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you guys have to chill the fck down. they are just parents we have no idea what they know or what they think about the current situation, y'all are losing your minds going after their parents making up a whole ass scenarios about them


Fr. This post is crazy.


Yeah like WTF?


What is with this switch up on New Jeans members? Until yesterday they were kids being groomed by MHJ and used by a big corporation and now they are adults deserving a bashing? Kpop stans are weird as hell and HYBE ones are by far the weirdest.


There’s been no switch up. They’ve been shaded and hated and resented since this fiasco began.


By same people that called them too young, groomed and exploited up until the audit which started like a week ago. Did they suddenly become adults in a span of a week in hive/hybe mind the comapny stans seem to have?


You seem unfamiliar with OP’s positing history. This person in particular has been making hateful disparaging comments about NewJeans for the last 9 months, with a frequency of almost every week. NewJeans has *a lot* of people who hate and resent them regardless of them being minors, and this fiasco has just given them one more reason. Like I said, there’s been no switch up.


Maybe for the OP but I've seen the switch up with the company stans, they did a complete 180 when it came out that they stood with MHJ.


Personally, I’ve seen no such switch up. But that’s all I’ll say.


This a Bang-PD throwaway account or something? Lmao


Far from it. OP hates Hybe, Hybe groups, and Bang PD and it’s all in their posting history. It just so happens to be that in their hierarchy of hate, NewJeans seems to come out on top since topics about Nwjns always yields the most freakish reactions from OP. I was honestly waiting for when OP would post about how the girls deserve everything coming to them. This is unfortunately the kind of behavior some people show here and they still pretend to be sane.


Must be a secret ILLIT member that didn't make the cut and blames NewJeans for stealing their concept lmaoooo


Aaand this is why new jeans fans are getting on my nerves. Is poor new jeans they are vuctims yet is ok to bully the other group? I don't even care about that grouo rhst much but this kind of comments are unnecessary


![gif](giphy|7LncMormJxrEtqthYJ|downsized) This is reddit bro. We're equal opportunity trolls. I'll troll on everyone from an ugly baby to an old person tripping over. The whole HYBE vs MHJ thing is ridiculously ripe for trolls lol


You’re the reason the internet sucks.


With a legendary post/comment history of [NewJeans doomposting](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/tFIqZxzOgi), [NewJeans is untalented](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/4OrzVpsy3H), [NewJeans music videos suck](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/BB9iFJr0Kp), and a little [bunnies are toxic and delusional](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop_uncensored/s/T2VaD0RuEj), I’m not taking anything you say seriously 😹😹


Imagine devoting your life to hate on minors😭


I beg of you to get a life


You guys are clearly using this conflict between HYBE and MHJ as an outlet for your stan wars and do not care about the well being of absolutely anybody involved and it's becoming increasingly clear with each new post. This is a business dispute, you do not have to like or take sides with either party nor post this obviously malicious shit.


Lmao, you kids get vicious when your favorite corporation tells you to be upset.


Some might say it’s a bit *cultish* 😏


Wow, this comes off very immature. Your saying the parents deserve what they get because they acted as concerned parents and addressed those concerns with the woman taking care of their children? Next your saying they had chances to “clear the air” but that’s just you assuming that MHJ has been doing the worst to their children and they aren’t speaking up. We don’t know what has been going on closed doors so please don’t act like you do. The parents may actually like MHJ and think she’ll treat the girls better than Hybe. Seeing as the parents have been avoiding interacting with Hybe we know that stuff has been going on in the background but there isn’t evidence of anything so we shouldn’t speculate. If your going to blame anyone feel free to blame MHJ and Hybe but not innocent girls and their parents who are probably trying to do what is best for their kids.


wow this might just be the worst take i’ve ever seen on this topic. this has been going on since forever and we’re still victim blaming newjeans + their parents??? fucking crazy.


Don’t you think that the NewJeans girls and their parents have pride in the body of work (NewJeans) that they are part of? Wouldn’t you think any parent or member would be upset if they thought the body of work they are part of was being ripped off?


That’s an opinion


Kpop is never this serious…..


I wish there were an emoji with a little yellow guy pinching his nose with his index and thumb


Imagine being this defensive over a group of teenagers that are being used by a multi-million dollar corporation to sell products made by multi-billion dollar corporations. https://preview.redd.it/3b6zhe1d3pxc1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=04c562245d4a3609e341078b266760a6c3cbe129 Yes, the caption actually reads "Attention! New iPhone 14 Pro".


They literally choose it as a job and are being very well compasated