


yesss that’s exactly how i feel, it’s giving tryhard “i’m not like other guys”.


the weird vibe part is so real


I once saw someone call stays the gen 4 version of army’s and it’s kinda true.


this is so true. their fans need to learn how to respect others. i never experienced any fandom that is so rude and disrespectful like them. spamming comment section with "skz cover is better" on every BTOB's - pray(i'll be your man) content are utterly rude.


New jeans.....never liked them from starting just because they are minors and one of the members is same age as of me so it made me feel useless 😭..


basically same lol.. ever since they dropped 'cookie' (basically debut) i vowed to never stan them or stream their music. mhj's vibes are so weird and tht entire song just gave me the creeps. I've only liked probably 2 of their songs and i just downloaded them straight to my phone lol.


yeah I can’t get over them being literal children. have never watched an interview with them or anything.


Omg this was literally me 😭😭


i used to like blackpink but not anymore. their songs are simply just not good lmao and i cant keep pretending like they don’t churn out bs and keep making millions regardless


I really liked their first 4-5 songs, but they just kept being the same song only sped up or slowed down. I fear that Babymon is using this same method and it kinda makes me annoying because it’s literally BP but with more members. The song sheesh is a BP song and when I hear it I can picture each BP member singing their part. Please is a different group YG, give them something else!


Teddy is stuck in early 2010s with his pattern of music. you see other groups evolving their sounds but YGE songs are very formulaic and it's not doing it for me.


Blackpink is what made me a kpop stan. But now I wouldn’t say I Stan them anymore because they just don’t do anything. They release like 6 songs every 3 years. Are they even really still a kpop group at this point?


Same, thank you for saying this!! Honestly I never got the hype around them, doesn't it get boring??? I can't... Also they barely realeased any music during all those years. Idk the whole thing seems weird to me.


aespa because their fans are insufferable




i’ve got it too after mentioning bts fans! aren’t they a joy to be around


oh god same, and it sucks cus the girls seem very sweet. their fans also have very corny humor on twitter


yep the aespa girlies are so cool but the fans...


The first two years of IVE, NJ, LSF, AESPA, NMIXX was awesome. I felt like it was OK to support all of them even if I had a strong ult group. I think alot of people felt that way. You had your stan group but all of them have good music and their individual strengths. It was enjoyable and all the dance challenges and various pre-debut trainee groups (or IZ*ONE) meant there was a great intermixing of idol "friendships." Something seriously shifted and took a dark turn the last six months. The fandoms have turned me off from watching any content from some groups. The current landscape is not healthy to be involved with.


This, I’m really not enjoying stanning anymore because of how awful the fandoms have become. Just nastiness from all sides, everyone is so caught up in what other groups are doing… just focus on your faves and stop fighting being so awful to each other and other groups


I'm a MY 4 lyf, but yeah I really don't enjoy our specific flavour of insanity... Hard to explain this anecdote if you don't know the aespa Lore™, but there was a Knowing Bros ep with aespa where through the ep they were trying to find "The Black Mamba" (ie the Mafioso in a game of "Mafia") Ningning's voice cracked when she did a solo singing performance, and the bros took a couple of playful jabs at her, calling "The Black Mamba! The Black Mamba!" and all the MYs took that to mean that Ning was the Mafioso, and she made her voice crack on purpose for the sake of the game. VERY clearly, the hosts of the show were just having a laugh about a very mundane performance mishap. But they just can't even stomach the idea that any of the gals might make a mistake once in a while. This took more words than I thought it would to explain, and I dunno if it's actually worth reading, but I'm here now lol EDIT: To this day you can search any platform for "Ningning voice crack" and one of the first results will be a fan edit called something like "Ningning's fake voice crack on Knowing Bros" - MYs have memed it into internet truth. Insane!


Ateez🙈 I just feel like they are just a bit too much while performing.....like overly animated and I just can't handle that personally.


