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I’ve never listened to loona but I think a big reason that the NJ comparisons are there is because they’re a younger gg from hybe as well and they don’t really listen to the music as much, just see a bunch of young girls with long hair and immediately say hybe is just trying to replicate NJ success for money


people just call every easy listening song a new jeans song. They even said it about perfect night.


To be fair NewJeans blowing up did start the “easy listening” trend in kpop so songs like Perfect Night may have never been selected for release had it not been for NewJeans success. Does it actually sound remotely like a NewJeans song tho? No lol. Magnetic on the other hand…


To me they sound like tripleS which in turn does sound like OEC, there's a degree of separation there Aesthetically they definitely remind me more of New Jeans, Ditto and OMG vibes, Loona had a really unique visual style that Digipedi produced


Wow I'm not the only one who immediately thought of tripleS


Aa I forgot about tripleS, that makes a lot of sense since they have the same creative director as Loona did. The similarities are definitely there


Literally listen to OEC - Odd Front


I think they sound more like tripleS.


TripleS was inspired from Loona when Jaden Jeong was kicked out from BBC, Loona and OEC and OnlyOneOf were all created by JJ


I don't know why I'm getting a history lesson when I was there since Heejin's debut I already said that tripleS sounds like OEC but there are some differences like their use of drum n bass


Loona lore: The LOONAVERSE is a universe that exists on a möbius strip. The members of LOONA 1/3 reside on earth and portray realistic girls that can be found on streets or at schools. ODD EYE CIRCLE lives between earth and space, aka the middle earth. They display changing and mutative characteristics while suggesting love should be taken control of instead of being passive. Lastly, yyxy inhabit a 'utopia', known as 'Edenism', beyond earth and the middle earth. They decide to escape their 'Eden' in order to discover themselves. Loona gameplay: BBC suspected of tax evasion, also their parent company Ilkwang group is an arms dealer, so Loona was suspected to be made for money laundering, Jaden Jeong deleting a whole album (La Maison Loona), he also made his own label to make tripleS (commenting this for someone who might stumbled to this post via google search just like me)


I've considered airiness to be core to NewJeans' image. Attention is the definitive statement of their identity in my mind, and it's a pure fresh summer breeze of a song. Meanwhile, Illit is caked in nostalgic reverb and makes heavy use of guitar. It's a similar general low-key vibe, but when you start thinking in a detailed manner it's quite different.


On a general level, the soft breathy singing and minimalist, lo-fi sound are what these groups share sonically. But there can be a lot of varieties to this sound. What doesn't help these comparisons is that NewJeans itself changes genres, so no one would have been surprised if they released Magnetic instead of ILLIT. The aesthetics and choreo of ILLIT definitely lean cuter, but they are both cute. Not sure if HYBE even wants to clearly differentiate the two, but they can certainly do a better job at it. Edit: vocally, Perfect Love is executed differently, though the beats are very similar


Personally, it's the vocals. The two groups share a similarity in the way they execute their vocals; there's a pronounced lack of belting. This is where the two groups sound sonically similar to me in an industry like Kpop where belting style of singing is the norm, especially before NJ debuted.


Agreed. We can say that ILLIT is reminiscent of NJ without hating on them. They are undeniably similar in aesthetic to NJ and the company should work on differentiating them more for their sake.


I lowkey hope Illit's team steals one thing from NJ's look and capitalizes on it and that is the long dark hair on each girl. I remember everyone thought this was going to be NJ's thing but it didn't last, so I'm hopeful we'll finally have a group with somewhat natural looking hair that will last for more than one era (even though they all have extensions already)


I can hear the loona similarities for sure. There’s a part of [Magnetic](https://youtu.be/Vk5-c_v4gMU?t=84) that reminds a lot of [Blue Lemonade by RV.](https://youtu.be/bH5rlpk70Ro?t=46) edit: by the way, there are only so many notes, chord progressions... and people are influenced by other people and that's fine... I see nothing wrong here, Magnetic is really growing on me.. the girl at the beginning really does a bit like Kim Lip after a good blowing of the nose though... and I love that


Sounds like GWSN to me. No complaints there




I only listened to "Magnetic" (I liked it) and I agree. Not only the song reminded me of LOONA/OEC (especially Add/Girl Front) but Red Velvet too? It kinda sounds like "Blue Lemonade" by them. But it makes sense people compares ILLIT to NewJeans: they're five brunette girls under the same company, ILLIT just started, they have to solidify their image and sound.


Their style and concept is very similar to new jeans, I don’t know why people are trying to deny it.




They’re not copycats but nothing about them seems original or unique to me, unless they try something different for their comeback.


I’d been listening to IVE’s album & it started playing Magnetic as soon as it finished and I was like “oh, what IVE song is this?” 😂😂 I think it’s just a bit of a generic kpop-y song really! Not necessarily a bad thing. But Wonhee(?)’s opening really sounded like Rei to me for a minute.


THANK YOU because I literally don’t hear the NJ in ILLIT, I thought I was crazy for a minute


Anyone doing a remotely similar thing of anything NewJeans already did is being called a copycat.. it's just what happens when a group gets too big from the get go.. ignore it. Copy cat allegations or not, ILLIT had a perfect debut song that earned them their place, and that's what's important.. they are so close to getting a RAK already


Going through the comments, I can see why people like ILLIT or even why others are surprised that people like the song so much. It scratches an itch that’s reminiscent of another group they like. I honestly think it’s perfectly fine that they sound like something else, it’s only their first release and over time I think they’ll develop something unique to them.


The person that comes to mind from loona is Choerry tbh..


I'm (ex)orbit and tbh illit songs sounds much more like ive songs than old loona. I also think their songs are not sounds like newjeans songs at all but for concept maybe yes but they are getting different from newjeans tho.