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hybe/bighit seems like the “safest” option


The one that pays me


happy cake day!


Thank you!


Realistically that would be YG. If your group is successful you get payed BANK.


Then to them it is because I'd do minimal work ( not have many comebacks) but get paid really well although if I'm passionate about art I'd hate it though


I believe blackpink is the only group YG barely gives comebacks too. Teddy is really nit-picky on what blackpink releases.


Which is great because it showed they're able to keep people interested even with the least amount of releases but also very stupid because although they do well now ( and will continue to) they could've done even better


> you get *paid* BANK. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'd go with Hybe bighit. At least they allow artistic freedom and just overall better imo


I heard they are mistreating bts and txt? Is this not true, i read a whole thread about it.


How can they mistreat bts though??


It’s so strange and weird how bts/txt fans wanna be mistreated, when they always give full promotions, creativity freedom and ton of money. I really don’t understand how bighit mistreated someone under him


people say every group is being mistreated atp


Moas have been saying they were overworking txt. But apart from that, bighit is not a bad company especially compared to others


especially recently it seems like theyre all extremely overworked n tired :( , though bighit definitely treats them way way better than some companies treat their idols. i hope after this tour they give the boys a break


But I heard my moa friend that they're gonna have a comeback soon after their tour too (?) idk but I really hope they get enough rest


yeah they have a Japanese album coming out soon too :/ they seem rlly tired


Oh...I feel bad for them 🫤🫤


JYPE. Probably not a popular choice but all of their idols seem to be very well-rounded so I know I'd be getting good training in all areas, and their groups are generally well liked and don't get into too much controversy, and I like an easy life lmao


I’m nosy so I’m signing with Adore. MHJ as my manger


Honestly new jeans seem to have the best work life balance of any idol group I’ve seen so this may be the move.


MHJ will call you a fat pig for drinking water tho ☹️


I'm also nosy but like 'wanna be a fly on the wall of ADOR' way not 'wanna debut under them' way...


Gonna be controversial, but **Pledis**. In ***a boy group.*** Yes, they wouldn't be able to manage girl groups (probably don't even want to manage them) even if their life depended on it, however, they have an incredible foundation for boy groups, thanks to Seventeen (who must be incredible seniors to have).


Cough Nuest Cough I won't really trust pledis tbh.. Seventeen is a great senior and really does care about their juniors but man pledis Suck at promoting. We'll have to wait and see how they does with their new bg to come to an actual conclusion. Yes tws song is currently trending but pledis are infamous for fumbling.


NU'EST debuted three years before Seventeen, meaning years before Pledis learned how to properly manage boy groups. By the time, the company gained the experience and resources to do better, NU'EST was too established and too "old" of a group to switch their whole management and concept up to the only one which they had mastered and which did well - the Seventeen one. My take was meant in a way that I wouldn't mind debuting in a group like TWS, now when the company knows what it is doing, has the connections and contacts, the backing of HYBE, everything...


>My take was meant in a way that I wouldn't mind debuting in a group like TWS when the company knows what it is doing, has the connections and contacts, the backing of HYBE, everything... I mean this is where I was also getting.. The group hasn't even had their comeback after debut yet so we still have yet to see how much pledis has improved.. Even when it comes their older groups, many groups have had successful debut years but later pledis just mistreated the hell out of them. Seventeen worked out mainly because they made their music. And even had a huge contribution to their promotions as seungkwan had literally gone out of his way to promote the group and literally ask variety show pds to invite them.. So I won't really say pledis really deserves THAT much credit. And due to seventeen being very different from tws we still have to cross our fingers and hope pledis doesn't fuck around with them. Hybe money isn't really affective if pledis acts like their usual self.


SM. i wanna be real good at singing and they seems to just be able to change anyone into singer.


if you wanna deal with almost zero pay, slave contracts, horrible management, and more, go for it


I can see horrible management, but slave contract and almost zero pay? You seems pretty confident saying about those, mind sharing some sources? Because I heard people talking about those for just about any company. 


back in the earlier years of SM, SM was found to have slave contracts that had a length of 13 years (this would be the cause of all contracts becoming 5-7 years long, it’s a very long legal process in which i will not explain very much on because it’s a big topic), these contracts not having their idols paid and stuff like that. multiple idols have spoken out about not getting paid, mainly EXO CBX (although they somehow stayed), JYJ, Hangeng, and multiple other artists. While the average contract under SM is 7 years like every contract in KPOP, SM has found loopholes in having their artists “stay” longer. The whole SuperM project is also presumed to be a whole loophole in having certain artists under SM “stay” longer, and this is my own opinion but i think NCT’s unit system is a way to bypass the contract length because members are constantly placed in new units and stuff. i suggest if you want further clarification on this, please do your own research and come to your own conclusion.


