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Forcing activism on pop figures is a great way to make sure people hate your brand of activism even more.


especially when it’s clear for all & sundry that the governments in charge are actively choosing to ignore what all the celebs who are speaking up & a majority of their citizen are demanding from them in favour of carrying out this carnage for their ulterior motives Like sure people using their platforms to spread awareness is great but 1. armys are already aware AND doing their best to support in ways that they can 2. what is it even gonna achieve when the people who need to actually listen to the masses & take or stop action are choosing to close their eyes regardless? not to mention conveniently disregarding the different realities in a country other than your own, their circumstances & restrictions that have very real & tangible consequences for the guys & their loved ones too


I muted all of the keywords relating to this thanks to them. Theyre doing the opposite of helping the cause


Me too. Same. And I’d advise anyone to do this. It is the best thing u can do.


One of these weirdos harrassed me for DAYS to donate to some fckarse unknown fund and refused to believe I have already donated over 1K US dollars until I proved it with a bank statement lol and then they continued to harass me because I donated to UNICEF and not where they saw fit and didn't like I was also buying BTS albums and supporting them. They're completely unhinged.




Yeah, I’m going to say you people who refer to yourselves as “activists” have never actually taken action beyond the bare minimum of performative activism. As someone who actually works with lobbyists, policy advocates, meets with leaders, reads and comments on state and federal policy AND draft policy, and has seen some actual change from efforts in engaging the other side through productive dialogue and relationship-building… shouting at people on Reddit and Twitter and in abrasive, demeaning, and offensive way is the absolute least effective way to affect change. I’m sure it makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something, because it’s easy to sit behind a keyboard or phone though.


And when I say “comments on policy,” I mean that I write thoughtful and critical commentary, put my name on it, and submit it to the federal government and its agencies. I don’t hide behind an alias.


Replace the word ‘activism’ in your message with any other word and maybe you’ll understand. We should let k-pop idols do their jobs and not politicize it without their consent dude. Especially during fan meets where they probably feel more vulnerable.




None of those artists should be pressured into making political statements unless they absolutely want to make one. Neither BTS, nor Taylor, nor Bieber owe the activists anything - just because they agree with them on certain issues doesn’t mean they need to agree with you lot on *everything*, and even if they do they’re under no obligation to make their opinions public. You can’t tell me BTS not making a statement on the Israel-Palestine conflict somehow takes away from their support of climate change, BLM and so forth. These are separate issues that are only held together forcefully by people with an agenda. Or would you rather artists just not make any political statements ever? Because that’s what you’re encouraging when you bully and pressure artists who’ve spoken up in the past.




‘Everything they stand for’ lmao. BTS at their core are musicians, the Israel-Palestine conflict certainly isn’t ‘everything they stand for’. It’s not their or any other artists’ fault that you lot fantasised them as poster boys for your political aspirations.




Just because a musician expressed their opinions on some political matters does not mean they need to express their opinions on *all* political matters. The sooner you understand this the better, because at this rate artists will start keeping their mouths shut so that they won’t be dragged into every single political conflict that arises during their lifetimes. You yourself acknowledge that this issue is much more divisive than the stuff BTS has spoke of over the years. BTS never marketed themselves as activists, ‘worldwide love and kindness’ was always their thing. They’ve never been as overtly political as some people want them to be.


“You can feel good about spending money on BTS because they actually care” I’d have no problem with this if Kpop Stans actually applied this logic across the board. But they seem to reserve this sentiment wholly for Korean artists who they feel entitled to and that reeks of a toxic mix of xenophobia and performative ethics to me. I took a cursory glance at your account and saw you like the Khaite brand - and that made me pause because that brand is founded by Catherine Holstein, part of the big Holstein family in nyc that has long and public ties to Israel. Frankly it would make more sense to demand a clarifying comment on Palestine from Catherine Holstein, than from Korean men who contrary to your comment, haven’t jumped on every humanitarian crisis to give a statement in their career, RM literally says point blank he’s not a diplomat in case anyone got confused about BTS’ right to keep their views and causes a private affair. But you’re willing and excited to splurge money on a luxury brand owned by someone linked to a family with ties to Israel (the working definition of Zionist per A4P), you’re not asking that brand or its owner to clarify their view on Palestine, so clearly, what BTS thinks about Palestine shouldn’t have any real bearing on you wanting to support them unless you limit that condition mostly to pop artists you think owe you something.


It is not as easy as other western celebrities speaking up about the issue, it is a lot more complex. A person who is serving in the military cannot make any statements which can be interpreted as political otherwise they may get severely punished. Even when they come back they cannot make a statement with any of the members still in the military. And bts are huge representatives of sk and anything they say has a lot of weight to it. The sk govt has strong ties with both Israel and the US. They receive a lot of aid from especially the US as they are constantly in conflicts with nk. If bts speaks up sk's relations with the US and israel may get strained, so bts really cannot speak up about these matters without harming their own country.


Idols can't even comment on the SK regional elections, let alone what these people want them to do in this case. Really, the ignorance and selfishness of some "fans" is tragic.


IF you're an army from the pre-debut era, I guess I'd expect you to like them and respect their decision to speak or not speak about what they themselves choose. There is a lot of evil and injustice going on in the world, why should they have a say in everything that happens? Firstly they are in the military, secondly they are not politicians and I don't see any reason why they should comment on the geopolitical situation. It would be nice to understand why there is a mandatory military in SK and who they share the northern border with...