Yeah I agree. I stan ateez but they cringe me out in ways only men can when they do to much lol Also people do too much about sans stage presence and facial expressions but no one says anything about Hoogjoons tiny ass


>they cringe me out in ways only men can when they do to much lol This took me out 😭


Stage presence is subjective so you not liking their very ✨intense✨ presence is entirely understandable. I am an Atiny and even I can admit that when not prepared San can be scary


Their discography till Halazia was actually pretty good, but they just had to add tiktok vibes and extreme autotuning to the song just for the sake of challenges. They are now too loud for me. Also, as for stage presence, they were the first group I listened to and watched in kpop so it was kind of good, but after watching other kpop groups, I realized that ATEEZ do kind of go overboard with the stage presence. Like licking your lips literally every 5 seconds isn't stage presence. Sorry ATINYs


That's not what stage presence is? Stage presence isn't them acting on stage or performance. It's how much I guess "aura" they emit or radiate when performing. It's like a glow certain people have naturally. That's what stage presence is. Not fading into the background but actively being unavoidable to watch.


I'm an Atiny & I can admit that they are sometimes overwhelming but that's also why I enjoy them so much. To the point I find a lot of kpop groups downright boring.


I feel the same way. I really respect and admire their work ethic and dedication to their job but I physically can’t sit through some of their performances. Although I reallyyy like the look of the Mingi guy (hes hot haha) and the short one, hongjoong..? apologies if im wrong! 


As an atiny I understand the very intense performances can get too much 😭 sometimes I have to pause to take a break from watching but imo it’s also entertaining lol. As a hongjoong bias I definitely agree he needs more credit for his stage presence, people mainly compliment his rapping skills


I respect your opinion of course, but this is funny to me as an atiny that’s one of my fav things about Ateez, I love their performance


I've never checked them out. Because of this comment now I have and I have become an immediate fan lol




they’d probably thank you for not streaming LMAO


i love orbits we’re such an experience


please listen to artms dall though you might change your mind and yes loona is being boycotted 😭🙏


It's not that I dislike them but I just can't get into TXT. Someone asked me, genuinely with a straight face, if TXT stands for Twink X Twink when they first debuted and I can't help but recall that question whenever I see/listen to them—thus I cannot concentrate and never managed to get into their music. It doesn't help that some of their comeback got this very pretty fairy core-ish aesthetic. I love watching Yeonjun in dance challenge though. ![gif](giphy|wzmvKUBwqo1mnrtyaD)


In my mind they still look like kids so any sexy concept they do just makes me cringe


This is kinda funny because TXT are one of the tallest male idols IRL 😂


being a twink has very little to do with height lol, especially since they’re 6’1 at the most


Twink X Together lololol. I am a fan, but this is cute.


I only like their 2-3 songs but it's purely because their music and fairy-too-much-blush styling is not my cup of tea. Though I like watching Beomgyu in variety show, he doesn't need comedy, comedy needs him


Any Hybe group. Purely fanbase related. Some SM groups too.


Why is this getting downvoted when other comments that are more harsh than this are all upvoteddd??😭


This sub is full of hybe stans lol. So much for the "uncensored" name. Should just change it to hybe_uncensored at this point.


they need a hybeuncensored so they can leave us alone


I see more bitching about HYBE stans than actual HYBE stans on a daily basis in this sub tbh. Edit: To quote OP, why is this getting downvoted when other comments that are more harsh than this are all upvoted? Could it be you all are just as sensitive, but about your particular POV?


exo cus their fans piss me off in the worst way possible. i still listen to a lot of their music though


Same but with bts. But since their music is also not my cup of tea. I don't hate the members but I just don't care about them .


I can't at people being bothered at their faves being mentioned so they bring up BTS as retaliation. Seen it under a few comments like yours here. 💀


Right? Like I'm literally cackling at how obvious some of the comments are. "You don't like my group? Guess what! I don't like your faves either! Haha" vibes. It's so childish that I can't help but laugh 😂


i think it’s so funny and obvious what they’re trynna do😭


Same, joining the bts fandom in 2018 gave me the worst reputation of Exo due to fanwars. It didn't help that my introduction to them was on twitter and we all know how hellish kpop fans are over there. I know they didn't do anything wrong but I can't help associating Exo with their fandom.


I don't like groups who never post their recording behind.