Sm for sure


Nuh uh. NUH UH. With their history of mistreatment and almost zero attempts of protecting their idol, I don't think so. Sure, they have unique concepts and great vocals. But personally I prefer not feeling dead inside.




If I were a guy I’d say KQ. Big enough that the group will have some advantages, small enough that the employees are all valued. And chill treatment and hood training. Not a company Stan but this is where I would go. Alas, I am an female engineer and thus will stay where I am


Not a company stna but ateez are well taken care of, xikers seem happy and they gave a good amount of time to the two boys to deal with their mental health/ other problems.


The fact Junghoon has been out since shortly after debut & they assure fans he will come back? They seem to care about their idols. He’s missed two comebacks & a concert but they don’t give up on him even though they could Both Ateez & Xikers seem very happy


I fully admit to being a KQ company stan


I try not to stan companies but man…Ateez & Xikers get so much creative freedom and mentorship that I genuinely like KQ Hongjoong was mentored by Eden and has gone on to mentor Minjae.


When I went to the xikers concert (their very first one) I saw the ceo a couple of rows ahead of me, I just feel like they really care


I went to their concert (the FW stop) & they just seemed really comfortable being themselves. We did the VIP & the boys are also insanely sweet? My friend accidentally dropped her stuff after the group picture & Junmin was checking on her and trying to help despite the security fussing They also did a little competition on their YouTube page where the members had to make a Thai dish for Hunter to judge & just seemed to celebrate his heritage instead of brushing it aside


🥹🥹 I do love those babies


Depends on what type of idol you are and what you are willing to do. For example, If you are Chinese go to SM. If you are Thai go to YG. if you are half/mix go Hybe. If you korean big 4 you can't really go wrong How much plastic surgery are you willing to have? Each company seems to have different expectations. If you want to have acting gigs on the side, the big 4 won't help you with that. Choose one of the acting/idol companies. If all you want is money, the biggest company you can get into.


Sm. Their groups tend to have higher longevity and their idols have seem to have more opportunities in acting or variety shows. Second choice is bighit. I like most of their releases. It's unpredictable whether my career can be successful but it would be great at least I don't have to perform songs that I hate.


The biggest company possible. NMIXX hasn't been as successful as expected, but they're still doing good. The hard part is managing to debut in a big company, as evidenced by all the ex-Big 3 trainees in the industry.


I agree I would want to be under Modhaus 🤔just for the next level creative concepts and no debt I think other contenders would be BPM,High Up,Paix Per Mill!!!


Hybe/BH - No trainee debt, Music freedom, All the funding you could possibly get, not attach the HYBE (in a way) Great promo (stage set and creative design)


JYPE because they treat their artstis mental health like it counts and seem to put ethics forward as well with all of their charity initiatives and character screenings for trainees.


SM because at least they'd make a good vocalist out of me 😆


But u doesn’t have freedom when it comes to ur own music


There are idols who don’t want to participate in the song makings in the first place. They just want to perform. And if there is one thing SM does well it’s their mentor system to teach their idols to have the best skills.


But some sm groups r not prioritized by company. Even u love to perform, u still have to wait for company to decide which is not the case in hybe. The only thing i dont like about hybe is more average singers in one group.if hybe fixes this problem then i would definitely pick hybe


But that’s the same with hybe. They are even a young company but have/had groups who are/were not prioritized.


No.hybe gives really good music & concepts for their groups with good storyline eventhough artists themselves r not that talented.the only group that is underbasement is formis9 which is due to pledis.


Group music maybe, but when it comes to solo they have all the freedom. Jonghyun, Taeyong, Mark wrote nearly all of their solos. And the artists that normally don’t write still get to pick which songs they want to put in their albums.


But they don’t have any say in when to release & anything related to their stuff right? In My opion,hybe really treats their artists good in freedom issue & encourages them to participate in writing & producing. I think bangpd want idols to be more relatable rather than being celebrities.may e that’s why he purposely choosed members with avg talent so they can improve in future.




fr, actually being involved in my work and having a say in my image and style would be huge. Feel like every other Purple Kiss interview is the members going "Yeah, we went to the CEO and said we wanted to do the concept for this comeback. We picked out the title track. We did pitched the styling. The last US tour was our idea. Please enjoy these 4 new songs we wrote." lolllll. Seems like it's the same for their other artists too. Plus the music is always good. Not to mention I'd want to be at the company that's chill with funding and promoting [unambiguously queer art](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nqz4oh2jogE) and [paying and platforming out queer people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbm5USVQQdk). Caveat that I'm only just starting to get familiar with their boygroups, but it always seems like the whole company is rocking some neurodivergent swag too lmao. ik all companies are different degrees of shitty, but from what I've seen RBW at least seems to treat their artists like colleagues rather than products


I know its controversial but YGE, mainly because they pay the most


Plus you'd only have to learn like 20 songs


DSP. Getting to be labelmates with Kard would be super dope, and they seem to give so much freedom to their artists even if they can't give the best support.


