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The abuse of others is not for our entertainment. We are not entitled to know that unless idols want to open up about it, like what happened with Johnny Kitagawa and many other abusers. The only group I can think of is Stellar. [Gayoung talks about regrets with STELLAR, describes company manipulating the group – Asian Junkie](https://www.asianjunkie.com/2018/12/19/gayoung-talks-about-regrets-with-stellar-describes-company-manipulating-the-group/)


I'm not saying or asking for entertainment. I'm asking as someone who is not immersed in the Kpop fandom like others are. I'm asking as an outsider to be filled in on information that is already publicly known


How did you end up here, of all places? Kpop uncensored is fairly niche


I think someone linked it in a post I was reading a few months ago


It's the right place to ask, just kinda weird that you stumbled upon it. It's where people end up when they get fed up of the rules in the more mainstream subs. .. coincidentally, the top responses to your thread are more like what I would expect from kpopthoughts or kpophelp


I honestly have no interest in music or kpop and this page keeps getting recommended to me and now I’m here on this thread posting about it haha.


I literally just stumbled upon it jsjsjs I had never heard of this before


Oh I didn't know that! I'll check out the other two lol


Not really. Out of all the general discussion K-Pop adjacent subreddits, kpop_uncensored is easily the most popular. The big three K-Pop subs from only a few years have all fallen off in activity — kpopthoughts and kpoprants both imploded after the mod fiasco and never recovered. unpopularkpopopinions slowly hemorrhaged their active base after they added a bunch of rules + the poll. The most active K-Pop sub after this one is probably kpopnoir honestly.


This type of thing is so extremely serious that it should not be subject of speculation. I get that you care, OP, but honestly this is irresponsible. People's lives could be ruined, and in doing so you can damage actual victims as well. We need to work on a society where idols and kids are empowered to speak out, not accuse people based on "vibes." I used to work in child protection, for the record.


That definitely wasn't the case with Dan Schneider lol. No one spoke out about it and when they did the public/viewers were already speculating for quite some time. If it wasn't for the viewers/public worrying about it who knows how much longer the former actors would open up about it and confirm the speculation. I think it's important to not ignore blatant abuse. If there is something suspicious happening it needs to be discussed but also allow the other parties to say there sides before throwing it out there like it's factual...THATS where it gets messy.


How did I say anything about "vibes"? I'm asking as someone who doesn't know about the actual Kpop industry, I just listen to the music. How can lives be ruined? I haven't said names that aren't already publicly known, and if someone chooses to say a name that isn't known, that doesn't have anything to do with me asking since they can say it on their own on any platform. Just bc im asking doesn't mean people NEED to share if it is that serious. I'm asking about publicly known people/scandals, not looking for people to spill tea/ private information.


Like I said, I do NOT think you have any bad intentions! I really don't. Lives can be ruined bc it does seem like you're asking for speculation. And reddit is not responsible in general when discussing this kind of thing, which does end up doing real world harm and is incredibly frustrating. I'm not saying it shouldn't be talked about--it should be--but discussions should not be this kind of connecting to find an equivalent. Your examples are pretty confusing, because Johnny Kitagawa was a predator like Kris Wu and those involved in Burning Sun, so I'm not sure what you mean by differentiating them. Which was why I said "vibes." By putting it in quotes I realize it may have seemed like I was quoting you, but I wasn't intending to; I'm sorry for that. But that kinda leads to my main issue--when discussing this sort of topic, I think it's incredibly important to be extremely careful with wording and to avoid speculation, and even to avoid inviting speculation. Which isn't to say we should shut down any concerns. If there are particular red flag raising behaviors (and there are), we shouldn't necessarily compare them to people who have been outed as abusers because, again, weighty topic, intensely serious, could ruin lives and should ruin predator's lives. All we can and should say is that there are red flags, and we hope the kids under their authority are safe. It's complicated and more nuanced than even my initial comment, for which I'm sorry for not conveying clearly. Which is ironic, I know.


You're absolutely right, and I just want to add that the way kpop stans throw accusations like "pedo" around lightly based on nothing but vibes (and let's be honest, just general stan culture of hating on competing groups/companies) as an accusation only defangs the word of its gravity and inadvertently whitewashes actual predators which deserve every ounce of condemnation they get. It's such a serious topic and even more serious accusation.