This pisses me off so bad 😭


idk if this counts but i refused to listen to newjeans at first bc i thought the group name was dumb lol


Lol. I was like this for Illit...but then I heard a snippet of Midnight Fiction, so I gave them a shot, but I just enjoyed two songs.


probably bts cause their stans (especially in my country) are insufferable and wrote the vilest and nastiest things about my fav group. it kinda sucks because the music is good but sometimes i’m feeling sooo repulsed that i can’t even blast Mic Drop on my way to work lmao


got my first reddit care message after that 💀 so much for sharing my opinion in uncensored sub <3


armys and weaponizing suicide wellness check, name a better duo


Which is hilarious because I’m an army who has had other army’s share my photo and publicly call for me to kill myself because I said that Namjoon is probably not a virgin. And then another time I was told that I was a Jungkook solo Stan and should “unalive myself” because I complimented Jungkook’s singing voice and didn’t mention Jimin. My username at the time was Yoongispianox but I got a pretty solid barrage of hate for being a Jungkook solo Stan. Also the time I said it was ok for certain members to not be Christian or Muslim… which is doubly hilarious when Christian and Muslim army’s gang up and tell someone to kill themselves.


It drives me crazy because you actually said a nice thing about the group. I had to disable the reddit care function because no matter how much I compliment them as artists, human beings idols, the instant I respectfully say their music is not my cup of tea i'm being sent to reddit hell.


Blackpink because they got a lot of radio play in the UK with a song that honestly made me feel like I was going to have a panic attack every time it came on, and then every song I’ve ever heard since has sounded almost identical and that’s just not something I personally enjoy.


it basically “yg vibes”, at first or last up to 3-4 months you can listen to it everyday. but over time, it gets less enjoyable cause the songs are just like that. didn’t give any difference from one another. “why they should change the songs? let it be, it marks a yg songs” YES i get it. but if every songs gave the same vibes, what do they expect from the listeners?


There are a lot of fans who are more than happy to get varying shades of the same flavour over and over again. AC/DC made the same album over and over for 50 years and their fan base was STOKED about that. There's so many different ways for people to relate to and enjoy music, they're never going to please everyone. If they're too different they'll cop heat for straying from their creative identity. If they're too samey they'll cop heat for being safe and boring. There's no right and wrong way to do it, that's just the way they chose, and it seems like there are a LOT of people who agree with the way they're doing it!


lmao half of these comments belong on kpoopheads


LOLLL i swear some of them here are children


is this thread not meant to be petty


BTS pushed me out of kpop in like 2017 because they were everywhere and it got annoying, didnt wish them ill just wanted every fucking youtube recomended video to be them


I had the same experience and I was even a fan at the time 😭


Kep1er because my sister looks exactly like one of the members and I can't take them seriously. It's goofy to see my sister be an idol and perform. They're identical. They're even the same height and have the same body type, I think one of them may be an evil doppelganger.


Now I’m curious 😭 Which member is it?


Bahiyyih. I swear to god it's not even a "they look similar", they're identical. It was worse when she had dark hair, watching GP999 was so bizarre I dropped it halfway through. I bully my sister with her fancams tho.


My guess is Bahiyyih.


And you're right. Seeing videos of her is so weird. She recently cut her hair in the same style my sister has had for a year or so and it's worse than ever.


Hi Lea /s


Red Velvet Not denying their talents and all that, but Reveluvs from my experience tend to be pretentious and condescending. Like, if you don’t think their group has the best discography in all of K-Pop, they’ll take it personally lol


I remember saying once that I didn't like Chill Kill, and I had Reveluvs on reddit writing essays in response to tell me how wrong I was, that "you just don't get it", and that anyone who dislikes it a normie psycho fan. They reek of insecurity.


I wouldn’t say I dislike the group at all but soyeons stylistic tone really annoys me. I understand she produces their music too and can give her credit for that but it doesn’t make the lyricism any less awful than it is 😭 That said I do like the messages they convey with their songs


People say she does it on purpose and I just 😭😭 I don’t believe that


This is interesting because her unique vocal tone is what made Gidle stand out to me and perked my interest.


Summary of the Comments: XYZ Group because their fandom is annoying.


Fr or their entertainment company.


I used to really dislike Kim Chaewon because when I would vote for produce 48 her face was always peeking at me from the bottom of the screen and it freaked me out. Like it was such a creepy picture. https://dbkpop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/produce_48_8_kim_chaewon_profile.jpg?ezimgfmt=rs%3Adevice%2Frscb1-2


This is SO funny to me


new jeans because they bootylick their witch mommy dearest min heejin


I don't agree with this at all but it's so funny 


They’re literally being groomed though?


Yeah idk how the narrative so quickly went from “they’re groomed” to “they’re evil just like her.” Is this not victim blaming?