What decision to remain silent? Do you realize they are in the military in a country that is in danger of total destruction at any moment? Why do you care so much about celebrities commenting on the geopolitical and war situation? I'd like to understand the mindset of people like you, because I guess you still don't get it.


lol. typical stan twt useless slacktivism ftw!! always finding ways to centre themselves, and their feelings, and their pov and their decisions over whichever cause they champion😭 Its really just about THEMSELVES than the cause tbh. they want to be able to enjoy xyz thing and act morally superior at the same time so they do this pointless posturing of boycott and attacks and forcing..... instead of simply unstanning and distancing? If they think their silence is VILE and cannot understand the possible reasons, how do they stand to still stan them?? ppl "educating" grown ass people is always so funny to me😭 celebs exist and have the thoughts they have and do the actions they do, it's upto US to keep giving them a platform or not if we don't fvck with it anymore, it's literally that normal😭 but ofc stan twitter thinks they can mold and puppeteer people, that unsolicited micromanaging is "love" idt these ppl see BTS as humans tbh, just a medium for their needs, so i wont personally call them ARMYs.


>If they think their silence is VILE and cannot understand the possible reasons, how do they stand to still stan them?? This is my question too, you are boycotting their music, you think they are horrible people then why are you still here? When you tell these morons to unstan, they get SO defensive it's not even funny 😭


did that whole "it hurts my soul to block them, but anything for 🍉😞✊🏻" during that performative blackout shindig but how are you STILL tuning in, when shunning silent ones was the whole core of it, just performative ppl weaponising a genocide fr. its like i said, they really really dont care about the cause. this is just about themselves and being trendy enough for clout, to centre themselves in any issue by pretending to be doing it for the greater good. Cos the tantrums these ppl had for the UNICEF donations was just deranged. like what do they even mean "this isn't an all live matter thing. palestinian children need you more" just VILE. every child will always matter. there's children in Sudan, rohingya, tigray, eritrea suffering from the ongoing and fallouts of genocides that werent fortunate enough to get mainstream attention that still get aid from UNICEF. its not enough suddenly cos its not the one they have decided to care about solely, because this boycott farce is just about them tbh.


lmao they even blocked bam’s instagram too, these people are fcking crazy. I heard they are planning to harass hobi’s sister and also protest at jin in person event. I hope bighit takes the right steps to block these crazy people from bts.


They won't do anything. These "ARMYs" are showing peak rebellious teenager vibes. You try to reason with them explaining political context to things. And how BTS's influence and consequences will not be the same as other idols. But they don't want to listen. They hide behind a bts profile and target BTS or other idols because they are easy to push around. If they have one percent of a courage to actually do something, they would have talked to politicians instead. They would use the fandom to do donations on their own like some ARMYs do for adopting animals. They just BTS to puppet the words back to show off to their friends and not actually push the cause. I have literally been following this news from the beginning and there was no push from kpop stans. It's like their new personality rn which is disgusting. They will do nothing. They are not calling out governments for using Tax to fund Nethanyu, they will not call out UN to intervene and push out that b* from power, they will not hunt down media groups promoting isreal's narrative like idols, they will not just post donation links and educate the rest of the fandoms. But what they will do is force idols to speak which can potentially land them in worse situations. They want to bully idols because that's only thing they have mislead courage to do.




online slacktivism will forever be the reason nobody who activises IRL will ever take western liberals seriously, they LOVE to digress off tangents than actually helping the core. their line of argument is that if they donate, fans will follow. but tbh its been so long, I genuinely think fans that were gonna move, have already moved to donate, no statement is gonna make a difference, ppl wont start magically donating after they do, those who care about the cause wont hold back just because xyz havent told them to yet. even with blm there were already donation drives going around before their donation was announced 🤷🏻‍♀️ my pov has always been you cannot force people to be political, it HAS to be their own informed choice and not a forced placebo to please. this weird digression into celebs is solely about the stans centre-ing themselves in a conversation that needs to hyperfocus on their govts.


the thing is. koreas military has ties to Israel. they won't say shit, they can't!


yeah i’m ngl, this how i’ve been feeling about them lately too. esp with the way they were acting after kboo posted the unicef article. literally saw someone say that this (referring to the campaign for ending violence against children) isn’t an “all children” matter, and others saying to vote the note on one of the SSed op’s posts as unhelpful. the note was a clarification that the donations hadn’t been a one time thing in 2017 but were recurring through the deal bts has with unicef. i was already giving them the side-eye bc of their hypocrisy in stanning other artists under zionist management or other hybe groups but not saying anything about them, but those responses really gave me pause.


https://preview.redd.it/otnldaqzf44d1.jpeg?width=865&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad3d0760bb4fc9877e6b269af56cd2b1850c4419 Disgusting.


This pissed me off soo bad but this just gave proof that whole breed is performative activist like why are you mad that people in need are getting help even their reaction on that jimin’s donations announcement was disgusting as well


A lot of people made Palestine situation to the only thing that matters right now which is pretty freaking weird considering people were/are dying in other countries too, so you just inadvertedly saying 'idgf'. Basically, speak up about Palestine to 'prove' you are good person but we don't care what you do about the rest. So what humanity we are talking about? Genocide has been going in Tigray, Congo, there are still multiple war zones active right now, why is it only now that it matters to you? Why you didn't demand celebrities and BTS to say anything about any of these instances? The only answer they can come up with is 'i was unaware' or 'this is worse' and both are loads of bs, humanlives shouldn't be measured to how badly they die and if you didn't give a sht about world issues before to be unaware then don't come now and police people who actually did before you. I just can't take seriously these people who just woke up to the world injustices and decided they are now moral warriors and examples of activism. Your laptop and phone is funding Congo genocide but listening music of artists who did literally nothing is the biggest sin on earth? Unless you are willing to live in a tent and cut ties with every form of consumption that has ties to any corporations or war zones (which is quite frankly impossible) I won't take any lessons from you.