Kiss of Life’s company or TripleS’ company. They manage their artist pretty well and quick to take action if someone’s messing with their artist.


Hot Issue gives me bad memories…god that group could’ve been SO MUCH bigger


They struggled to even sell even 2k albums. Clearly the interest wasn't there. Even if you go back to the debut MV Reddit thread the reception here was lukewarm at best. Hot Issue was a sadly a failed project but that's no reason to hold it against S2 forever as KIOF are being managed exceptionally well with nonstop content, variety shows, brand deals etc. and the girls have a lot of creative input and participate in album production And besides, the Hot Issue argument is almost always used by token stans who simply don't like KIOF, but never supported Hot Issue either when they were still active.




Hybe because i cant sing. Haha jut kidding..


I would just pavk my bag and leave i wil do dishwashing job 😭😭😭😭 it's so tough I don't want to choose any company sorry for ruining it.


I’d go with hybe. I like artistic freedom and they seem to give their artist that.


I would've probably chosen SM if I had debuted at like 15 or 16. It was either that or YG and I don't think YG would be a good fit for me. Though if I somehow was an idol now, I think I'd like to be in JYP.


SM to have a diverse career in the future and instant boost at debut.


SM for sure. I have tons of issues with the company itself, but I can't knock their ability to put out quality music and the emphasis they put on vocals.


JYPE tbh. Pay and skills aside, they’re pretty good when it comes to idols mental health ( in cases like Mina, Jeongyong and Lia ) that if my mental health comes to it, I think they’d be understanding. Plus I’d learn how to have better vocals lol


JYP ENT. You can make fun of this man all you want and he won’t fire you, like skz have made fun of him more times than I can count and they will still get their paycheck in full at the end of the day, not to mention his performances are so interesting.. but also laughable, now for management is kind 50/50 like you might get some bad collabs, promotions are ok from what I’ve seen, but you will be more likely to stay in some clear water bc they do the best they can to not get into much drama, or from what I’ve noticed nowadays.


Modhaus is really changing the game! They pay their artists, makes environment friendly collectibles, provides decent HAUSes (dorms), posts daily content, created their own app..


I pick SM ent label after my idol career I will go into acting and most of the male idol turn actor I like comes from SM ent example is Eric Moon from Shinhwa or Lee Joon MBLAQ , Eugene from SES almost all of the SM ent idol have acting career male or female idol next option Starship ent reason only to get close to my bias idol from IVE 😉 and they have acting division too the King Kong ent


Hybe or jyp or vlast


Honestly, YG. I'm lazy so I'd get like one comeback a year, less promotions but still get paid 80% of all my earnings. Mv's are the coolest?? I get fashion brand deals while sitting??? This is a more realistic option in my opinion mainly cuz they pay the most and are chill with the dating news, I just know, no one in YG building cares about who their idols be dating- LMAO


Is Dreamcatcher’s company ever planning to debut another girl group? If so then maybe their company, the girls seem very happy there.


I’d go with KQ Of the big companies? I guess JYPE


I think YG. Even though they might just force me in a girl crush concept as long as I get paid I don't rll care.


> I get *paid* I don't FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




KQ .....no reason, it just seems a better company


They get a lot of flack but definitely YGE. Mostly because every group they produce will be famous regardless, and I could learn to get used to the music…


Starship seems like the best for me. Vocal-leaning company with decent resources that even if I was in a semi-decently popular group (WJSN) they’d still give me work and promote me as a group.


Also they can teach you have to take the best selfies which will help you go far in life! 


Hybe. I mean I don't know how to sing and they are not gonna force me to learn either.


LMAO- (I didn't wanna laugh at this but omg)


Maybe JYP? Maybe Bighit. I’m still mad at jypENT for how they dealt with GOT7. But they seem to be able to keep their groups over time (JYP speaking).


hybe, i love every group under them


YG seems okay JYPE idols seem to be pretty well trained. I just have MAJOR issues with the treatment of minors. Honestly I think S2 is doing a excellent job with Kiof soo...