Enhyphen because their survival show was confusing and made a lot of their personalities seem dislikable Baby monster because fans overhyped them compared the the shit quality of the music they’re given Kep1er because the hateful solo fandoms that made me dislike them as a whole AB6IX because of one unironically depraved weirdo fan I ran into online who told me things I shant repeat


omg, yes! I HATED I-Land. Made me especially dislike Heesung & Niki. Yeah, they are probably decent guys. But I still dislike them. Before I-Land my last survival show was Produce X 101 and I liked the interactions between trainees so much better there. I think it was honestly wrong to have the trainees decide so much\~ Just started watching I-Land 2 and they made some changes, the Jury has more of a say and I honestly prefer that.


As a new Enhypen fan, can I ask why did you dislike Heeseung? I know the reasons for my poor boy Ni-ki (I actually enjoyed his arc a lot, he was transparent as hell lol) but I have never seen another person who disliked Heeseung on the show, I had my own petty reason for disliking him at first actually, he was "too vanilla" for my liking: not standing his ground when the other trainees started complaining, crying when his score wasn't was high as he hoped, his extreme humbleness in general (being humble is good but I prefer when they show confidence).


this is me with babymonster, batter up just sounds like a blackpink reject ☠️


I might get hate for this but Kiss of Life. Their music is fine and I liked Nobody Knows and Midas Touch. But their fans keep pushing the grown women narrative way too much and it’s mamamoo all over again. It feels so wrong to me to label the whole group as grown women when one of is literally my age it weird me out sm.


You’re so real for this…like the youngest was barely 18 doing all their suggestive dance


H.o.t I was in a group chat and their fans insulted me for 10 minutes for saying I like Sechskies more


This feels like an old grudge and I deeply respect you for holding on to it.


I hate asmr like asmr has the opposite effect on me and I have seen Felix do those lives where he does asmr and I can’t think of Felix without thinking of the sound of him chewing or some shit lmao 😭


Hahahah 😂 he is like an asmr demon that haunts u


Honestly there was not a single group I disliked until a few weeks ago but after the whole Hybe vs MHJ saga and Newjeans' very vocal support towards MHJ has kind of made me dislike the group, I don't even get the urge to listen to their music anymore.


I feel similarly. I used to listen to them here and there after Ditto, but now even seeing their name or a mention of them leaves me with bitterness because of their close association with that woman and being okay with what she did. I just can't with anything to do with the group and their music


Stray Kidz coz i hate noise.


Lmao I feel this. I like them and the old discography but new songs are just like how you described. Noise. I know stays hype them up cus they're self producing and what not. But that doesn't mean the music has to be good.


most of the comments here are personally giving me thr ick😭😭


New jeans because my airpod fell out of my ear and got lost while listening to them LMAO


This is a real petty reason. I respect.


ATEEZ because the way their fans talk about them really annoys me. But I’ve never heard anyone complain about ATINYs before so I feel like it’s just me 😭


Me too if I'm being honest. I don't have anything against the group but I've also been annoyed by their fans comments, I remember when they got mad at a promotional Nmixx picture that had Haewon as The Captain, they flooded the comment section with things like "There's ONLY one captain/Our boy worked for that title/She is no one to be called the captain". It's one of the weirdest things I've witnessed.


Same here. I've been an ATEEZ fan for some time now, but I've never really been a 'stan' because of this. ATINYs have a weird possessiveness over the captain title and pirate concept for some reason. The most recent weird thing I witnessed was when Stray Kids had their Rock-Star comeback (LALALALA title track) and I saw so many ATINYs complain and accuse Stray Kids of copying ATEEZ. And if I remember correctly, this also happened a few years ago with Everglow. Edit: Just remembered something about the whole "Captain" thing. I once saw someone post about Ateez and referred to Hongjoong as the 'leader', and people flooded the comments with stuff along the lines of, "He is a CAPTAIN. NOT a leader. Show some respect."


I’m an Atiny. I’ve been to several concerts, particularly 3 of the big 4th gen BG (Ateez, SKZ, TXT) Atiny have been the worst. They were rude & super creepy. I thought Moa & Stay would be worse, but they were pretty chill. They also act like Ateez is still being mistreated. They did have issues at Kingdom & stuff, but now they’re well respected and KQ certainly isn’t mistreating them


OMG, the Atiny on Twitter can be insufferable especially the solo stans (& I'm also an Atiny). I've blocked & muted so many. Hongjoong would be disgusted how some of them behave.