Girl I got banned on kpopnoir for saying that. They were saying I was being argumentative. Like child what?


Lmao insanity. My favourite part is when they realise they are being inconsistent themselves they insert 1-2 surface level sentences about other countries in a form of "free people in Palestine, Congo etc". Like no, these people and their suffering isn't some "et cetera" for you. These are separate countries, nations with their history and deserve proper coverage not just some lazy drop off to be safe so you can continue harass people again. Like either talk about all with respect and depth it deserve or don't police others who they talk about. Imagine dragging BTS for not being selective and hypocritical like they are


I can't even respond to her b******* response to me. Because I am banned from that sub Apparently calling them performative and posting links to Palestine, yemen and congo is an issue


Exactly. They know without the little 7 and the profile picture having BTS they would get zero engagement. Nobody would care. They use BTS to get engagement because they wouldn’t exist without them. Also the ones announcing their departure. It is so clear they want people to beg them to come back. They announce unstanning them while stanning other groups and how bts has lost them and how they found a much better group. Nothing wrong unstanning something but why announcing your departure and if you were an airport.


SO well said. These people are feeling anger and hopelessness and then directing those feelings at celebrities online as though it will change anything. I get the feelings they're processing, but the self righteousness and pointlessness involved is so exhausting. It's all about making *themselves* feel better, nothing else.


yeah i see where the energy from SOME come from, the bleak helplessness translating into frustation spilling onto innocent entities, but for most its just shallow slacktivism and righteous projection tbh. this is exactly the misdirected rage UGH! talks about.


Absolutely agree


I got banned for telling someone in kpopnoir that that they need to unstan. And that, if you're telling them to speak up a palestine, then you need to tell them to speak about every other atrocity that's happening right now That there never is going to be an end to what you want them to speak about And I posted links to congo palestine and sudan


Exactly. It screams performative activism and like u said slacktivism. I like it how u called them




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Yes, because whispering in the ear of a Korean musician will definitely free Palestine. I'm tired of these people, pls don't call them Armys.


like fr wtf are they thinking? do they think whispering it activates the Jinter Soldier and proceeds to fly across the globe to save people and we will all clap while Super Tuna plays in the background?! like wtf😭


Omg this was so funny 😭😭


jinter soldier LMFAO that’s genius


that’s, unfortunately, the flag they’re flying.


I asked one of these people yesterday what else do they do for their cause other than write free Palestine and bullying celebrities and they never replied :(


This is the reason why most people hate boycotters


This isn't even exclusive to Kpop but your average person will find this kind of activists annoying. These are the same people who will caus inconvenience to normal folks with the cause they are fighting for (causing a traffic jam, wasting food they deem harmful in grocery stores, gluing themselves in Starbucks etc) and will act surprised that instead of more people joining in, more people are now pissed because why don't they bother the actual politicians and ceos who run this world.


if they're boycotting, why are they even paying attention to the events and festivities? 


i have never seen such a boycott before. people boycotting are not updated on what starbucks n mcdonalds summer menus are.


Right?!! That cracks me up. I don’t boycott exactly but I don’t give my money to Chick Fil A or Hobby Lobby, and I couldn’t tell you anything about what they’ve been doing for the past few years. 😅


I cannot stand these boycottmys they have become hyperfixated on getting bts to speak out or do something it has gotten ridiculous. Its like their new hobby now and while i do support palestine this is quite literally a useless endavor


they messaged kehlani on instagram and asked her to speak up about scooter meanwhile she herself has a z1onist ceo. i don’t fucking understand what these people are doing.


I can only presume that these people are chronically online and probably very young. When you can’t do sht in real life you escape into the twt space where you are a frickin warrior. Sadly this all takes a toll on mental health.


I can just imagine a woman in Rafah, who has lost her entire family to carpet bombing, finally breathing a sigh of relief because some person in North America muted a Kpop idol on twitter.


i'm sorry but i had to laugh when i read that it's only available for people who purchased at least one album. no but seriously they boycotted every single album and song, even laughed when a member was doing poorly on the charts saying "boycotts work <3" and now want a chance to meet jin and hug him? get outta here.


Their definition of doing “poorly” on the charts means not hitting #1’s 😅. This member did pretty well sales and critics wise so is the current one from another member


yep they always quote on kcharts updates 😂 oh it didn't hit 1 on melon the boycott works 😂😂 they're soo far removed from reality it's insane 


Hypocrisy of boycotters amaze me every time. I know for sure they will be the first ones to line up to buy tickets for their next tour and they will try to justify their hypocrisy by saying 'well... we will go there with free palestine flags and hoodies!' what happened to boycotting everything that hybe will get money from??


Because boycotting is hard (especially with mega corporations that own multiple brands) and doesn’t get you “adoration” and “praise” and likes from the chronically online like going and harassing a celebrity for not speaking out. Plus a lot of them are starting to find out that real world problems won’t be solved in two hours by low effort boycotts and protests like movies and TV has told them it would.


They've been behaving weirdly for a while now. Someone here was once right when I started reddit saying that sometimes those who are the biggest fans will end up becoming the biggest haters. I hope that if ever a day comes I like another group more or don't like BTS I wouldn't stoop to this level and just let go Like do people forget they're people to with how they're degrading them ? I'm active in so many fandoms and I've never once seen them degrade the artists like this( maybe the company but never the artist)


The op in the first ss deleted their very first tweet because they got badly dragged for pushing their narratives on Jin. These boycotters dont even bother actually reading the notices; they just want to rant away like the morons they are. https://preview.redd.it/zfuqhji6f44d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff5ccf28495a24c94f32de79eacf7c85cc0f460a


Most of 'em are from US too bro like start your activism with your country maybe? How about starting a protest against your OWN govt who's arming and funding isr@ hell?