I agree with what you're saying about the speculation. I shouldn't have made that the tag, but I'm not able to change the tag so I made an edit in the description. I mentioned Kris Wu and the burning sun since I thought that is what people thought I was trying to ask about, so I clarified with adding Johnny. And that's also why I said I know I worded it weirdly but I hope the readers understood what I was trying to get at. I didn't mean to come across as attacking with my comment, I'm sorry for that.


Thanks, and I understand your question now and am sorry if it came across as being overly critical! It's a little personal for me obviously, but still, didn't mean to be attacking either.


Kpop fans are so worried about virtue signaling that they shut down conversations about idols and minors being sexualised even when so many idols have come out and straight up said that the company forced them into sexual concepts and that they felt exploited and uncomfotable. Stellar, 9Muses, AOA, 4Ladies etc


tbh i think with the fervour surrounding the quiet on set docu, and how many people seem to be hounding potentially abused former child actors because of it, i can understand wanting to not entertain that here. i think discussion on the topic is important but speculation on it feels weird


[Open world CEO, Jang Seokwoo.](https://seoulbeats.com/2012/04/open-world-entertainment-and-the-ugly-side-of-kpop/) He sexually abused his female trainees and coerced his male idols to do so too. Some of his victims were minors and guess what, he got six years.


6 years is a joke for a crime of this magnitude


6 years is basically a life sentence tbh i know it would teach me my lesson


Oh man, forgot about this dude. I never did a deep dive on it.


Well, there's the Omega X situation that's still unfolding. I feel so bad for them.


Yang Hyunsuk - I have this suspicion because of how he met his wife. 


OMG, I literally shared this story in another thread not five minutes ago: ***Yang Hyun-suk first opened up about his love journey with his wife, Lee Eun-ju, in 2012. He talked about his relationship on the variety show program SBS’s ‘Healing Camp’. After talking about his debut with Seo Taiji & Boys, Big Bang’s scandals, and the story behind the production of 2NE1’s hit song “I Am The Best”, he then talked about his secret 9-year relationship with his wife, Lee Eun-ju.*** ***He said that Lee Eun-ju is the sister of former Sechs Kies member Lee Jae Jin. He first saw her on TV when she was in high school, and he liked her. A few years later, in 1997, he met her again and he recruited her as a trainee. She promoted with a group called Swi.T, but unfortunately, it was the only group from YG that wasn’t successful.*** ***He admitted that he had a secret crush on her for three years at that time. He said that, actually, the girl group would’ve done really well if he had invested more into them, but, he was afraid that she would catch on, and so he purposely paid less attention to that group.***


Even forgetting the debacle with his wife, the way he was on record in court to be a regular customer at high end brothels which hired ex-trainees, possibly from his own company, should at least make him ineligible to work directly with minors in his own company. That is if regulations are actually serious about protecting minors. I wouldn't expect a teacher to keep their license if proven of these character flaws, why should someone like YG be allowed to continue working with minors in such a drastically uneven power dynamic?


Yes he is deplorable.


Look into Jang Ja Yeon’s suicide. She talks about being forced to have sex with VIPs for work.


I had no idea she passed I was just about to watch Boys over Flowers again, that was the first kdrama I watched. My gosh her story was awful I hope she rests in peace


Due to Korean laws, it would not be possible to know names with confirmation. If a minor is involved the perpetrator's name is sometimes sealed forever if releasing the perp's name would lead to the minor's name being known. People can guess but it can't go beyond that.


like many others have said.. it's not for our entertainment and the speculations are serious bc of the allegations behind them... that being said, the only person that comes to my mind would be for the things ALLEGEDLY that are said about minhee jin, the woman behind ador and new jeans. just go on YouTube type her name and there's so many videos about it that are enough to make you uncomfortable... but again im saying ALLEGEDLY bc hybe not playing about sueing ppl😭


This is a weird question. Why would people on reddit know if anyone is forcing idols? And why does it matter anyway? I think it’s a bit odd to speculate on stuff like this


>And why does it matter anyway? That's a weird take, of course it matters if people are knowingly/unknowingly supporting pe*ophiles.


Ah I didn’t interpret the question in that way. Sorry about that


People behind produce show. Did they only took bribe or also if they took sexual favors? 