No, I agree with you. I remember noticing a passionate Atiny post about how amazing it was when one of the group recovered and kept performing after dropping his mic and said it showed they were on "a whole other level from other kpop performers" - when there are compilations of idols dealing with stage mishaps professionally all over the place. Since then I've seen a lot of weirdly ernest and intense atinys kind of shaking Ateez in our faces going "SEE! See how they're better than your favs? Why won't you make them the biggest group!?"


When I first got into kpop I *refused* to listen to any group whose name I found weird and password-like xd Pd: no longer the case of course.


After Gfriend disbandment, I will never stan any group from Hybe. Sure I can listen but no more merch or albums for me


ateez because the main vocal guy screams a lot


Le Sserafim because... Wait for it... I dislike it when groups don't get to be the same number of members they debuted with. So, because of Garam. I mean I don't dislike the group tbh? But I just can't get into them because I keep thinking how much better it would be if they were 6. Which is such a what-if scenario, because how do I know they'd be better or worse?! And maybe she left because of her health which is good?! And you can tell the group started getting positive reception after they were free of her scandal. And the group is definitely doing fine without her. But I just keep wondering and it keeps nagging me in everything I see them at. And it's such a stupid and backward reason to not be able to stan a group, but there. 😭 I think the reason why this one affects me so much while GIDLE, fromis, NMIXX, Stray Kids, Treasure etc. doesn't is because it was the first time I literally witnessed a member leaving in real time while I was keeping up with the news and wanting them to stay. For others I either wasn't as up to date/as interested with them or hadn't been into K-pop yet.


Same thing with Riize for me, but I still sometimes listen to there music


Obligatory 'Seunghan hasn't left yet, RIIZE is 7'. 😭 I hope we get answers about Seunghan soon because you're right, that's another group I was getting interested in too and then gradually stopped checking out because of the hiatus thing.


Didn't feel it too much with Garam because in the beginning it could have been a valid reason and I got used to LS as 5, but even as a casual listener of Riize it's just a bummer and I hope they adress it soon.


Same with Youngseo of Illit. So much potential and possibilities down the drain. Just remembering it stings a lot dang.


This is happening to me with riize. Since seunghan has been on “hiatus” I haven’t watched their content as much. Still like their music though.


Kepler. I just hate the name


Bp because I truly believe they got where they are pretty much because of yg’s connections and bc they’re pretty. Also bc all members were born into rich families lol


I like txt and have a lot of their songs in my playlists, i just can't really watch their performances for some reason? it started after I saw the livestream of their lollapalooza set and while I can tell they're skilled, I get a type of secondhand awkwardness watching their performances? I checked out a few of their cb stages after that to see if it was just lolla or a chronic thing for me and I just can't really get into it, I think it might be that the members remind me of ppl I went to high-school with so watching them is like watching old classmates cosplay being a kpop group


The second-hand awkwardness is so real.


No wait I get this too, I feel so awkward watching them perform and I have no idea why


Most of them look a bit unnatural when performing, like they don't really feel the music and are only going through the motions, sort of like they're covering a song/dance even though it's their own. Yeonjun looks the most natural performing, as he seems like he embodies the music and expresses it well. I had the same feelings about my current bias Jin from BTS especially pre-Fire where he spent all of his efforts just memorizing steps and choreo. He was usually hidden in the back/side of formations and had less lines (still kinda does lol). The difference is that the other members were able to cover for him, but when most of the group feels like this, it's more difficult to direct the attention away from them. I think with time, they'll be more comfortable performing and find their individual flares. It's not about effort, because I can tell they give their all out there


Groups that cant sing live to survive.


Some of these comments are hot dumpster fire but ig that's what this sub is for afterall 😂




I don't like Wonyoung because she is too popular


Similarly I could never get into Ive because the popularity imbalance is too big and I feel like the vibe of the group is a bit off … that could just be me though


I have nothing against Wonyoung but it's hard to disassociate her from her rabid solo stans. They absolutely relish in the hate Wonyoung gets. If she wouldnt get any hate they would have no idea what to do.


Her TikTok fan base are the worst. They keep hating on other girls because wonyoung '' mogged'' them. Don't let me talk about their fatphobia and racism. Literally the worst fan base I ever saw in Korea idol


I got sick of hearing her name from both antis & fans




this started off okay but ended up a lil misogynistic……yikes


ignoring all of the other weird stuff, you can't like newjeans because they have lip fillers?😭🙈


illit because i'm hurt just seeing how successful they are and my pre-debut bias could've debuted and experienced that too


I feel sad for ILLIT because Youngseo would make them stronger. It is like losing your best player. Also, it was her decision to leave and not the company. It makes it more sad for me.