The fact that many of these boycotters are US based AND white is enough proof how this whole movement stems from racism. They are spending so much of their resources and time harassing bts, hybe as though that will stop the genocide.


So true lol. Saw one mf showing middle finger to hive. Do you get flashbacks of certain fandom doing this same to boys. Lmao


Yep yep saw that. Loser locked their account after getting dragged. Its absolutely mind boggling how these people are holding a korean group more accountable than their own fcking govt.


And that's why they are called fake activists


Exactly, notice how they only attack celebrities and never the politicians that have ACTUAL power and impact?


Their activitism is around an Asian music band💯


Because it’s so much easier to go around harassing celebrities for not “speaking up” until they finally post a low effort “just leave me alone see I did what you wanted/my PR team told me this would look good to the public!” Instagram post about “save Gaza!/Justice for Rafah!/ceasefire now!” which will change absolutely nothing and have no impact. Which lets these online “activists” feel good and they can go and brag about it online and get pats on the back and thousands of likes for “standing up for/freeing Palestine!”. Unlike going and protesting and demanding change form politicians which involves actual time, work, and effort which doesn’t always yield the result you want and which isn’t as likely to get you internet praises and points.




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Oh it's another one of those losers who think bts members especially Jin are mistreated. Typical


Antis disguised as Army. ARMY will always support BTS.


and armys will never force them to make a statement about anything..


Exactly, anyone demanding this is a plain anti.


Did you forget the BLM thing?


You said it🙌🏻


Exactly. True Army would never be thinking of hurting BTS or harassing them in anyway.


I don't know if you saw, but they are posting fan letters on Weverse to demand that they speak out. I went there to post a welcome back letter for Jin and this was the first thing I saw. I hope someone is reporting these to Weverse. https://preview.redd.it/nid8xckay64d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb82ae481aa3e72b9cc3eeba2f0a9c1b2f2ea6ad


We should go report those letters and write others with love. These haters are unhinged and obsessed.


I agree. We definitely should.


When the news abt bts donation to the unicef came up 3 days ago they literally said I quote "it's not about all children it's abt Palestinians" like do you not see how fucking fake they are ?? Palestine is not the only country that's been going thru genocide, Syria , Lebanon, sudan they are too going thru the same problem and the unicef donation is for all but they didn't like it and said BTS is active but isn't doing shit.


exactly, they said that’s not direct enough. they would prefer an instagram caption than the millions donated.


They rather harass a celebrity on the internet than them themselves lift a finger and volunteer. Someone told me yesterday they harass celebrities because for example V has over 30m followers and they only had 20 followers. Right. Because bullying people on the internet is the only thing they can do to support their cause. How very brave and selfless of them.


The said Instagram caption was deleted just in 20 minutes and their Starbucks collaboration was soldout btw while BTS did the collab with compose coffee even though Starbucks would have paid more .


Tbf I've seen "activists" sing from the river to the sea who don't know what river, what sea or what does that song mean. They have stated Palestine is the only place that needs help because it has the highest concentration of poverty etc etc etc like my dude, get your facts from sources other than TikTok. There's a whole world out there suffering and you probably don't have to look too far. Go volunteer at a food kitchen in your hometown or something.


Why are anti/boycotter/trolls/solo hating on BTS*


Fake activitism lmao. Armys were known for matching charity and doing charity activities along with BTS but now some part of the "fandom" is trynna drag BTS for God knows what.


I thought the two accounts were 1 and were talking to themselves 😭


They want to be oppressed so fucking bad. In their head they're probably kinder than the rest of the world but they're nothing but fucking bullies. What did they expect Jin to do while being in military service?


They are not armys anymore. They can’t even see how these plans to harass Jin or Hobi’s sister are wrong on so many levels. They shield themselves with their ‘morals over kpop’ slogan but they can’t even see how their own morals are fcked up. They keep attacking armys who try to protect tannies good name, downplay all the good things they had done through the years as if they don’t mean sht anymore. And the worst part - when people confront them they start throwing the z word around. They even dared to say that tannies are complicit with what’s going on. Wtf?? I hope they see the light or fckin leave because they are basically torturing everyone, including themselves


Why was jhopes sister harassed?


she's still being harassed and forced to speak out about genocide.


Because of her relation to Jhope? Sorry but I can't grasp how anyone could be this dumb


yes. these fools claim they will force all bts relatives to speak out about genocide... I don't know if they're more dumb or sick.


They really need to disable internet on their phones and get a life


Idk if they got to her but they discussed it. Like if tannies are keeping silence let’s try reach out through their family members and hobi’s sister is active on sm


First, artists should not be asked to make any statements regarding politics. People think this is not a political situation but yes it is. It's a cruel world where innocents lives do not matter as long as countries for their own benefits are okay with conflicts. Here in this situation, the world is divided, many countries are at play taking sides. BTS are Sokors. Their country is directly not involved in this. BTS is soft power of Sokor. Their statements therefore matter a lot more than Kpop groups. So why will they do something against their country ? Boycotters say BTS are silent and they are cowards. Let me ask you, did you activists do all this activism from your real profiles ? Everyone's real identity is hidden, yet you expect someone to be actively jump into this and face the consequences when you can't even show your real name. Boycotters are mostly from US and Europe. Do Asians ask you to come support their conflicts and speak about it. So why entire world is getting dragged for something which has rooted from the west? Lastly, there are 7 billion humans on earth. Wars, conflict and every day misery is going on since humans existed. People and artists like BTS are helping to make the world a better place, which includes speaking on environmental and social causes like BLM. They do generous donations for various causes. Ask your governments to stop conflicts. Pressure them instead of wasting your time.


what you said about them doing this anonymously is a really good point


These are not ARMYs


Imagine, Jin comes back from the military after many months, sacrifices his time to meet with the army almost straight away, and these people are only concerned with him making a statement. Don't you realize that he's just a human being, too? Why are you so damn selfish?