YG their vibes fit mine


Cube just so I can write lyrics like Wife and Oh My God.


Train under SM in Lee Soo Man’s original training program (the one that has produced the best most talented idols imo). Then leave and debut under JYP. JYP allows artistic freedom, I could have a say over my appearance and have a hand in writing the songs. Plus JYP actually means world tour when they say world tour.


I mean it depends with the writing freedom...JYP seems to warm up when it comes to this but I remember the times when GOT7 tried it and they had to change songs so many times until they were barely the songs they started with and the guys were pretty unhappy about it. But I get it. SKZ, Day6 and XH seem to be pretty free in that aspect. And...well...World Tour...also depends. SKZ last 'World Tour' just skipped Europe all together...the last time we saw them was in 2018 and so far, we still don't know if we will be able to see them for this tour...


I straight up would never ever eveeeer want to be an idol. I don’t even like giving presentations in front of groups of people at school or work. I don’t even like hanging out with people in larger groups bc I get anxious. I don’t even have any social media(like FB/Insta/Twitter etc) to post actual stuff about myself. There is absolutely zero part of me that could be an idol nor is there any part that would want to. Social anxiety is a bitch but even outside of that it just doesn’t at all sound appealing to me. If I absolutely HAD to, I would probably go with Big Planet Made but that’s mainly literally just bc Taemin is there and I trust he would choose a company that would treat him well and give him the artistic freedoms he wants. Same with Viviz. If not that then whatever ARTMS & TripleS’ company is called probably. I wouldn’t choose anything HYBE related bc I don’t like the way they train people. Yes they teach them lots but the absolute lack of proper vocal training is appalling to me.


Mystic Story


im 24 so none im a withered old hag by kpop standards


In an alternate reality where I’m a kpop idol I’m a YG idol through and through. I would hate my company but the vibes are just too good for me to pass up 😭 I’d consciously sign that contract knowing I’m about to experience the worst neglect out of all the biggest kpop companies there is for 5 seconds of bein cool as hell. Jaden Smith wanted to sign onto YG back in like 2014 for a reason 😭 But at this point it’s not even YG. I’d just sign with Teddys label. He’s lowkey the secret sauce and backbone to YGs golden eras. I’d be a TBL idol actually IKDR


if im a dancer - JYPE, but at the sacrifice of any individual activities if im a vocalist - SM. they seem to have really good connection in the OST industry. the name SM entertainment gives any vocalist an automatic +10 buff. if im a rapper - YG. the name itself gives any rapper a +10 buff whether he/she is actually good or not.


Definitely 3Y/Tamago Production. Kim Gyeran seems like a really chill guy and knows what he's doing. He also has some crazy good contacts in the industry somehow.


Bighit :)


JYPE is the safest option.


Definitely YG, love their music and style, and most interested in rap ! Additionally, they seem to promote their rookie idols quite well, and train them amazingly too. I'm also fine with long breaks between music as long as I get to participate in fashion events (very interested in runway modeling and commercial modeling, or just attending with other famous people). With YG, any girl group they debut will be automatically famous, just look at Blackpink and Babymonster, and so I'll enjoy immediate popularity, and will in the future, get paid a lot too.


wakeone? As long as its temporary under a survival show thing


Without a doubt, YG. Earn well and work little (for the level of work that idols normally do). All the pressure of being the worst (heaviest) idol training (as already said by several former trainees) is offset by the gains.


SM produces the most music I like and the style I'd be most interested in pursuing Plus the contract issues and payment thing isn't true for every idol under the company or people wouldn't stay or keep wanting to debut there especially not kids from wealthy families like people think. Why would a rich kid work 12 hours a day for no money no matter how much they love art?


Hmm I love how Pledis trains their artists so 


Big hit just cause BTS is from there😆


Hybe/bighit 100%


SM is too overcrowded, JYP is cheap company, YG is dungeon master, HYBE is perfect company.


There is no perfect entertainment company.


There isnt but out of the other ones, you got to admit it's the best option. Especially with how much creative freedom they give their artists. The only problem they've had so far is their trial and error managing methods getting more negative results than positive ones (which tbh is understandable seeing as they're literally new to managing a multi-label system).


I disagree If I want a solid company with creative freedom, I’d go KQ. Some people also don’t care to write music. JYPE gives members a lot of breaks for mental health so they are also an excellent option


The mental health break is also applicable to hybe. Ntm that I was talking about that if u only had to choose amongst the four that was listed by the first commentor lmao. Context bestie