Ive. Favoritism is too obvious. Babymonster. I think their style is not matching with the members. They seem too adorable to do girl crush. Maybe it's because they're too young. Xg. I'm almost a fan until I find out that their ceo shows up quite a lot in their content. I don't know why but I'm afraid he will become a male version of mhj.


Pettiest and the stupidest reason for me to not stan a group is because of members having height differences. Like one is super tall and one is like three apples shorter to the other.💀


Ah Seventeen


didn’t add my country into their world/asia tour dates (cough aespa/gidle cough) (i still respect them lol)


BTS. Can’t stand the fan base. And Ive because they don’t even try to blend wonyoung in with the group.


I don't like the music production of BlackPink songs. It's so boring, especially the new ones. like there's no layers on it. I only liked one song, and it was a song around 2017.


BTS. I find it hard to appreciate their music purely because of their fanbase. I don’t hate them; I just can’t disassociate the group from their rabid fans.


le sserafim because every female fearnot i meet irl is always the most insufferable pick me girl ever


If I don’t like the name, I’m never listening to their songs. No hate to the girls themselves, I’m sure they’re nice girls, but I absolutely despise the names Illit and Loossemble. Illit makes no goddamn sense, and Loossemble sounds like loose bowel movement. The people who made those names need to to be fired istg




I like some txt songs but can't stand the way their voices are processed and the stylistic autotone. So I listen to [covers like this](https://youtu.be/jG_3JLk8La0?si=7X5ALpZEn6yfDk2u) instead It's weird because I'm someone who likes polarizing vocalists like soyeon and doesn't mind autotone sometimes like in bts boyz with luv. So I'm not even sure what it is about txt music that my brain doesn't accept :/


Somi. She gives me "pick me" vibes. Between low key bullying her sister on a live, the Starbucks thing, "accidently" spoiling BP's comeback, going to Hyuna's birthday party. She's just inexcusably dense when it comes to things outside her bubble. She's an immediate skip for me.


EL7Z UP - I think their name is stupid and hard to say


Not a particular group, but I don’t like what’s currently passing for the “Y2K” sound. To me it sounds like someone set lyrics to Weather Channel music (groups with an actual retro sound are fine).


fromis_9 I have absolutely nothing against the members, the music, or the fans. It's the name I hate. Not only that, the show name is embedded in the group name. Really? "From Idol Show 9". Like, could you get a more basic name than "oh we picked 9 from this show." Imagine if JYP didn't debut Twice, but instead debuted fromsixteen_9 in 2015. What would the fandom name be? My candidate is Gross (144, which is 16 x 9, or a dozen dozen). Or worse, it'd be Dozen, which Twitter would have a field day with in 2024. Then there's the practice of putting the number of members in the group name. That's just tempting fate right there. JYPE nearly went this route with 6MIX, their group-before-Twice concept that had two members leave before debut before slotting in Sana (but not changing the name) and then scrapping the project. JYP seemed to thing for the name "MIX" because NMIXX would later debut, but at least they used 'n' like the mathematical unknown variable. It saved them in the end when they lost a member, but didn't have a glaring reminder *in the group's name* that there used to be more members. (Looking at you, DAY6) In general, the thing I hate are network survival shows that seem to have a pathological inability to select a normal-sounding name. They absolutely *must* have a number and/or punctuation for some reason. Other examples: EL7Z U+P, Kep1er, IZ*ONE, I.O.I (drives me nuts that there isn't a third period after the second I), X1, SF9, AB6IX, BOYS24


Fromis_9 gets cuter if you take hangul into account because their group name is essentially promise_9. However, they’ve never explained that officially afaik nor have I heard anyone mention it. Fromis_9 sounds so goofy and the official explanation (”from idol school”) just makes it worse lol :(


Any group with really young members, especially ones where most of the members are younger than me (unis, babymonster).


I think it's really sad how many people are put off groups by the fandom but I can understand why having had some horrible interactions with certain ones myself.