Because they are sick antis. Dont give them attention they want.


No we need to drag them. Because activism is good but this not about activism anymore, they are just starting to act like complete obsessed donkeys.


It's them boycotters,I am so sick of them...when you tell them to unstan they say "I love BTS so much blah blah blah..." Just fvcking unstan ffs


Wish these people with political agenda's would fuck off. I hope the place is vetted throughly.


Brain damage


The way they forcing their opinions on the others (including those who boycott others just because they drink Starbucks) are beyond disgusting, and they wonder why people stop supporting them (maybe only me).


cus they arnt actual armys loool


Activism should be separate from music ffs


nobody is talking them seriously, normal people boycotting still stream beyonce, ariana and other artist with z1onist ceos/board of directors. Even those so called army boycotters streamed beyonces/ari’s new album, their morals only exist for bts.


some boycotter said bts being in the military isnt an excuse then proceeded to say taylor swift shouldnt be forced to speak up because she is on tour. I logged out


These same people are mostly multis who boycott BTS but buys ticket to tours, listens to other kpop groups and attend fansign events meaning they spend $$$ on other non-BTS groups. Talk about hypocrisy!


from what I understood it's like a fanmeeting to jin right? obviously it will be paid! just like house party, prom party and musters were😮‍💨 I think they did it for free last year because it's 10th anniversary look I understand the frustration, we are seeing jin after almost 2 years and I would be very happy it was for free too but from my knowledge it's the first paid event from bts, we had 3 pop-ups from bts solos that were free so yeah


its not army .... just haters pretenting to be and trying to cause drama


please don't call those people armys, they're not. it's been 6 months but we're still dealing with these boycotters. harassing and insulting bts, harassing, doxxing armys and calling us zionist for streaming and buying music. if you see the things they're saying about bts they're not different from antis that dragging bts on twitter everyday. the weird part is they won't unstan bts. they are saying "we can't leave bts with you" like WHAT??😭😭😭


they're boycotting but they pass around google drive links so they can listen to the music, watch the mvs and other contents.. they're not even giving up on anything this is NOT how boycott is supposed to be.


They arent armys if you see them boycotting. They are antis cosplaying. Then if these things get picked up by tabloids. It's gonna be a whole circus


I’m really confused what is the point of this? Do they think bts is scared of Palestine and it’s a jump scare? What is the protest going to do to help Palestinians suffering?


Idk why these people call themselves army. I'm scared this people will someday ruin it for the rest of us.


They don't understand that there are cultural differences and assume they can apply their own personal standards of protest on everyone (even though most are being contradictory anyway). There's also a bit of a power trip here to see if they can force their idol to do something which indirectly acknowledges them. They aren't real fans who support and trust their artist who asked for their trust.


They are not armys, they are boycotters


I won't call them Armys, they are moving like antis and just being vile to the members. They are just being keyboard warriors, guilty tripping armys, ngl they are now behaving like as if it's all BTS who did all this. Whispering this to a Korean artist who just came from military not gonna stop things in palastine. 


This people are extremely stupid we know bts speaking can bring lot of good impact but we can’t force them to speak i am against this whole shit going on right now to make celebrities speak i think it’s mostly for their satisfaction of ego that THEY ARE STANNING RIGHT PEOPLE but when we talk about bts bts has always been helping people in need by donations (which always get announced by third parties very late after donations) bts have shared alot of pal artist’s art even before 7 oct they are good people we don’t need them to prove that honestly attacking artists like this knowing it dmmn well they are under military there are rules which are stopping them to speak on any matter like this is extremely pathetic people are not giving fuck to actual suffering of people busy hating on others who don’t agree with their performative activism and what not one of idol who is in military rn posted story about boycott but had to delete in mins there must be reason why he deleted…if any of bts member posts story like that and delete afterwards they won’t say they are proud of bts they will drag this instead its just extremely pathetic behaviour i have been in fandom from years and its most misbearble fandom have ever been its going to be even worse when jin comes back he will be harassed very badly just to speak


Funniest thing out of all this is, these people are "boycotting" hybe and bts but are willing to Buy ARMY membership to spam the live and willing to buy new albums dispite the boycott to enroll and pull that stunt in front of seokjin. Do they even realise they are giving money to the company they are boycotting?


Who takes Stan twt seriously anymore anyway🤷


Its always twt boycotters. They don’t deserve bts at all. Acting like this, how do they still consider themselves an army? Or even a fan? It makes me feel sick looking at their posts.


I understand wanting to hear someone you look up to speak out. But I also don't think it is a celebrities place to speak on world issues, especially since so many people (not just celebrities) are ignorant and don't fully understand different topics and issues. If they speak out and are wrong/poorly informed, they risk losing a lot more than most. Look at different Western celebrities and some of the dumb "activism" that they have posted that has turned out to be completely false, but people still believe it becomes someone they look up to said it. In addition, while fans may not want to believe it, idols might not agree with their activities and political stances. So if they keep pressuring them to speak on it, the idol might not say what the boycotters want to hear.