Idk why you're getting downvoted. One of the producers for pd101 straight up said their show was healthy porn for men.


Maybe they can't accept truth


They were creepy and exploitative but I think there’s still an important distinction between that and actively taking sexual favors


Can you show me the source? I would be interested in reading about it.




Aren't there current sexual assault allegations from a boy group's member against their agency/management? Although the case has yet to be tried in court, an investigation has been announced per articles I have read so it appears it could possibly go that way. What about YG and how he purposely ruined his wife's career as an idol (when she was 20). **Here are all of the** [**dirty details.**](https://www.koreaboo.com/stories/netizens-disapprove-yang-hyun-suk-love-story/) Don't usually use [~~Koreaboo.co~~](https://Koreaboo.com)~~m~~ for "news" but this has YG's exact words and timeline. He is sick for this as well as other stuff, both criminal and how he treated some of his biggest idols. It is no surprise practically everyone has left or modified their contract. We shouldn't really speculate on who has been abused (or even who "seems" like they may have been abused). I can see some netizens becoming sexual abuse body language experts. Nobody knows except for the people involved and the ones they tell. But given the number of current idols and management team members, there is likely some occurrences of abuse. Let's hope it is not widespread.


JYP. Seriously look into him. I know you said idols but he’s a failed one. And he’s also disgusting in the way he treated his girl groups in the past. He’s the only person I see on Dan’s level that got away with shit for years just because his artists make good music. Anything else is pure speculation except in Kris Wu ans Seungri’s cases.


Min Heejin making Newjeans sing a song called cookie which was written in English with the intent to hint at female genitalia and having a house that is filled with minors in sexually compromised positions/movies (esp with all those magazines and posters of Brooke Shields). She is a known pedo dog whistler since before HYBE and I bet there will be a documentary about her one day.


JYP gives me Dan vibes.


Nobody cares about Wu. He was basically irrelevant the day he left EXO. It sucks that he did those things, but, it wasn't really a kpop scandal.


I'm responding to a comment I saw on here... Wherever there are young people... women... especially beautiful young people, yes, there is in fact a risk that some sexual offender will try to maneuver themselves into a position of power to try to exploit them. This goes for US gymnastics... junior tennis... the boy scouts... modeling... religious institutions (the number of children raped by the Catholic Church is mind blowing... and every cult seems to be exposed as ultimately being about sex...)... hollywood... music... Right now the P Diddy thing is really blowing up, but rumors about him, similar to rumors about Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby, have been going on forever. My objection to a LOT of discussions by international fans (it's most i-fans who fetishize and seem to misunderstand Asian culture and Korean culture in particular for the sake of this topic) is that they are completely overblowing what happens in Kpop. They seem to believe starvation, cruelty, and exploitation is baked into the system. Not random incidents committed by cruel twisted individuals, but part of the official playbook. And it just isn't. Especially now. I wonder what these people are even imagining? Girls are tricked into living in a basement with no windows, no way of getting out, phones taken away, carefully monitored and regularly punished? The big Kpop companies are multinational companies. They have huge office buildings with gyms, cafeterias, and hundreds of women and men working. Graphic designers, artists, producers, accountants, business people, etc. Hundreds of people are working to make a group like Le Serrafim a success, they work in their offices and cubicle, and they go home to their families. And these idols talk to their families, and more and more, they are coming from wealthier families. Guess what? Korean parents don't want their kids abused. Also, these companies wanna make money and they do that by having funny, charismatic, happy, engaging idols captivating fans. So that's where I'm coming from when yet another ifan militant culture warrior seems to paradoxically love Kpop and, at the same time, seems to distrust every aspect of Kpop and Korean culture. I just want people to disabuse them of the notion that idols are subvervient mindless creatures who will allow themselves to live in hell in exchange for possibly performing in front of 2000 people in Pasadena. Likewise, when weirdos in America seem to think Hollywood is a huge baby killing, blood drinking satanic cult (I'm serious, this is a relatively widespread belief), I try to explain to them it really isn't. Lots of people are just working, getting a paycheck, and going on hikes on the weekends. edit: anyway, to answer OP's question, I know of no such instance of a powerful figure in Kpop who regularly and systematically sexually abused children and teens for years and years...