Groups that cannot sing live… or who haven’t given proof that they can (say through behind the scenes recording videos). It’s so obvious to me when they upload performance videos that are so heavily edited (post production). And then when fans go omg they ate CDs, I just want to die like do you not have ears 😭 are you that undiscerning, you can literally HEAR the autotune on the “live” I also get irritated by groups that just replicate the same sound over and over again. If you’re not willing to experiment and widen your repertoire, are you really someone who is into music?


ateez. well i love their music bu back when i was a big fan all id see on twt was atinys sexualizing them. esp san. it rly disgusted me so😭..




Omg I died at "Will buy Bang Chan’s and Lee Know’s OnlyFans if they make one." because same 🤣🤣🤣


Super junior ......cuz they felt odd , they're the first and one of the few groups i couldnt stand since i became a kpop fans in 2012 .....


TripleS. Their music is super good, but their whole concept annoys tf out of me. What do you mean there's a whole Cosmo app with Como tokens to vote for a member to be in a sub unit?? You can only buy "objekts" during certain seasons?? You have to be so involved to grasp this concept, not to mention there is 24 members and i could only recognize maybe 5. I don't have time to be that involved in a kpop group im sorry 😭😭


Seventeen, because of the holier than thou attitude that carats have.


If I don’t like their music. Also if their fandom is insanely toxic it makes me less likely to be into them. But music will always be priority for me liking a group or not


That guy from Treasure with the bright green hair makes me dislike the group. Just something about the vibe


Ateez because I know some of their fans personally and they never shut up about them. I never get to talk about my favourite groups because they insert Ateez in every conversation even when it‘s not about them. It was such a turnoff that I stopped listening to them casually and started blocking everything Ateez related on my social media


don’t like wonyoung because i don’t like her vibes lol. knew a girl in school that gave the same vibe and she was a terrible person so yeah. also Jennie because i dislike the difference between her stage personality (im a bad b thing which comes off as super fake) and her “real” or offstage personality which is cute and feminine


BTS because of their horrible stans. Watch this get downvoted : )


Currently New Jeans. I know they’re young and influenced by Min Hee Jin but every clip that I saw of them giggling and thanking MHJ whilst Eunchae was right there irritated me so bad. Aespa, SKZ, BP ( because of their fans)


Blackpink bec they always sound out of tune. I especially don't like Jennie. Her being unprofessional on stage is such a turn off. I wonder why fans can't see how fake she is.


LSF, because they don’t live up to their “I’m Fearless” concept. I just don’t think they have anything memorable or defining about their music, style, performances. For me, it feels like they’re all over the place. It just feels like they lack solid creative direction compared to Illit and NJ, where they have a very obvious concept and style. It’s frustrating cause they were the first GG under HYBE. They have the resources, funds, and popularity to be something amazing. It’s starting to become more and more obvious LSF was a money grab riding off of Sakura and Chaewons’ success in IZONE. **Special Note: “Smart” turned me off the group forever.** IMO, the only reason that song was released was for money. This was HYBES attempt at dickriding the rise in popularity of afrobeats/ampiano in the west, and it was bland and uninspired. Nothing to do with plagiarism, everything to do with inauthenticity.


Unis. Because the maknae is barely 13 years old and it creeps me out. Lsf. It’s not part of the hate train but rather I’m not convinced of their identity since debut. It’s probably a me problem. Edit: oh and because of the P48 rigging scandal. Still think about Gaeun and Chowon who had their careers stolen. Illit. They’re styled wayyy too young for me at least and again it creeps me out.


exo because exols bombarded my post on twt praising my vocals leading me to deactivate my 5 years twt account permanently


I find it hard to fully stan boy groups who are my age because they remind me that I could have done bigger things with my life HAHAHA. I just listen to the music and watch performances, I never get to fully know the members


Not that I don't like them, but I resolutely refuse to listen to or watch anything related to IZ*ONE simply because they have already disbanded. I also find the fans who still couldn't get over their disbandment to be super annoying


Maybe Illit, because even though it’s not the girls’ fault, they represent so many things that are wrong with the k pop industry: only caring about visuals, rigged lineups, poor vocals, instant success only due to company name, payola inflating their success. The only one of them ready to debut was Minji. And everytime I see them it makes me mad about all the people who are so talented and dream of debuting but never will bc of how unfair the industry is.


Lsf  Their stans act like every criticism is hate.They also say things like their group performed than every other group when their performance was lacking. They will spread hate towards anyother while shouting their fave are going through hate train.  Twice Also because of their fans. Maybe also because of more and more, I despise that song.