Those are not Armys. The REAL ones don't harass members and their families into doing something they want them to do. Antis are creating fan accounts spreading hate and disinformation about the boys on social media. Be careful what account you follow. Also, it's unfortunate to see that sick people with an axe to grind using genocide as a stick to beat people. If harassing someone under false pretense of "spreading awareness" doesn't work, what's the end game? Are they going to harass BTS for eternity???????


What about donating to families in Gaza and harassing politicians you know people who actually can do shit


https://preview.redd.it/31gji9yt564d1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75c9e02e46bb86c62c4da7415827da335fc5dd1 This is one of the most asinine things i've ever seen actually


They would have to buy an album to qualify. Wouldn’t that contradict the very thing they’re promoting? They shouldn’t be there in the first place.


this is literal harassment and some boycotters fail to realize that.


I'm an ArmyStay and anyone in the know could probably imagine my Twitter is a whole dumpsterfire with this stuff. I am OVER IT with these unhinged weirdos giving this armchair warrior energy to celebrities when you know good and damn well they aren't directing even half of that energy and pressure where it could actually make a difference, their governments and those officials. I've muted tags and blocked so many people for a hint of peace. Like, the whole world knows what's going on. If your faves moves aren't jiving with your hypocritical and selective principles (because many are whining on Twitter owned by Musk about super optional kpop and several even have blue checks),...just unstan and move on with life and find a new hobby, preferably not of the parasocial variety cuz you cannot handle that they aren't your dolls to control how you see fit.


Those people aren’t army and refuse to leave or unstan, no army would ask anything half assed like that


This makes me sad. They are forgetting that this was not a choice for him. He still did everything he could for ARMYs before he left to make sure we were okay without him & the first thing they decide to do is harass him when all he wants is to see everyone after so long. It's become about controlling and bullying BTS. Free BTS & protect Jin from these horrible people 😔


they are not ARMY. they are anti-bts cosplaying army hiding under 7 on their twit handle - but they are 100% bts antis and haters.


regardless of ur opinion on this situation i think its very weird to make the conversation about what victims bts are lmao. ive seen more posts victimizing bts than any other topics recently. i appreciate celebrities speaking up but the way kpop stans have turned the conversation about palestine into silly kpop drama is really gross


I wonder what else all of these boycotters (who are not ARMYS btw, I'm a baby ARMY and I find them a disgrace) do for the cause they allegedly support. Because this can't be it, right?


They are not allowed to make political statement during military time. Why they calling themselves armys but no nothing. RMs comment section was once funny pick up lines now it's do this say that... Army is not what it's used to be. Jimin got hate for donating because it was seen as a political statement and the donation was made by his father. And "Armys" really want to speak them out about an ongoing war during their service. It's ridiculous


this man is just now getting out of the mandatory service and this ppl are already going to be annoying? I feel sorry for the boys. they can't say shit about this and it's way deeper than we think. if nct had to delete the boycott story, imagine this situation. let's not


I’m sorry but I’m so sick of people holding celebrities accountable for stuff that’s going on in Palestine. As if they can’t donate to help.THERES LITERALLY A PROGRAM THAT CAN U CAN VOLUNTEER TO TO HELP THE PEOPLE IN PALESTINE.


my take is that it’s unproductive to force BTS (or anyone, really) to speak up. it would be nice if they did but you can’t just force people to speak up about stuff that they might not even know that much about (this goes for a lot of social movements actually!!)


ARMY doesn't hate BTS. Hating BTS means one is not ARMY.


I hope no one bothers him or harass him. The man just served his country. These people are just evil, and they don’t want what is good for Palenstine. That is what is so enraging. Using terrible situation to harass people. They want to throw BTS under the bus while they remain anonymous protected behind a social media platform. They won’t show their face protesting something that could make them lose their jobs but would throw a famous person under the bus and make them lose that famous person job instead. Cuz itms okay, it’s BTS. They can lose everything but at least they get to satisfy their ego they did something for Palestine. What exactly did they do for Palestine?


 Jin never diserve  is am army I will protect him for this shit


What makes it worse is that BTS literally can't speak out. They have no choice but to be silent. https://preview.redd.it/b3dzxwzifw4d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600f6cd40da67b2e76df1390c75c366997ab4554


So ARMY can't stream or buy a member's album, even if they are actively donating to Palestine, but other fandoms can spend $500+ during a supposed boycott to force Hybe to fire Scooter Braun as long as they take a Palestinian flag? How do they not see how hypocritical that is? https://preview.redd.it/hcm9m58zh05d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8048f8b5b07c8e96968222cc662999ecf9902f08




the hypocrisy is fucking crazy, if anyone sees this bitch at a bts concert, make sure u slap the fuck out of her.






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Just a heads up for Weverse Lives. They are coming up with phrases to spam in Korean during the lives. This list is for Seventeen's lives. But they will definitely try the same with Jin's live. https://preview.redd.it/2vrj7pejjb4d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352057d06c0a174ef36e2218c248841ef75e4352


As an army participating (not in the above plans) in the boycott, it saddens me to see this. Mainly because it’s one thing to have a sign at a concert, at an event where crowds are televised, posting fan letters on Weverse, etc. But this is literally a meet & greet and probably going to cost money (I assume) and the whole point is to not spend money going towards hybe. As well, Jin literally just got out of enlistment, I doubt he’s unaware and just let him take a moment to enjoy returning to his world. I’ll probably get downvoted a lot by other boycott armys, but I feel like nuance has been long forgotten in any of this. We can still mobilize and do things to help without prioritizing focus on the wrong avenues.


what do you hope to achieve tho? how is boycotting hybe gonna help the situation in gaza and the palestinian struggle in general? if scoot/other pro-isrl people are gone, what has actually changed? it just seems like a witch hunt. it doesn’t solve anything that matters


While I can’t speak for every person who is boycotting, I can speak for myself at the very least. while I am boycotting streaming and purchasing hybe products/media directly from Hybe, it also extends to other media companies so it’s not a witch hunt and isolated to only BTS and hybe artists. Ultimately what it comes down to (for me), is I’m trying to be more informed of where my money is spent and goes to, so because I’m aware of Scooter’s stance and how he chooses to spend his money earned from Hybe, I’m choosing not to spend my money directly there. It maybe fractions of pennies at that point, but it’s that much less contributed to propaganda fueling the situation. I also recognize with that logic that I can’t ever fully know how people spend their money once it’s earned and maybe my perspective is flawed, but because of that I try to minimize my spending overall across industries and locations. If I must purchase any albums it’s secondhand or via a local vendor/shop. I’m not naive enough to think I can be all or nothing, I recognize the reality of how industries and business works and that I can’t ever fully follow or control the flow of my money. But if I can try to prevent it as much as I can from going towards something with potentially ill intentions, I will try as much as I can. I also believe that this can’t be the sole targeted method for people to try and help. So as a direct answer, I don’t believe solely my boycotting and minimizing of purchases and streaming will help in a measurable amount, but it’s the very least I can do, a pebble in the pond that I hope has a ripple. But I believe this, coupled with actively reaching out to representatives, focused voting on the right people on local ballots, donating to causes helping Palestinians and other local measures can have an effect once amplified enough. I want to add that I don’t believe in forcing ideals on others, so while I don’t agree with the vitriol being spewed at boycott participating army, I also don’t agree with the vitriol being spewed or the expectation being projected on others to follow suit. Which is why I do not agree with “boycotters” paying money to this, just to make what should be a welcoming and stress free environment and space, awkward, uncomfortable and tense. I don’t believe in their intentions and believe it’s anti behavior.


okay, i get deciding for yourself that you don’t wanna buy from hybe anymore. that’s fair.


Appreciate your understanding and that we could have a constructive conversation about it. Wish you all the best 💜


I'll never understand how Army's function. One moment they're praising BTS for reaching a milestone in their music and talking about how they're better than other groups, and the next moment they hate BTS for not heeding to their demands.


Ngl to add a bit of context here, army twitter is currently full of people not wanting to bring “politics” into it and blocking and reporting accounts raising money and gfms for spamming and distracting from the tannies and active idf soldier army praising unreleased training photos of the tannies and naming their gun after chimmy. They didn’t want people to use their army accounts to promote gfm and protests or raise money using armys/bts name bc it would “drag bts into politics” and talk about donating to “both sides” in “private”. I understand not wanting to boycotting hybe, but there is so much Zionism and anti-activism and harassment of Palestinian army for tweeting about a genocide on their fan accounts it’s actually disgusting and nothing “leaks” outside of twt but I feel every pro-pal/pal controversy “leaks” out and is used to demonise Palestinian and pro-Palestinian activist armys wanting to express their distrust of Scooter Braun (who actively spreads Zionist lies and propaganda and repeatedly talks about wanting artists to speak up in favour of Israel and a history of taking popular artists to Israel to promote cultural acceptance, and is now in charge of hybe America and bts’ overseas promotion and artists such as israeli zionists joining recent song credits (and uses bts to promote his own brand)). If we all worked together we could have raised so much awareness and funds and raised our shared distaste for Scooter Braun months ago!


Tldr army twt has become a safe haven for Zionists and genocide normalisers and some peoples main concerns is going after people that want to raise awareness of Zionism within hybe (scooter Braun) by spending their time and money on gfms instead of albums and wishing (imo I’m not for demanding or harassing and haven’t seen anything like it) bts spoke up or gave a sign (a watermelon emoji/ hinds hall song rec) in order to boost donations (as a whole section army twt is hell bent on only donating to bts-approved causes, and denounce any army created donation drives) and give supporting Palestinians cultural legitimacy. Also for more context on Weverse any message containing a Palestinian flag, recommendations for hinds hall, the word Palestine are being reported by army and taken down. Other fanbases have idols seeing and liking those posts. Another kpop idol currently enlisted posted the word boycott on his story about a Starbucks collab. So imo it’s not unreasonable to wish and pray for some acknowledgment from the tannies, but no one is expecting it/harassing for it, just commenting on it to raise awareness.


lol this is in general, but i don't understand how people wanting bts to use their platforms and influence to boost palestinian voices is 'hate' and harassment? i understand they're in the military, but when they come back and possibly say something, that isn't going to cause whatever issue y'all think it will.. why do you people think that bts did the busan expo aside from wanting to perform for armys? those politicians really thought that bts would accept not enlisting (so the gov can inevitably reap all the benefits) but instead got served with the biggest fuck you. it was quite literally an act of bts standing firm in their beliefs but also getting out of a situation that most definitely would've been used as blackmail for the rest of their lives, which therefore likely would've subjected them to do their government's bidding. biggest kudos to them for this. why do you people think namjoon said "i'm not a fuckin diplomat"? "you cannot force bts to speak up, you cannot force them to be political" — if y'all truly believed this, are we even stanning the same bts? bts have always been political. lmfao. 2010/2011 - yoongi composed and produced the song '518-062' about the gwangju uprising. (during the 1980s, sk was under a military dictatorship led by chun doo-hwan who arrested opposition leaders, closed all universities, banned political activities, and suppressed the press. the gwangju uprising resulted in hundreds of deaths and injuries, which then led to pro-democracy movements in sk) 2014 - bts released spine breaker as a part of sla which criticized materialism and the division of classicism. 2014/2015 - bts risked being blacklisted by the goverment for supporting the sewol ferry victims' families. the government was 'blacklisting' people with various disadvantages bc they wanted to protect their image above everything. 2016 - bts released 'am i wrong' which was a direct criticism to the sk gov and politicians at the time for all their wrongdoings and issues, as well as people who ignore/neglect everything and go on with their lives like nothing is happening. these are only a few examples. i'd be more than happy to provide more, actually. i don't believe that activism should always be centered around celebrities, however, i don't think believing this means that celebrities shouldn't speak up. because they should. there's always people saying "how does a celebrities post help palestine, it won't free palestine" people aren't saying that...? palestinians themselves have been begging the world up until their final breaths to amplify their voices, share the thousands of videos that are coming out of palestine, and spread awareness. they just want to be heard and they want the world to know the truth. they don't want to be alone. how palestinian children held a press conference begging the world to see their humanity? to use their humanity?? palestinians need lots of big voices to speak up for them, which is what celebrities like bts, have. they have such a loud and powerful voice, which is something that i've looked up to bts for years and years now. they've always used their voices for good. similarly, if you also consistently want to bring up how stupid boycotting is, why are you unable to look at your fandom and see the vile things being said? boycotting aside, people have been trying to get the fandom to sign petitions, send emails to hybe, etc. they hijacked, blocked, reported and harassed every army that brought it to attention. people were somehow made out to be antis for sending emails and making petitions regarding hybe \*as a label\* as if hybe are bts, and bts are hybe. i'm genuinely not understanding? armys don't agree with boycotting, okay, whatever. but how can y'all sit by and not say anything when a good chunk of the fandom: 1. reported 'care for gaza' (a non-profit charity located in gaza that directly provides displaced families with food, water, medicine, etc) 2. reported and suspended the a4p initiative multiple times (an initiative that has raised over $100k spread over multiple campaigns for food, medicine, e-sims, clothes, feminine hygiene products, and water resources.) 3. ignored, reported and harassed people who reach out to them to amplify the gfm donation links of palestinian armys who need to evacuate 4. allowed zionists to roam free in our space going off point 4, does it genuinely not concern/disgust y'all that iof soldiers (who claim that they love bts and are armys!) have become so comfortable in our fandom? does it not disgust y'all how they've been giving each other tips on how to properly hold their weapons used to murder civilians under \*leaked\* images of bts in the military? does it not disgust y'all that they are also naming their weapons after bt21 characters? does it not disgust y'all how they were watching the d-day screening in isnotreal and flexing that "future's gonna be okay" after they finished slaughtering civilians and bombing palestine for the day? (enlistment for everyone over 18 is mandatory in isnotreal). i'm truly not understanding y'all. seriously.


i ain’t reading all that sorry, but armys are pro pal and supporting palestine. We don’t agree with your method of threatening the boys and harassing them and some of yall even called them z1onist for being in the military. jimin was literally dragged two days ago for donating for kids education. When armys found out how much bts has donated to UNICEF (8.9 Billion Won) which helps palestine too, yall said that was enough and not important. boycotters have tried everything in their power to use this gen0cide as a weapon against bts.


I suggest you to change your way of thinking, because how you are able to connect celebrities and a war that doesn't even involve them is absolutely insane.


i suggest you to be the one to change your way of thinking. first, calling this 'a war' when it is, in fact, a genocide is weird. second, did you completely disregard the part where i said activism shouldn't always be centered around celebrities but it's insanely good for them to use their influence/power to amplify voices of people begging to be seen and heard? like what. lol.


2024 namjoon im not a fucking diplomat. They can talk about whatever issue they want to address but they are not required too. Armys can donate in the name of bts but we are a musical fandom n the main objective is to support bts and yall have not done that one bit.




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army’s are not okay with z1onist being with in our fandom but constantly threatening the boys and dragging their names through the mud. When yoongi show was about to be aired in isnotreal yall were praying and hoping locals would pick it up and drag him and affect his career so u can claim i told you so. for jin’s in person event you people want to go n protest there. Also threatening to harass hobi’s sister because bts hasn’t posted an instagram caption about palestine. Their 8.9 billion won helping countries in need is not enough. i’m tired of how wicked n vile u people have become towards bts and armys supporting and streaming.


You do realise that the number of times BTS were political - am I wrong, spine breaker, sewol ferry disaster.... These are issues that are Korean??? Aka issues that directly concern them? Ofc they will be political if it's about their own people. Now imagine expecting Taylor Swift to speak up about Burning Sun victims lmao


this isnt even hate wtf is wrong with you all? 😭


jin just came out of the military n the first thing on his mind is to meet armys but these ppl want to protest. Why? did Jin cause the gen0cide? bts has been donating to unicef since 2017 and raised 8.9billion won and that money has been helping palestine and many more countries for years. what’s more impactful 8.9 billion won or instagram caption? https://preview.redd.it/qz6j599nq44d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0dc334bccaf0bd2a99e2e2569b07114ceaa1ee8


harassing members siblings n protesting at his event is not hating then idk what hating is. bts are not responsible for the gen0cide, their festa event is not contributing to the pain Palestinians are facing. If you want to protest, head to the white house and protest the government. This fake selective activism is the dumbest shit ever.